Differences DLP-DLD-QPE 12-03 EN.docx

Principal differences between
DLD, DLP® and
• DLD:
Perforated DIFFUSION ducts
SPIROJET metallic perforated ducts are DLDs (Dispositives for the Linear Diffusion), in other words they are
DIFFUSER ducts at high induction, which “throw” the input air into the area to be treated.
Each 1m module is equipped with a hole punching pattern which is custom calculated for each plant, and it is
the equivalent of a high induction diffuser sized singularly according to the traditional air DIFFUSION criteria,
where the air throw capacity is proportionally reduced as the induction increases (see CFD example).
To be able to size an air diffusion plant with DLDs on the building’s plant drawing, it is necessary to
homogeneously distribute the DLDs in such a way to be able to cover the floor surface with maximum air
throws of 5÷7m, placing the air recovery ducts in the same way it would be done for any other air diffusion
In order to correctly size a DLD, it is important not to have a ΔT higher than 10°C for the input air, and not to
exceed 5 m/sec for the air speed at the duct’s entrance. This will avoid air drafts in the area underneath the
final part of the DLD and will also correctly compensate the input air temperature losses inside the duct.
Moving away from the values indicated above entails a proportionally significant loss of performances.
SPIROJET DLDs are recommended for any kind of plant with a medium-low height (3÷5 m), where there is the
need for maximum quality of the materials, and maximum “traditional” performances, without demanding
“unique” performances which are typical of the PULSION plants.
Compared to “traditional” air DIFFUSION
systems with air vents, nozzles, diffusers,
etc., the DLDs offer the following principal
Example of a CFD,
typical for a DLD
• Very competitive price, thanks to the
patented (*) SPIROPACK™ technology.
• High induction air diffusion, therefore
high diffusion quality.
• No need for thermal isolation, up to an
air input temperature of +12 °C.
• Easy to assemble, thanks to the
patented (*) SPIROPACK™ technology.
• Pleasant aesthetical appearance.
Speed (m/s)
SINTRA s.r.l. Corso Europa,24-28010 Z.I. Fontaneto d'Agogna (NO) - Tel. +39.0322.863601 - Fax +39.0322.863688 Reg. Imp./Cod.Fisc/P.Iva 01624740187 - Capitale soc.118.000 € i.v.
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de liaisons France: 31-33, Rue des Clotais - 94360 Bry sur Marne - Tél. + Fax + - E-mail [email protected]
• DLP®:
simple PULSION
All perforated metallic ducts with the MIXIND® technology are DLPs® (Pulsion
Linear Diffusers), in other words they are
PULSER® ducts able to create, along their
axis, a “pressure field” which is able to set
in controlled motion the totality of the
environment air mass, with “unique”
The DLPs® are visually very similar to the
DLDs, therefore they can be easily
mistaken, as their only difference consists
in the designing technique.
The DLPs® are of the simple PULSION
kind when they do not use the new QPE
patented (*) technologies.
The MIX-IND® designing technique for the
environment air PULSION plants is unique
in its kind as today it benefits from over 30
years of specific experience, 15 of which
were dedicated to research, and with over 10.000 plants designed and realized according to designing
criteria which are a lot different from the “traditional” ones of the input air DIFFUSION.
For this reason, the result guarantee essentially depends from the SINTRA’s engineering support.
For the designing of a PULSION plant, it is then strongly advised to take advantage of the ASSISTED
DESIGN service, offered by SINTRA.
The simple PULSION DLPs®, compared to the DLDs, offer the following main advantages:
• Maximum comfort level, with extreme homogeneity of the temperatures and control of the residual
speed in the occupied areas.
• Total destratification, with a reduction of the energy consumptions up to 40%.
• Total recovery of the endogenous heat produced in the environment, with energy savings even higher
than 50%.
• Applicable in buildings both of small and great height, with maximum level performances.
• Great ability to overcome obstacles in the environment, therefore great flexibility of use.
• Possibility to input into the environment very cold air, with no comfort issues.
• No need for air recovery ducts, therefore less costs, less encumbrances, less maintenance and
cleaning costs and less heat load losses for the fans, with energy savings up to 10% on the fan’s
electrical consumption.
• Possibility of great air throws, therefore lower quantity of installed ducts, lower cost for the air
distribution plant, lower weight on the structures and less encumbrances in the environment.
• Lower total cost for the plant, particularly for buildings of medium and great volume.
Example of a
Example of an air
with perforated ducts
of the DLD kind
plant with
Note: (*)patented = Patented, patent pending or SINTRA’s know-how.
SINTRA s.r.l. Corso Europa,24-28010 Z.I. Fontaneto d'Agogna (NO) - Tel. +39.0322.863601 - Fax +39.0322.863688 Reg. Imp./Cod.Fisc/P.Iva 01624740187 - Capitale soc.118.000 € i.v.
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de liaisons France: 31-33, Rue des Clotais - 94360 Bry sur Marne - Tél. + Fax + - E-mail [email protected]
• DLP®:
The NEW GENERATION plants are PULSION plants which use the patented (*) QPE technologies
(QUALITY PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY), with unique performances and with a high technical level.
