Transcript from 72nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop (partial from 00

Transcript from 72nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop (partial from 00:56:11)
(v1 2016-03-04) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Mr. K. Vince, can we have the picture of the systems which is designed by an Italian designer? It’s
going to be in the market within the next week, two weeks, and these are the reactors, these
are the jobs we start creating in Italy.
The technology is so correct that what we were producing in China, that China still produces, it’s
a huge market. We support the Keshe Foundation in China and the Chinese Foundation, and the
other people. But from now on you buy everything you buy from Keshe Foundation is made in
Italy, designed by Italians, and it’s got a beautiful flavor of Italians. These will …. on the market
within the next two weeks, three weeks. It’s all the primary job is done.
Can you come up with it? What’s the problem? You are looking for a USB stick?
And these are the systems, they are coming this morning, you understand what they can do.
This is done. It’s a beautiful Italian taste, Italian flavor, and it will create thousands of jobs in
Italy. You will come to understand the potential of this technology in Italy, because you have to
produce all these materials, you have to produce all the other materials, goes with this
production: lift, motion, energy, everything else. And this is to bring a lot of Italians out of
unemployment. We already have started a University in Italy for production of these materials.
The Foundation is paying itself to support.
These are the new reactors. You can create energy through these reactors. People who work
around Keshe Foundation they know how to use it. They know how it can be applied. Can we
have the star formation? This is… singular. The Keshe Foundation people from next week you
can order these directly, it’s beautifully done, it’s gone into manufacturing now. Can we have
the star formation? You need four of these to be able to make a system to create lift with. We
will bring in the lift technology in the coming months, in Italy, where you can literally lift a car, or
whatever you need, or produce energy. This is known as a star formation, comes with power
supply. It is totally made from A to Z in Italy - Italian design, Italian label work, and everything
will be sent out of here worldwide.
And then, as you know, we have released the energy production unit, which you can connect to
your car and run a car without the fuel, more or less. You can connect into your house and run
the energy of the house freely. That is already marketed for 2 weeks, 10 days at the moment
with the Keshe Foundation. Again you see it, Italian flavor, this has gone into production I
authorized it 2 days ago.
So, this is the size of a cola bottle, you can put it in your car, while inside it, you connect into
your ashtray/cigarette lighter in the car, you can drive the car more or less without any fuel.
The same size, you see it, it is the same structure as before, you plug it into the house. You
don’t need to buy any energy, but the beauty with this is, if you have been around the Keshe
Transcript from 72nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop (partial from 00:56:11)
(v1 2016-03-04) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Foundation, for every kw hour you use at home you put back 5 kw hour back into the national
grid. So, you become a supplier in your house.
The principle of this, if you have been on the Keshe Foundation website has been on… this
technology. As you see all the fans here, even your camera, your projector, is run through this
system, the more you use the more energy you put back into the grid. So, for every kw you use
you put 5 kw back into the grid, which means your energy at home is free, plus you support…..
Because it means they don’t need to import oil, they don’t need to import any fuel. But the
same technology when you add it into your system….
Yes, we don’t say so…if you come closer you see it.
This has been running for three weeks now in our teaching room, it has been on from the day it
was put on. If you look we have used 20 kW hours, we are not talking about watts we are
talking about kW hours. 20 kW it like running a bar heating bar of 2 kW hours in the winter for
10 hours. We’ve taken 20 kW hour from the grid, but the good thing with it is if you look at the
above one 111 kW hour. We have put in back into Italian grid 111 kW 5.5 times more than what
we have consumed. This will change the course of the energy in Italy and the rest of the world.
It is already used in England, it has already been developed further by the Keshe Foundation
supporters in a different form in the Philippines, in India, in China and people are literally
making it for themselves and giving it to the others to make what we call these beads. These
beads are made in the Philippines last week, they have gone crazy with it, from dry leaves of a
tree and they are producing a beautiful system with it, which means the present electronics if
you go from here to America, in Europe we use 220 240, in America you are 120 110 the system
itself supplies at 110 120 you don’t need any electronics. If you are at 50 Hz or 60 or the beauty
of it is, watch what is happening as you drove into the property here you saw the solar cells,
these solar cells produce