Lecture 1 LINEAR OPTICAL EFFECTS IN NANOSTRUCTURED SOLIDS Pavel Kashkarov M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” Oulu University August 28, 2008 Outline I. Introduction II. Photonic crystals and anisotropic layers based on porous silicon III. Silicon nanocrystals in dielectric matrix for optoelectronic applications IV. Silicon nanocrystals for biomedical applications V. Conclusions Oulu University August 28, 2008 Photonic crystals and anisotropic layers based on porous silicon 1. The idea that nanostructuring of homogenous and isotropic media results in completely new optical properties was suggested many years ago (see excellent textbook “Principles of Optics” by M. Born and E. Wolf). But at that time there was not appropriate technology to fabricate nanostructured materials. 2. There were suggested two types of structures with form anisotropy: parallel layers and periodically arranged nanocylinders. Both structures show a strong birefringence. Oulu University August 28, 2008 Form Birefringence Lord Rayleigh Oulu University August 28, 2008 ... Photonic crystals and anisotropic layers based on porous silicon 3. 4. 5. Only recently an electrochemical technique was applied to fabricate such structures on semiconductor substrate (mainly silicon). Another type of an artificial medium is a photonic crystal. It turns out that it also can be easily made by the electrochemical treatment of semiconductors. The obvious advantage of porous nanostructured media is the possibility to change the optical properties of the sample by filling pores by different gaseous, liquid and solid substances. Oulu University August 28, 2008 Electrochemical nanostucturing of semiconductors quantumwires cross-section of wires is 1-5 nm HF solution c-Si thicknessof porous layer is1-100 m metal plate Oulu University August 28, 2008 Different morphologies of porous silicon Preferential pore growth in <100> crystallographyc direction microporous (100) surface, =10 cm Oulu University mesoporous (110) surface, =3 mcm August 28, 2008 Tailoring of the Refractive Index by Nanostucturing 80 Porosity (%) 1.6 70 1.8 60 2.0 2.2 50 2.4 40 0 Refractive index 1.4 p-Si (75 mcm) Effective media approximation (Bruggeman model ) eff of the disordered heterogeneous mixture: P d eff d 2 eff (1 P) Si eff Si 2 eff 0 2.6 50 100 150 200 250 2 Current Density (mA/cm ) 300 where P is porosity refractive index: Oulu University n eff August 28, 2008 Porous Silicon Based Photonic Crystals c -S i Ideal Bragg reflector Bragg condition: 2 Current density (mA/cm ) n1d1+n2d2=/2 100 12 pairs n1=1.3, n2=2 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 time (sec) Oulu University August 28, 2008 1D Photonic Crystal Based on Porous Silicon d2 d1 Oulu University n2 n1 August 28, 2008 Linear Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals Based on Porous Silicon Wavelength (m) 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 1,0 (A) Reflectivity 0,5 0,0 1,0 (B) 0,5 0,0 1,0 (C) 0,5 0,0 8 11 14 17 20 3 23 26 -1 Wavenumber ( 10 cm ) Oulu University August 28, 2008 Strong Optical Anisotropy in (110) Porous Silicon (1 p ) eff 1 eff , ii 2 eff , ii p 0 Li (1 eff , ii ) eff Li ( 2 eff , ii ) Oulu University Generalized Bruggeman model August 28, 2008 Refractive index Effect of Porosity on Birefringence of Nanostructured Silicon Films For layers prepared at j =100 mA/cm2 : 2.0 1.8 no 1.6 Δn=0.24 <n> = (no+ne)/2 = 1.3 δn=Δn/<n> = 0.18 1.4 ne 1.2 0.4 no-ne 0.3 0.2 80% 0.1 65% porosity 0.0 medium Crystalline Si Iceland spar Por-Si (110) Δn 5 10-6 0.15 0.24 60% 25 50 75 Current density, mA/cm 100 2 Nanostructured Si films have large birefringence value δn =18% Oulu University August 28, 2008 Polarization Tunable Photonic Crystals Reflection spectra E ^ [001] E || [001] Reflectance 1.0 12 pairs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1000 1200 1400 1600 Wavelength (nm) Oulu University August 28, 2008 Oxidized Porous Silicon X-ray diffraction c-Si Por-Si Oxydized por-Si • Thermal oxidation of birefringent por-Si film results in formation of chemically stable, transparent for visible radiation medium, which possesses optical anisotropy. Oulu University August 28, 2008 Birefringence of Oxidized Porous Silicon 950 oC 2.5 h Transparent birefringent film 0.025 |no - ne| 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2 Current density (mА/сm ) Oxidized por-Si film on a mirror under a polarizer. Oulu University In oxidized por-Si birefringence is 2 times higher than in quartz August 28, 2008 Silicon nanocrystals in dielectric matrix for optoelectronic applications 1. Silicon was, is and will be the main material for microelectronics, but application of silicon in optoelectronics is limited. 