For each single project, the different PULSERS® are given different functions according to the application
type, the kind of activity carried out on the premises and the specific needs of these premises.
The plant’s functioning is then customized according to the customer’s needs, after an “environmental
diagnosis” made by SINTRA.
For the designing of a NEW GENERATION plant, it is indispensable to take advantage of the TECHNICAL
The NEW GENERATION plants, compared to MIX-IND® plants with simple PULSION DLPs®, offer the
following additional main advantages:
System-plant of the MULTIFUNCTIONAL kind.
Plants with an extreme variable air flow with a particular regulation through a PLC, whose
functioning logic, which is custom made for each plant, is given by SINTRA during the executive
Energy savings up to 80% on the fan’s electrical consumption.
Savings of up to 80% on the replacement costs for the filters.
Lower wear of the AHUs, therefore higher longevity of the plants.
Possibility to vary the air speed and the comfort level in the occupied area at one’s liking.
Acceleration of the set-in-motion times, with energy savings often higher than 30%.
Possibility of a TOTAL energy requalification of the existing plants, with energy savings even
higher than 50%.
Possibility of extreme winter free-cooling, for all the applications with a strong production of
endogenous heat, with energy savings even higher than 90%.
Possibility of free super-pressurization, for great volume buildings with a strong production of
endogenous heat, managing particularly the external air and the extraction air, with energy savings
often higher than 30%.
Maximum working safety in case one of the installed AHUs breaks down.
Maximum use personalization.
Maximum ability of the system to adapt to possible future evolutions.
Considering the complexity, originality and great quantity of possible options which are offered by the new
patented (*) QPE technologies, the specific advantages are presented from time to time for each single project.
Technical office
Commercial office
Training room
primary PULSER®
discharge PULSER®
anti-condensation PULSER®
technical PULSER®
extraction DUCT
Note: (*)patented = Patented, patent pending or SINTRA’s know-how.
SINTRA s.r.l. Corso Europa,24-28010 Z.I. Fontaneto d'Agogna (NO) - Tel. +39.0322.863601 - Fax +39.0322.863688 Reg. Imp./Cod.Fisc/P.Iva 01624740187 - Capitale soc.118.000 € i.v.
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de liaisons France: 31-33, Rue des Clotais - 94360 Bry sur Marne - Tél. + Fax + - E-mail [email protected]
The cost per linear meter of a DLP® can
also be doubled if compared to the cost
of a DLD, according to the material,
diameter and applied technologies.
These difference in cost is justified by the
fact that a DLD does not have any costs
for patents, research and SINTRA’s
Engineering Service.
In most cases, this price difference is
more than largely compensated by the
lower number of ducts which are
performances with a high technical level,
particularly for great volume plants.
Technical orientation is a preliminary phase of the ASSISTED DESIGN, which allows SINTRA to acquire all
the necessary information in order to evaluate the applicant’s needs in a precise way.
To be able to realize a TECHNICAL ORIENTATION, SINTRA first carries out an ENVIRONMENTAL
DIAGNOSIS on the base of the gathered data, and then it elaborates a preliminary analysis of the technical
solutions which can be suggested.
SINTRA then organizes a “telephone meeting” with the applicant and with other possible interlocutors who
the applicant deems suitable to attend, in order to better define the technical solution which best suits the
applicant’s needs, both technically and economically.
The technical solution(s) which are defined in agreement with the applicant are then elaborated from
SINTRA during the ASSISTED DESIGN phase.
The TECHNICAL ORIENTATION is not mandatory, and the choice for the best technical solution can be
completely delegated to SINTRA.
ASSISTED DESIGN is the service of technical assistance which is necessary for the correct designing of a
PULSION plant , and it consists in elaborating one or more technical solutions pointed out during the
TECHNICAL ORIENTATION phase, defining risk coefficients for each PULSER® and also a performance
index for each proposed technical solution.
Having considered the easiness in mixing up the DLPs with the DLDs, in order to protect the applicant’s
technical choice, SINTRA avails itself of an INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RESERVE on all the technical
solutions proposed following an ASSISTED DESIGN.
The main aim is to avoid that, whoever will buy the perforated ducts, could succumb to the easy mistake to
mix up the two technologies, being led uniquely by the price difference per linear meter, without considering
the technical differences.
SINTRA does not compel the customer to use the technical solutions directly or indirectly proposed by
SINTRA through the ASSISTED DESIGN service, leaving full freedom of choice.
Only in case o fuse, even if partial, of a technical solution proposed or validated by SINTRA, the applicant
automatically commits to respect, and make others respect, the implied engagement concerning the
exclusive use of the material proposed by SINTRA for the specific project.
SINTRA s.r.l. Corso Europa,24-28010 Z.I. Fontaneto d'Agogna (NO) - Tel. +39.0322.863601 - Fax +39.0322.863688 Reg. Imp./Cod.Fisc/P.Iva 01624740187 - Capitale soc.118.000 € i.v.
E-mail [email protected]
Bureau de liaisons France: 31-33, Rue des Clotais - 94360 Bry sur Marne - Tél. + Fax + - E-mail [email protected]