Team Guide version_April6th - FIRST® LEGO® League Open

FIRST® LEGO® League Open European Championship
May 25th - 28th 2017
FLLOEC Aarhus 2017 are delighted to welcome you to Aarhus
FIRST® LEGO® League Open European Championship 2017 is proudly organized by
FIRST Scandinavia and in cooperation with The City of Aarhus, Aarhus
University, Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering and it-forum.
The information in this guide is subject to change. Updates will be posted on out website
Table of Content
Tournament date, location and contact
Tournament contact
Navitas - tournament venue
Team size
VISA to Denmark
Who should apply?
Where to apply?
When to apply?
Travel and accommodation
Cancellation policy
Team check-in
FLLOEC wristband
Tivoli Friheden
FLLOEC Team checklist
Drinking water
Non-alcoholic event
Dress code
Team hosts
PIT area
Pit measurements
Opening ceremony
Coaches meeting
Project & core values judging
Core values poster
Robot design judging
Robot competition
Practice Rounds Friday May 26th
Safety and Security
Closing ceremony
What is Gracious Professionalism®?
What is Coopertition®?
Tournament date, location and contact
Dates: May 25th. - 28th. 2017
Location: Navitas, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 8000 Aarhus DENMARK
Registration fee: €300 pr. person (both participants and coaches). Travel and
accommodation is not included.
Registration fee includes:
Host Service following each team 25 - 28/5 2017
incl. "walking-busses" between hotels and venue
Participation in opening parade and ceremony
Pick up Billund Airport Thursday
Picnic box at opening ceremony Friday
Snack on arrival Billund Airport Thursday
Entrance to Tivoli Friheden incl. wristband Friday
Shuttlebus Billund Airport - LEGOLAND Thursday
Admission to concert at Tivoli Friheden Friday
Entrance LEGOLAND Thursday
Shuttlebusser from Tivoli Friheden to central
Aarhus Friday evening
Lunch LEGOLAND Thursday
Lunch incl. drink Saturday and Sunday
Transportation LEGOLAND to 6 affiliated hotels
in Aarhus Thursday
Entrance Friendship evening Saturday incl. food
and drink
Snack on departure from LEGOLAND Thursday
Bus from hotel to Billund Airport Sunday or Monday
Admission to venue Friday – Sunday
Reusable water bottle
Rain cover
Sandwich-lunch Friday
Note that the tournament begins in Billund on May 25th., and we therefore highly
Recommend all teams fly into Billund Airport (BLL). Distance to Aarhus Airport (AAR) is 145
km and to Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is 270 km. The tournament ends in Aarhus Sunday
May 28th.
Tournament contact
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: FLLOEC2017
Web page:
Instagram: FLLOEC2017
Navitas - tournament venue
Our tournament venue, Navitas, is a unique collaboration between Aarhus School of Marine and
Technical Engineering, the engineering departments at Aarhus University and INCUBA A/S. At
Navitas 2700 students, researchers, entrepreneurs and companies work amongst each other in
the 38,000 square meters, constantly exploring the new possibilities, collaborations and
synergies the cohabitation can foster.
Read more about Navitas Aarhus on their web page
Team size
The maximum number of participants on a team is 12: 10 children + 2 adults. Supporters,
family and friends can participate as guests (read more under the heading “Spectator”), or at
arrival Navitas pay the 10€/75DKK entrance fee.
VISA to Denmark
Who should apply?
First off all you have to find out, if you need a visa to visit Denmark. Find out here
Where to apply?
If you need a visa to visit Denmark you can find out here where to apply for your visa
When to apply?
You can apply for visa 3 months prior to your planned arrival date. Apply as early as possible
as it may take up to 60 days to process your application. Be aware that special conditions
may apply for visas to persons under the age of 18 years when travelling without parents.
What can FLLOEC2017 do to assist you?
We will send you a personal invitation for FLLOEC upon request, and we will share
information about you with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark to help the vetting
Travel and accommodation
Teams organise and pay for their own travel to and from the tournament. In regards to
accommodation we have listed our partner hotels who offer a special FLLOEC rate on our
webpage (see: general information/accommodation). Use email adr. and reference
code/booking code listed when contacting the hotel. All our 6 affiliated hotels are in walking
distance from venue Navitas.
