Goal Setting - Public Works

Reaching All Dimensions In Unifying STEM
CaMSP Demonstration Center
CaMSP Learning Network
Sacramento, California
February 27 & 28, 2012
Presented by: Jarred Shell, Center Director
RADIUS Partners
 To provide support to leadership teams in using science inquiry
as a vehicle to transition into the Common Core and Next
Generation Science standards.
 To provide support in developing practical real world
application and career connections of the mathematics and
science standards for students and teachers.
 To provide support in building actively engaged win-win
partnerships between local business, community, education
agencies and institutions of higher education.
Common Core/ NGSS Transition
• Basis of the successful PD model developed from
• Focused on Integration of real world application of
math and science
• 4 stage model of lesson development
 Content Choice
 Lesson Development
 Lesson Implementation
 Lesson Revision
Power of Partnerships
• Alliance for Education
 Partnership between business, labor, government,
community, and education.
 Goal of producing an educated and skilled community
that provides a qualified workforce for the continued
economic well being and improved quality of life for all
 A network of professionals serving as a
communication/advocacy coalition and catalyst for
building communities of high expectation.
 Goal to facilitate improvement in conditions for
student learning in Inland Southern California schools,
thus preparing a workforce and a citizenry with the
education and skills necessary in order to be
competitive in the 21st century global economy.
Real World Applications
Through integration of real world application
RADIUS will build upon the resources created by
the Alliance for Educations ABLE process, and
facilitate connections between educational
institutions and business, labor, government, and
community organizations supporting authentic
application of the Common Core and NGSS.
•Integrated lesson & unit development
•Applications by Business and Labor for
Educators ABLE Videos available at:
 http://www.sbcalliance.org/able-videos
Contact Information
Center Director: Jarred Shell
Phone: 909-418-6500
Email: [email protected]