Een evangelische school in Brussel

A Protestant-Evangelical
School in Brussels
Vision- Education Statement
1. What?
Dutch Speaking
Subsidized Free Primary School
Dutch Speaking: lessons and communication are in
the government pays the staff and the day
to day functioning. We follow the
development and final attainment levels
the government imposes on her schools.
comparable to Catholic schools, our faith
colours school life and we give Bible lessons
(protestant-evangelical religion education,
recognized by PEGO).
Primary School: for children from 2,5 to 12 ys.
1. What?
“School with the Bible”
- “School with the Bible”: Bible lessons, living out faith together,
the Bible as measure.
- Target group: parents who choose our Christian identity
- IPCO: Board of Trustees of Protestant-Christian Education.
Unites all “Schools with the Bible” under an education umbrella +
community of schools (information:
- founding and maintaining of the school in Brussel:
NPO + involved parents, teachers and friends.
1. What?
Den Akker
Gaspard de
De Ark
De WEGwijzer
De PadVinder
De Springplank
Les TournesolsAarschot
Les Cèdres
Tourne Bride Les Perles
« The Treasure Chest »
Current Dutch speaking Schools with the Bible:
7 regular primary schools in Flanders + Special Needs Primary
School« Apple of My Eye» in Kortrijk, Aarschot and Genk
French speaking schools: Ecoles libres confessionnelles
‘t Piepelke
2. Why?
Young children are like sponges.
What they see and hear
shapes their thinking.
We believe the Bible teaches us timeless truths
that have proved their value.
That’s why we want to hand children Biblical
values by also living them out together.
2. Why?
Young children are like young shoots.
They aren’t put out into the cold immediately,
but are given the chance to grow and to take shape
in a protected environment
so they will eventually be firmly rooted,
so as to keep on growing and bearing fruit.
First we let the children “take root” spiritually.
Spreading the gospel and bearing fruit
will result from this.
3. Vision- Education Statement
Inspiring Scripture Text
Ephesians 3 verse 16-19: “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may
strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you,
being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all
the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is
the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that
you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
‘The Treasure Chest – A school full of treasures’
This emphasizes the value of the children, the Bible and that which
they learn and discover together at school.
3. Vision- Education Statement
The Treasure Chest: our values (summary Ed. Statement)
The children are our treasures. We love them and enjoy the talents
and personality the Creator has laid in them.
We believe that children, from a very early age on, can have a personal
faith, a living relationship with God, a love for the Bible and an honest
desire to apply God’s will in their daily life. There is room for character
building and the passing on of God’s timeless truths.
We consider the environment in which the children grow up: their
home situation as well as the society we live in.
3. Vision- Education Statement
We strive to offer high quality education. We offer the subject matter
in a varied and captivating manner. We stimulate the total development
and creativity of each child. We learn from and with each other. The
children grow in independence and learn to persevere.
Lots of warmth and love go hand in hand with clear boundaries and
Teachers and board members (NPO) live according to their own
Christian convictions and pass them on to the children.
We want to give the children optimal chances to learn to (better)
master the Dutch language.
4. Practical
Since February 2010.
Meanwhile, the NPO (vzw School met de Bijbel De Schatkist) was
founded, the education statement was written and there are currently
about 10 co-workers, among which a few teachers.
Scheduled Startup: Sept. 2015
Location: Arthur Maesstraat 58, 1130 Haren (Brussels)
Near bus stop “Middelweg” ('MIVB' and 'De Lijn' busses)
700 m from Haren train station
900 m from Bordet tram station (connecting bus to “Middelweg” available)
by car: close to Haachtstesteenweg, near intersection with Woluwelaan.
Suitable start up location for the initial years.
Building in good condition, spaciousplay ground, enough class rooms, lots of light,
and parking area near the school.
For more pictures and information: visit
under “locatie”.
4. Practical
Limited start-up
Schools are obliged to rent in their first years of existance, and because
renting is very expensive in Brussels, we want to start with a limited
amount of classes (preschool and first grade) in a rented location and
yearly extend with one class.
We plan to move to a larger location (purchase) after 3 years where we
can provide a primary school with 16 children for each class and a
special needs school (type 1 and type 8-basic offer) for roughly 30
In this way close to 200 children will be able to enjoy a unique school!
4. Practical
Sponsor us:
In Belgium, no budget is released to cover start-up costs for schools.
During the first 3 years we’ll be able to provide a fifth of the rent price
through our operating resources.
So sponsorship is essential to be able to start-up.
Sponsor letters:
* Wanted: 7 sowers (7 x 7000): 7 individuals or churches who
would each raise € 7000;
* Monthly rent
* Letter to businesses
* Our sponsor folder for more information and our financial plan with
regard to the startup costs.
Deposit your contribution onto this account:
BE 21 6528 2950 7003 (VZW School met de Bijbel ‘De Schatkist’).
4. Practical
To do:.
- Pray
- Applications (in June)
- Look for volunteers
- Inform churches, make the project known
- Collect and purchase materials
- Make the buidling operational
Contact and registration:
An De Rijck 0486/73.20.05 (Head of staff)
[email protected]
! Please get your child registered soon. Due to the great shortage of schools in the
area, the school will soon be full up.
We'll also keep you posted on the start of registration (somewhere between May
and the end of August).You'll find current information on our website, under
Spread the good news, mail it on, share it on Face Book.
Our website: