Subject: Biology
Class: IX
1. Name the process through which an amoeba acquires its food from the external
2. Name 2 cell organelles that contain their own genetic material.
3. Lysosomes are known as the suicidal bag of a cell. Give a reason to justify the
4. Name the organelle of a cell which is often referred as Power House of the Cell.
5. Name the plastid which stores starch, oils and protein granules.
6. Name the process by which CO2 and H2O move in and out of the cell.
7. State two important functions of the nucleus of a cell.
1. How does the bone matrix differ from the matrix of the cartilage?
2. A horse and a mango tree both are complex living organisms with specialized yet
different tissue systems to perform basic life functions. Give 2 reasons for
possessing different tissues to perform similar functions.
3. List four functions of blood.
4. State the technical term for a medium which has exactly the same concentration as
the cell? Why does the size of the cell remain the same when placed in such a
5. Name the elements of xylem which:
Help in transport of water and minerals
(ii) Stores food, and
(iii) Provides mechanical support.
6. Mention any 2 functions of Golgi apparatus.
7. In the temporary mount of a leaf epidermis we observe small pores.
What are the pores present in the leaf epidermis called?
(ii) How are these pores beneficial to the plant?
8. A plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What will happen? Will the cell burst?
Why or why not?
9. A mother who had suffered from chicken pox in her childhood, is now taking care
of her child who is suffering from the same disease. What are the chances of her
mother having chicken pox? Explain.
10. A farmer grows soya bean in five rows and maize in another five rows and follows
the same pattern throughout his one acre of land. Name the type of cropping
pattern, define the term and state 2 advantages.
11. (a) What would happen to the life of a cell if there was no Golgi apparatus?
(b) Which organelle detoxifies poisons and drugs in the liver of vertebrates?
12. List any 2 differences between striated and cardiac muscles with respect to their
structure and location.
1. (a) A farmer saw long unwanted plants in his cultivated field. What are these
plants commonly known as? Give 1 example for these.
(b) List any 4 preventive methods to be followed to protect the cultivated against
2. Name 2 exotic and 2 local breeds of cattle that the students have observed when
they visited a livestock farm. List any 2 desirable qualities that you would expect in
the progeny when they undergo cross breeding.
3. (i) Which cell organelle would you associate with ATP production? How is this
organelle able to make its own proteins?
(ii)A student performed an experiment by placing the de-shelled egg in a
concentrated salt solution for 5 minutes. What changes did he observe in the
egg? Give reason for the same.
4. As plants grow older, the outer protective tissue of stem changes into cork. How
does this happen? List 2 salient features of cork.
5. Name the kinds of muscles found in your limbs and lungs. How do they differ
from each other structurally and functionally?
6. What is organic farming? How is it useful over fertilizers and pesticides?
7. Write one point of difference between tube well and dug well. How is river lift
systems adopted to supply water to the agricultural land?
8. (a) List 2 roles of the nucleus of a cell.
(b) Name 2 substances stored in the vacuoles of plant cell.
9. Draw a neat diagram of neuron and label any 4 parts.
10. Name and differentiate the types of meristematic tissues on the basis of their
11. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of longitudinal section of parenchyma.
(b) Write 3 functions of the parenchyma cells.
12.Mention the type of tissue which
(a) Enables the plant to transport food material from leaves to other parts of its
(b) Helps in the growth of the girth of the stem?
(c) Helps in the transport of water from the root to the other parts?
(d) Provides support to plants and also stores food?
13.Explain the structural difference between plastids and mitochondria. Write any
one similarity between the two.
14. (a) The black and white dots in the picture below are an indication of 2 different
types of crop plants, identify the cropping pattern shown in figure A and B.
(b) Mention any 2 advantages of such cropping patterns.
(a) Describe any 2 irrigation systems adopted in India to supply water to
agricultural lands.
(b) Write any 2 advantages of building check dams.
16. Name the green, white and coloured plastids found in plants and state their
You pay a visit to your cousin’s place and come to know that he is suffering
from measles. Also your aunt has a problem of high blood pressure. Which of
these health problem are likely to be transmitted? How can you prevent yourself
from getting the disease? How would you categorise the above 2 diseases?
18. Mention 3 different ways of irrigation used by farmers and explain each.
19. (a) Write the location and function of collenchyma tissue.
(b) Draw a diagram of collenchyma tissue and label its any four parts.
20. (a) Name the connective tissue that is found between skin and muscles.
(b) Draw its diagram and label any 3 parts.
21. Explain your observation in the following with reason involved in the process.
(a) Salt is applied to raw mango pieces.
(b)Dried raisins are kept in water for a few hours.
22. What is animal husbandry? Differentiate between milch and draught animals.
What do the following supply to dairy animals:
(a) Roughage (b)concentrates
State differences between mixed cropping and intercropping with examples.
24. (a) State the constituents of phloem.
(b) How does cork act as a protective tissue?
25. Give one reason for the following statements :
(a) The blood is called connective tissue.
(b)Muscles are able to contract and relax to bring about movements.
(c) Muscles of heart are called involuntary muscles.
26. Describe the role played by the lysosomes. Why these are termed as suicidal
bags? How do they perform their function?
27. Name any three methods of irrigation and briefly describe them.
28. List the nutrients supplied by air, water and soil to the plants.
29. (i) A farmer wants to harvest more than 2 varieties at a time from his crop
field. He has no idea about the cropping patterns. Suggest him one method to get
the desired result. Also state three advantages of this cropping pattern.
(ii) Name any 2 fodder crops.
State 2 advantages of composite fish culture. What is the application of
hormonal stimulation in fish culture?
31. Division of labour exists even at intra cellular level. Justify this example by
giving 2 examples.
32. (a) Write 2 basic structural differences between Parenchyma and Collenchyma
(b)Identify and name the tissues “A” and “B” from the given diagram
(i) Uma started walking fast when she noticed that some unknown faces are
following her. Name the 2 types of tissues which facilitated the movement of her
leg bones in response to the stimulus.
(ii) Draw the diagram of any one of the above mentioned two tissues and label any
2 parts.
1. What are chromoplasts and leucoplasts? Give an example of chromoplasts which
has green pigment.
2. List any three differences between animal cell and plant cell.
3. (3.1) A farmer found that xanthium and parenthium are also growing with paddy in
the field. What are such plants called? How does the presence of these plants
affect the crop yield?
(3.2) List any four methods for controlling and preventing the growth of such
4. (a) A student visited a fish farm where he found Catla, Rohu, Mrigals, Common
Carps and Grass Carps cultured in the same pond. Name the type of fish farming
observed by the student.
(b) Mention the advantages of such farming system.
(c) What is the main problem in such fish farming? How do the farmers overcome
such problem?
5. (a) Mention the indications found in the grains that are stored in places of
inappropriate moisture and temperature. State loses occurring due to these.
(b)State 3 preventive measures to be taken before the grains are stored for future use.
6. (a) Define composite fish culture
(b) State the advantages of this system by giving suitable examples.
(c) What is the major problem in composite fish farming? How is this problem
7. Write 2 differences between the muscle present in the heart and limbs of man.
Also draw labelled diagrams of these 2 kinds of muscles.
8. (a) Differentiate between Intercropping and Mixed cropping giving one example
of each.
(b) List any 2 advantages of such cropping patterns.
9. (a) Mention 2 ways of obtaining fish.
(b) Explain composite fish culture system with the help of an example.
(c) What is the major problem in fish farming? How can this problem be overcome?
10.(a) Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using fertilizers. What is Vermi
(b) Differentiate between micro and macro nutrients and give one example of
11. Explain composite fish culture system with examples. State the major problem in
this system. List one way by which, one can overcome this problem.
12.(a) List the different ways in which biotic and abiotic factors affect stored food
(b) What preventive and controlling measures need to be taken before and after
storing the grains?
13.(a) What are two ways by which we can obtain fish for our food? Explain. How is
culture of Pomphret and Mackerel different from that of Catla and Rohu?
(b) Give an example each for (i) Fresh water prawn (ii) Marine water prawn
14.(a) How do the following factors improve the crop yield?
Shorten maturity duration
(ii) Biotic and abiotic resistance
(iii) Wider adaptability
(b) Define 2 methods of improving crop variety.
