8 mistakes in personalization

Delivering revenue through a better customer experience
A Kibo eBook for eCommerce Professionals.
It’s All About You
Building Loyalty
Personalization Defined
The Benefits of Personalization
The 8 Mistakes
Mistake #1
Living and dying by profiles
Mistake #2
Building your personalization
strategy on rules alone
Mistake #3
Thinking like NASA
Mistake #4
Waiting for ‘one to one nirvana’
Mistake #5
Looking backward instead of
Mistake #6
Forgetting the power of search
Mistake #7
Thinking of personalization as an
Mistake #8
Limiting personalization on your
Let’s Recap
Learn More
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Your sister just had another
baby. Nice. Now you’ve got a
If you go to your favorite eCommerce website
and buy her that little set of onesies, you’ll
never hear the end of it.
Because every time you come back to the site,
you’ll be besieged by “Little Me Layette Sets,”
bodysuits, blankets and tiny, reversible hoodies.
‘Honestly, folks, it was just a one-off. I’m still
into Nirvana.’
8 Mistakes in Personalization
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
We’re into the second decade of the 21st century. Why do so many retail
websites still fail to establish a personal relationship with their shopper?
It’s not like it’s a new idea.
The vision of personalized shopping
experiences has been around for years. But
for many online merchants, the promise is
still far from the reality.
Clearly, something is holding marketers
back from delivering the relevant, timely,
highly personalized web experiences that
all of us shoppers want these days.
This eBook is about these
obstacles—and the things
marketers like you can
do to overcome them.
It’s based on our experience in helping
some of the world’s most successful
online brands deliver highly personalized
experiences by using our SaaS solutions
built specifically for eCommerce.
The idea is simple: the more personal and
relevant your interaction is with a shopper;
the more engaged they will be on your site.
The more engaged they are, the more likely
they are to buy. The more they buy, the
better your results. The trick is to engage
in a way that recognizes the shopper’s
intent, at any given moment. It’s all part of
our personalization solutions. But more on
that later…
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Traditionally, personalization has meant: Serving
specific content to a web visitor based on the
things you know about him or her.
Let’s start by taking a
look at what you know
about your shopper.
Most shoppers are first time visitors to
eCommerce sites and are completely
unknown. A small subset is known as they
have spent some time on site in the past
and engaged with products. The rare few
are named customers who have a purchase
history or maybe even a log in. Instead
of treating everyone exactly the same,
relevant personalization is about leveraging
important clues about each visitor, what
pages they visit, how much time they
spend there, how they get there, the search
terms they use to find items and for the
named visitor, their past behaviors like
recent purchases.
But to really engage a visitor, you must add
an important dimension to the traditional
personalization: context. While a profile
tells you who is visiting, contextual
clues tell you why they’re there now—an
important psychological factor in customer
Greater Engagement
with personalized recommendations.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Done correctly, personalizing your customers’
online experience delivers significant benefits
that can be grouped into three big buckets:
Increased conversion rates:
Happier customers:
However you define conversions—
revenue, downloads, sign-ups—the right
personalization will dramatically improve
When they find what they are looking for,
shoppers feel satisfied. Happy customers
tell their friends, make fewer returns, and
come back to shop with you again. So the
big metrics that drive customer lifetime
value go up. Whether looking for a specific
product or a piece of content, satisfying
the shopper is what it’s all about. Whether
it is B2C or B2B, a product or a content
transaction—shoppers love satisfaction.
Bigger orders:
When they see what they want, visitors
buy. And when you help them discover the
perfect products and accessories—along
with content and stories that explain them
—they buy more.
Typically, we see personalization improve
average order values by upwards of 40%
and conversion rates improve by 400600% depending on retail segment.
Dan Darnell
Vice President of Product Marketing,
Kibo, Inc.
8 Mistakes in Personalization
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Here are eight of the top personalization mistakes and misconceptions
we’ve seen repeated over and over again. Some may seem obvious;
others might be new to you. Either way, in this day and age, they are all
8 Mistakes in Personalization
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Understand Intent
Think about the clues your web visitors
send out as they click through your site—
what terms do they use to search, what
items do they engage with, what does the
click path look like as they navigate from
here to there? Now think about how you
can leverage these even if you don’t yet
know the visitor.
Most marketers think you need detailed profiles
or segmentation to personalize. They’re wrong.
Think about it:
If you’re marketing effectively, a large
proportion of your web traffic is new
visitors; people you have no data on. But
that doesn’t mean you know nothing about
them. In fact, if you’re looking, you can pick
up dozens of clues from each session. We
call these contextual clues because they
tell you what the visitor is trying to do—
and they’re available to you whether or not
you know the name, address and shoe size
of the visitor.
Once you’re tuned in to clues about the
shopper’s current intent, adding in any
profile data available can be quite valuable.
But use profile data alone and marketers
run the risk of alienating shoppers by
treating them as if they are only living in
the past.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Many personalization tools are just digital rules engines. Rules like “If a
shopper does this, then offer that” are created by experts who, ideally,
understand both technology and the ins and outs of your business.
