Presented by Denise Tarlinton
Pupil Free Day
Monday 14 July, 2003
The mind is not a vessel
to be filled, but a fire to
be ignited.
• Bloom’s Taxonomy and higher-order thinking
• Investigate the Revised Taxonomy
– New terms
– New emphasis
• Explore each of the six levels
• See how questioning plays an important role
within the framework (oral language)
• Use the taxonomy to plan a unit
• Begin planning a unit with a SMART Blooms
Planning Matrix
• Present your unit to the group
Bloom’s Revised
• Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives
• 1950s- developed by Benjamin Bloom
• Means of expressing qualitatively different kinds of
• Adapted for classroom use as a planning tool
• Continues to be one of the most universally applied
• Provides a way to organize thinking skills into six levels,
from the most basic to the higher order levels of thinking
• 1990s- Lorin Anderson (former student of Bloom) revisited
the taxonomy
• As a result, a number of changes were made
(Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, pp. 7-8)
Original Terms
New Terms
• Evaluation
• Synthesis
• Analysis
• Application
• Comprehension
• Knowledge
(Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8)
Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Design, construct, produce, invent, assemble,
develop, publish, construct, formulate, and generate
Justifying a decision or course of action
Hypothesize, critique, judge, reflect, select, justify, detect,
defend, support, and argue
Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
Compare/contrast, appraise, differentiate, discriminate, attribute,
criticize, distinguish, explain, experiment, and examine
Using information in another familiar situation
Implement, execute, demonstrate, employ, interpret,
solve, dramatize, illustrate, edit, and predict
Explaining ideas or concepts
Summarize, paraphrase, classify, explain, describe,
discuss, translate, compare, infer, and exemplify
Recalling information
Define, list, retrieve, recall, reproduce, duplicate, memorize, repeat, state and locate
A turtle makes progress
when it sticks its neck
What will happen in this
• We will focus on one level of the New
Bloom’s Taxonomy each month.
• We will discuss a reading strategy that
would be useful at that level.
• You will work with your team to develop
activities related to your unit that
incorporate that thinking level.
• You will present your unit to the faculty at
the end of the workshop.
Subject Areas
• Elect a chairperson, secretary, and a
• Determine teams for unit development
• Document teams and turn-in to chair
10 minutes
What do I need to do?
• Post the posters in your room as soon as
• Don’t stop what you are already doing, but try to
begin incorporating these verbs into your
lessons, directions, assignments, EQs,
objectives, assessments, etc.
• Meet with your team before our meeting on
October 7 to decide on a unit that you wish to
develop over the course of the workshop.
• Bring a printed text that you would use with your
students to introduce this unit (Chapter from text,
article, etc.)