15. Unpredictable monsoon/ droughts/ low rainfall is adversely affecting the Indian
Mention any 2 initiatives that have been adopted to increase the availability
of water for agricultural purposes.
State 2 advantages of making check dams.
(iii) Briefly describe canal and river lift system of irrigation.
1) To test the presence of adulterant material yellow in dal, we would get the
correct result if:
(a) Conc. HCl is added to the dal extract
(b) Water is added to the dal extract
(c) Conc. H2SO4 is added to the dal extract
(d) Conc. HNO3 is added to the dal extract
2) Rahul added iodine solution to rice extract which is milky white in colour as
9shown in fig. A. The colour of the mixture in fig. ‘B’ will be:
(a) Blue
(b) Black – brown
(c) Blue – Black
(d) Brown
3) While preparing the temporary mount of onion peel the cells are stained in
order to :
(a) Make the peel more beautiful
(b) Maintain moisture in the cells
(c) Avoid the entry of air bubbles
(d) Highlight the sell structures
4) To observe cells in an onion peel we must prepare the slide by mounting on
it :
(a) Crushed pulp of onion
(b) Dry scale leaf
(c) Green leaf on onion ( Spring onion)
(d) Thin layer of fleshy leaf of onion.
5) To identify the human cheek epithelial cell slide from slides given, each
having different characteristics, the characteristic which you will take into
account for its identification are :
(a) Rectangular cells with prominent nucleus and chloroplast.
(b) Rectangular cells with prominent vacuoles placed side by side.
(c) Large flat cells with a prominent nucleus without vacuoles
(d) Rounded cells thick at corners having vacuoles.
6) After observing a slide under microscope, Medha identified the slide as of
parenchyma tissue. She recorded 4 characteristics of this tissue. The
feature which is not correct is :
(a) Cells are thin walled and prominent
(b) Cells are thick walled at corners
(c) A large single vacuole is present in each cell
(d) Large number are placed together with intercellular spaces.
7) Anju observed a permanent slide of a muscle fibre under a microscope as
shown below. She identified the muscle as:
(a) Striated muscles
(b) Cardiac muscles
(c) Skeletal muscles
(d) Non striated muscles
8) Raman while doing an experiment to find out the mass percentage of water
absorbed by raisins, measured the mass of dry raisins as 50g. He soaked the
raisins in water for four hours and again measured the mass as 80g. The
percentage of water absorbed by the raisins is:
(a) 40%
(b) 50%
(c) 60%
(d) 70%
9) Amit prepares a temporary mount of onion peel and stains it with
safranine. The colour the nucleus takes is:
(a) Blue
(b) Brown
(c) Red
(d) Transparent as it will not be stained.
10) While focusing on a permanent slide of animal tissue, a student first fixes
under which of the following objective lenses?
(a) 10X
(b) 40 X
(c) 45X
(d) 100X
11) In the figure of neuron, ‘x’ can be
identified as :
(a) Dendron
(b) Dendrite
(c) Axon
(d) Cell body
12) The special feature about the chloroplast of spirogyra is that it :
(a) Occupies all the space in the cell
(b) Is responsible for storage of food
(c) Is cup shaped
(d) Is spiral and ribbon shaped
13) The number of legs in cockroach is :
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) Four pairs
(d) Six pairs
14) A student put 5 raisins each in 2 beakers A and B. Beaker A contained 50mL
of distilled water and beaker B has 50mL of saturated sugar solution. After
sometime the student would observe that:
(a) Raisins in beaker A were more swollen than those in beaker B.
(b) Raisins in beaker B were more swollen than those in beaker A.
(c) Raisins in both beakers A and B were equally swollen.
(d) Raisins in beaker A did not swell up at all.
15) While observing an onion peel slide under the microscope, Rita noted the
following characteristics:
(a) Presence of single nucleus in a cell.
(b) Cells attached edge to edge without intercellular spaces
(c) Presence of cell wall around each rectangular cell.
