Typical Management Center

80 Leningradsky prospect, Moscow, RF 125315, phone +7 (499) 759-01-40, email: [email protected], site: www.burstroy.ru
“Typical Management Center (Situational Room)” –
SP TMC (SR) software complex
OKB «Burstroyproject» Ltd. developed a software complex (package) “Typical
Management Center (Situational Room)” – SP TMC (SR). The software package provides a tool
(a constructor) for quick creation of management systems and centers software packages of
any purpose and hierarchical level: emergency management centers, call centers, situational
rooms, and maintenance-and-operations management systems.
While using SP TMC (SR), the automation of management problems solution of the fullcycle management is provided, beginning with the information collection, assessment of the
situation and ending with the planning of subdivisions actions for the elimination of
consequences of incidents (emergency situations) and plans fulfillment control.
The software package consists of separate software modules (fig. 1):
 Situation room databases:
 Control facilities formation module, their geographic coordinates and technical
 Reference data formation module;
 Management entities data formation module;
 Server of data receiving and formation from different-type monitoring
 Information assessment module, including assessment of consequences of
incidents (emergency situations);
 Decision-making support module;
 Information display module;
 Means and capacities planning module;
 Subdivisions reporting formation and reporting to superior agency module;
 Module of means and capacities control following results of the monitoring using
monitoring complexes and results of reports (messages) processing;
 Module of forming controlling actions on monitoring and management
 Module of video and text information formation in the transient data table;
 Access rights management module.
Fig. 1. Software Package Structure
A typical management center enables adjusting to any control facilities and processes
management area. For example, a typical management center can use both a software package of
the regional management center in critical situations, of the call centers, of the motorway usage
management center, etc. The adjustment is performed by means of forming control facilities,
controlled parameters and monitoring complexes using input (editing) software packages within
TMC (SR). Facilities of critical importance (OCI), hazardous production facilities, sensitive
facilities, infrastructure facilities, housing and public utilities, etc. can be control facilities.
Creation of new software modules is not required.
There is a data collection server to collect information from different-type monitoring
complexes within SP TMC (SR), which is tuned to monitoring complexes and sensors, and
controlled facility characteristics to be measured. The information collection server converts the
information collected into data recording formats in the database (fig.2).
Fig.2.Information Collection Server
The input of the information about new control facilities or about new sensors (about new
monitoring complexes) into the database is conducted by the user using software packages of the
table-type or HIC editing of control facilities (monitoring complexes). Using the specified
modules, technical data (specification) of a new facility are formed.
The software package database management system forms database tables automatically,
where the information about new complexes and their parameters is entered automatically. Also,
after adjusting the program to a new monitoring complex (sensor), the database table is formed
automatically, where the information about the controlled facility parameters is recorded
measured by a new monitoring complex (sensor). Also, video information about the controlled
facility, diagrams, and mnemonic diagrams of the controlled facility can be recorded.
After a new controlled facility is entered, HIC subsystem of the information display
displays the new facility automatically with the possibility to view (edit) all facility data.
Following results of the information assessment, the decision-making support is formed
in the situation that has occurred and forms the action plan project automatically to eliminate
consequences of the incident (emergency situation). Upon updating and approval of the action
plan by an appropriate official, the formed action plan is issued to performers (unit commanders
who eliminate consequences of incidents). The plan execution is automatically controlled by a
software package. The plan execution control can be performed both following results of reports
from unit commanders, and following results of the controlled facility parameters assessment by
monitoring complexes. The software package provides for the module of forming controlling
actions on actuators of technical systems (e.g., lighting ON/OFF, ventilation ON/OFF, etc.) too.
The formation of the required reporting about control facilities is performed using the
software module for preparation of customized reports and messages.
Currently, the software package is integrated during the creation of automated motorways
operation management systems (4 management systems), it is implemented during the creation
of situational rooms, hazardous production facilities control centers, call centers (Novosibirsk).
