IC Letterhead - Innovation Center for US Dairy

FEE Sources and Quotable Quotes
For Use in Farm Energy Efficiency Communication Efforts
SOURCES: Innovation Center For U.S. Dairy’s Farm Energy Efficiency Program
Title /
Topic / Resource
Manager of
Farm Energy
Center for U.S.
Program management and
oversight, SaveEnergy details,
partnering opportunities,
[email protected]
Information Experts
National Energy
Liaison / USDA
EQIP funding for energy
audits and equipment
updates, NRCS partnership
and opportunities
[email protected]
Kyle Clark
EnSave, Inc.
On-farm energy audit process
details, toll free producer and
organization assistance, a
technical service provider of
audits and equipment
implementation, helps
producer to secure funding,
rebates and incentives
800 (732) 1399
[email protected]
QUOTABLE QUOTES: For use in Farm Energy Efficiency communication efforts
Local Organization (Insert quotes as appropriate, samples below):
“Dairy farmers are the original stewards of land, animals and natural resources. They are always looking for
ways to do more with less. With today’s rising input costs, farm energy efficiency is one area that could
provide cost savings and efficiencies that allow them to produce same level of high quality milk.”
“A farm energy audit is another management tool that creates an energy-saving blueprint that is unique to
each farm. The audit flags areas for improvement and solutions that could help the producers maximize their
return on investment. And that’s critical in today’s tough business economy.”
“[INSERT ORGANIZATION] supports the Farm Energy Efficiency program as part of a national
outreach effort with Dairy Management Inc., the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy®, and their partners.
We hope to bring more savings and innovation to our dairy producers, as well as to tell the story about
their contributions to people, planet and community. Dairy producers are leaders in stewardship and
sustainability. Consumers can feel really great about consuming dairy – not only is it nutritious, it’s
Nicole DelSasso, manager of Farm Energy Efficiency™/ Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy®
“The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has teamed up with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service,
EnSave and many local dairy, agricultural and utility organizations to get the word out to producers about
farm energy-saving opportunities that exist at little or no cost.”
“Our goal is to help producers reduce energy use and increase profitability so they can continue producing
milk and dairy products for U.S. consumers. Small changes make a difference particularly in energy
efficiency. We want to connect interested producers to farm energy audit and equipment updates, expert
resources and funding sources. The Innovation Center – along with USDA-NRCS and EnSave -- has
created an online web resource and toll free number to help. Go to www.USDairy.com/SaveEnergy or call
(800) 732-1399.”
Craig Metz, CEO and president, EnSave, Inc.
“Small changes can make a big difference. A typical farm energy audit can identify improvements with a
savings of 10-to-35 percent and 3.6 year or less payback period. Let’s say a producer’s average energy cost
is $95,000 per year. By implementing the improvements suggested in an energy audit, that operation could
save between $9,500 and $33,250 annually.”
“An energy audit has value for dairy producers. It helps them to make decisions by pinpointing where energy
is used, prioritizing opportunities for energy efficiency, and –most importantly -- providing energy savings and
equipment cost estimates. Bottom-line, a qualified audit can have an immediate and long-term impact.”
Rebecca MacLeod, National Energy Efficiency Liaison, USDA NRCS
“NRCS’ goal is to drive awareness for farm energy efficiency and the assistance that is available for energy
audits and equipment upgrades through USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). In order
to access EQIP for equipment upgrades, producers must first have an Agricultural Energy Management Plan
-- an audit that is conducted by a qualified Technical Service Provider. EQIP funding can pay for all or most
of the audit’s cost.”
“Producers should act now to reduce costs. NRCS is here to help dairy producers through the application
and audit process. Our NRCS field staff has helped thousands of producers across commodities to save
money. We want to do that in Ohio. Producers can apply right now through their local NRCS field office. “