Problem 5 Two equal masses are suspended from a massless and

Department of Physics
Physics 8.01
W15D2-1 Table Problem Unwinding Tape
Two objects of equal mass M are suspended from a massless and frictionless pulley, as shown.
A is a simple weight. B is a uniform cylinder of radius R around which the tape is wrapped. The
system is released from rest. Find the tension in the tape.
We first apply Newton’s Second Law to each object (see figure below for force diagram and
choice of positive directions)
Mg  T  Ma A
Mg  T  MaB .
Comparing equations (1) and (2), the accelerations are equal
a  a A  aB .
We now apply the torque equation about the center of mass of object B finding
TR  I cm .
The constraint condition can be found as follows. Let l0 represent the initial length of the tape.
At some later time let s  R(  0 ) represent the amount of tape that has unwound, where
 (t )  0 is the angle that the cylinder has rotating. Then the length of tape at time t is given by
l(t)  l0  R( (t)  0 ) .
If we choose coordinates as shown in the figure above, then
l(t)  y A  yB   r 2 ,
where r is the radius of the pulley. Then
y A  yB   r 2  l0  R( (t)  0 ) .
We can now take two derivatives to find the constrain condition between the accelerations of the
two objects and the angular acceleration of B,
a A  aB  R .
2a  R .
Therefore using Eq. (3),
We can solve the above equation for  and substitute that into the torque equation (4) and find
that using Icm  (1`/2)MR2
Substitute Eq.(10) into Eq. (1) yields
Therefore Eq. (10) becomes
2aI cm
 Ma .
T  Mg / 2 .