sugar Cakes Cyril - Mondo Publishing

Sugar Cakes
Written by Phillis Gershator and illustrated by Cedric Lucas
Key IDEA Second grader Cyril’s life expands and his perspective changes as he
experiences the arrival of a new baby sister and learns to be a helper to his family and
neighbor and a big brother to his sister.
LITERACY STANDARDS Addressed in This Plan
RL.2.3 MAIN FOCUS Key Ideas & Details Sessions 1, 2, 3 L.2.4a
Additional Instruction Describe how characters in a story respond to
major events and challenges.
RL.2.4 Craft & Structure Sessions 1, 3 Use sentence-level context as a clue to the
meaning of a word or phrase.
L.2.4d Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Sessions 1, 2, Additional Instruction Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm
and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
RL.2.6 MAIN FOCUS Craft & Structure Sessions 2, 3 Acknowledge differences in the points of
view of characters, including by speaking in a
different voice for each character when r­ eading
dialogue aloud.
RL.2.7 MAIN FOCUS Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Sessions 2, 3 Use information gained from the i­llustrations and
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
­understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words
to predict the meaning of compound words.
RF.2.3e Phonics & Word Recognition Session 2, Additional Instruction Identify words with inconsistent but common
spelling-sound correspondences.
RF.2.4b Fluency Session 2 Read grade-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on successive
Write narratives in which they recount a wellelaborated event or short sequence of events,
include details to describe actions, thoughts, and
feelings, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide a sense of closure.
ISBN 978-1-62889-131-7
By the end of the year, read and comprehend
­literature, including stories and poetry, in the
grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with
scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g.,
gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to
others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion).
Text Types & Purposes Writing Task RL.2.10 Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity SL.2.1a Comprehension & Collaboration Sessions 1, 2, 3 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use W.2.8
Research to Build & Present Knowledge Sessions 1, 2, 3 Recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a
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Session 1 Text Selection: pp. 7–19
Learning Focus
Students read closely to
analyze the text to describe
how the main character
responds to major events
and challenges and to cite
text evidence to support
their ideas.
Key Idea: Text Selection In the first two chapters, the author introduces Cyril
and how he feels and acts after the birth of his baby sister. Cyril tries to be the
Big Helper, but he can’t do anything right and begins to dislike the baby. As time
goes on, Cyril starts to learn new things and begins to feel useful and smart.
Read the title and author credit with students. Invite students to study the
illustration and read the back cover.
I think it’ll be interesting to find out what the title means. Read the back
cover quietly to yourselves. What did you learn about what the story will
be about?
The main character is Cyril. He lives on an island called St. Thomas. He
does many fun things like making sugar cakes, watching a lunar eclipse,
and watching a whale at a beach.
Reading the Text CLOSELY Vocabulary
RL.2.4 Introduce the word
gurgled to students and
invite them to share their
understanding of it. Read
together the first and second
full paragraphs on page 11.
Clarify the word’s meaning
based on the reading.
10 minutes
Introduce the focus. Invite students to read pages 7 through 10. Check on
their application of the focus. Provide support if needed. Then have them read
pages 11–17.
In stories, characters deal with major events or different challenges. As we
read today, let’s pay close attention to details that tell about a big event or
challenge in the story and how the characters respond. . . . Who will share
what you learned on pages 7 and 8?
Cyril found out that a baby is coming soon. That is a big event for sure. He
goes to the hospital and meets his new baby sister.
ou read these two pages and found a big event in Cyril’s life. Who can find
a place in the text that explains how Cyril reacted to the event of having a
new baby?
On page 7 it says that Cyril had lots of questions.
s we read, let’s pay attention to how Cyril thinks and feels about having
a new baby sister. Let’s read pages 9 and 10. . . . Is Cyril still excited about
having a baby sister?
No. He’s unhappy that she only sleeps, cries, and eats. He wishes his
parents would take her back to the hospital.
Corrective Feedback
Have students closely reread
pages 7–10 to locate the main
character and a challenge the
character is facing. Encourage
them to silently reread,
stopping at key points to think
and talk together about their
If you are satisfied that students can apply the focus, set the reading
assignment for the ­session. If you are not, prompt students to return to
pages 7 through 10 to read and think through what is happening in the story.
