“2017 Black Tie Tailgate”

“2017 Black Tie Tailgate”
January 28, 2017
Norris Conference Center
Red Oak Ballroom, CityCentre
816 Town & Country Blvd, Houston TX 77024
Sponsorship Opportunities
Our Theme this year is the Super Bowl – and we will
have many wonderful football related opportunities
for our sponsors to participate in – including a table
decorating contest! Each table will be themed with a
different NFL team – so get your reservation in early
and pick your favorite team!
Super Bowl Sponsor $10,000
 Express VIP Gala Check in
 Reserved Gala Tables for 20 Guests
 Upgraded Wine at Dinner
 20 Tickets to VIP Reception
 Full page ad in program
 Premier seating location
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Promoted on Social Media
 Unlimited access to HYPE Post Game Party
League Champion Sponsor:
You decorate: $5,000
We decorate: $5,250
 Reserved Gala Table for 10 guests
 Upgraded Wine at Dinner
 10 Tickets to VIP Reception
 Full page ad in program
 Premier seating location
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Promoted on Social Media
 6 tickets to HYPE Post Game Party
Division Champion Sponsor
You decorate: $3.500
We decorate: $3,750
 Reserved Gala Table for 10 Guests
 Wine at Dinner
 10 Tickets to VIP Reception
 ½ page ad in program
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Promoted on Social Media
 4 tickets to HYPE Post Game Party
Team MVP Sponsor $2000
You decorate: $2,000
We decorate: $2,250
 Reserved Gala Table for 10 Guests
 ¼ page ad in program
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
Live Auction Sponsor $2,000 (Limit 1)
 2 Gala Tickets
 Company name as “presenter” of live auction by auctioneers
 ¼ page ad in program
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
Economic Development Supporter $2,000
 ¼ page ad in program
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Do not have to be present with this sponsorship level
VIP Reception Sponsor $1500 (Limit 2)
 2 Tickets to VIP Reception
 2 Tickets to HYPE Post Game Party
 ¼ page ad in program
 2 Gala Tickets
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Company Logo on VIP Reception
 Company Logo mailed on VIP invitations
Silent Auction Sponsor $1,500
 ¼ page ad in program
 2 Gala Tickets
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Recognition on Silent Auction Signage
Invitation Sponsor $1,500
 ¼ page ad in program
 2 Gala Tickets
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Company Logo on printed invitations
Wine Pull Sponsor $2,000
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 2 Gala Tickets
Sponsor Couple $500
 Premier seating location
 2 Gala Tickets
 Mention from Podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
HYPE Post-Game Party Sponsor $500
 ¼ page ad in program
 Mention from podium as Sponsor
 Listed in Event Program
 Company logo on printed invitations (If by print deadline)
 2 tickets to HYPE Post Game Party
Individual Reservations
Before 1/72017:
Pre-Season Gala $125
Pre-Season Tickets HYPE Post-Game Party $75
Pre-Season Gala Combined Gala & HYPE Tickets $160
Beginning 1/7/2017:
Regular Season Gala $150
Regular Season HYPE Post-Game Party $85
Regular Season Gala Combined Gala & HYPE Tickets $185
Ask us about Custom Sponsorships
NOTE: All sponsorship levels will receive recognition
in all media, including the Chamber’s web site, the “Edge”
E-Newsletter, press releases, ads and other chamber
All Sponsorships are available unless otherwise noted as Limited, based on a first come first serve basis for location and exclusivity.
Contact Sandy Barton for additional information [email protected] or call 281-440-4160