Please note, that shuttle busses from LEGOLAND Thursday May 25th. only have stops at
these hotels. This also includes the walking-busses from hotel to tournament venue. If you
chose to stay at a different hotel than the 6 affiliated hotels (the ones listed on our webpage),
you must arrange your own transport. Questions? Email us at [email protected].
As the tournament starts in Billund, we do not have shuttle busses to take you to
LEGOLAND Billund Thursday 25th from other cities or airports, as for example Aarhus or
Copenhagen. You must arrange your own transport. There are however public transport
methods between these destinations.
Cancellation policy
According to Danish law "Lov om visse forbrugeraftaler § 17 stk. 2 jf. § 9 stk. 2 nr. 2a",
tickets are NOT included within the right to withdraw. However we allow you to cancel your
order within 2 weeks from your payment. Service charges, fees and potential delivery
charges are not refunded. Your money will be refunded after approx. 1 month.
No cancellations after April 24th 2017.
Thursday May 25th:
Arrival Billund. Visit to the original LEGOLAND incl. lunch
Transport from Billund to Aarhus
Dinner not included this day.
Friday May 26th:
Pit set-up and robot training at Navitas, incl. sandwich lunch
Judges and coach meetings
Opening ceremony at Tivoli Friheden, incl. a picnic style dinner and a concert
Transport back to central Aarhus.
Saturday May 27th:
Robot competition and presentations incl. lunch
Friendship evening incl. dinner
Sunday May 28th:
Robot competition incl. lunch
Awards and closing ceremony
Dinner not included this day.
The teams´ individual program for presentations and robot competition times will be updated
on our webpage closer to the event. For details regarding presentations and robot
competition schedules and updates, please visit and your email inbox
closer to the event.
Team check-in
Team check-in will be at Billund Airport Thursday 25th when you land, and before the team's
visit to LEGOLAND®. If you arrive earlier or do not arrive by plane at Billund Airport we will
arrange for you to check-in at the entrance to LEGOLAND, ZLEEP HOTEL BIllund or/and
HOTEL LEGOLAND. We will inform you on the exact check-in procedure closer to event
date. Important you check in before going to LEGOLAND, as the entrance tickets will be in
the welcome bag. You can register at Navitas on Friday morning from 8am, if the team is not
going to LEGOLAND.
FLLOEC wristband
In your welcome bag you will find a FLLOEC wristband for each team member to carry. The
wristband is personal and is your ticket to participate in events and as payment for traveling
on the FLLOEC busses, for food and drinks and admission to tournament venue and Tivoli
Friheden. Thus the wristband is valuable and important, so please take good care of it. If you
lose your wristband please contact your host or the information desk immediately.
Legoland is where the teams first will have a chance to meet up :) LEGOLAND Billund is
Denmark’s most famous and popular amusement park for families and children of all ages,
and we hope the teams will enjoy the high-speed action and excitement the park has to
offer. More than 50 exciting rides and plenty of fun events are waiting for them. Between
11:30am and 1:30pm lunch will be handed out to teams at the FLLOEC designated area. A
map showing you the way to the area will be in the welcome bag together with the entrance
Tivoli Friheden
The venue for our opening ceremony is situated approx. 3km outside the city of Aarhus. This
stunning amusement park and concert arena will be the location for our opening ceremony.
We are pleased to announce that popular danish singer Joey Moe will be holding a concert
from 8:00pm to 9:15pm. Between the opening ceremony and the concert, participants will
enjoy a picnic style dinner they can enjoy anywhere in the park, and they will have a
free-of-charge access to all rides in the park. Please note that during the opening ceremony
the park will not be open to the public - this means that ONLY persons with a FLLOEC wrist
band will have access to the park between 3pm and 5pm. After the opening ceremony the
park will open to the public (admission fee applies).
FLLOEC Team checklist
At registration, hand in the FIRST Consent & Release form. Each participant's
parent/guardian must fill one out prior to sending their child to Aarhus. Coach is
responsible for bringing one form from each participant.
Teams bring their own laptop/tablet to use in the presentations. If using a tablet,
make sure you also bring a adapter so the tablet can be outfitted with a HDMI or a
VGA cable (HDMI and VGA cables are available in the presentation rooms).
The power sockets in Denmark are of type E and K. The standard voltage is 230 V
and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.
Remember to bring your own adapter!
