“6th EWA/JSWA/WEF Joint Conference The Resilience of the Water

Conference Announcement
Call for Abstracts
“6th EWA/JSWA/WEF Joint Conference
The Resilience of the Water Sector”
Munich, Germany, 15-18 May 2018
organized by:
EWA (European Water Association) JSWA (Japan Sewage Works Association)
WEF (Water Environment Federation)
in cooperation with IFAT - Messe München
Abstract submittal deadline: 25th September 2017
Conference Description
Resilience is a strong emerging theme within the water sector. From long term water
resource availability and water quality impacts of droughts, to the need for resilience against
short lead time disruptive events such as floods and earthquakes. These types of events not
only disrupt water sector infrastructure and operations, they also affect other infrastructure
that a reliable water sector depends on. This includes electrical power supplies,
telecommunications, and transportation as well as disruption to the supply chain and
workforce. The impact of such events can be long lasting and far-reaching, affecting
negatively on customers, the environment, and business performance. Ultimately, resilience
is a significant business risk management as well as an infrastructure planning issue. This
joint conference will explore ways in which the sector in its broadest terms is developing
resilient systems, assets, and operations so that business continuity risk is well managed in
the face of adverse conditions. The intention is to share experience from across the world
covering: real life examples of lessons learned from major events; good response and
recovery practices; and current activities that are strengthening resilience.
Joint Conference Topics:
Topic 1: Water Services resiliency
Topic 2: Resource recovery to strengthen resilience
Topic 3: Infrastructure investment, management and adaptation for resilience
Theme 4: Sustainability of the water business including planning and managing for
environmental, economic and workforce sustainability
Abstracts (at least one but no more than two full pages) should be structured with the
following order: Title; Authors and Affiliations; Keywords (maximum of 5); Abstract text.
Authors of accepted abstracts who do not submit the final papers by the due date will be
replaced on the program. The Leading Authors (who will present the papers - oral or poster
presentations - at the Conference) will be responsible for paying their own travel expenses
for the Conference. There is no participation fee for the Authors.
With the submission of abstract by e-mail, the following “Abstract Form” should be completed
and inserted in the corresponding e-mail message.
Joint-Conference Awards:
Best poster awards - each winning poster will have the opportunity to have a 5 minutes
Joint-Conference Key Dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 25 September 2017
Notification of abstract acceptance: 6 November 2017
Submission of full papers: 26 March 2018
Submission of PowerPoint presentations): 16 April 2018
Joint-Conference Chairmen
The EWA President - The WEF President - The JSWA President
Joint-Conference Technical & Scientific Committee
Chairmen: Fabio Tatano (EWA ETSC Chairman) - Karen Kubick, PE (WEF Board of
Truestees) - Mr. Masahiro Takahashi (Professor in Hokkaido University)
Members: Toshio Shimada (WEF), Hardeep Anand, P.E. (WEF), Mr. Hiroyuki Fujimoto
(JSWA), Mr. Yosuke Matsumiya (JSWA), Prof. Jiri Wanner (EWA), Prof. Jörg Londong
(EWA), Károly Kovács (EWA), Prof. Patrick Willems (EWA), Prof. Peter Goethals (EWA), Iva
Vidakovic (EWA), Florin Arimia (EWA), Miklos Patziger (EWA), Iain Blackwell (EWA)
Joint-Conference Secretariat / Submission of Abstracts:
Boryana Dimitrova
European Water Association (EWA)
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17
53773 Hennef (Germany)
+49 2242 872189
+49 2242 872135
Email: [email protected]
Technical-Scientific Information:
Dr.-Eng. Fabio Tatàno
Chairman “ETSC, European Technical and Scientific Committee” at the EWA
University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy
+39 0722 304264
[email protected]
Conference website: http://www.resilience-conference2018.com
“6th EWA/JSWA/WEF Joint Conference
The Resilience of the Water Sector”
Munich, Germany, 15-18 May 2018
Abstract Submission Form
Presentation Title:
Leading Author (who will present the paper at the Conference):
City/State or Province/Zip/Country:
Preferred form of Presentation (Oral presentation, Poster):