Slide 1

A very warm welcome
Keeping our
Children Safe on
the Internet:
Digital Parenting
The world changes. Children don’t.
A world of wonder and
excitement: virtual tours through
art galleries; live Pokemon
characters set free around the
country; opportunities to travel
through the human body through
virtual reality headsets…..
The world changes. Children don’t.
What dangers are there for
children on the internet?
What concerns you most?
Establishing Parental Controls
Set up home broadband parental controls
and make use of them
Set controls on your search engine and
encourage children to use ‘child friendly’
search engines Swiggle, Kids Search and
Make sure every device is protected that
your child uses
Use privacy settings. Activate the safety
measures offered by different sites
Block pop-ups (Follow advice from the BBC
Keep having conversations….
• Maintain a presence with your child in
their online life – you need to talk to
them about their discoveries and their
• Discuss and agree on favourite
• YouTube is great but they can quickly
stray – don’t use it as a TV
• Technology shouldn’t be a secretive
past-time – there are huge dangers in
this being the case
Keep having conversations….
• Discuss what ‘inappropriate’ means with
them at a suitable age level so that are
• Children need to know they can talk to you
– often children don’t report because they
are worried that the technology will be
taken away from them
• Children need to know not to give away
personal information – including not letting
people see their uniforms/ address etc
Use of Web-cams
From an early age children will enjoy
opening Christmas presents in front of a
web-cam for family across the world
Whilst the web-cam gives a sense of
privacy – children need to recognise that
you should never do anything on a web-cam
that wouldn’t do in your living room with
your family (Year 4 girls)
Chat rooms and the reason for age limits
Use of Web-cams
Web-cams and anything else on screen
can be recorded and then used a
‘bargaining’ chip
Their digital footprint is ever present
Need to ensure that they are in a shared
Keeping some spaces (bedrooms?)
digital free
• Make sure that content is
appropriate check the rating
• Play in communal spaces
• Play as a family
• Ensure that you can hear the
conversations – if playing in multiplayer mode (the danger of
‘From Selfies to Sexting’
• Children need to know that as soon
as they have their own phone/tablet
that their digital presence lives on
• What might seem harmless can have
huge consequences for their ‘real
• Children need to know that they are
not to blame and not telling is likely
to make things worse
Cyber Bullying….
• Cyber-bullying can be corrosive as it
doesn’t stop when the front door closes
• Children need to make sure they TELL
and get help from a trusted adult if they
are being bullied or know someone else is
• Children need to know how to block
‘friends’ and contacts who are being
abusive or ‘inappropriate’
• Need to know that private ‘comments’ can
have hurtful consequences on social
PREVENT duty….
• National strategy for the prevention of
• Reporting through CHANNEL around access
to extremist material on the internet /
involvement in extremist activities online
Digital resilience….
• Research by Oxford university suggested that
Digital resilience is essential
• Coined the term ‘good-enough’ parenting – and
suggested that the ‘good-enough parent’ is
consistent and responsive
• No filtering, blocking or any other safeguarding is
going to 100% fool-proof so digital resilience gives
them a chance to fall back on what you’ve taught
them about right and wrong, about knowing
themselves, trusting their instinct, understanding
enough of the digital world to navigate it and seek
support when needed
What we do….
• Build an enjoyment in technology
• Character Education around resilience
• Filters and safety modes on all computers and
other devices
• Internet guidelines for safe use
• Providing a ‘gated’ online area through DB primary
• Oversight and supervision
• Annual training for staff on safeguarding
• Annual training for children on internet safety
• Anti-bullying week (November) The Power for
• Parent work shops
Useful sites….
The world changes. Children don’t.
Any Questions?
Chance to see the videos