Make sure team presentations, videos etc. are downloaded and made available
offline on the team`s PC/tablet or on a USB stick. This to guarantee a smooth
Robot, attachments and extra parts
Fresh batteries/spare batteries
Computer and power strip
USB download cable (bluetooth is not permitted at the tournament)
Extension cord
Box to carry robot to competition area
Bin to hold personal and team items to place under PIT area table
Project judging materials, props and displays
Core values poster
Graphics demonstrating programming strategy for robot design judging
Optional: team giveaways, team banner or poster to carry for ceremonies or for PIT
Lunch and dinner will be provided for our participants during tournament days as stated in
the program. Allergies and other food requirements given to us in your “detailed team
information” registration will be taken into account.
Drinking water
In Denmark you can drink water straight from the tap. This is because Denmark has some of
the world’s best drinking water. In Denmark we protect our groundwater by preventing
contamination from pollution. In other words Danish groundwater policy is based on
prevention rather than treatment. This means that Danish drinking water is produced
from the cleanest possible groundwater. In your welcome bag you will find a reusable
water bottle for each team member. Please use it - it is safe and free to use all taps even in the restrooms :-)
Non-alcoholic event
This is an event for children aged 10-16 years old, and the FLLOEC Aarhus is therefore
a non-alcoholic event.
Dress code
Dress code for all teams and coaches is casual. We encourage teams to find their own team
Team hosts
Our aim is that all teams will have assigned a host which will follow and assist the team
during FLLOEC Aarhus. The host will meet the team at registration, and follow you through
the competition up until departure.
PIT area
Teams can set up their PIT Friday May 26th. from 08:00-14:00 and Saturday May 26th. from
08:00am. Teams are responsible to decorate their own pit the way that best represent their
Pit measurements
200cm. wide ---- 100cm. deep --- 247cm high.
In addition you have 100cm. in extra floor space in-front of your pit (see illustrations below).
There are restrictions to what material allowed using when decorating the pit.
A specific type of tape will be provided to the team. The tape is called TESA tape, and
it is 12mm wide, and there is 50m. on each roll. 1 roll will be provided to each team.
This is the ONLY type of material allowed. Duct tape, scotch tape, velcro,
dual-lock etc. is not allowed!
A table sized 80x130m., two chairs and two power outlets will be available in each pit. The
power sockets in Denmark are of type E and K. The standard voltage is 230 V and the
standard frequency is 50 Hz. Bring your own adapter!
Please, make sure the following items are available in your pit area:
Your robot and all your robot supplies
Laptop and power cord (plus extension cords)
A box to carry your robot and attachments to and from robot competition area
A team banner or sign.
Opening ceremony
The opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday May 26th. A shuttle bus to the opening
ceremony from Navitas will be provided to the teams, and it departs at 2pm. Return shuttle
busses from 9:15pm. Participants are free to leave earlier, but we cannot guarantee at this
point that shuttle busses will start running before 9:15pm.
Coaches meeting
The coaches meeting will be held at Navitas Friday May 26th. at 09:30am. Please meet us in
room 01.078 at level 00 (located just around the corner from the information desk).
Minimum 1 (one) coach should attend the meeting. At this meeting the coach will have the
opportunity to meet tournament organizers, meet the head referee, get a run-through of the
event schedule, ask judging- and robot game related questions, and other questions you
might have about the tournament.
Project and core values judging, robot design judging and the robot competition will take
place on Saturday May 27th. and Sunday May 28th.
The presentation rooms will be equipped with projector and HDMI- and VGA cables. Bring
your own converter to fit the PC/Mac/tablet to the HDMI- or VGA cable, if your device is not
set up for one.
Please, any videos etc. the team plan to use during the presentation must be downloaded
and made available offline on a PC or tablet. This to guarantee a smooth presentation.
We recommend teams prepare their presentations according to the Rubrics used for judging.
You can find the rubric for core values, project and robot design here:
Project & core values judging
Teams will have 5 minutes for their project presentation + 5 minutes for judges Q&A. Then 5
minutes for their core values judging + 5 minutes for judges Q&A. Teams will be given 2
minutes after their project presentation to prepare for their core values presentation.
Coaches and spectators are welcome to join in on the presentation, depending on space
available. No active directing from coaches is permitted!
Make sure team presentations, videos etc. are downloaded and made available offline on
the team`s PC/tablet or on a USB stick. This to guarantee a smooth presentation.
