A Walk on the Wild Side* Nature

“A Walk on the Wild Side”
2010 Dickson MSP
Brittany McCalvin
Healdton Public Schools
Facts From the Wild
Did you know….
Caddo Formation behind Dairy Queen
….that playing with acid to test for limestone is so
much fun??
Granitic Gneiss @ Blue River in Tishomingo
....that Oklahoma has so much granite just lying
Seaside Alder @ Blue River in Tishomingo
….that this tree only grows along the Blue River,
Maryland, Alabama, & nowhere else in the world??
Ten Acre Rock near Ravia
….that Oklahoma has a beautiful mound of
granite in the middle of nowhere??
Oh, did you know…..
Wichita Mountains
….that this land was set aside to save the bison
and is 550 million years old??
Dr. Patton explaining the parts of grass.
….that Oklahoma consists of three types of
Bison @ Wichita Mountains
….that bison can run up to 40 mph???
(note to self: never try and outrun a bison)
Prairie Dog Town @ Wichita Mountains
….that prairie dogs help provide better nutrients for
other animals such as cattle or bison??
(They are not just rodents)
Lonely Elk @ Wichita Mountains
….that there is around 1,000 Rocky Mountain Elk
cruising around at the Wichita Mountains??
Oh, Oh, did you know….
Button Bush @ Wichita Mountains
….that if you are stinky the button bush can fix your
hygiene issues??
Willow Tree @ Wichita Mountains
….that willow leaves can be boiled to make an
aspirin like liquid??
Mesquite Tree @ Wichita Mountains
….that the mesquite tree was brought here and
distributed by cows??
Easter Red Cedar Tree @ Wichita Mountains
….that there is a male and female eastern red cedar??
(ask Ms. Dixon how you can tell them apart)
Really, did you know….
Mr. & Mrs. Trent Bird Watching
….that birds fly so fast it is nearly impossible to catch them
through handy dandy binoculars??
( Sorry Dr. Wood, the birds wouldn’t set still for pictures)
Dr. Ludrick demonstrating how to filter honey
….that women really do work harder than men??
(Just ask the honeybees)
Beeswax candle @ Hackberry
….that this candle can burn a light equivalent to a
40 watt bulb??
Finally, did you know….
….that when you put a group of teachers
together, the nerds start to surface??