Community Pharmacy contacts East Sussex

“High quality care for all, now and for future generations”
Community Pharmacy Contacts - East Sussex
August 2016
NHS England - South (South East)
Community Pharmacy Team
2nd floor York House, 18-22 Massetts Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 7DE
(Calls to 0113 landlines will be charged at your provider’s local rate)
Lise Martinez Gonzalez
Business Support Administrator
Mike Hedley
Contract Manager
Amanda Marshall
Contract Officer
Julie Currie
Commissioning Assistant
Anna Waterhouse
Commissioning Assistant
Linda Barnard
Commissioning Assistant
Amanda Price
Commissioning Assistant
Kevin Oliver
Probity Manager
Leon Whiting
Probity Officer
All local enquiries:
0113 82 54708
0113 82 54714
07795 685256
01273 403618
07909 097666
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
0113 82 54700
[email protected]
0113 82 50633
[email protected]
0113 82 48524
07824 460546
0113 82 54660
07795 685038
0113 82 50643
[email protected]
01273 403528
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Specials COCs/COAs
PREM1 forms & PREM2 (MUR) applications
MUR certificates
Responsible pharmacist monitoring records
Unexpected/emergency closures, applications to change core
and supplementary hours
Bank holiday and out of hours rotas
MUR and NMS quarterly reports
Annual Summary of Complaints reports
Payment Enquiries:
[email protected]
Pre-reg applications, ETP/EPS, invoices and payment issues,
Pharmacy forms, opening hour information by county, bank
holiday opening hours, links to various useful areas.
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“High quality care for all, now and for future generations”
NHS England
All national enquiries: (General
0300 311 22 33
enquiries, complaints, & Freedom of
Information Act requests)
SEAP: (Support, Empower, Advocate, 0330 440 9000
Promote - provide independent
advocacy services to help resolve
issues or concerns about health and
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fraudulent Prescriptions & Counter Fraud Reporting
NHS Protect
Online reporting system
0800 028 40 60
[email protected]
Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer for CD destruction
& raising local fraud alerts (forged/stolen prescriptions)
Accountable Officer:
Sue Carter
Sue Carter, NHS England South (South East) Controlled Drugs
Accountable Officer
Kent: [email protected]
Surrey and Sussex: [email protected]
 Controlled Drug destruction requests: you will be contacted
within 4 weeks to confirm arrangements.
 Reported incidents: details will be recorded for trending and
recording purposes. If further information is required you will
be contacted.
 Private Controlled Drug prescription pad requests:take 2-3
weeks to process.
 Other issues: will contact within 2 working days.
Re urgent emails: call on 03000 424127 or 07507 779630
If it cannot wait until the next working day please call Carole
Boarer 07919 413944 or Sue Carter 07917 262609
Primary Care Support England (PCSE)
Pharmaceutical administration: new pharmacy/relocation applications
PCSE General Enquiries: [email protected]
PCSE Enquiries, PO Box 350, Darlington DL1 9QN
Tel: 0333 014 2884
Fax: 0113 277 6912
New pharmacy/relocation
applications, change of
ownership, address:
Pharmaceutical administration
[email protected]
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“High quality care for all, now and for future generations”
Primary Care Support England (PCSE) continued
Stationery Ordering
Ordering and tracking supplies including stationery, dispensing tokens, pre-printed forms etc
FAQ section:
To register:
Support with registering or
accessing the portal:
Queries regarding existing
urgent orders:
Step by step guide to
ordering supplies:
Portal login:
[email protected]
(put “portal registration support needed” on subject line)
[email protected]
(Put “urgent supplies query” on subject line). Place urgent
orders by clicking on the “submit an urgent order” link on the
Smartcard Enquiries & Email
Registration Authority
Local Smartcard
Administrator Setup
(unlock pharmacy staff
blocked smartcards)
South East CSU Service Desk:
[email protected]
Tel: 03000 42 42 42
Option 3 for Sussex
Request smartcard unlocker access for your pharmacy
Ask for the call to be assigned to the Sussex RA Team;
Provide: your smartcard UUID (12 digit number on front of your
card), your name and pharmacy role, phone number, email
address, pharmacy name and ODS/F code - new account set up
To request an mail account complete the forms and
email to: completing the form and email:
[email protected]
applicationform for mail acc.doc
Waste - KMF Waste & Environment Team
Patient returned medicines, some needle exchange contracts
01634 335220
[email protected]
Open Mon-Fri 08:30-16:30
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“High quality care for all, now and for future generations”
Local Professional Network (LPN)
Surrey & Sussex
LPN Pharmacy Chair
Sally Greensmith
[email protected]
East Sussex Local Enhanced Services now known as
Public Health Local Service Agreements (PHLSA)
General email enquiries
Service sign up, serious incident
reporting and claims and
[email protected] / fax: 01273 336040
01273 481932
Tracey Houston
[email protected]
Substance Misuse Services;
Needle exchange,
supervised consumption
Sexual Health Team (EHC)
Chlamydia Screening
C Card
01273 335110
Daniel Parsonage
[email protected]
01273 335252
Tony Proom
[email protected]
Ross Boseley
[email protected]
Stop Smoking
01273 335398
Colin Brown
[email protected]
Quit 51 Stop Smoking
0800 622 6968
01273 336248
Other East Sussex Local Enhanced Services
Palliative Care (Just in Case Boxes) contact:
To order the JIC boxes email:
[email protected]
[email protected]
East Sussex Signposting information
NHS Choices has been updated to include information on local services and is a valuable
tool for signposting patients:
Additionally the local county councils have information on health and social care. See
websites below:
East Sussex Safeguarding and Child Protection Contacts
If a child or vulnerable adult is at immediate risk call the Police tel: 999
Advice on when to suspect child maltreatment:
To report concerns contact your County’s advice line as below
Local contacts can be found here:
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