Students may not read the entire selection during this session.
ur work as readers today is to keep thinking about how the characters
respond to events or challenges that happen in the story. I wonder if a baby
sister will bring any challenges for Cyril and his family. Let’s read through
page 19 to find out.
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Discussing the Text 10 minutes
Invite students to share another way that Cyril responds to having a new baby in
his family. Encourage them to provide key details to support their statements.
isten to your friends talk and wait until they have completed their
comments, then jump into the conversation. Who would like to begin by
sharing a challenge a character faced and how he or she responded?
Cyril was not very happy about having a baby ­sister. He didn’t like that she
cried and couldn’t do anything.
Who would like to add how Cyril responded to this challenge?
I think he acted badly. He called the baby stupid and drank from the baby’s bottle.
SL.2.1a Discussion
Pay close attention to what
the main character of a story
is saying and doing. Think
about how the character
responds to challenges in
the story.
Who can tell me about another challenge Cyril faced?
Cyril really wanted to be a Big Helper. He was very ­disappointed that when
he tried to help his mother, he made a mess. Then Cyril ended up helping
Miss Elsie. At the end he responded in a positive way.
Focus on the word anything in the last paragraph on page 9.
et’s do a close read of the last paragraph on page 9. The word anything is in
the s­ econd sentence. Which two words are in anything?
any and thing
he word anything is a ­compound word because it is made up of two words.
Think about the meaning of each word to understand the meaning of
anything. Who knows what any means?
a word that doesn’t tell how much or which one
Now what about thing?
an idea or action, but we don’t know what
Compound Words
L.2.4 Vocabulary Support
vocabulary such as measure,
peeled, and grated in context
using the ELL vocabulary
strategies in Getting Started.
Now let’s put them together. Who can tell what anything means?
an action or idea without a name or number
How can you relate this to Cyril?
Cyril can’t name anything the baby can do that he likes.
Confirm students’ good use of the focus and encourage them to keep it in mind
whenever they read about characters responding to something new in a story.
ou thought about the challenges Cyril and his family faced in the story.
Remember to think about challenges or events in other stories you read and
how the characters act or respond.
Formative Assessment: Comprehension Using the Quick Start
Planner, note this s­ ession’s learning focus. Observe each student’s articulation
and use of text evidence to evaluate effective use of the learning focus.
Formative/Summative Assessment Have students use the blackline
master on page 10 to record challenges Cyril faces in the story and how he responds.
Review students’ answers as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus.
Formative/Summative Assessment Have students use the
blackline master on page 11 as they read. Students will collect details from the
text to answer the question: Think about the different challenges Cyril faces.
How does he respond to them? Use details from the text in your answer. Review
students’ collected evidence as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus.
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W.2.8, RL.2.3 WRITING
Gather Information
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Session 2 Text Selection: pp. 7–19
Learning Focuses
RL.2.3, RL.2.6, RL.2.7
Students return to text to
read closely and to identify
and understand how the
main character responds to
major events and challenges
and to acknowledge
differences in the points of
view of the other characters,
citing text evidence to
support their ideas. Students
use illustrations and text
to demonstrate their
understanding of characters,
setting, and plot.
RL.2.3 Discussing the Text
Ask questions at students’
language proficiency levels
and provide the following
sentence frame for student
___ did ___ because ___.
Returning to the TExt 5 minutes
Ask students to reflect on the text read previously. Guide them to recall how
they applied the learning focus to their reading.
Let’s quickly review our discussion from the last session.
Cyril, the main character, is ­facing a new challenge. He has a new baby
sister. Things aren’t going well and he is reacting badly. All the baby does
is eat and sleep. When Cyril tries to help, he makes a mess.
Several of you found good details in the text to support this review.
Reading the Text CLOSELY 10 minutes
Explain the learning focuses. Invite students to reread pages 10–15. Check
in to see how well they have understood the focuses. If you are satisfied that
students can apply them, set the reading assignment for the session. If not,
provide corrective feedback as suggested on page 2 of this lesson plan.
e read about the event of a new baby sister joining Cyril’s family. And many
of you shared how Cyril reacted in a bad way. Today as we reread, we are
going to think about how the characters are feeling and reacting to events.
