\ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PROVINCE OF ILOCOS NORTE MU NlqlPALlrY gF pl NGRA9 EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE ONE HUNDRED SECOND ({OZNo} REGULAR SESSION OF THE N|NTH (gTH) SANGGUNTANG BAYAN OF DINGRAS, ILOCOS NORTE HELD AT THE SANGGUNIAN SESSION HALL ON AUGUST 10, 2015 Members Present: Hon. Joefrey P. Saguid, Hon. Ruben C. Marcos, Hon. Enriqueto J. Cafiete Jr., Hon. Lester S. Ballesteros, Hon. Joey S. Apostol, Hon. Benigno B. De La Cruz, Hon. Nathaniel Ruben P. Taylan Presiding Officer SB Member SB Member SB Member SB Member SB Member SB Member Member/s- Absent: Hon. Jose Mari Genaro B. Albano, Hon. Alfe Garry R. Gamboa, Hon. Jimmy T. Aguinaldo SB Member SB Member Liga Vice President (Ex=Officio Member) MUNICIPAL ORDINANGE NO. 20{ 5.09422 Series of 2015 AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN OPEN NIGHT MARKET/TIANGGE IN THE MT,NICIPALITY OF DINGRAS, ILOCOS NORTE, PARTICULARLY AT THE OLD NilUNICIPAL PLAZA AND ADJACENT OPEN SPACES ON EVERY FRIDAYS AND PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREOF Sponsors: Hon. Benigno B. Dela Cruz WHEREAS, it is the desire of the municipal government to find ways and means to increase its financial resources and capabilig for efficient and effective delivery of basic services; WHEREAS, the operation of open markeUtiangge, in eonsonanee with LGUs mandate to generate local revenues and to initiate economic enterprise programs as encouraged in Sec. 18 of the Local Government Code, has been potential income generating tool as one of the most effective best practices of other LGUs today, thereby increasing their local income; WHEREAS, it has been the clamor of the townspeople to have a night markeUtiangge as they find it more convenient to shop and market during leeway or night time; WHEREAS, the creation of night markeUtiangge would stimulate trade and commercial activities more vibrant in Dingras as growth center in the eastern part of llocos Norte and would gBen gppgftUnitieg tg ghawqasg the farm prgduqe, fssd prqdusts and native delicacies of heritage significance from different barangays hence, an avenue viable to provide livelihood, self-reliance and tourism-related entrepreneu rsh ip ; NOW THEREFORE, Be it ordained that: 9eqtisn '!, Thsre shall be qreated Qpen Night MarkeUTiangge in the MunisiBality plaza and Norte, particularly at the old of Dingras, spaces on every Y*til'\ F from 1pm. Municipal Ordinance No. 2014-09-022 page 2 of 2 Section 2. The open night marketltiangge shall be open to the public regardless of town or city of residence of individuals. Section 3. The imposition and collection of space fees and or business tax, as the case may be, shall be determined by the office of the municipal trgeqUry in aqqq!.danqg wilh the pfqViqiqnq qf the l=ocal Revenue Code and the rules and regulations. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval and after posting and publication has been comBfied With. APPROVED: Voted in favor: Hon. Ruben C. Marcos, Hon. Enriqueto J. Cafiete Jr., Hon. Lester S. Ballesteros, Hon. Joey S. Apostol, Hon. Benigno B. De La Cruz, Hon. Nathaniel Ruben P. Taylan Votedagainst None Abstention: None I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above-quoted 1-__ ATTESTED: Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF ILOCOS NORTE MUNICIPA1JIY OF DINCRAS OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT II'IAY CONCERN: This is to certiff that Municipal Ordinance No. 2015-09-022, re'. "An ordinance creating an open markeUtiangge in the ilunicipality of Dingras, llocoe Norte, particularly at the old municipal plaza and adjacent open spaces every Fridays and providing rules and regulations thercof' has already been presented for public hearing to the residents of the municipality. ISSUED this 13th day of August , 2015 at Dingras, llocos Norte. //Lv)-ltA A./AOUINO B Sebretary Tel. No.: (0771 60e0155 Email: [email protected] Website: wwww.dingras.gov.ph
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