Sub Page, Geothermal Market

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Driven by the world’s need to respond to global energy challenges, the renewable energy
sector has emerged as one of the fastest growing business sectors globally. Renewable
energy generation relies on proven technologies to harness power from virtually limitless
natural resources such as wind, sun, water and the earth’s own heat.
The market to harvest the earth’s heat is still the most unexplored technique of the
renewable energy spectrum. The heat in the upper six miles of the earth’s crust
contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world’s oil and gas reserves
combined. Despite this abundance, in 2013 only 11.772 GW of geothermal electricity
generating capacity has been harnessed worldwide, which represents less than 1% of the
total global energy consumption.
However, primarily driven by the capacity of geothermal to provide cheap base load power,
various countries are renewing their interest into the commercialization of the power of the
earth’s heat. Furthermore, geothermal energy does contain various clear advantages over
other types of renewable energy resources and the current market shows parallels with the
early start-up potential of the oil and gas market in the early 1900’s. The geothermal
energy market is continuing to increase rapidly as the renewables sector develops at
breakneck speed.
The Transmark group, through the specialized experience and expertise of its subsidiaries
Transmark Renewables and Transmark Services, aims to capitalize on this attractive
opportunity. By applying international standards and with its highly dedicated
team, Transmark has become a market leader in geothermal development with projects in
Chile, Turkey and the Netherlands. Maybe in the near future Tanzania and Zambia.
About us page
Transmark Renewables, pre-audited according to ISO 9001 standards, is the geothermal
developer within the Transmark Group. Transmark Renewables, including its 100%
subsidiaries Transmark Turkey and Transmark Chile, has built a very strong and integrated
geothermal platform, supported by:
Transmark Renewables’ project management and financial structuring expertise;
Transmark Renewables’ exploration management capabilities;
Transmark Renewables’ drilling management capabilities;
Transmark Renewables’ testing and reservoir management capabilities; and
the Transmark group overall energy market experience.
Transmark Renewables has become a significant player in the geothermal market and aims
to contribute to the acceleration of the installed geothermal capacity all over the world.
Transmark Renewables focusses on the establishment of a global platform of geothermal
projects, by applying the highest safety standards and codes of practice in the market.
Geothermal Energy Page + 3 Sub Pages
Besides the more commonly known renewable energy sources like wind, solar,
biomass and hydro power, one highly potential source of renewable energy is in the
inner core of the earth, ie geothermal heat.
Unlike the fossil fuels, geothermal power is a renewable resource because the heat
emanating from the interior of the earth, estimated to be equivalent to 42 million
MWe of power, is essentially limitless and continuously regenerates through natural
geological processes
The unique characteristic of geothermal above all other renewable energy resources
is the fact that it provides base load (ie continuous) energy to the electricity grid
1. Sub Page, Geothermal Basics
A geothermal system requires heat, permeability and water (fluids).
To develop electricity from geothermal resources, wells are drilled into deep
subsurface permeable regions.
Before drilling, developers must invest in exploration of potential areas to indentify
the locations with geothermal potential.
After this investigation, the wells are drilled into regions containing natural hot water
or steam, called an “reservoir” (hydrothermal power).
The wells bring the hot fluids to the surface used to drive a turbine generator(s).
Three geothermal power plant technologies are currently available on the market (i)
Flash steam; (ii) Dry steam; and (iii) Binary Cycle.
The type of power plant usually depends on the characteristics of the available
resource. Flash steam for reservoirs with fluids over 182 degrees Celsius, dry steam
for high pressured steam reservoirs and binary cycles are normally used for the lower
temperature reservoirs (up to 182 degrees Celsius).
2. Sub Page, Geothermal Usage – Resources
Geothermal energy can be used for electricity production or for commercial,
industrial and residential direct heating purposes.
Already the Romans used geothermal water to treat eye and skin diseases, at
Pompeii, and to heat buildings.