Let’s read pages 10 through 13. We’ll read this text closely to see if we can
understand how Cyril feels about his new sister and why.
I read on page 10 that Cyril made a grumpy face and shouted that the
baby can’t do anything. That tells me that Cyril feels unhappy about having
a new baby at home.
I like the way you used details from the text. Who else can use details from
the text to explain how Cyril is ­feeling about the new challenge in his life?
I read that Cyril thought that he should be a Big Helper since he was the
big brother. Then, on page 13, when Cyril tries to help his mother, he
makes a mess. His mother tells him to go outside, and she continues to
take care of the baby. I can understand why Cyril says he hates the baby.
He also might feel jealous about the time his mother is spending with her.
Explain that illustrations provide clues that help readers learn more about the
characters in a story.
ow look at the illustrations on pages 9 and 14. How does the illustrator tell
you about how Cyril and his father feel about the new baby?
The illustrator uses their expressions to show how the characters feel. On
page 9, Cyril’s father is smiling, so he is happy. On page 14, Cyril is sitting
on the steps, frowning.
Formative Assessment: Fluency Listen to each student read a portion of
the text. Observe students’ fluency. If students need additional practice with
fluency, provide necessary support at the end of the session. Ask students to
note words or phrases they find challenging for ­discussion after the reading.
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Discussing the Text 10 minutes
Support a discussion in which students analyze the main characters in the
story and their points of view about major events and challenges in the story.
Remind students to get ­information from the words in the story and from
the illustrations.
I’d like to hear your ideas about how Cyril feels about the challenge he faces
in Chapter 2.
The challenge Cyril is facing is that he wants to be a Big Helper. I can
understand why Cyril feels badly when he tries to help his mother and she
tells him to go outside. In this chapter, after Cyril helps Miss Elsie make
sugar cakes, his feelings change. On page 18 it says that Cyril skipped
home. That’s a clue that Cyril is happier. Now he feels like a helper.
Sometimes characters think
and feel differently from
each other. You can tell how
characters think and feel by
reading the words they say.
hat’s an important clue that tells us how Cyril is feeling. Now who can
compare the illustration on page 14 to the illustration on page 17 and explain
clues that gives us information about how Cyril is feeling about the challenge
he is facing?
On page 14, Cyril looks very sad and upset. He feels that his mother
doesn’t have any time for him. Even though he is trying to help, he can’t
do anything right. On page 17, Cyril is helping Miss Elsie. He doesn’t look
sad or upset. He is busy helping.
Focus on the word outside on page 13.
et’s do a close read of the third paragraph on page 13. The word outside is
in this paragraph. Which two words are in outside?
Compound Words
out and side
Who knows what out means?
the opposite of in
Now what about side?
It’s a part of something.
Now let’s put them together. Who can tell what outside means?
the part of something that’s not in
Who can relate this to the illustration of Cyril on page 14?
His mother told him to go outside. The picture shows him sitting outside
on the steps, not inside the house.
Help students understand the benefits of following simple rules while having
a discussion.
e’ve talked a lot about Cyril and how he feels about his new baby sister
and how he is changing as a character. We also paid close attention to the
illustrations in the story and discussed what we learned from them. How does
waiting until a classmate finishes m
­ aking a comment before speaking make it
easier to have a discussion?
As a discussion winds down,
ask students to recount the
important ideas that were
discussed. You may want to
write these on a whiteboard
or chart paper.
When you wait for someone else to finish speaking you can understand
what he or she is saying. Everyone feels that they have a chance to speak.
The teacher doesn’t have to say “wait your turn.”
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Formative Assessment: Comprehension Using the Quick Start
Planner, note this s­ ession’s learning focuses. Observe each student’s articulation
and use of text evidence to evaluate effective use of the learning focuses.
Fluency Practice Model reading aloud with proper phrasing. Read
a sentence, speaking each word at the same rate with the same emphasis; then
reread, chunking several words together into meaningful phrases. Point out
that reading words in phrases makes the text sound more like talking. Clap to
indicate each phrase as students chorally read the sentence with you.
W.2.8, RL.2.3
Gather Information
Formative/Summative Assessment Have students continue
to use the blackline master on page 11 for collecting evidence as they read.
