Capital Area United Way Youth Booster Fund Individual Mini

Capital Area United Way
Youth Booster Fund
Funding Request
Fall 2014
DEADLINE: Friday, September 26 – 5:00 p.m.
Ten (10) copies required.
Please fasten each set with staple or paperclip in upper left corner.
Please DO NOT three-hole punch!
DO NOT COPY pages 1 & 2 – do not include with your application!
Capital Area United Way
1801 E. Wells Avenue – Suite 2
PO Box 1111
Pierre, SD 57501
Telephone: 605-224-9229
FAX: 605-224-9529
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Capital Area United Way
Youth Booster Fund Mini-Grant
Request for Proposals
The Capital Area United Way is pleased to announce the
availability of Youth Booster funds for distribution to
501(c)(3) youth organizations and/or individual youth in
the Hughes and Stanley County area. Funding has been
made available through allocated funds from the
Capital Area United Way and donor designations
from our annual fall campaign.
Direct Questions to United Way Staff
Christina Oey or Ed Jacobson
Phone: 605-224-9229
Fax: 605-224-9529
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Criteria for Proposal Review
The YBF Committee will give funding priority to
activities with the potential to have the greatest local
impact – how many people served for how long? For
individuals asking for travel funding, priority will be
given to funding trips which will ultimately benefit more
people than the individual requesting the travel funds.
An individual can receive only one travel grant for
any given trip.
Funding Information & Timeline
delivered to the Capital Area United Way office no later
than 5:00 p.m., September 26, 2014; or postmarked no
later than September 26, 2014. Applications are
available via e-mail by request.
Available Grant Amounts: (Please ask only for the
funding that is reasonably needed for your project or
activity.) Grants to agencies/organizations or youth
initiated projects may range from $25 - $1,000. Grants
to individuals may be requested for a maximum of $250.
Individual applicants must be 18 or younger -- or still
enrolled in high school.
Funding Available: Grants will be awarded before
December 1, 2014.
Mail or Deliver 10 (original plus nine) copies
fastened with staple or paper clip (in upper left
corner) to:
Capital Area United Way (PO Box 1111)
1801 East Wells Avenue – Suite 2
Pierre, SD 57501
The Youth Booster Fund Committee will assist
organizations with: registration fees/scholarships for
youth unable to afford the fees; youth training/education;
adult training/education programs geared toward
working with youth; special youth programs and/or
speakers; equipment and/or equipment upgrades;
necessities and/or supplies used for youth projects, etc.*
The Youth Booster Fund Committee will help assist
individuals who have the opportunity to participate in
special one-time only activities, but are unable to afford
the costs associated with attending.*
The Youth Booster Fund Committee will fund
creative projects generated, planned and implemented by
youth for the betterment of their school or community.*
*Please include the name of the school or non-profit 501
(c)(3) organization that will serve as fiscal agent
(financial manager to receive dollars) for grant. NOTE:
Checks must be written to such an organization; they
will not be written to an individual.
Review and Award
The Youth Booster Fund Committee will review all
proposals received by the deadline. Final recommendations to fund or not fund are subject to approval by the
Capital Area United Way Board of Directors.
REPORT REQUESTED: When a grant is awarded,
representatives from funded projects will be expected to
report back to the committee with a letter summarizing
their use of the mini grant. Representatives may also be
asked to speak before the YBF Committee.
NOTE: Please DO NOT 3-hole punch!
-------------------------------------------------DO NOT include this page with your application! Application for organizations begins on page 3;
application for individual youth grants begins on page 7.
Capital Area United Way
Youth Booster Fund Organization Mini-Grant
Fall 2014
Please type or print clearly.
Organization Name and Mailing Address as it appears on tax return:
Telephone #:
Fax #:
Briefly describe the organization, its mission and goals.
Project description. Be specific. Include objectives, need to be met, time period covered, etc.
Total Amount of Mini-grant Requested: $
Total Project Budget: $
Capital Area United Way’s Mission:
“To increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another.”
Describe how your project fits into the above mission.
What other funding sources have you explored? How much have you received?
Has your organization ever received United Way funding for this or any similar project?  Yes  No
If “Yes,” please give the year, the amount received, and brief description of how funds were used.