(d) All of these
16) Meena purchased a packet of arhar dal from a shop. For testing the presence
of metanil yellow in dal, she should use :
(a) NaCl
(b) HCl
(c) Iodine solution
(d) Safranine
17) If you are asked to test the presence of starch in a sample, you would add it
to a few drops of:
(a) Methylene blue
(b) Iodine
(c) Safranine
(d) Glycerin
18) Before scraping the inner side of cheek to prepare a temporary mount of
cheek cells, the mouth is rinsed to:
(a) Avoid injury
(b) Make it alkaline
(c) Make it acidic
(d) Remove food particles
19) Lignin thin wall is found in :
(a) Collenchyma
(b) Parenchyma
(c) Sclerenchyma
(d) Striated muscle
20) A student was asked to identify the process which occurs when the raisins
are soaked in water:
(a) Osmosis
(b) Plasmolysis
(c) Endocytosis
(d) Diffusion
21) Cells with evenly thickened, hard, lignified walls are called:
(a) Parenchyma
(b) Collenchyma
(c) Striated muscle cells
(d) Sclerenchyma
22) Some students collected different food samples. Which one of the
following food sample would give a positive iodine test?
(a) Sugars
(b) Pulses
(c) Potato
(d) Boiled egg
23) The food extract in the following test tubes is adulterated with :
(a) Malachite green
(b) Metanil yellow
(c) Turmeric
(d) Potassium dichromate
24) Which of the following is a typical cheek cell?
25) A student stained onion peel with safranine and observed under
microscope. The colour of the cell wall appeared :
(a) Deep blue
(b) Pinkish red
(c) Black
(d) Blue
26) To observe cells in an onion peel, the students prepared the slide by
mounting on it :
(a) Crushed pulp of onion
(b) Dry scale leaf
(c) Green leaf on an onion
(d) Thin layer of onion
27) Some students observed a permanent slide of striated muscles. The cells
appeared to be:
(a) Cylindrical
(b) Discoidal
(c) Spindle shaped
(d) Square shape
28) Two slides of plant tissues are focused under 2 microscopes. How can
Anamika confirm the slides of sclerenchyma?
(a) By the position of vacuoles in the cells
(b) By the size of the cells
(c) By the thickness of the cell wall of the cells
(d) By the presence of nucleus in cells
29) In the determination of percentage of water absorbed by raisins for 5g
raisins, the amount of water required for soaking is nearly :
(a) 5 mL
(b) 10 mL
(c) 100 mL
(d) Any amount in which these are completely immersed
30) A teacher focused the slide given below under a compound microscope.
Which of the following student identified it correctly?
(a) Sheela identified it as cheek cells
(b) Madhu identified it as squamous
(c) Bella identified it as parenchyma
(d) Shanti identified it as onion peel
31) Metanil yellow, an adulterant used in arhar dal, is basically :
(a) An acid used in toilet cleaner
(b) An inorganic dye used in leather, paper and textile industries
(c) A detergent used as washing powder
(d) Yellow painted small stone pieces
32) Luna was trying to test the presence of starch in potato tuber. She forgot
the reagent with which the starch gives blue colour. Help her to select the
correct reagent from the following:
(a) Safranine
(b) Methylene blue
(c) Iodine
(d) Eosin
33) In the cells of an onion peel, the nucleus is seen :
(a) In the centre of the cell
(b) In the corner of the cell
(c) Near the plasma membrane
(d) On one side of the cell
34) Which of the following can be considered as the identifying character o
(a) Presence of intercellular spaces.
(b) Presence of thick cell wall
(c) Presence of chlorophyll
(d) Presence of stored food.
35) A student recorded the mass of dry raisins as 3g and the mass of raisins after
soaking in water as 4.8g. While performing the above experiment, the
percentage of water absorbed by raisin:
(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(c) 60%
(d) 40%
36) The slide observed under the microscope shows number of nuclei present in
its cells. The cells are of:
(a) Sclerenchyma
(b) Striated muscle
(c) Nerve cell
(d) Parenchyma
37) Rita wants test the presence of starch in the bread. The reagent which she
can use is :
(a) Iodine solution
(b) Methylene blue
(c) Methyl orange
(d) Safranine
38) Harris bought Tur dal. The grains fell in water. It turned yellow. He took it to
the lab and added a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The
sample turned pink. It inferred the presence of:
(a) Starch
(b) Turmeric
(c) Metanil yellow
(d) Proteins
39) Meena was asked to prepare a temporary mount of onion peel. She
observed the slide under the microscope and found that the nucleus is:
(a) In the corner of the cell
(b) Near the cell wall
(c) In the centre if the cell
(d) Not present in the cell
40) A student was asked to prepare a temporary mount of the human cheek
cells and list the steps.
