Heat Recovery - Unitec Energietechnik GmbH

Heat Recovery
WRG accumulator
Environmental protection is achieved
through high-quality and efficency
All products can be manufactured
according to your requirements and needs
Cooling systems generate
heat. With the help of a heat
recovery system, this by-product will be no longer wasted,
but used reasonably.
You can utilize the otherwise
lost heat to produce hot wa-
ter and/or support the heating system. Therefore, less
expensive, conventional energy like oil, gas or electricity is
The heat recovery system
consists of a water tank and
internal heat exchanger. Within the heat exchanger, the
refrigerant will be liquefied.
The released heat raises the
temperature of the water
tank. Only minutes later, hot
water is available.
The cost savings pay off the heat recovery system
within a very short period of time
Less environmental
An important side effect of a
heat recovery system is the
lover environmental stress.
Utilizing the by-product heat significantly lowers the need for
environmentally harmful energy sources.
Reduction of operating
Do you own an air conditioning system? Or do you plan
to purchase one? Are you interested in low operating costs?
An excellent opportunity to permanently lower your operating
costs is a heat reduction system
made by Unitec Energietechnik!
WRG-Buffer tank
WRG-Buffer tank
with stainless
steel water heater
WRG-Buffer tank
with Helix
WRG-Buffer tank
with fresh water station
Application range
- Banks
- Bakeries
- Office buildings
- Chemical industry
- Aiports
- Hospitality
- Food factories
- Grocery stores / supermarkets
- Butcher shops
- Creameries
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Hospitals
Examples – Heat recovery tank, 2.850 ltr., Height 3.820 mm, 3 stainless steel heat exchanger and 1 corrugated tube exchanger (picture left and middle below); Heat recovery tank, 3.600 ltr., Height 2.070 mm, 2 stainless steel heat exchanger und 2 integrated boiler (picture middle above and right).
heat exchanger
Stainless steel heat exchanger,
suitable for refrigerant, designed
according to condensing temperature, purged with nitrogen,
soldered in with Schrader valves.
The heat exchanger use the superheat of the refrigerant (about
55 °C) for hot water production.
Going down the heat exchanger,
the refrigerant cools down to
condensation temperature transfering heat to support the heating system.
The heat recovery stands in line
with the efficiency of the refrigeration system.
Schrader valve: Pressurized system;
while assembling the connections, a simple
pressure test is possible.
Innovative water tanks:
an active contribution to your well-being
Tank insulation
Polyester fleece: - Cover: polystyrene
- various sizes possible
- fire retardant (DIN 4102): fleece: Class B1
coating and fleece: Class B2
- Easy to assembly
Without ins. nozzles
With ins. nozzles
innovative, easy to install and up to 35 % less standing losses than foam insulation
- Dermatologically tested
- Specifics of the material:
fleece, without combining
chemical, 50 % recycled
- Increased stability because of fleece structure
- Density 10 / 12 / 17 / 21 kg/m3
- Thermal-conductivity 0,035 –
0,041 W/mK, DIN EN 12667
- Thermal Resistance: 130 °C
Further reduction of standing
losses: T he unitec insulation nozzles
for unused connections
Issue 01/15 – Technical and measurement changes as well as misprints in graphic or writing reserved.
unitec Energietechnik GmbH
Lindauer Straße 29
A-6911 Lochau
Tel.: +43 (0) 5574 / 83 630
Fax: +43 (0) 5574 / 83 630-99
[email protected]