JWST SODRM 2012 Effort

Karl D. Gordon & the
JWST Efficiency WG
15 Aug 2012
SODRM 2012
SODRM = Science Operations Design Reference Mission
Goal is to generate a realistic estimate of the 1st year of JWST observations for
subsequent studies to improve efficiencies and other operations studies
Not used for efficiency requirement
More realistic than SODRM 2005
Observing and Engineering Templates
Target acquisition
Defined dither patterns
Broader, more realistic science
Major effort by STScI and wider JWST community
JWST Efficiency WG: K. Gordon (lead), V. Balzano, W. Blair, H. Ferguson, W. Kinzel, J.
Lotz, J. Rigby, G. Sonneborn, & J. Tumlinson
Total of 56 scientists contributing directly
112 programs → 1.78 years total time
70 science, 42 calibration
JWST-STScI-CI-000045, Revision C
Undergoing final review in SOCCER
SODRM 2012 Program Information
Every program had a coordinator (most from STScI)
Responsible for making sure the program material is submitted
Working with others was encouraged, especially those outside of STScI
Program nominal allocation given
Provided an approximate guideline and breakdown between the major science
Actual program times were driven by the science needs
1-2 page description of each program
APT/spreadsheet file
Details that define the exposures (e.g., filling out the options in an observing
APT [19.4]: NIRCam, NIRSpec, MIRI
Spreadsheet: NIRISS
Programs are an approximation of the cycle 1 JWST observations
Science summary and outline of targets and observational strategies
Not allocations or reservations of observing time
Expect that the SODRM will be revised a few more times before launch
Imaging of resolved stellar populations (ID: 94010, lead: Gordon)
The goal is to investigate the stellar populations in nearby galaxies
AGB & YSO stars are of particular interest in the MIR
4 positions in M31 (nucleus to 10 kpc star forming ring)
3 positions each in LMC, SMC, & NGC 6822 (metallicity range)
2 positions each in M33, M51, M81, & M82 (sample center and disk)
1 position each in NGC 925, 1097, 3351, 4125, 4594, 5866, & 6946 (samples a
range of galaxy types)
MIRI & NIRCam Imaging
MIRI (4x4 mosaic w/ Reuleaux dithering at each point)
NIRCam (4x1 mosaic w/ full dithers [3 primary & 2 subpixel])
F560W, F770W, F1000W, F1500W, F2100W
F115W, F356W
Total time required (w/ direct overheads): 494.2 hours
Example Program Description
Distribution of all Sources (Galactic Coordinates)
Circle sizes are proportional to the total exposure time per target per instrument
Colors are: Exoplanets, Galactic, Nearby Galaxies, Distant Galaxies & Cosmology,
& Calibration. No Solar System as moving targets are not shown.
Distribution of all Sources (Celestial Coordinates)
Circle sizes are proportional to the total exposure time per target per instrument
Colors are: Exoplanets, Galactic, Nearby Galaxies, Distant Galaxies & Cosmology,
& Calibration. No Solar System as moving targets are not shown.
Distribution of Total Exposure Times
per target per instrument
Cumulative Histrogram. Median exp. = 0.38 hours. Mean exp. = 1.84 hours.
Colors are: Solar System, Exoplanets, Galactic, Nearby Galaxies,
Distant Galaxies & Cosmology, & Calibration.
Solar System
SODRM 2012 by
Distant Galaxies &
Nearby Galaxies
SODRM 2012 by Instrument
Fixed Slit
This SODRM would not have been possible without the effort of a large group of people.
We thank all those that contributed.
Special thanks to the science program leads (J. Anderson, T. Beck, W. Blair, T. Brown,
C. Chen,J. Debbes, H. Ferguson, S. Friedman, K. Gordon, P. Goudfrooij, D. Hines, J.
Kalirai, T. Keyes, A. Koekemoer, D. Lafrenière, D. Lennon, C. Lisse, J. Lotz, R.
Maiolino, M. Meixner, J. Muzerolle, K. Pontoppidan, M. Regan, A. Rest, J. Rigby, M.
Robberto, K. Sahu, J. Stansberry, R. Soummer, J. Tumlinson, & J. Valenti) and
calibration program leads (H. Ferguson, K. Gordon, A. Koekemoer, J. Muzerolle, & M.
Thanks to all the others that have contributed to the creating the SODRM programs but
were not leads (R. Abraham, S. Arribas, T. Boker, M. Boyer, A. Bunker, N. Chanover,
S. Charlot, C. Engelbracht, C. Evans, P. Ferruit, M. Franx, T. Greene, H. Hammel, B.
Hansen, P. Jakobsen, W. Kinzel, D. Karakla, K. Noll, H. Richer, H.-W. Rix, J. Seale,
D. Soderblom, K. Uckert, C. Willott, M. Wolff).
Backup Slides
SODRM 2012: Future
Direct interests of the JWST Efficiency WG
Use to determine the current JWST observing efficiency
Quantify the contribution each overhead makes
Identify overheads for further study and potential reduction in size
Interactions with the scheduling software
Potential gains from science parallel observations
Look at ways to efficiently implement them (limited parallels?)
Other planned SODRM 2012 studies
Data volume, Mechanism usage, Momentum and propellant management
Visit scheduling, Slew distribution, Test scheduling algorithms and constraints
Provide early testing and feedback on the ground system (APT, ETC, operations,
Post SODRM 2012 publicly
Assumes the current JWST operations strategy
Invite the community to provide comments/updates
Next SODRM update in 2013/2014