Your Site Waste Management Folder

Your Site Waste Management Folder
A guide to what it should contain
Licences and Permits
All waste contractors are required to hold valid licences and permits obtained via the
Environment Agency. Contractors Waste Carriers licence, and permits for their disposal
sites are held centrally by the Facilities Department.
Annual Waste Transfer Notes and Pre Treatment forms
An Annual Waste Transfer note is a joint statement between the producer and the
contractor identifying what type of waste will be collected by the contractor from your site.
These are normally produced by the contractor and either sent to individual sites or
centrally to Wonford House. Two copies are produced for signing; the site keeps one, and
one is returned to the contractor.
Sometimes combined with the annual note, but often separate is the pre treatment form.
These are used to indicate what elements we remove from waste to comply with the waste
hierarchy. You will need to indicate which elements are recycled or reused; such as paper,
cans, ink cartridges etc.
If you receive either these directly from a contractor, please forward a copy to the Facilities
Department at Wonford House.
Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes and Quarterly Disposal Returns
Every time a contractor makes a collection of hazardous waste, you must obtain from them
a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note. It is the producers legal responsibility to ensure
that the waste description, code, quantity, date, time etc are correct. This document
follows the consignment of waste through to the disposal/treatment site. Each quarter, we
then receive a statement from the contractor detailing each waste consignment and how it
was destroyed/treated/disposed.
Staff Training Log
All Staff who produce or are involved with the disposal of hazardous waste in any way
must receive training in the subject. A log of which staff have received training should be
kept in your waste folder.
An e-learning module is provided via Develop.
Waste Audits
It is important that sites are audited to ensure that they are compliant with environmental
legislation. The Facilities Department will arrange these periodically and notify the site
Any copies of previous audits must be kept in the folder for a minimum of seven years.
Risk assessments
Any site where staff may be in contact with hazardous waste should have a risk
assessment completed to control any identified risks.
Trust Waste Management Policy
The current waste management policy can be found on Daisy. Please ensure your copy is
How long do I keep these documents?
Copies of licences and permits should be kept for as long as they are valid.
Annual Waste Transfer Notes and Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes should be kept
for three years from the issue date.
The majority of the above mentioned documents are legal requirements and must be kept
in an accessible location for inspection at any reasonable time by Auditor/s, or an
Environment Agency Inspector.