Core values poster
The core values judging requires the team bringing a core values poster. The poster is
designed to help the Core Values Judges at your tournament learn more about your team
and its unique story.
To help the Core Values Judges learn more about your team and its unique story, we are
requiring every team to create a simple Core Values “tri-fold” or poster. The topics
highlighted on the poster are typically the most challenging for Judges to explore during
judging sessions. The poster is intended to help your team consider in advance how best to
present its strengths so that the Judges can consider all teams equally and have the most
information possible to provide meaningful feedback.
Feel free to use creativity and originality! Important rules and guidelines are listed below:
1. Team Investment
While your team is free to determine how much time to spend, please know that realistically
for most teams it should only take a few hours from the initial brainstorming discussion to
the completion of the poster. This poster is NOT intended to be on the same scale or an
extension of your Project presentation. Remember the Judges are more interested in your
team’s story than fancy graphics.
2. General Layout
The poster layout should follow the design below. The overall size of the poster should be
no more than the measurements shown, and it may be smaller, especially if required for
travel needs. The poster may also be rolled or assembled on site.
3. Defined areas
There are four areas on the poster where specific information should be provided. These
are the MOST IMPORTANT areas of the poster and should be the main focus of your
In the “Discovery” area of the poster, provide examples from the season about
things your team discovered that were not focused on gaining an advantage in the
competition or winning an award. Tell the Judges how you balanced all three parts of FLL
(Core Values, Project and Robot Game) especially if you really wanted to focus on only
one sometimes!
In the “Integration” area, provide specific examples of how your team applied Core
Values and other things you learned through FLL, to situations outside of FLL. Let the
Judges know how you integrated new ideas, skills and abilities into your everyday life.
In the “Inclusion” area, describe how your team listened to and considered ideas
from everyone and made each team member feel like a valued part of the team. Share with
the Judges how you worked together and accomplished more than you could have by
working alone.
In the “Coopertition” area, describe how your team honors the spirit of friendly
competition. Include on your poster information about how your team provided assistance
to and/or received assistance from other teams. Share with the Judges how your team
members help each other, and help other teams to prepare for a potentially stressful FLL
competition experience.
4. The Middle
The area in the middle of the poster is for your team to highlight anything else you would
like to share with the Judges about the remaining Core Values criteria. Maybe consider
sharing examples of Team Spirit, Respect and Teamwork. You may also include
examples of how your team has fun or shares with others how amazing science,
technology, engineering and math can be.
Robot design judging
Teams will have 5 minutes available for their robot design presentation + 5 minutes for
judges Q&A. Coaches and spectators are welcome to join in on the presentation, depending
on space available. No active directing from coaches is permitted!
Robot competition
Teams are allowed to bring a small cart to help them organize their robot and attachments.
Teams must be present at the competition table 10 minutes prior to their round!
2 (two) coaches is permitted to join the team on the competition floor, but will have to stand
outside the marked area. No active directing from coaches is permitted.
Practice Rounds Friday May 26th
Practice rounds allow the teams to run their robots in the tournament competition
environment without having their score affect their outcomes; they allow the referees to
practice and discuss what they learned. Typically practice rounds:
● Run with teams, referees, scorekeepers, other volunteers and with live scoring as if
they are real rounds
Don’t count – for teams or volunteers
Your team will be able to do 2 practice rounds on the competition tables Friday May 26th.
10 rehearsal tables are available throughout the tournament. Please check the program for
your practice round times.
The following awards will be presented at the event:
Champion Award
This award recognizes a team that embodies the FLL experience, by fully embracing our
Core Values while achieving excellence and innovation in both the Robot Game and Project.
Robot Awards
Mechanical Design
This award recognizes a team that designs and develops a mechanically sound robot that is
durable, efficient and highly capable of performing challenge missions.
This award recognizes a team that utilizes outstanding programming principles, including
clear, concise and reusable code that allows their robot to perform challenge missions
autonomously and consistently.
Strategy & Innovation
This award recognizes a team that uses solid engineering practices and a well-developed
strategy to design and build an innovative, high performing robot.
Robot Performance
This award recognizes a team that scores the most points during the Robot Game. Teams
have a chance to compete in at least three 2.5 minute matches and their highest score
Project Awards
This award recognizes a team that utilizes diverse resources to formulate an in-depth and
comprehensive understanding of the problem they have identified.