How would you publicize/acknowledge United Way’s support of your project?
Please describe the consequences if United Way Youth Booster funding is denied.
Project Need Information
Year Established or Proposed (if new):
Number of Youth Served by this Project:
Participant fees for project, if applicable – explain what fees cover:
Financial Information only for the project covered by this request:
(POSSIBLE EXPENSE CATEGORIES: Salaries, benefits, payroll taxes, professional fees, supplies, telephone,
postage/shipping, occupancy, equipment, rental fees, printing, travel, meetings, membership dues, awards/grants,
assistance to individuals.)
United Way
Project Expenses
 Total Project Expense
Total United Way Request $
TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES (Indicate Surplus or Deficit)
PROJECT INCOME – If the funds requested do not constitute full support for your project, please list
other sources of income. Indicate whether funds are committed or anticipated.
Attachments --. Please feel free to attach program brochures,
pictures, articles or other pertinent information.
The undersigned hereby certifies:
 The information in this application, and various attachments are true and correct to the
best of our / my knowledge; and
 I understand this application is a necessary condition, but does not guarantee, that the
applicant will receive funding. United Way Youth Booster funds will be awarded semiannually
a competitive
RFP (including
process. attachments) by November 6, 2009.
Please submit
plus 12 copies
Please 3-hole punch all documents. Do not staple copies together.
Authorized Individual (typed or printed)
E-mail address
Please submit the original plus 9 copies (including attachments) by September 26, 2014.
DO NOT 3-hole punch the 10 documents. Please staple (or paperclip) the copies together
in the upper left corner. DO NOT include pages 1 & 2 of this packet with your application!
Thank you.
Capital Area United Way
1801 East Wells Avenue –Suite 2
PO Box 1111
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Telephone: 605-224-9229
FAX: 605-224-9529
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Capital Area United Way
Youth Booster Fund Individual Mini-Grant
(Applicants must be 18 or younger -- or still enrolled in high school.)
Fall 2014
Please type or print clearly.
Mailing Address:
Telephone #:
Name and Address of Fiscal Agent (organization to receive check -- as it appears on the
organization’s tax return):
Individual need – purpose for the request:
Total Amount of Mini-grant Requested: $
How does this funding request fit into your goals?
Capital Area United Way’s Mission:
“To increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another.”
Describe how your proposal fits into the above mission statement.
What other funding sources have you explored? How much have you received?
Have you or your family ever received United Way funding for this or any similar project?  Yes  No
If “Yes,” please give the year, the amount received, and brief description of how funds were used.
How would you acknowledge/publicize United Way YBF support if it is granted?
Describe the personal consequences if you do not receive YBF funding.
Financial Information (Be complete as possible.)
Other sources of funding:
Sponsorships (please specify)
Please itemize:
Special Fundraisers (please specify) $
Other Income (please specify)
Applicant Contribution/Cash
Total Income:
Total Expenses:
Income Less Expenses:
Attachments --. Please feel free to attach program brochures,
pictures, articles or other pertinent information.
The undersigned hereby certifies:
 The information in this application, and various attachments are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge; and
 I understand that this application is a necessary condition, but does not guarantee, that
the applicant will receive funding. United Way Youth Booster funds will be awarded
semi-annually through a competitive RFP process.
Individual’s Name (typed or printed)
E-mail address
Please submit the original plus 9 copies (including attachments) by September 26, 2014.
DO NOT 3-hole punch the 10 documents. Please staple (or paper clip) copies together in
upper left corner. DO NOT include pages 1 & 2 of this packet with your application!
Capital Area United Way
1801 East Wells Avenue – Suite 2
PO Box 1111
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Telephone: 605-224-9229
FAX: 605-224-9529
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Have you completely filled in the application?
Does your application include complete project expenses?
Do you have a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or school prepared to accept a check if your application
is approved? (NOTE: Not all “non-profit organizations” have 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service, so be sure
to ask.)
Do you have ten copies of your application, including the original, to submit to Capital Area United Way?
If your Youth Booster Fund grant is approved, will you promise to send a letter to Capital Area United Way
summarizing what you accomplished with the funds you received?