2. Low probability of radiative electron transition in Si can be increased by formation of nanoparticles or/and by an introduction of activators of luminescence. 3. A Er3+ ion possesses rather promising properties as a luminescence activator in Si. The Er3+ luminescence line (λ=1.54µm) corresponds to a maximum of transmission in the quartz fiber waveguides. 4. For formation of light emitting device we combined both approaches Oulu University August 28, 2008 Light absorption in semiconductors (interband transitions) 1. Direct gap materials (GaAs, InP, CdTe, CdS ) Е Е L GaAs f Eg=1.52 эВ h Eg Eg 0– i 0 p p2 p2 Ec ( p) Eg * , Ev ( p) * 2me 2mh <111> <000> <100> p h Ec Ev ph pc pv 0 ph h / ( 104 103 cm ) pc ,v h / a0 (a0 107 cm ) pc ,v ph Oulu University August 28, 2008 Light absorption in semiconductors (interband transitions) 2. Indirect gap materials (Ge, Si, GaP ) Е h Ec Ev ph pc pv p phon i′ I f Eg1 Eg h Eg i Eg2 II f′ p 3. Heisenberg uncertainty principle p x / 2 p / 2d , where d is a nanoparticle size Oulu University August 28, 2008 Quantum size effect E e h / pe ; ne / 2 d , n 1,2,... E3 pe2 h 2n 2 pe hn / 2d ; Ee 2 * * 2me 4d me h 2n 2 1 1 * * E Ee Eh 2 4d me mh E g E g 0 E E 2 E1 0 d Oulu University z August 28, 2008 Quantum size effect 2D structure E h E c E v m2 Quantum size effect enables one to modify absorption and luminescence spectra of semiconductor nanoparticles m 1 E e1 Eg E g0 E h1 The effect becomes appreciable when the size of a particle is less then 10 nm m 1 m2 px , p y Oulu University August 28, 2008 Size-controlled Si nanocrystals in nc-Si/SiO2 Superlattices 3nm Preparation Details: M. Zacharias et al., APL 80, 661 (2002). Oulu University 1. Alternating evaporation of SiO powder in vacuum 10-7 mbar or in oxygen atmosphere under oxygen partial pressure of 10-4 mbar. This changes the stoichiometry x of SiOx alternatively between 1 and 2. 2. SiO/SiO2 superlatticies are characterized by the thickness of the SiO layers varied between 1 and 3 nm and the thickness of SiO2 layers between 2 and 3 nm. The number of periods varied between 30 and 90. 3. The evaporated samples were annealed at 1100 oC under N2 atmosphere. Thus nc-Si/ SiO2 superlattices were obtained. 4. Er doped nc-Si/SiO2 superlattice were produced by implantation with Er ions (energy 300 keV, doses 1014 – 5·1016 cm-2) followed by TA at 900 oC for 5-60 minutes. Er August 28, 2008 Norm alized PL Intensity Size Dependent PL of nc-Si/SiO2 Structures d S iO = 6 ... 2 nm 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Photon Energy (eV) Size of Si nanocrystals is controlled by initial thickness of SiO layer in SiO/SiO2 superlattice The peak position of PL spectrum is determined by quantum confinement and excitonic effects in Si nanocrystals in SiO2 matrix. Oulu University August 28, 2008 Effect of Er doping on PL of nc-Si/SiO2 PL Intensity (arb. un.) 4 10 4 4 I13/2 - I15/2 4 I11/2 - I15/2 4 4 I9/2 - I15/2 4 F9/2 - I15/2 hexc= 3.7 eV T= 300 K nc-Si/SiO2 0 4 Er3+ dSi = 3 nm 10 -1 10 -2 10 nc-Si/SiO2 nc-Si/SiO2:Er a-SiO2:Er 1.5 m (0.8 eV) -3 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Photon Energy (eV) 1.8 2.0 P.K.Kashkarov et al., JETP 64,1123 (2003) Er doping results in both two order of magnitude quenching of the exciton PL and a strong emission line at 1.5 m Er-doped a-SiO2 layers does not exhibit efficient Er photoluminescence Efficient energy transfer from electronic excitation of Si nanocrystals to Er ions Oulu University August 28, 2008 Transient PL Investigation of Er3+ Population Inversion 1 decay 4 0.5 N1/NEr Time (ms) 5 3 2 nc-Si/SiO2:Er d=4 nm rise 1 0.01 N1/NEr= 1 - rise/decay 0.1 0.1 1 0.01 2 0.1 1 2 Pump power (W/cm ) Pump power (W/cm ) N1 N0 • Lifetime of Er-related PL becomes shorter at Iexc > 0.1 W/cm2 that correlates with the population inversion