The experience of implementation showed that the creation of a new management point
(situational center) that exercises control and management functions during incidents, is
performed by means of SP TMC (SR) adjustment within one month. The formation of the full
technical characteristics base of control facilities and models of affecting factors distribution of
the emergency situation type not previously used in the PC can take up to 6 months.
The software package can be used for the creation of call centers management
points, emergency situations control centers, and situational rooms.
The software package TMC (SR) is registered in the Federal Intellectual Property Agency
Examples of Establishing Control Centers (Situational Rooms)
Let’s consider the process of establishing a new control center by example of establishing
different-purpose control centers.
П.1.1. Call Center Control Point (emergency situations control center)
Fig.1 shows the input (edit) window of a new areal controlled facility using HIC editing
module. Setting of borders of a new facility in the map is made by highlighting of distinguished
points (facility border movement direction change points) of the facility borders with a pointer.
After all these distinguished points are highlighted, push button “Apply Contour (Применить
контур)”, and borders of the newly introduced facility are highlighted in the map (fig.2). At the
same time, all GPS coordinates of the areal facility borders are loaded into the database of the
software package.
Fig.1. Formation of Aerial Facility Borders Control
After a new controlled facility is formed, its technical characteristics (certificate) are
formed. The form of the certificate and a list of the facility characteristics are entered by the
software package user. In the process of the facility certificate formation, the information is sent
to the database automatically. The formation of facilities certificates for different-type facilities
has no algorithmic difference.
After the formation of control facilities and monitoring complexes, all control facilities
are reflected in the map of the region under control or control facilities. Fig.2 shows the main
dispatcher window (management center operator, call service, etc.). The figure shows also the
example of the controlled facility certificate presentation (in the right side of the drawing there is
a certificate of the facility selected by the operator – a diary factory).
Fig. 2. Main Window of the Control Center Operator (Situational Center)
All controlled facilities are displayed in the city map. The controlled facility can be of
any type: a plant, river water level, hazardous production facility. At the same time, monitoring
complexes can be of different type too: fire monitoring, incident monitoring at the hazardous
production facility, etc. In case of incident at the control facility, a corresponding sign is
highlighted red and acoustic signal sounds. The acoustic signal will sound until the operator’s
response (any action of the operator towards the incident display: push “close” button or “show
source”, for example). Simultaneously with the incident signal, a message is formed in the
incident log file. The message consists of the control facility, monitoring complex that formed
the incident signal, parameters of the incident, and the time of its occurrence.
Where necessary, the operator can open the safety certificate of the control facility (fig.2,
right), review all control facility characteristics.
Figures 3, 4, and 5 shown possible incidents at control facilities.
Fig. 3. Incident (Fire) at Controlled Facility
Fig. 4. Incident. Flood
Fig. 5. Incident. Leakage of Hazardous Chemical
Where necessary, the operator of the management center can review the facility diagram
and determine the place of the incident (emergency situation) occurrence. Fig.6 shows the
building of the control facility and the place of the incidence occurrence (the ground floor).
Fig.6. Place of the Incident Occurrence
Fig. 7: a dispatcher opened the ground floor diagram and determined the exact place of
the monitoring complex (sensor) location that signaled the emergency. In the figure, the
monitoring complex is located in the upper right part of the mnemonic diagram of the shop.
Also, characteristics of the incident are displayed in the screen (in fig.7, to the right, the sulfuric
acid fumes measured concentration is shown).
Fig. 7. Mnemonic Diagram Identifying the Place of the Monitoring Complex that Formed the
Emergency Signal
Where necessary, the operator can calculate the coverage area of affecting factors
surrounding the control facility during the emergency situation (fig.8).
Fig. 8. Dangerous Zone Calculation
After the dangerous zone calculation, the dispatcher can activate a decision-making
support software module that will issue a list of typical actions in case of such emergency
situation (fig.12). The software package provides for the planning of actions of emergency
rescue teams and plans execution control. The plans execution control is carried out both
according to data of emergency situation parameters monitoring complexes, and on the basis of
analysis of reports prepared by commanders of emergency rescue teams.
