Growing a Culture of Peace monthly bulletin for parishes and schools!

Centre for Peace Ecology and Justice
Making connections between
Peace, Ecology and Justice from
the Gospel perspective
Growing a Culture of Peace monthly bulletin for parishes and schools!
From the Columban Mission Institute Centre for Peace Ecology and Justice!
No 5, June 2015: Consume with care
For further information contact:
Anne Lanyon
Coordinator for Centre of Peace, Ecology and Justice
Level 8, 23 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Postal Address: P O Box 968, North Sydney NSW 2059
P: 02 9352 8021 F: 02 9746 8033
E-Mail: [email protected]
Growing a Culture of Peace Monthly Bulletin
# 5 “Consume with care”
June 7th, Feast of Corpus Christi
Reflection: He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is my body.”
Mark 14: 23
We believe that the body of Christ, Jesus, is the incarnation of God in the world. Theologian, Fr Denis
Edwards in his book “Jesus and the Natural World”, reminds us that “the incarnation is about God
embracing this created world, the world of matter and living creatures, and doing so eternally.” That the
earthy symbols of bread and wine help us remember that Jesus gave his life for all is testament to this.
Denis Edwards goes on to say about the meaning of the incarnation something we may not have thought
about before: “God comes to bring healing and hope to human beings, but this hope also embraces the
whole creation.” St Paul brings this out very clearly in Rom 8: 18 – 25. There is an urgent need for us to
treat the whole body of God’s creation with much greater respect and care.
Fact File: If we in the wealthy world continue with our current consumption and production patterns
we will need three planet Earths which is not possible. Many of Earth’s ecosystems are close to tipping
points of depletion or irreversible change. Meanwhile, the gap between the extreme rich and the poor
Learn More: Learn about Earth’s planetary boundaries for water, food and energy. World Environment
Day on June 5th reminds us that we must “Consume with Care” for the sake of all life.
Take Action: Practise an Ethic of ENOUGH. Seriously adopt the 4Rs: REFUSE, Reduce, RE-USE, Recycle.
Give thanks to God for all living beings.
Centre for Peace Ecology and Justice
Making connections between
Peace, Ecology and Justice from
the Gospel perspective
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