The first known "health spa" was established in 1326 in Belgium with hot springs.
Regarding geothermal (commercial) electricity applications, the first power plant has
been build in Lardellero, Italy in 1904.
Besides the commonly known hydrothermal geothermal systems, making use of
naturally created reservoirs, more developing new techniques are being applied to
be able to materialize the full potential of the earth.
Enhances Geothermal Systems ("EGS") involves developing tools and techniques that
will allow geothermal production by artificially creating permeability in hot rock and
introducing water (or another working fluid) to extract the heat.
EGS is becoming a more mature technique with good examples in Soultz, France (1.5
MWe), Landau, Germany (2.5 MWe) and Pralana, Australia (7-30 MWe, currently
EGS will enable the geothermal market to harvest the potential on places where the
energy needs are the highest (for example Western Europe).
3. Sub Page, Geothermal Market
Although both the number of countries producing geothermal power as the total
power capacity under development appears to be increasing (see GEA report 2010),
despite the clear potential of geothermal energy, actual investments in the
renewable energy to date have been limited.
The geothermal market remains highly fragmented with a multitude of mid-sized and
small project developers with limited experience and access to key resources. As a
result many promising projects do not progress due either to secure the necessary
expertise, resources and capital.
Transmark is perfectly positioned to accelerate this value chain and create a broad
platform by offering both the expertise, resources and the capital.
The Transmark Group aims to accelerate the geothermal project development
pipeline worldwide by providing technical, financial and project development
expertise in-house.
Project Page + 3 SP
Transmark Renewables focuses on geothermal development projects in the high
potential areas all over the world
Both geothermal potential and market transparency are important selection criteria
to enter a new market
Transmark Renewables is exploring 4 licenses in Turkey
Transmark Renewables is exploring 6 licenses in Chile
Transmark Renewables is constantly investigating potential new markets
1. Sub Page Turkey + 2 SP
Transmark Renewables currently owns 4 geothermal licenses through its 100% subsidiary
Transmark Turkey.
Transmark Renewables considers Turkey a key market due to the following key
Strong geological potential
 Turkey is located on the ring of fire with an estimated geothermal resource potential
over 4,000 MWe
 However, currently only 100 MWe geothermal power has been installed yet
Attractive market fundamentals
 With a population of approx 80 million people and (even in the current economic
climate) a GDP growth of 6.5%, Turkey is a large and growing economy
 Due to these developments and the Kyoto standards, the electricity market requires
a strong increase of renewable energy capacity
Favorable regulatory framework
 Geothermal energy developments benefit of various favorable regulatory incentives
 Feed-in-Tariffs have been established for geothermal energy projects
1.1 Sub Sub Page Manisa
The geothermal exploration licenses near Manisa city are located at the western
margin of the Gediz graben system, which is one of the top geothermal regions in
Turkey hosting several geothermal projects.
Two attractive license areas;
Approximately 2,200 hectares;
Located at the Western margin of the Gediz Graben, one of the top geothermal
regions in Turkey;
Adjacent to an older volcanic area.
1.2 Sub Sub Page Canakkale
The region around Tuzla is one of the most promising areas for geothermal power
production in Turkey. Several geothermal research wells were drilled by MTA
during the 70’s to 90’s confirming very high temperatures and artesian flow rates.
The highest geothermal gradient was discovered in a 130 m well producing fluid
at more than 160°C.
Transmark Turkey's licenses are located near the explored fields and are expected
to have similar geological conditions.
Two attractive license areas
Approximately 2,800 hectares
One of the top geothermal areas in Turkey
Thermal bath and hot springs in the vicinity
2. Sub Page Chile + 5 Sub Pages
Transmark Renewables currently owns 4 geothermal licenses (and 7 pending applications)
through both its, 100% subsidiary, Transmark Chile SpA.
