Radiative transfer and photospheric emission in GRB jets Indrek Vurm (Columbia University) in collaboration with Andrei M. Beloborodov (Columbia University) Tsvi Piran (Hebrew University) Yuri Lyubarsky (Ben-Gurion University) Romain Hascoet (Columbia University) Moscow 2013 Outline Prompt emission: optically thin vs. thick Photospheric emission from dissipative jets: Photon number and spectral peaks Non-thermal spectra GeV emission GeV flash from pair-loaded progenitor wind Example: 080916C GRB prompt emission: optically thin vs. thick Internal shocks Photospheric emission R0~107 cm heating L~1051 erg/s τT=1 ? Γf Γs Hardness problem a =-3/2 a=-2/3 cooling deathline synchrotron deathline FORBIDDEN Nn~Fn / n ~ n a EFE a E Preece et al. (2000) Optically thin + radiatively efficient a > -1.5 (synch. or IC) Peak sharpness and position Blazars GRB 990123 Ghisellini (2006) Briggs et al. (1999) GRB spectra narrow Peak energies cluster Synch. peak 2 Gg peak B Epeak µ (1+ z) Epk Goldstein et al. (2012) Photospheric emission Spectral peaks Narrow: can be as narrow as Planck Position Natural scale Observed photon production Non-thermal shape: Dissipation Dissipative jets “Disturbed” jet Jets could be dissipative throughout their expansion Recollimation Internal shocks Collisional Magnetic shocks dissipation reconnection Recollimation shocks Emerging radiation shaped over a broad range of radii, i.e. knows about expansion history Morsony, Lazzati, Begelman (2007) Photon production and spectral peaks T=1 R0 PHOTON GENERATION Eph~5 MeV Epk~500 keV Observed photons must be produced in the jet Thermalization Thermalization/photonproduction location (e.g. Thompson, Meszaros, Rees 2007, Pe’er et al. 2007, Eichler & Levinson 2000) Blackbody relation Observations “Yonetoku” - jet launch radius Photons from the central engine insufficient Thermalization abs=1 T=1 y~10 rbb R0 PLANCK nFn BB W I E N BB nFn IC em/abs em/abs 4kTe hn 4kTe hn Thermalization T=1 T y~10 ~102 abs=1 rbb R0 PLANCK nFn BB W I E N nFn BB Wien IC em/abs em/abs 4kTe hn hn Neither T»1 nor y»1 are sufficient conditions for thermalization Photon sources Non-magnetized flows: Bremsstrahlung Double-Compton scattering - thermal Magnetized flows Cyclotron Synchrotron Ne() 3kTe nth Photon production: summary bremsstrahlung double Compton cyclotron synchrotron T=1 rWien R0 PLANCK 1010 cm T~104 y~103 W I E N ~10 1012 cm T~102 y~10 Photon production occurs in a limited range of radii, at T»1 Observed Epk -s modest ~10 at r~1011 cm Most efficient mechanism: synchrotron Number of photons at the peak established below/near the Wien radius Spectral shape Photospheric emission from a dissipative jet does NOT resemble a Planck spectrum Spectrum broadened by: Large-angle emission `Fuzzy` photosphere Diffusion in frequency space Low-energy slope: dissipative jet PLANCK W I E N y~1 τT= nFn 1 n Low-energy spectrum is shaped in an extended region between the Wien radius and the Thomson photosphere nFn n Low-energy slope: dissipative jet WIEN Wien/Planck spectrum at y»1 is broadened by the combined effect of Comptonization and adiabatic cooling Photospheric spectrum substantially softer than Planck y~1 τT=1 nFn n 2 Low-energy slope: dissipative jet; with a soft photon source α=-1 slope is a slow attractor a 0.9 photon injection saturated Comptonization Dissipative jet: high-energy spectrum Non-thermal spectrum above the peak: dissipation near τT~1 Possible mechanism: collisional heating (Beloborodov 2010) Proton and neutron flows decouple at T20 Drifting neutron and proton flows nuclear collisions: Elastic: Thermal heating of e± via Coulomb collisions Inelastic: Injection of relativistic e± with ~300 via pion production and decay m c 2 140 MeV , , n ; n ; 0 0 e n e n ; e n e n Other models: Thompson (1994) Pe’er, Mészáros & Rees (2005) Giannios & Spruit (2006) Ioka et al. (2007) etc. Spectra: non-magnetized flows ELE n a 2 MeV Pairs GeV Heating-cooling balance kT=15 keV cooling, pair cascades injection Thermal Compton Non-thermal Compton γγ - absorption Dissipative jet: summary ~10 R0 SPE CTRUM FORMATION PH. GENERATION D I S T=1 T~102 y~10 S I P A T I O N rWien nFn Wien 4kTe hn nFn nFn Epk hn Epk hn Generic model for a dissipative jet W I E N Continuous dissipation throughout the jet rcoll (rcoll)~10 τT=1 Thermal and non-thermal channels: Acceleration: Magnetization: Initial radius rcoll=1011 cm - terminal Lorentz factor Radiative transfer - intensity - photon angle Processes: Compton, synchrotron, pair-production/annihilation Spectral formation rcoll rWien τT=1 W I E N Initial spectrum: Wien Peak shifted to lower energies due to photon production Broadening starts near the Wien radius, proceeds through the photosphere Final spectrum: Band rcoll=1011 cm Parameters: T(rcoll)=400 (rcoll)~50 =300 Spectra at different stages of expansion Spectra: varying LF at the base W I E N Canonical Band shape Low-energy slope stays near a1 Spectral peak sensitive to (rcoll) via photon production efficiency rcoll=1011 cm B= 10-2 rcoll τT=1 Summary Photospheric emission typically NOT thermal-looking Dissipative jets Naturally lead to Band-like spectra Photon index a=-1 is an attractor for the Comptonization problem Typical Epk -s require efficient dissipation at r~1011 cm. Recollimation shocks? bulk Lorentz factor ~10 at the same radii At least moderate magnetization B>10-3 Continuous dissipation throughout the jet? GeV flashes with Andrei Beloborodov and Romain Hascoet Observations: GRB 080916C GRB 080916C GBM LAT Fermi collaboration (2013) Observations: LAT lightcurves ‘Regular’ behaviour: LAT emission peaks during the prompt: external origin (forward shock)? likely not assoc. with deceleration Lasts well beyond T95 080916C T95 (GBM) 090926A Fermi LAT collaboration (2013) 090902B Emission mechanism Synchrotron? Kumar & Barniol Duran (2009) Asano et al. (2009) Razzaque et al. (2010) Ghisellini (2010) Theoretical limit: a few 10 MeV (comoving) ~ 10 GeV (observed); limit tighter at late times e.g. Nakar & Piran (2010) Observed: 95 GeV (GRB 130427A) Inverse Compton GeV peak during prompt intense IC cooling by prompt radiation Number of IC photons Bright GeV flashes: No. of emitted IC photons: Photon multiplicity Wind velocity Required pair multiplicity: Proposed mechanism: inverse Compton scattering of prompt MeV radiation in the forward shock in a pair-enriched external medium Forward shock GeV EXTERNAL MEDIUM Pair-enrichment of the external medium e± ee.g Thompson & Madau (2000) Beloborodov (2002) Kumar & Panaitescu (2004) FS Z±,pre 1. ISM particle scatters a prompt photon 2. Scattered photon pair-produces with another prompt photon 3. New pairs scatter further photons etc. Prompt radiation pair-loads and pre-accelerates the ambient medium ahead of the FS Loading and pre-acceleration controlled by the column density of prompt radiation e- GRB 080916C: pair-loading and pre-acceleration Pair loading at the forward shock Pre-acceleration and blastwave Lorentz factors Beloborodov, Hascoet, IV (2013) GRB 080916C: thermal injection Lorentz factor Thermal heating: Flash peaks when: - pair loading Early decay due to fast evolution of inj and Z± GRB 080916C: lightcurve Flux above 100 MeV T95 (GBM) Delayed rise Peak during the prompt Persists well after T95 Wind parameter Peak radius R1016 cm Non-thermal acceleration NOT required GRB 080916C: spectra LAT photon index Spectra -2 -2 Fermi LAT collaboration (2013) Summary Proposed mechanism: GeV flashes from FS running into pair-loaded external medium Radiative mechanism: IC of prompt MeV photons Standard wind medium consistent with observations
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