Singapore NFP Service Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12 NFP

Singapore NFP Service
Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12
NFP Service Steering Committee Minutes
Session 2/2012
Date: 17 Mar 2012
Time: 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
Place: CTK Room 109
Present: Douglas, Pollen & Gen, Andy, Ignatius, Michael, Sybil & Luke & Sarah, Audrey
1. Activities
1. MPC
a. Q1 - 26 Feb (Sun) - done
b. Q2 - 13 May (Sun)
c. Q3 - 15 Jul (Sun)
d. Q4 - 21 Oct (Sun)
2. CME
a. Q1 - 18 Feb - done
b. Q2 - 28 Apr
c. Q3 - 7 Jul
d. Q4 - 13 Oct
3. Steering Comm Meetings (every 2nd Sat of the month)
a. 10 Mar > 17 Mar - done
b. 14 Apr > Shift location to Holy Spirit
c. 23 Jun
d. 11 Aug
e. 8 Sep
f. 10 Nov
4. Retreat – Sybil with Dorene & Ken
a. Sat 31 Mar, 2-5.30 PM
b. End off with Mass at CTK
c. 2 talks – Cambodia, Lent with Tea break in between
5. Social Outing Michael
a. KIV for 2nd half of the year, possible dates 13 Nov (Deepavali) to end Nov
b. Ideas:
i. Durian and Farm Tour in JB
ii. Southern Island Tour
3. Project with CMG/CNG
1. Awareness on NFP in medical circle – Doug and Janet to work with CMG, CNG – Doug
a. In principal, CMG & CNG have agreed to collaborate with us and to work with their
members so that they can promote NFP in their work.
b. Liaise with CNG – Janet
c. Liaise with CMG – Doug
2. Materials
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Singapore NFP Service
Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12
a. Need to put up education materials which can used with CMG/CNG & to cater to various
audience, anyone can pick up the package and deliver a session with NFP interested
parties Sybil
i. Public (non medical or new people)
ii. Medical staff
4. Publicity
1. Catholic News FLS article
a. Matt and Bern has written
b. Check with Matt and Bern on the status - Andy
2. Website
a. Complete centre listing – Andy
b. Maintain centre list – Andy, get help from Audrey
c. Remove Mt A from list – Andy
d. Sell BOM book online? To explore – Andy
e. E-learning of NFP? To explore – Andy
f. Database of past NFP couple - Andy
i. To build a database of past NFP couples so that we can continue to be in contact
with them and send them update info on NFP
3. Discussion
a. Name Card – supply to all instructors - Andy
b. Annual Report – deadline 30 Jan – Doug & Ian Done
4. EE
a. To ask EE to do away with forms and SMS directly to NFP instructors – Andy
5. To build a NFP promotional video – Sarah, Teresa
5. AOB
1. WOOM Conference 2013, celebrating 60 years – Sybil
a. Fri 26 to Sun 28 Apr 2013 in Kuching
b. Need more info
2. Medical Advisory Team
a. Doug spoke with Dr Cosmas Chen (General Surgery), Dr Gabriel Seow (Family
Medicine), Dr John Hui (Family Medicine) to be on board the Team
b. They will be able to provide phone (urgent) or email support (non-urgent) to instructors
on medical related NFP questions so that we can better advise our couples
c. They are not expected to attend meetings, info on NFP activities will be disseminated to
them and they can respond whenever relevant
d. Contacts:
i. Dr Cosmas Chen 98795127 / [email protected]
ii. Dr Gabriel Seow 98151080 / [email protected]
iii. Dr John Hui 81338008 /
3. Affiliation with WOOMB
a. KIV till 2013
4. Cambodia
a. Need more info, wait until after Retreat where Fr will talk more about it
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Singapore NFP Service
Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12
5. NFP Statistics - Audrey
a. To get Audrey to help, takeover from Sybil
6. Categories of NFP members
a. Instructors – Teachers of NFP to couples
b. Promoters – Non teachers who are familiar with NFP (attended TTC or NFP course
before but not able to commit as NFP Instructors)
c. Volunteers (new) - Non teachers who might be not be very familiar with NFP (likely not
attended TTC or NFP course before) but able to help NFP cause with their specialize skill
or expertise
7. Certificate of attendance – Ignatius/Anne
a. To congratulate the couples who have completed the NFP course, proposed to issue them
a certificate of attendance
b. The cert can be similar to our instructor cert, to explore further what to be done at the
next meeting
8. Review NFP form - All
a. To discuss at next meeting on how form should be updated
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Singapore NFP Service
Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12
NFP Service Steering Committee Minutes
Session 1/2012
Date: 14 Jan 2012
Time: 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
Place: CTK Room 109
1. Introduction
1. Committee decided to co-opt Ian as our Honorary Advisor.
2. Activities
6. Upcoming CME – 18 Feb
a. Discuss TTC questions (Pollen) Done
b. Distribute Certs (Pollen) Done
c. Chart Review / revision (Sybil) Ian’s case study was covered
d. Difficult Chart review / discussion
7. MPC
a. Q1 - 26 Feb (Sun)
b. Q2 - 13 May (Sun)
c. Q3 - 15 Jul (Sun)
d. Q4 - 21 Oct (Sun)
8. CME
a. Q1 - 18 Feb
b. Q2 - 28 Apr
c. Q3 - 7 Jul
d. Q4 - 13 Oct
9. Steering Comm Meetings (every 2nd Sat of the month)
a. 10 Mar
b. 14 Apr
c. 23 Jun
d. 11 Aug
e. 8 Sep
f. 10 Nov
10. Retreat – Sybil with Dorene & Ken
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Singapore NFP Service
Steering Committee Minutes Mar 12
a. Sat 31 Mar, 2-7 PM
b. Include Mass & Dinner
11. Social Outing
a. KIV for 2nd half of the year
12. TTC & Training
a. Last test - 6 passed, 2 did not pass
b. To have 1 course during 2012-2013 term
c. To aware certs at next CME
d. To prepare Certs – Ignatius and Anne Done
3. Project with CMG/CNG
2. Awareness on NFP in medical circle – Doug and Janet to work with CMG, CNG - Doug
4. Publicity
6. Catholic News FLS article
a. Matt and Bern has written, Andy to circulate in Comm for awareness
7. Website
a. To add page for Steering Comm Notes – Andy Done
b. Complete centre listing - Andy
c. Remove Mt A from list - Andy
8. Discussion
a. Name Card – supply to all instructors - Andy
b. Annual Report – deadline 30 Jan – Doug & Ian Done
9. EE
a. To ask EE to do away with forms and SMS directly to NFP instructors - Andy
5. AOB
9. WOOM Conference 2013, celebrating 60 years –
a. Fri 26 to Sun 28 Apr 2013 in Kuching
b. To be discussed in future meetings
10. Medical Advisory Team
a. To be discussed in future meetings
11. Affiliation with WOOMB
a. KIV till 2013
12. Cambodia
a. To be discussed in future meetings
13. Social Outing to Batam
a. Spent $2019, collected $277, nett spent $1742
14. Other expenses
a. Projector - $688
b. Website - $238
c. Material storage cupboard - $140
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