A word from Bryant: Jeremiah 33:3 KJV says: Call unto me and I will

A word from Bryant:
Jeremiah 33:3 KJV says:
Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things
which thou knowest not.
Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things,
fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and
recognize, have knowledge of and understand).
Isaiah 60:8
Who are these that fly as a cloud and as doves to their windows?
I found this verse hidden in a very familiar prophecy, a prophecy within
prophecy. Now revealed in this Kingdom age, to this Kingdom people, with
Kingdom mentalities, and Kingdom identities.
The subject, or noun, of this verse is ‘these’. The action word or verb is ‘fly’.
So the question presented is who are these that fly? Greater dimension is
added to the meaning by words which help describe the action.
The first word is cloud. The Hebrew word is ab or abiye. It means dense,
deep, wide, thick, + covering. So we can expand the meaning to say, ’Who
are the that fly as a dense, deep, wide, thick covering’.
The second descriptive word is doves. The Hebrew word is yownan which
means dove+(from the warmth of their mating). The root of the word is
yayin (intoxication, effervescence). So if we expand the meaning further we
have, ‘Who are these who fly as a dense, deep, wide, thick covering,
intoxicated and bubbling out of the depth of their intimacy and passion’.
The last phrase in the verse is ’to their windows’. The Hebrew word for
windows is arubbah which means dovecote, pigeon hole, or also an
opening for water or smoke (such as a drain or chimney). Most doves,
especially homing pigeons, return to the original hole in their cote. The root
of this (window) word is arab which means to lurk, to lay in wait, to
ambush. This word for windows, arubbah or arab, is only used six times in
the Bible. Gen 7:11, Gen 8:2, 2 Kings 7:2, Isa 24:18, Mal 3:10. And always
used in conjunction with the word heaven….Windows of Heaven. All other
uses of windows in the Bible are more traditional; such as an opening in a
wall, for light, or to see through.
Isaiah 60:8 describes a multitude of small openings (pigeon holes,
dovecote, port holes) for matter to pass through. The five scriptures
mentioned speak of something coming to mankind from God. From the
supernatural realm, to the natural realm, through these openings. This does
not rock our theology boat too much. But Isaiah 60:8 says something
radically different. It reverses the process! No way! What did I just say? I
said it reverses the process! Matter from the natural realm is going into the
supernatural realm.! Through the same openings!
Suddenly the phrase ‘Open Heavens’ is enlarged. Think about it…believers
travelling between two realms.
Who are these? The answer is in the question. These are who!
These are who that fly as a dense, deep, thick, wide covering intoxicated
and bubbling out of the depth of their intimacy and passion to the place
they originated from. Yay! To dare to pass through the port holes into the
very presence of God, and ambush Him there with their worship, praise and
Who are these? Who are these? Who are these? These are who!