Students will continue to collect details from the text to answer the question:
Think about the different challenges Cyril faces. How does he respond to
them? Use details from the text in your answer. Review students’ collected
evidence as you evaluate their mastery of the learning focus.
Summative Assessment Print the online blackline master for
independent close reading. Ask students to read a portion of the Session 3
text selection independently, as indicated on the blackline master. Then have
them respond to the prompts (summarize author’s message, identify critical
vocabulary, respond to constructed response questions) before returning for
Session 3’s small-group discussion. Alternatively, you can use the completed
blackline master for summative assessment.
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Session 3 Text Selection: pp. 20–46
Key Idea: Text Selection Cyril is facing new challenges as he adjusts to having
a new baby sister at home. Through his reactions to the challenges, his
feelings change.
Explain that students have read about Cyril’s experiences with other characters
and his ­attitude toward his baby sister, noticing details in the text and
s we’ve followed how characters feel about challenges in the story, we’ve
also noticed details in the illustrations that help explain their feelings. How
does this strategy help us?
It helps us understand all the information the author wanted to tell us.
Paying close attention to these details helps us understand the main
character and other characters.
State the learning focuses. Invite students to read pages 20–24. Check to see
how they are doing with application of the focuses. Then have students read
pages 25–29, paying special attention to details about what is happening and
how the characters feel.
oday as we read we are going to pay close attention to any challenges
the characters face and look for details that help us understand how they
respond to the challenges. What challenge does Cyril face at the beginning
of this chapter?
His mother tells him they can’t afford a pine tree.
Learning Focuses
RL.2.3, RL.2.6, RL.2.7
Students return to text to
read closely to continue
understanding how the
main character responds to
events and challenges and
to acknowledge differences
in characters’ points of
view, continuing to cite text
evidence to support their
ideas. Students continue
to use illustrations and
text to demonstrate their
understanding of characters,
setting, and plot.
RL.2.4 Help students
understand words that give
information about where
the story takes place, or
the setting. Discuss the
meanings of the words cactus
(p. 29), thrushes (p. 30), and
barnacles (p. 39). You may
want to share photographs
of each thing.
hat clues in the text and the illustration on page 27 tell you how Cyril feels
about this event?
Cyril can’t believe it. He feels it is the baby’s fault. He has a grumpy face.
He feels disappointed. In the illustration Cyril looks very sad because his
head is down.
Let’s read to page 34 see what happens next and how Cyril responds.
Discussing THE TEXT 10 minutes
Generate a discussion that focuses on how Cyril reacted positively to the
challenge of not being able to afford a pine tree for Christmas.
e’ve discussed how Cyril feels at the beginning of the chapter “Christmas
Cactus” about not being able to afford a pine tree. Who can tell me if Cyril
continues to feel the same way about this new challenge?
Miss Elsie helps Cyril understand how a cactus tree can be a Christmas
tree. After helping Miss Elsie, Cyril and his dad find a cactus tree and turn
it into a Christmas tree. By the end of the chapter I know that Cyril feels
happy because on page 34 it says that Cyril “felt ten feet, twenty feet,
thirty feet tall.”
Support students as they make inferences about how the main character responds
to events and challenges, using key details in the text and illustrations. Also
encourage students to continue to look for details that help them understand why
characters in the story may feel differently about certain situations.
Comprehension Share
Look at the illustrations to get
information that helps you
understand the big ideas of
the story. Use the details in
both the illustrations and the
text when you talk about the
big ideas of the story.
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ou’ll finish the rest of the book on your own. You may want to use self-stick
notes to note details about what Cyril is doing and how he is feeling. Why is
it important to also get information from the illustrations?
Illustrations give information about how a character is feeling. They show
where the story is taking place.
Encourage students to share understandings with a partner.
emember to wait until your classmate has finished speaking before making
a comment.
I like the way the author shows Cyril learning new things like swimming. At
the beginning of the book, Cyril was acting like a baby. By the end of the
book he has learned many new things and is more grown up.