Fig.9. Decision-Making Support
Fig. 10. ERT Commander Report
Fig. 10 shows an example of the report of the emergency and rescue team commander
that is formed after the elimination of consequences of the emergency with the leakage of
chemical dangerous substance (after deactivation is performed). To ensure the formation of
reports, software modules are created as part of the software package that can be installed in
mobile AWS of ERT commanders. Laptops and tablets can be used as mobile AWS. After the
report is formed, the information (reports, messages, etc.) is transferred by Internet.
П.1.2. Operations Management Center of the Motorway Administration
As an example of using the software package for the creation of the management point of
another type, the example of solving separate formation tasks of the Operations Management
Center of the Motorway Administration is used.
Fig. 1 Bridgework Certificate Formation
As previously noted, in the formation process the technical information is sent
automatically to the database of the software package and is saved there. Where necessary, the
facility certificate can be opened by the user for further work (fig.2).
All facilities recorded and the information about them is formed in the database and is
displayed in the map of the controlled region. The figure 3 shows the main window of the
operator of the motorway management center. The map shows all control facilities and
monitoring complexes. In case of incident, a corresponding sign is highlighted on the control
facility and an acoustic signal sounds.
Fig.2. Technical Characteristics (Certificate) of the Road Structure
Fig.3. Main Window of the Operator of the Motorway Management Operation Management
The dispatcher can select a table form of information display about control facilities and
incidents at control facilities. Also, video of the control facilities can be selected.
Figure 4 shows the incident at the control facility (in the motorway lighting system).
Figure 5 shows video of control facilities (sections of motorways).
Fig.4. Incident at Control Facility (Incident on the Motorway Exterior Lighting Line)
Fig. 5. Video of Control Facilities
П.1.3. Call Center. Control of Housing and Public Utilities Facilities
Fig.1 shows a control facility of the housing and public utilities (CHPP). In the right part
of the figure there is a certificate of the control facility consisting of the main facility
characteristics (generating and thermic power, effective heat supply radius, etc.). The facility
safety sheet is specified too. CHPP is controlled by the following parameters: output heat carrier
pressure, heat carrier consumption, temperature. Location of the parameters monitoring complex
is shown in CHPP diagram.
Fig.1. Control Facility (CHPP) and Its Certificate Display
Where necessary, the dispatcher can review the monitoring complex installed at the
facility, its parameters and parameters of the thermal energy carrier at CHPP output (pressure,
temperature, consumption) – fig.2.
Fig.2. Parameters Measured at the Facility
When carrier’s parameters exceed threshold values, an alarm signal is formed in the
automated working place board of the dispatcher (fig.3).
Fig. 3. Incident at the Control Facility (Heat Carrier Leakage)
The measurement of output parameters of CHPP, pump stations, input parameters of housing and
public utilities (e.g., high-rise building) makes it possible to determine the quality and quantity of
the thermal energy supplied. The discrepancy between the consumption at CHPP output and
consumption at HPU facilities makes it possible to determine sections of the pipeline, where the
loss of pressure and abrupt consumption growth is possible. Such parameters of the heat supply
system make it possible to determine places of pipelines leakage. Also, it is possible to control
the compliance of costs reported by the managing company with factual heat resources
consumed by HPU facilities.
In case of incident at the energy control facility (CHPP, central heat distribution stations
– CHDS, heat supply stations – HSS, power plants, etc.), the aggregate of all lower-level
facilities is formed (residential houses, e.g.) supplied by the energy facility. Fig.4 shows the
interrelation of the energy facility with residential houses.
Fig. 4. Interconnection of Control Facilities
The formation of interconnections of control facilities makes it possible to calculate
consequences in case of emergency at the energy control facility. In particular, in case of
accident at CHDS, all houses losing heat supply are determined, and the number of inhabitants
cut from the heat supply is calculated.
Where necessary, the operator can obtain the decision-making support in case of incident
(fig.5) and plan actions of the emergency and rescue teams (fig. 6).
Fig.5. Decision-Making Support
Fig.6. Repair Works Planning