Innovative Solution
This award recognizes a team’s solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative,
with good potential to solve the problem researched.
This award recognizes a team that effectively communicates the problem they have
identified and their proposed solution to both the judges and other potential supporters.
Core Values Awards
This award celebrates a team that is empowered by their FLL experience and displays
extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit.
This award recognizes a team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as
individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and
excellent time management.
Gracious Professionalism®
This award recognizes a team whose members show each other and other teams respect at
all times. They recognize that both friendly competition and mutual gain are possible, on and
off the playing field.
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
Mechanical design
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
Strategy and innovation
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
Robot Performance
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
Innovative Solution
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
Gracious Professionalism
1st. place
2nd. place
3rd. place
In addition to the FLL Core Awards, the following awards will also be presented:
Against all odds
Outstanding volunteer award
Rising star
Young adult coach/mentor award
Adult coach/mentor award
We recommend teams prepare their presentations according to the Rubrics used for judging.
You can find the rubric for core values, project and robot design here:
WiFi will be available for teams at the tournament venue. Logins will be provided. Please,
any videos etc. the team plan to use during the presentation must be downloaded and made
available offline on a PC or tablet. This to guarantee a smooth presentation.
Safety and Security
Security measures have been implemented for the safety of our participants. Denmark is
generally a very safe and secure country, however pickpockets and bag-snatchers operate
all over the world. As a rule of thumb, keep your valuables with you at all times and do not
leave belongings unattended.
During tournament at Navitas teams will have access to a room with a key card. We
recommend locking your valuables in this room.
Smoking at the tournament venue is strictly prohibited.
If you fail to comply to this rule it may have severe consequences to yourself and to
the event. If smoke should trigger the fire alarm the tournament will be suspended as
the whole venue will have to be evacuated. The person/persons who triggered the
alarm will be fined €10.000 by the authorities.
The whole venue is covered by
For supporters who want to follow the teams closely during FLLOEC2017 various guest
packages are available for purchase on
Guests (children and adults) that have purchased the package for team supporters will
follow the team - except they cannot be part of the competitions itself.
Guests (children and adults) that have purchased the package for Premium Guest or
Weekend Guest AND have indicated which team they are supporting will follow their team as
far as possible (i.e go on the same busses, have the same host etc. if possible)
Visitors to the venue only during FLLOEC at Navitas can buy entry tickets to the venue on
tournament days at the cost of €10/DKK75 a day - subject to availability. Payment method:
cash or credit card. Mobilepay for danish phones is also available. Please note that it is not
possible for these visitors to be part of the opening ceremony and the Friendship Evening.
There will be no food vendors inside tournament venue, and spectators and visitors are
urged to visit one of the many dining places in Aarhus for lunch/dinner.
Shuttle busses will transport participants and coaches from the OEC starting point in Billund
and to Aarhus Thursday and back again on Sunday or Monday. All local transport between
the 6 affiliated hotels and tournament venue will be by “walking-buses”.
Closing ceremony
The closing ceremony will be held at Navitas Sunday May 29th. at 3pm. More info to come
regarding details and program.
What is Gracious Professionalism®?
Gracious Professionalism is part of the ethos of FIRST. It's a way of doing things that
encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and
the community.
With Gracious Professionalism, fierce competition and mutual gain are not separate notions.
Gracious professionals learn and compete like crazy, but treat one another with respect and
kindness in the process. They avoid treating anyone like losers. No chest thumping tough
talk, but no sticky-sweet platitudes either.
Knowledge, competition, and empathy are comfortably blended. In the long run, Gracious
Professionalism is part of pursuing a meaningful life. One can add to society and enjoy the
satisfaction of knowing one has acted with integrity and sensitivity.
We expect all team members, coaches, mentors, volunteers, judges and family
to behave as Gracious Professionals.
What is Coopertition®?
Coopertition® produces innovation. At FIRST, Coopertition is displaying unqualified kindness
and respect in the face of fierce competition. Coopertition is founded on the concept and a
philosophy that teams can and should help and cooperate with each other even as they
Coopertition involves learning from teammates. It is teaching teammates. It is learning from
Mentors. And it is managing and being managed. Coopertition means competing always, but
assisting and enabling others when you can.
We expect all team members, coaches, mentors, volunteers, judges and family
to practice coopertition throughout the event.