W.2.8, RL.2.3
Respond to Question
Formative/Summative Assessment Have students continue to
use the blackline master on page 11 as they finish reading. Then ask them to
write a response on a separate piece of paper that answers the question: Think
about the different challenges Cyril faces. How does he respond to them? Use
details from the text in your answer. Have students use the text evidence they
collected to support their writing.
Writing Task: Narrative
Summative Assessment Review with students the elements
of narrative writing. Also review that the events described in a journal entry
are told in the order they happened and include details that describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings. Invite students to imagine that they are Cyril. Have
them write a narrative in the form of a journal entry from Cyril’s point of view
about one challenge he faces after his baby sister is born. Guide them to use
the blackline master on page 12 as they write their narratives. Students will
work independently to write their journal entries.
ou have been thinking about how Cyril responds to challenges in his life.
You have collected evidence about this as you’ve been reading. Now you will
write a journal entry, pretending you are Cyril, about a challenge that Cyril
faces and how he responds to this challenge. Work with a partner to review
the evidence you have gathered and make necessary changes. Start by
explaining and describing the challenge. Remember to think about how Cyril
feels about this challenge and what he thinks. Think about how he responds
to the challenge and write about this in your journal entry.
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Additional Instruction
WORD STUDY Compound Words Focus on the word mainland on page 26. Break down the word
and guide students to use the word parts to determine its meaning in context.
Compound Words
he word mainland is in the first full paragraph on page 26. Which two words
are in ­mainland?
main and land
What does main mean?
“the biggest or most important”
Now what about land?
It could be the part of Earth not underwater.
Any other ideas?
a smaller part of Earth surrounded by water
ow let’s put the two words together. Who can tell what mainland means as
it’s used on page 26?
It’s the big part of the country that the island isn’t attached to. Pine trees don’t
grow on the island, so they are brought on ships from the mainland to the island.
Context Clues Help students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by
using context. Focus on the word lunar on page 20.
ook at the fourth paragraph on page 20. Who can tell us what the word
lunar means?
It has something to do with an eclipse.
What does the book say about an eclipse?
It says it’s a lunar eclipse.
ook at the words in the sentences around lunar. What information gives you
a clue to its meaning?
In the next sentence it says that the moon will pass through Earth’s shadow.
So maybe lunar has to do with the moon.
Context Clues
Lunar eclipses happen
when the moon, Earth, and
the sun are in exact same
position. The moon passes
into Earth’s shadow making
the Earth’s shadow fall on the
face of the moon. You can
search for images of this on
the Internet.
Lunar refers to the kind of eclipse that Cyril is going to see. He will see an
eclipse of the moon.
Spelling-sound Correspondences Practice the two pronunciations of the ea
vowel team using the following words from the text: breakfast, head, heavy,
measure, overhead, treasure, clean, treated, sea, tea, easy, leave, eats,
dreamed. Create two columns on chart paper or a whiteboard, one with the
heading long e and the other with the heading short e. Guide students to read
these words and choose which column they belong in.
Spelling-sound Correspondences
e identified two different sounds for the ea vowel team. There are lots of
words in this book that contain those two letters. Let’s sort them into two
categories according to the sounds they make. We’ll start with this one
(head). What sound is the ea team making here? Shall we put it under long
e or short e? Tell us why you chose short e. Remember, if one sound doesn’t
make a word you know, just try the other sound.
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Comprehension: Character
Think about the challenges Cyril and his mother face in the story. How
do they respond to these challenges? In the first box, write the challenge.
In second box, write about how Cyril or his mother responds to the challenge.
How Cyril Responds:
How Cyril’s Mother
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Collecting Text Evidence
Think about the different challenges Cyril faces. How does he
respond to them? Use details from the text in your answer.
Fill in each section with details from the text about challenges Cyril faces.
Then explain how he responds to the challenge.
How Cyril Responds
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Writing Task: Your First Draft
Imagine that you are Cyril. Write a narrative in the form of a journal entry
from Cyril’s point of view about one challenge he faces after his sister is
born. As you write, think about how Cyril feels and what he thinks. Tell how
he responds to the challenge. Remember to use details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings. Use the text evidence you’ve already collected as
you write. End your journal entry in an interesting way.
REMEMBER: A well-written narrative should:
• introduce the topic clearly.
• recount events in the order they happened.
© Mondo Publishing
• include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings.
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