human endocrine hormones

Name___________________________ REVIEW SESSION
Directions: Listed below are the major hormones produced by the human body.
Luteinizing hormone
growth hormone
Next to each gland listed below, write the name of the hormone or hormones it produces.
1. pituitary_________________________________________________
2. thyroid______________________________________________________
3. parathyroid________________________________________________________________
4. adrenal_ _____________________________________________________________ ____________
5. pancreas (islets of Langerhans)________ _______________________
6. testis___________________________________________________________
7. ovary____________________________________________________________________
Next to each of the functions listed below, write the name of the hormone that produces this
raises the blood sugar and increases the
heartbeat and breathing rates
causes glucose to be removed from the blood
___________ _______________
10. influences the development of female secondary
sex characteristics
and stored
11. promotes the conversion of glycogen to glucose __________________________
12. controls the metabolism of calcium
13. promotes the reabsorbation of sodium and
potassium ions by the kidney
14. influences the development of male secondary ____________________________________
sex characteristics
15. stimulates the elongation of the long bones of
the body
16. stimulates the secretion of hormones by the
cortex of the adrenal glands
17. regulates the rate of metabolism in the body
18. stimulates the development of eggs in the
female’s ovary
19. involved in the regulation of carbohydrate,
protein and fat metabolism
20. Stimulates the production of thyroxin
Label diagrams
Numbers 1, 2, and 3 represent regions of the nervous system. Three women were given three different
local anesthetics. One woman was given an anesthetic to block region 1, another woman was given an
anesthetic to block region 2, and a third woman was given an anesthetic to block region 3. A fourth
woman was given no anesthetic.
A. block is at 1
B. block is at 2
C. block is at 3
D. no block
The subject can move her finger, but cannot feel the movement.
The subject can feel the heat on her finger, but cannot move her finger.
When the skin of the finger is stimulated, the finger moves and the subject feels it
1.Crosses between white and red flowered plants result in pink offspring. When these offspring
are crossed the ratio of plants expected is:
The flowers described in the previous question illustrate an example of:
3. What type of sex cells could be produced by a YYRr plant?
4. If both genes present at identical locations in homologous chromosomes are for different forms of a
trait, the organisms should be considered:
Evolution Worksheet
1) Who was Charles Darwin?
2) What is evolution?
3) What is an adaptation?
4) Explain how the shape of a finch’s beak is an example of an adaptation?
5) What is natural selection?
6) What is a species?
7) When members of a species compete, what do they compete for?
8) What happens when species overproduce offspring?
9) How does the environment “select” organisms?
10) What is variation?
11) How do helpful variations accumulate in a species over time?
12) Why can only traits controlled by genes be acted upon by natural selection?
13) What is geographic isolation and give an example.
Look at the bird beaks below. Match the bird beaks with the kind of food the bird eats.
Kind of Food
Bird Beaks
14) ______ Insects
15) ______ Seeds
List the factors that affect the process of natural selection with their definitions.
16) ____________________ Effect caused by limited food and other resources
17) ____________________ Difference between individuals of the same species
18) ____________________ Effect caused by species production more offspring than can
Two Theories of Evolution
If you had been a biologist in the 1800s, you would have had to decide between two main
theories about how evolution occurred. Consider the long neck of a giraffe. How did that evolve?
Read the two explanations below, and then answer the questions that follow.
Theory 1
The ancestors of giraffes had short necks, and there was great competition for the plant food near
the ground. Some of the giraffes kept trying to stretch their necks to reach leaves higher in the
trees. As they stretched and stretched, their necks became longer. As their necks became longer,
they were able to reach more food. Those ancestral giraffes survived to reproduce, while the
giraffes that had not stretched their necks died. The offspring of giraffes with stretched necks
inherited the longer necks. This process continued for generation after generation. In this way,
giraffes evolved with longer and longer necks.
Theory 2
The ancestors of giraffes had short necks, and there was great competition for the plant food near
the ground. Some of the ancestral giraffes naturally had slightly longer necks than others. The
individuals with longer necks could reach leaves higher up in trees, and therefore could eat more
food. Because those ancestral giraffes ate more food, they survived to produce offspring while
the individuals with shorter necks did not. The offspring of giraffes with longer necks inherited
the longer necks. This process continued for generation after generation. In this way, giraffes
evolved with longer and longer necks.
1. In Theory 1, what caused the giraffe neck to become longer?
2. In Theory 2, what caused the giraffe neck to become longer?
3. According to what scientists now know about genes, could the giraffes’ offspring have
inherited longer necks as described in Theory 1? Explain.
4. According to what scientists now know about genes, could the giraffes’ offspring
have inherited longer necks as described in Theory 2? Explain.
5. Which of the two theories matches Darwin’s theory of evolution? Explain.
6. Explain how and why are classification systems developed?
7. Names the levels of classification from least to most specific.
8. Hyla crucifer (the spring peeper) is written in what language?
9. Hyla is what level of classification?
Ecology Unit Review
Review all of your notes and vocabulary words.
1. Define ecology.
2. Define abiotic and give an example of an abiotic factor.
3. Define biotic and give an example of a biotic factor.
4. List the 6 levels of organization of ecology. Describe each level.
5. Define habitat.
6. Define niche.
7. If organisms have overlapping niches, what is a likely outcome of their interaction?
8. Describe commensalism and give an example of commensalism.
9. Describe mutualism and give an example of mutualism.
10. Describe parasitism and give an example of parasitism.
11. What type of organism is capable of using and storing energy from the sun?
12. How must heterotrophs obtain energy?
13. How do detritivores obtain energy? Give an example of a detritivore.
14. How do herbivores obtain energy? Give an example of an herbivore.
15. How do carnivores obtain energy? Give an example of a carnivore.
16. What are the two types of carnivores? Give an example of each type of carnivore.
17. How do omnivores obtain energy? Give an example of an omnivore.
18. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
19. Some __________ is lost at each trophic level
20. The ultimate/primary source of energy is ___________________.
21. A rabbit eats a carrot and a fox eats the rabbit. What level consumer is the rabbit?
What level consumer is the fox?
22. If the primary producers stored 1000 units of energy, how many are stored in the tertiary
consumer level?
23. If the primary producers stored 1000 units of energy, how many have been lost by the time
you get to the tertiary consumer level?
24. Why are the number of trophic levels limited?
25. What trophic level has the most organisms?
26. What trophic level has the least number of organisms?
27. Where are four places water is found?
28. The process of ______________ moves water from lakes, rivers, and oceans to the
29. The process of ______________ leads to the formation of clouds.
30. The process of ______________ returns water to the bodies that store it.
31. What is the greenhouse effect? How do people, carbon dioxide and plant life play a role in
the greenhouse effect?
32. What is succession?
33. When organisms colonies new areas (that have never had life) it is called
34. The first species to populate an area is called the ________________.
35. The mature community that is developed after community becomes stable is the
36. When organisms colonize an area that once had life that was wiped out is
37. One of the main differences in secondary succession is that the community already has
38. Populations growing with no limitations show a ___________ shaped curve called
____________ growth.
39. What is carrying capacity?
40. If you had an aquarium, how could you increase the carrying capacity? How could you
decrease it?
41. A population that has grown to its carrying capacity forms a ______ shaped curve.
42. List and define the two types of environmental limitations?
43. Give an example of a density-dependent factor.
44. Give an example of a density-independent factor.
45. How does population size of both predators and prey affect each other?
46. List several positive and negative effects population growth and technology have on our
47. How can we lesson the negative effects that human population growth can have on the