The problem is that, on their
own, personalization rules
don’t work. Here’s why:
They’re labor and expert-intensive.
Not every retailer can afford their own
tech-lab and data scientists. We shouldn’t
all have to grow our own personalization
They go out of date quickly.
eCommerce is changing so fast that
merchandising rules need constant
tweaking and testing. Out-of-date rules
inhibit conversion.
8 Mistakes in Personalization
They multiply like rabbits.
Rule stacks start growing on day one and
never stop. That creates a management
headache that grows, too.
They clash.
As rules multiply, they start disagreeing
with each other. These conflicts impede
your ability to optimize site revenue and
conversion rates.
Their uplift degrades.
Because of the above dynamics, the
benefits of rule-based personalization tend
to diminish greatly over time.
The best case scenario is where you take
a machine learning system and ask it to
optimize for the KPI you care most about
and let it run. But not all organizations
are quite ready to trust machine learning
alone. So merchandising rules should
always be available to be used sparingly for
exceptions (like promotions), to hard-wire
key business rules (like blocking licensed
content from some territories), and to
target visitors based on explicit profile
data. But rules alone will seldom deliver the
results that math-based machine learning
systems provide.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
The Power of Data
The best guide for accurate personalization
is the thousands of shoppers that have
already visited your site. Machine learning
systems ask “What did likeminded
shoppers do? What was their intent?
What products or content helped them
to fulfill their need?” This data is directly
absorbed into the models and algorithms
of a big data platform to predict relevant
personalization. It is rocket science, but it
feels more like magic.
A lot of eCommerce executives think personalization is
a massive exercise requiring a big IT implementation,
an overhaul of people and processes, and of
course, a new eCommerce platform.
If that’s your approach, check
your assumptions at the door.
With today’s Cloud-based solutions,
personalization is usually deployed quickly,
requires some, but not much support
from IT, and in some cases, comes with
a simple, intuitive user interface so that
your merchandising teams are effective
immediately and able to deliver measurable
ROI within 90 days.
solutions either work with you to accelerate
your time to productivity, or they die. If it’s
all about increasing revenue, conversion,
engagement and average order value, then
empowering the merchandiser without
heavy IT lifting is job number one.
First-generation personalization solutions
were like first-generation CRM tools.
Designed for the power user with a
heavy dose of IT support required,
personalization 1.0 was not ready for the
fast paced world of eCommerce today.
Times have changed and personalization
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Many confuse personalization with treating each
shopper uniquely: one to one. It’s a nice thought, but
actually really hard to do. The truth is, people are
more alike than we think—it’s our patterns that make
us unique. That’s why aggregating shopper pattern
data delivers a personalized interaction that feels
genuine to each shopper.
8 Mistakes in Personalization
Patterning is so much more
than tracking clicks.
click. Tracking these activities also offers
priceless intent clues­—as long as you can
detect and act on them in real time.
The sweet spot for understanding
intent is to focus in on what people are
really engaging with. Paying attention
to the patterns of shopper engagement
activities like page views, dwell times,
mouse movements, scrolls and video
views gives you a ton of insight into what
your shoppers are really looking for.
These insights accurately predict new
visitor behavior and offer an experience
that is feels personalized from their first
Responding to these micro-behaviors while
the session is still live is where the real
uplift comes from personalization. Waiting
for a purchase so you can adapt the next
visit is too little, too late. Using predictive
modelling, personalization capitalizes on
real shopper engagement patterns and
delivers content or products tailored to
that shopper before they ever have a
chance to click away.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Data analysts and merchandisers who
understand eCommerce are worth their weight
in gold. They also tend to cost their weight in
gold—and for good reason.
If you’re using your experts to analyze
thousands of web sessions, slice and dice
the data, generate insight and create
rules to capture that insight, you’ll never
be as responsive or as profitable as you
need to be. How will you understand
what your customer needs today if you
are only looking at what they wanted last
week? It’s time to get over the ‘insight lag’
that plagues so many digital commerce
Be here now.
Instead of getting experts to analyze
spreadsheets and look for patterns, the
system itself should harvest insight from all
the micro-behaviors taking place on your
site—right now—to determine intent and
deliver the best content for each customer
in the moment.
Just as importantly, your personalization
solution should dynamically monitor
the results and automatically improve
over time. There’s just too much data
for humans to track these days. Let the
machine learning and big data systems do
the tracking and your rock star analysts
and merchandising pros focus on adding
value at a much higher level.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Valuable Insight
Analyzing your on-site search activity
is a powerful guide for SEO and search
marketing. Understanding how people
search on your site can help you discover
new keywords, improve paid search reach
and boost natural search performance as
well as helping your shoppers to find what
they are looking for easily and in their own
A strong homepage with key features
like clear product categories and
helpful on-site search are essential to
ensuring that customers who land on
any given page can find exactly what
they are looking for.