of Er3+ Oulu University August 28, 2008 Silicon nanocrystals for biomedical applications 1. Oxygen molecules exist in several forms: non-active one (ground state) and active ones (excited states) 2. In the active form oxygen is toxic and therefore fatal for any live cells 3. This property of active oxygen is used to clean water containing harmful microbes and is the base of our immunity 4. In some cases generation of active oxygen can be applied for cancer therapy 5. But how an oxygen molecule can be transferred into active form? Oulu University August 28, 2008 Electronic Structure of Molecular Oxygen =7s 1 S Excited States: 1.63 eV = 50 min 1 • Spin Singlet • Energy-rich • High chemical Reactivity: S(O2) + S(Mol.) S(Mol.) 0.98 eV 3 Ground State: S O O • Spin Triplet • Paramagnetic • Chemically inert: T(O2) + S(Mol.) S(Mol.) Optical Excitation is inefficient Photosensitizer is required Oulu University August 28, 2008 Photosensitization: Basic Principle Energy Transfer S1 T0 h S S0 T Donor R Acceptor Efficient Energy Transfer requires: Small Spatial Separation between Donor and Acceptor • Spectral Overlap of Donor and Acceptor Energy Bands • High Quantum Efficiency of Donor Luminescence Oulu University August 28, 2008 Si Nanocrystal Assemblies as Photosensitizers? •Simple Electrochemical Preparation •Open Nanostructure •Efficient Photolumenescence A.G.Cullis and L.T.Canham, Nature 353, 335 (1991) Exciton Lifetime (µs) S 10 3 10 2 10 1 T S 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Energy (eV) • Broad Tunable Emission Band Oulu University • Long Exciton Lifetime (µs - ms) August 28, 2008 Effect of Physisorbed Oxygen Molecules on PL of Si Nanocrystal Assembly PL Intensity (arb. units) 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 T=5 K Vacuum Physisorbed O 2 1 3 S 1 0.8 1.2 1.6 • PL Quenching of Excitonic and Defect Emission Band • 1 3S Emission Line of 1O2 S 2.0 Energy (eV) Evidence for Energy Transfer from Excitons to O2 Oulu University August 28, 2008 Singlet Oxygen Photosensitization in Water Exciton PL Intensity (arb. units) PL transients of porous Si powder dispersed in water 1 mg of nano-Si (from micropor-Si) dispersed in 3 ml of H2O I PL (t )dt vac hex=3.7 eV T=300 K 0.1 without O2 PL=90 s O2 saturated PL=40 s 0.01 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (s) I PL (t )dt 1.7 oxygen for SO ~ 1-3 s: Oulu University hPL=1.6 eV 1 E 40% NSO ~ 1015 – 1016 (1/cm3) August 28, 2008 Effect of Porous Si on cancer cells (in vitro experiments with mouse fibroblasts) Relative Number of Cancer Cells Cells were counted by using optical density measurements 1.2 in dark 0.8 under illumination 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Concentration of Porous Si (g/l) Cancer cell number vs porous Si concentration in the dark (blue symbols) and after illumination (red symbols) Oulu University August 28, 2008 Number of cells 600 A G1 400 IG1+ IS+ IG2 (arb. un.) DNA Analysis 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Concentration of nc-Si (g/l) 200 G2 S 0 0 200 400 600 800 DNA content Histogram of DNA content for the cancer cells kept in the nutrient solution with dispersed porous Si (1.5 g/l) in darkness (blue curve) and after illumination (red curve). Symbols G1, S, and G2 mark different cycles of the cell proliferation. The apoptotic cell region is marked by A. Inset shows the relative contribution of G1, S and G2 regions vs nc-Si concentration in the dark (blue symbols) and after illumination (red symbols) Oulu University August 28, 2008 h Photodynamic cancer therapy triplet 3О 2 nc-Si Si nc-Si Si singlet 1О 2 Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si tumour nc-Si Oulu University August 28, 2008 General Conclusions • Nanostructuring of homogenous and isotropic Si-crystals enables one to form photonic media with unique properties • Ensembles of Si-nanocrystals in a dielectric matrix are promising base for silicon laser compatible with microelectronic technology • Bio-compatible Si-nanoparticles are effective photosensitizers of singlet oxygen generation what can be applied for photodynamic cancer therapy Oulu University August 28, 2008 Thank you for the attention! Oulu University August 28, 2008
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