Transmark Renewables considers Chile a key market due to the following key characteristics:
Strong geological potential
 Chile is located on the ring of fire with an estimated geothermal resource potential
over 16,000 MWe
 However, currently no geothermal power has been installed yet (funds for approx 75100 MW committed)
Good foreign investor climate
 Chile has one of the most open economies of Latin America, a competitive energy
market and a solid banking system
 Through CORFO Chile offers support to local and foreign investors interested in
developing renewable energy projects
Favorable regulatory framework
 Law no 19.657 provides a favorable framework for the exploration and development
of geothermal energy
 There is a guaranteed access for renewable energy projects to the electricity grid
2.1 SSP, Licancura III
Located in the Arica, Parinacota and Tarapaca region
Approximately 27,000 hectares
Area mainly highland tundra and desert (Altiplano)
Elevation between 3,700 - 5,000 meters
Hot-springs found with temperatures ranging from 50 up to 60 degrees Celsius
2.2 SSP, Linzor
Located in the Antofagasta Region, north of El Tatio
Approximately 33.000 hectares
Area mainly highland tundra and desert (Altiplano);
Elevation between 3.090 – 5.415 meter
Hot-springs found (red points) with temperatures ranging from 30 up to 86 degrees
2.3 SSP, Lascar
Located in the Antofagasta Region, northern Chile;
Approximately 24.000 hectares;
Area mainly highland tundra and desert (Altiplano);
Elevation between 3.360 – 5.588 meters;
Hot-springs found (red points) with temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius;
2.4 SSP El Valle,
Located in the La Araucania Region;
Approximately 18,200 hectares;
Area mainly temperate rainforest;
Elevation between 380-1,400 meters
Hot-springs found with temperatures ranging from 28 up to 43 degrees Celsius
Elevaciones entre 380-1.400 metros s.n.m.;
2.5 Llonquen
Located in the Los Lagos Region;
Approximately 16,200 hectares;
Area mainly temperate rainforest;
Elevation between 380-1,400 meters
Hot-springs found with temperatures ranging from 55 up to 70 degrees Celsius.
2.6 Maybe a new concession
3. Sub Page, The Netherlands
Transmark has been granted two deep geothermal exploration licenses in the
Netherlands, covering approx. 731,000 HA.
The two exploration areas are located in the Northern part of the Netherlands,
Friesland, and in the middle/southern part of the Netherlands, NoordBrabant/Utrecht.
Transmark is currently actively exploring the areas in order to determine the
potential for a first geothermal power generation project in the Netherlands.
As a home market, a renewable geothermal energy project in the Netherlands would
for Transmark be a suitable extension of its project portfolio.
Due to the multiple exploration and production wells and seismics done for Oil and
Gas projects, the geological settings in the Netherlands are known.
Transmark aims at the geothermal systems located at depths ranging between the
4,000 and 6,000 meters, with temperatures ranging between the 140 and 150
degrees Celsius.
New picture, from Ministry
Utrecht & Noord-Brabant
News Page
Careers page
Current Vacancies at Transmark
Currently no specific vacancy is outstanding, however, Transmark Renewables is always
open for highly skilled geothermal exploration, drilling and reservoir engineering
Please send your CV and application letter to:
[email protected]
Contact Page + 1 SP (links)
Herengracht 386, 1016 CJ, Amsterdam - The Netherlands
+31 20 32 02 905
Mulson Yasam Konutlari 2730 sk. No:45/2 C Blok D:12 Yelki-Guzelbahce Izmir – Turkiye
+90 546 859 6035
+90 232 766 3433
+90 232 766 3424
For more info please contact:
Savas Aslantepe:
[email protected]
Dr. Manuel Barros Borgoño Nr. 71, Oficina 1105, Providencia, Santiago - Chile
For more info please contact:
Carolina Wechsler: [email protected].
1. SP Links
Transmark Holdings N.V.
Transmark Subsea
Associated memberships:
Platform Geothermie
Achegeo A.G.
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