Must-Have eCommerce Features, Forrester
Research, Inc., March 10, 2016.
8 Mistakes in Personalization
Search is one of the most powerful intent
signals any user can transmit both as they
navigate to your site, and while on your site.
But most websites (and many personalization
platforms) ignore it completely. It’s a simple
concept: the search terms shoppers use should
be a primary driver of the content they see.
Whether it’s natural search or pay-per-click, the
search term is a big, bright, neon sign that says,
“I’m looking for X.” To ignore it and serve up
generic content is well, opportunity lost.
By augmenting your basic
on-site search, marketers
start to understand product
affinities better and improve
overall site navigation.
Does your site refer to that black clutch
as a handbag, a pocketbook or a purse?
Probably not, but your shoppers do. Onsite search should help you to make a
logical pairing between shopper vocabulary
and your product descriptions.
Find-ability is a critical
element of a great
customer experience:
Whether on the web or on your site, if
customer experience is important to you,
don’t forget the power of search.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
You wouldn’t dream of running your site without a powerful eCommerce
platform right? If conversion is important to you (and revenue, and
engagement and CTRs) then personalization should be at the top of your
to do list if it isn’t already.
eCommerce growth continues to surge
and great retailers are taking advantage of
this trend to grow revenue and profitability.
A big ingredient? Investing in initiatives
that improve the customer experience
like better product detail pages and
From improved layout and photography,
to more compelling product and content
recommendations, the product detail page
is where conversions happen.
One retailer saw greater
engagement rates climb when
they added recommendations
to product detail pages.
It’s that relationship thing.
Relevant, engaging content keeps your
shopper on your site longer. And, when that
content meets the need of that shopper,
believe it or not, they get this great feeling
of satisfaction. It’s almost like winning at
a game of Concentration. Thoughts like “I
found it!” and “I solved my problem!” go
through their mind and at the end, they
have you to thank.
Take this powerful psychology and marry
it with a really well designed product page
and you have the beginning of a lifetime
customer relationship. The combination
works so well, that savvy eCommerce
execs deploy personalization as broadly
as possible across all of the touch points
where they interact with shoppers.
Personalization is now so ingrained and
expected by shoppers that it is a modern
day necessity.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Your website is where shoppers from all parts of the globe
and all walks of life can find you. Why not treat them like the
loyal customers you hope they become from minute one?
Great retailers know that there is a lot of
psychology involved in effective marketing.
Creating affinity to your brand, making the
relationship personal and capitalizing on
shopper impulse—these are time-tested
tricks of the trade. The best personalization
strategies use what you learn from all of
your shoppers—known or unknown—to
make personalized recommendations in
each interaction—from product detail
pages, to category pages, cart pages, the
home page and even landing pages so that
each visitor finds relevant products and
The ability of this solution to
intelligently introduce our customers
to relevant products across our ever
growing assortment made Kibo a
superb choice to augment our internal
expert recommendations.
David Markle, Director of Site Experience
Shoppers see you as a single brand
regardless of how or where they find you.
Be sure your personalization approach
covers all of the bases—mobile, email and
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
You’re ready to improve your eCommerce personalization.
Whatever you do, don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.
Think automation. Think real-time.
Think responsiveness.
Think fast, light deployment.
Think patterns and predictability.
If we only leave you with one thought,
it should be this: serving customers’
immediate needs always pays dividends.
Today’s eCommerce marketplace demands
that you identify customer intent fast,
deliver a satisfying experience to your
shopper and respond more effectively.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
We’ve seen that web personalization can strap
a rocket to your conversion rates; keep buyers
coming back for more; and drive improvements
in all other channels. But only if you do it right.
We’ve also seen that eight common
mistakes are holding eCommerce
professionals back from harnessing the
power of web personalization:
Over-relying on profiles – instead of
actual intent.
Depending only on rules – instead of
being guided by like-minded peers.
Thinking everyone is special – instead of
seeing how we are really more alike.
Making personalization a second class
citizen – it’s expected by your shoppers, so
move it to the front of the line.
Limiting personalization to the PDP –
it’s a site wide expectation, so deploy it
wherever you can.
Some of these may sound obvious, but
in our experience with more than 400
website deployments, they’re still incredibly
Mis-using your experts – instead of
automating the task and freeing them to
add real value.
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.
Kibo Real-Time
(RTI) Overview Sheet
Kibo empowers retailers and branded manufacturers to achieve optimal performance of B2C and B2B commerce through
unified consumer experiences. With more than 40 years of innovations, Kibo provides a complete omnichannel commerce
platform delivered with the lowest total cost of ownership and the fastest time to market. By leveraging Cloud technologies,
individualized buying experiences, and true enterprise scale, Kibo enables you to reach higher peaks of sales and consumer
loyalty. No matter the challenge, Kibo powers your success.
To find out more about Kibo, call 877-350-3866
or visit our website at www.kibocommerce.com
© 2016 Kibo Software, Inc.