[Name of Your Organization]

CSU New Generation of Educators Initiative
Short Term Cross-Project Collaboration Timeline and Management Plan
Please complete this Cross-Project Collaboration Timeline and Management Plan for the purpose of identifying concrete next steps in collaboration among two or more teams to
build teacher candidate skills and sharing learnings and promising practices across the system. Successful Cross-Project Collaborations will result in new knowledge about
promising practices to build teacher candidate skill.
 After establishing your collaboration team, please identify at least one specific, measurable skill which all members hope to build in the teacher candidates with whom they
 Next, identify the ways in which your team is currently working to build this specific skill in teacher candidates.
Are you taking similar approaches? If so, how could you best work together to ensure you are sharing, not duplicating, work?
Are you taking different approaches? If so, how could you test your approaches to identify what works best in your context?
 As you consider which skill or skills you plan to focus on, and how you want to collaborate with respect to your approaches to building this skill or skills, consider in
o How will you assess the effectiveness of the approach or approaches to skill building you plan to implement?
o How might your collaboration produce knowledge, tools, or resources that would be helpful to the rest of the CSU system?
o What are small, measurable, approaches that you could test as soon as this summer that might yield insights that could be helpful to others as soon as this fall?
For instance, if both of your efforts involve selecting and training effective mentor teachers who can provide consistent feedback to teacher candidates on a particular skill, how
might you share knowledge about potential promising practices for mentor teacher selection and training this coming summer? Will you work together on the same approach, or test
different approaches? How will you assess success? What might the rest of the system learn from the tools, knowledge, or resources that may emerge from your collaborative
Name of Cross-Project Collaborative: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Projects Involved: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Team Members: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
This collaboration aims to build teacher candidate skill in: [identify at least one specific, measurable skill]:
___________________________________________________________________________, by [detail the approach or approaches to building this skill which you will
Definition of Success/Outcome:
How will you assess success of your planned collaboration?
What tools, knowledge, or resources might emerge from your collaboration that could be helpful to the rest of the system as soon as Fall 2016? [NOTE – deepening system
understanding about why or where something does NOT work is just as helpful as understanding “what works” in one particular context. The goal should be to identify: what works,
for whom, under what circumstances?]
Please use this table to detail your planned collaborative activities, aligned with the outcomes, tools, resources, or knowledge you plan to produce.
Key Activities/Actions
Measurable Outcomes and/or Tools,
Resources, or Knowledge produced
What barriers, if any, exist to the success of your intended collaboration goals, and what resources would be needed to ensure you can achieve the intended goals
of your collaboration in the short term? Long term?
You might consider: technical assistance or support resources, the resource of team member time and effort, travel or convening resources, policy or advocacy
resources, or other types of resources.
Potential barrier or challenge
Why is this a challenge?
Ex: geographic distance between
Ex: challenging to travel to observe
one another’s work in person
Ex: currently hard to know which
mentor teachers will serve until late
Ex: hard to plan training for mentor
teachers without knowing their needs
What resources could help you
overcome this challenge?
Ex: small amount of funding or
funding flexibility to allow for inperson meeting
Ex: staff time to review surveys of past
mentor teachers and identify likely
areas of need
Why would these resources be helpful?
Ex: would allow for observation of
promising practices in person and
could lead to richer collaboration
Ex: could help team prepare training
resources most likely to meet needs