Institut for Psykoanalytisk Psykoterapi Nyhedsbrev august 2013

Institut for Psykoanalytisk
Nyhedsbrev august 2013
Psykoanalytisk filmfestival “Secrets”
31. oktober - 3. november i London
Seventh European Psychoanalytic Film Festival (epff7)
Date: 31 October - 3 November 2013
Venue: BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LN
The Seventh European Psychoanalytic Film Festival (epff7) will include screenings of some remarkable
European films under the theme Secrets.Find out more about the featured films.
Læs mere her
Næsten ny bog: Om body-modifications af Alessandra Lemma
Under the Skin: A Psychoanalytic Study of Body Modification
Alessandra Lemma, 2010
"Under the skin" considers the motivation behind why people pierce, tattoo, cosmetically enhance, or
otherwise modify their body, from a psychoanalytic perspective. It discusses how the therapist can
understand and help individuals for whom the manipulation of the body is felt to ...
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Ny velskrevet grundbog om psykoanalytisk psykoterapi
Consultations in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Editor : Peter Hobson, 2013
In the course of addressing the challenges of conducting assessment consultations in psychoanalytic
psychotherapy, this book engages with many technical as well as theoretical issues. It includes chapters on
the history of psychoanalytic ...
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Nyere bog: The Interpersonal Unconscious
The Interpersonal Unconscious
David E. Scharff & Jill S. Scharff, 2011
In The Interpersonal Unconscious, the Scharffs explore the construction and expression of the unconscious
in interpersonal interaction. The authors draw from individual analysis, conjoint psychotherapy with families
and couples, and from the use of group process in teaching. They introduce chaos theory applied to
dynamical systems and South American ...
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Transference, countertransference and enactment today.
Konference i London 13.-15. december 2013
Transference, Counter Transference and Enactment Today conference, UCL London.
The theme of the UCL Psychoanalysis Unit 2013 December conference will be Transference,
Countertransference and Enactment. It is the second in our series of on-going meetings to explore core
psychoanalytic ideas and how they are used ...
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International Journal of Psychoanalysis august 2013
Spændende artikel om enactment.
"Towards a better use of psychoanalytic concepts: A model illustrated using the concept of enactment"
Werner Bohleber1, Peter Fonagy2, Juan Pablo Jiménez3, Dominique Scarfone4, Sverre Varvin5, Samuel
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Volume 94, Issue 3, pages 501–530, June 2013
Læs abstract online.
Sjov film om psykoanalyse fra British Institute of Psychoanalysis
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