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TAGS: Supercritical
CO2 Fluid Extraction, Cannabis, Oil Extraction
Kiinja System Versus Infinity Supercritical CO2 Extraction System |
CO2 Extraction System Review | Blog | Industry Series
Overall Comments:
They offer 10-20L and 1,000 to 10,000 psi.
Company: Relatively new to the Cannabis
space, first time I've heard of them. Website:
They use WordPress and Yoast SEO plugin.
Last Google spider/cache was on November
1st. They use Google Analytics tracking ID:
UA-77127435-1. Website is not updated on
any regular basis, and there is no content
related material (for extraction, botanicals,
etc.). Infinity maintains a website with
additions on a daily basis, and a full
publications resource.
Infinity 10L System
System: Collection:
They offer only one collection vessel (2L),
unsure of capacity to collect or prevent carryover of oil. Infinity has three at 1.5 L each,
and we use electrostatic precipitation and
filter to prevent any carry-over. Fractionation
can be controlled by Back Pressure Valve(s),
chiller temperature, and electrostatic
Infinity Collection Vessels
Kiinja System Versus Infinity Supercritical CO2 Extraction System
Extraction Vessel:
Appears as though they offer a 5x5 or 10L
and a 10x10 or 20L. The patent-pending
innovation is the vessel which can be rotated.
Looks like they have some type of electromechanical sealing/lid closure (more moving
parts = more maintenance and
possibility of failure). Infinity System is
horizontal, no moving parts, and includes
baskets which allow easy loading-unloading.
Baskets also allow flash freezing from
harvest, which allows extraction of high-value
Infinity 10L Horizontal Extraction Vessel
Extraction Time:
Based on modeling only - 1.2 to 2.2 hours.
Actual testing will be done first quarter 2017.
"Actual performance may vary and is not
guaranteed. System projections based on
engineering modeling. Actual system
performance data expected Q1 2017."
Modeling based on what - Cannabis trim,
flower, hops, etc. ? I think they're
being very optimistic on the modeling. What
we have found is that computer models don't
work well in this type application, since the
botanicals are never consistent (variety, size,
moisture content, trim, flower, pellet type,
etc.). Infinity has a 30/30 and 45/45 time.
Oil Extract From Infinity Supercritical Machine
Loading Quantity:
They are basing the quantity of botanicals
using a pelletized input material. The only
thing I've seen pelletized is hops, and trying
to extract oil from a pelletized product is
longer, and not complete. In addition, to
pelletize a botanical, it involves huge
compression pressures, which results in heat.
Heat kills the terpenes and flavinoids - which
is exactly why a CO2 system is used (to
preserve flavors). The Cannabis industry
does not pelletize trim or bud.
Extract Oil From Infinity Supercritical Machine
Kiinja System Versus Infinity Supercritical CO2 Extraction System
CO2 Pump: Unclear whether they use a
diaphram pump (requires additional air
compressor and additional chiller) or a liquid
phase-change pump. A pump that can do
10,000 psi is either a very expensive large
diaphram pump, or a Waters type needle
plunger pump. Unless they have extensive
testing with the pump and this application,
they are in for a big surprise (pump failure,
seal failure, etc.). It has taken us over 1.5
years to finally modify a
pump so that it is a stable and has relatively
maintenance free operation.
That includes pump head modification,
fabricating our own high pressure spring
seals, etc.
Infinity Liquid CO2 Pump With Heat Recovery
CO2 Flow Rate and Temperature: Same.
Pressures: They claim to go up to 10,000
psi, which is the full extraction range.
Anything above 2,000 psi will extract all
waxes and chlorophyll. That requires a great
deal of post processing. Waters uses a
system that goes up to that pressure as well,
and for groups that want high pressure, most
will purchase a Waters (which dominates the
Denver market) that can also fractionize oil
extract output into three vessels. Infinity goes
up to 2,000 psi and output can be
fractionalized into three collection vessels.
Inside a Liquid CO2 Pump Mechanism
Pressure Maintenance:
How do they regulate pressure ? Back
pressure valve or valveless technology ?
Infinity uses a Swagelok BPV (Back Pressure
Valve) to precisely regulate pressure, and a
automated pressure sensor feedback loop,
which is controlled by a VFD. The Variable
Frequency Drive regulates the pump RPM, to
maintain pressure. Set it, and it maintains
pressure. The VFD also has ModBus which
allow external communications to network
with monitoring and control.
Pressure Sensor Feedback Loop VFD
Kiinja System Versus Infinity Supercritical CO2 Extraction System
ABB full automation, which allows duplication
of recipies, similar to Apeks. In the video they
use ABB, which is very old-school and
expensive, typically used for large industrial
systems. Infinity uses standard semiautomated VFD and PID systems. Customer
can upgrade to full automation, and can
monitor the system via network computer, or
via smartphone. Additional datalogging
capabilities using Filemaker database
software, which includes text alerts,
maintenance alerts, etc.
Infinity Semi-Automated System Control
Unclear what diameter tubes they use. If they
are using 10,000 psi compliant tubing, then
they're probably using 1/16 or 1/8 inch tubing,
which will clog (ask any Waters operator).
Infinity uses 1/2 to 1/2 inch stainless steel
tubing. No clogging.
Infinity Uses 1/2 and 1/4 Inch SS Tubing
Their system looks very very expensive.
While full automation is a nice option, if
something doesn't work perfectly, you can't
finish the run and lost product and result in
costly downtime.
The Infinity System is $90,000 for the base
unit and $35,000 for 10L expansion modules.
Since the system is semi-automated, you
have the flexibility of running different recipes,
and can change up the schedule on-the-fly.
System not prone to any software glitches.
Kiinja System Versus Infinity Supercritical CO2 Extraction System
Engineer Review:
Looks like they have peer review.
Infinity has a engineer peer reviewed system.
Infinity System is Engineer Reviewed
Overall Comments: Kiinja looks like a
interesting system. They don't mention
Cannabis or Hops on their website, which will
not bode well for getting traffic to their
website and selling product. Hard to tell if
they've actually built a production mature
system, since testing isn't scheduled (at least
from what they say) to 2017.
While the high-automation might seem
attractive, unless the PLC is operating with
good software 100 percent of the time, it will
be frustrating to troubleshoot if something
goes wrong. While Apeks systems are very
popular, the big complaint with Apeks
operators is the software.
Cannabis Extract from Infinity System
One added item, which I did not address,
since it wasn't clear how the extraction and
collection vessels were heated with their
system. In general, the vessels need some
type of heating system. This can be a
enclosed hot water bath (slow heating time
and requires a chiller that is actually used for
heated water), or solid state electric heat (fast
Infinity uses the solid state heat on our
Infinity Supercritical LLC | Extraction News | Notes | Review Blog | Copyright 2016