Scrapping from inner side of the cheek
(ii) Adding a drop of glycerin
(iii) Adding a few drops of methylene blue
(iv) Spreading it on the slide
The correct sequence is:
(a) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(b) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(d) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
41) Latika mounted an onion peel and observed it with the help of the
compound microscope. The components of the cell which would be seen
(a) Cell membrane, Mitochondria and nucleus
(b) Cell wall, nucleus, Golgi apparatus
(c) Cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane
(d) Cell wall, Cytoplasm, nucleus
42) Minerva observed the permanent slide of tissue and found that the tissue
has long narrow cells with lignified cell wall, which can be:
(a) Collenchyma
(b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Parenchyma
(d) Chlorenchyma
43) Rose labelled the parts A, B, C and D in the diagram of nervous tissue after
observing its permanent slide under a microscope. The correct labelling is:
(a) A – nucleus, B- myelin sheath, C- cytoplasm, D- dendrite
(b) A- nucleus, B – cytoplasm, C- Dendrite, D – myelin sheath
(c) A – cytoplasm, B – myelin sheath, C – nucleus, D – dendrite
(d) A – nucleus, B- dendrite, C – myelin sheath, D – cytoplasm
44) Ram soaked 6 raisins in 40mL of water in a beaker labelled ‘A’ and another
6 raisins in 40mL of water in a beaker labelled ‘B’. He maintained the
temperature of beaker ‘A’ at 370C and beaker ‘B’ at 90oC. After an hour he
calculated the water absorbed by raisins in beaker ‘A’ and beaker ‘B’ and
found that the percentage of water absorbed is:
(a) More in A and less in B
(b) The same in both A and B
(c) More in B and less in A
(d) Water is not absorbed by both A and B
45) A student recorded the mass of dry raisins as 4g and the mass of raisins after
soaking in water as 6.4g. While performing the above experiment, the
percentage of water absorbed by the raisins is :
(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(c) 60%
(d) 40%
46) While preparing a temporary mount of human cheek cells, the excess
glycerin on the slide :
(a) Is left as it is
(b) Is drained by tilting the slide
(c) Is allowed to evaporate
(d) Is drained by tilting the slide and then the slide is gently wiped using a
filter paper.
47) When iodine solution is added to the following 4 samples of food I, II, III and
IV, the sample which turn blue black are:
Boiled rice
(II) Crushed potato
(III) Boiled arhar dal
(IV) Powdered arhar dal
(a) I, II
(b) I, II, III
(c) I, II, IV
(d) I, III, IV
48) When 2 – 4 drops of hydrochloric acid were added to the given sample of
arhar dal, the pink colour developed in the dal due to the presence of:
(a) Metanil yellow
(b) Starch
(c) Turmeric powder
(d) Chalk powder
49) Geeta was asked to prepare a temporary mount of onion peel and list the
steps. While writing, she wrote following steps which may not be in proper
sequence :
Add few drops of safranine stain and transfer to a slide
(ii) Cover it with a coverslip
(iii) Add a drop of glycerin
(iv) Take out onion peel
(v) Keep the peel in water in a petri dish
The correct sequence would be:
(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
(b) (iv) (v) (iii) (ii) (i)
(c) (iv) (v) (i) (iii) (ii)
(d) )v) (iv) (i) (iii) (iii)
50) Anuradha observed a slide of nerve cell, drew its diagram. Choose the
correct labelling :
(a) I, II, III, IV, V are correct
(b) V, II, III are correct
(c) IV, V, II, III are correct
(d) Only I and IV are correct
51) A student was asked to identify the process which occurs when the raisins
are soaked in water:
(a) Osmosis
(b) Plasmolysis
(c) Endocytosis
(d) Diffusion
52) Cedric was given three slides. By mistake he drew 4 diagrams. Select the
correct diagram of striated muscle.