Chapter 8 Reading Questions

Chapter 8
America Secedes from the Empire 1775-1783
p. 140-163
1. What was perhaps the most important single action of the Second Continental Congress?
Select George Washington as Commander and Chief
Washington was a distinguished Virginian gifted with outstanding powers of leadership
and immense strength of character. He radiated patience, courage, self-discipline, and a
sense of justice. He was a great moral force rather than a great military mind – a symbol
and a rallying point. People instinctively trusted him; they sensed that when he put
himself at the head of a cause, he was prepared, if necessary, to go down with the ship.
2. Despite the above description of Washington, what were some of his most important
qualifications for the job as commander of the continental army?
From Virginia, man of wealth, not a fortune-seeker, an aristocrat to check the excesses of
the masses
3. What British forts did Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold capture?
Ticonderoga and Crown Point
4. How did a large scale attack into Canada contradict the colonists’ claims of a defensive
Invasion northward was undisguised offensive warfare
5. Where is Evacuation Day still celebrated?
6. Eventually what replaced the toast “God save the king”?
God save Congress
7. Eventually what harsh British acts shocked the Americans into recognizing the necessity
of separating from the crown?
Burning of Falmouth and Norfolk and especially the hiring of the Hessians
8. Who was the author of the pamphlet Common Sense? How many copies were published?
Thomas Paine – 120,000 copies
9. Why did Paine argue that the tiny island of Britain should not control the vast continent
of America?
Nowhere in the physical universe did the smaller heavenly body control the larger one
10. How was Pain’s passionate protest doubly radical?
Both Independence from Britain and the Power from the people
11. What did most Americans consider was fundamental to any successful republican
Citizen “virtue”
12. According to Paine, the Collective good of “the people” mattered more than what?
The private rights and interests of individuals
13. The more conservative republicans feared that the fervor for liberty would overwhelm
The stability of the social order
14. What was the resolution brought to the Philadelphia Congress by the fiery Richard Henry
Lee of Virginia?
“These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.”
15. What date did John Adams confidently predict would be celebrated annually with
July 2
16. What Jefferson affirmation was to haunt him and his fellow citizens for generations?
“All men are created equal”
17. What were Loyalists derisively called?
18. According to a popular definition of a Tory whose head is in England and its body in
America, what should happen to its neck?
Neck ought to be stretched
19. How did the Byrds of Virginia feel about the American Revolution?
Sat on the fence - neutral
20. If the King had triumphed what would have happened to the Loyalists?
Would have been acclaimed patriots
21. Usually the Loyalists were most numerous where the Anglican Church was strongest.
Why was Virginia a notable exception?
Virginia had debt-burdened aristocrats who flocked into the rebel camp
22. Where were the Loyalists least numerous?
New England
23. What was a relatively painless way to help finance the Revolutionary war?
Sell confiscated loyalists estates
24. What was a major British blunder the British made in their approach to Ardent Loyalists
whose heart was in the cause?
By not making full use of them in the fighting
25. After evacuating Boston where did the British concentrate their operations? List three
reasons why.
New York – 1. Splendid seaport 2. Centrally located 3. Numerous Loyalists
26. How many British ships and men vs. how many ill trained Revolutionary troops?
500 ships and 35,000 men vs. 18,000 Revolutionary troops
27. After being outgeneraled and outmaneuvered in New York, what two battles were
lifesaving victories for the “Old Fox”?
Trenton and Princeton – The brilliant New Jersey campaign
Revolution in Diplomacy?
p. 154
28. What were some of the revolutionary political ideas about international affairs the
rebellious Americans harbored?
They wanted to end colonialism and mercantilism. Free trade and freedom of the seas.
29. What does the Latin term novus ordo seculorum mean?
New order of the Ages
30. How did ordinary Parisians feel about Benjamin Franklin’s diplomatic approach?
Adored him
31. What does Annuit cœptis mean?
He approves our undertakings
32. What does MDCCLXXVI Mean?
Chapter 8
Fill in the Blank