Who am I? - Fort Bend ISD

Do Now 03/31/2011
Do Now 12/03/10
Use the information in the boxes and your knowledge of social
studies to answer the following question.
Strong federal
Alexander Hamilton
Strong state
1. Which of these leaders is most associated with the ideas of
the Anti-Federalists?
a. James Madison
b. Patrick Henry
c. John Adams
d. George Washington
Do now
44 The accomplishments shown on the
tombstone are associated with —
F Benjamin Franklin
G Thomas Jefferson
H James Madison
J John Adams.
44 Which prominent Revolutionary figure is
described above?
F Samuel Adams
G Thomas Paine
H Patrick Henry
J Benjamin Franklin
Which of the following best completes
this table?
A Governor of Massachusetts
B Minister of France
C Commander in Chief
D Leader of the Sons of Liberty
The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in
the American Revolution because —
F the colonists were defeated and lost
possession of New York
G Native Americans joined the war against
the colonies during the battle
H Great Britain was forced to form an
alliance with France against the colonies
J the colonial victory convinced France to
support American independence
Which of the following events completes the time line?
A British surrender at Yorktown.
B Americans hold Stamp Act Congress.
C British occupy Fort Ticonderoga.
D Americans issue the Declaration of Independence.
The British surrendered at the Battle of
Saratoga in 1777 is considered a turning
point in the Revolutionary War because it
resulted in A
the reopening of the port of Boston
Benedict Arnold committing treason
France becoming an ally of the United States
the Continental Congress fleeing Philadelphia
Which statement about the U.S. population in 1850 is best
supported by the information in these graphs?
F Rural life was similar in the South and the Northeast.
G New immigrants to the Northeast settled primarily in urban areas.
H The Midwest was becoming increasingly urbanized.
J The majority of people in these three regions lived in rural areas.
Which clause of the Magna Carta most directly
influenced the U.S. Bill of Rights?
F 15
G 39
H 41
J 44
38 Which events in U.S. history best complete the
time line above?
F Stamp Act, Boston Massacre
G Sugar Act, Shay’s Rebellion
H Townshend Acts, Battle of Yorktown
J Intolerable Acts, Articles of Confederation
What am I
Charter written in 1215 to
grant English citizens
the same rights as the
In what Year?
The year Columbus
began European
Exploration to the
What am I?
• The Exchange of
Goods and services
and Ideas from the
Eastern Hemisphere
to the Western
What am I?
What was the
first English
established in
What am I?
Three legged
course taken to
exchange raw
materials and goods
with Africa for
What am I?
What was the first
Government in the
Colonies created in 1619
What am I?
• This document was
written to create laws
of settlers in 1620
• “Civil Body Politic”
• General good of the
What am I?
Body of
water located to the East
of the colonies?
What am I?
• Principle which the
colony of Rhode
Island (Roger
Williams was based
What am I?
I am the Western
Boundary of the 13
Who am I?
Protestant Group came to
Plymouth in 1620 for religions
What am I?
• Educational
Movement in the
1700’s that
encouraged using
logic, reasoning,
and science to
solve problems of
daily life.
What am I?
• What is it called to
publish false
information about
someone that can
harm their
Who am I?
• Group of people
who agreed to
work in America in
exchange for
Who am I?
Person responsible
for influencing the
right to have
“Freedom of the
Press” in America.
What am I?
• Nickname of the
Middle Colonies
because they
grew grains
Who am I?
• Protestant Group
that settled in
Massachusetts Bay.
They wanted to
build a city based on
the Bible.
What am I?
• Religious
that created a
rise in
Democracy in
the 13
What am I?
Described as the
large scale
farming of cash
crops and
ownership of
What am I?
Document written by
English Parliament
to make sure that
all citizens were
created basic rights
Who am I?
• Protestant Group that
settled in the Middle
Colonies. They
believed that
everyone was created
equal and were
against slavery.
What am I?
Law that limited trade from colonies.
Ordered that colonies trade solely to Great
What Am I
• The area that required 60,000 free settlers
in order to become a state.
• The area west of the Appalachain
Mountains, north of the Ohio River, and
east of the Mississippi River
Group of colonies
that had the most
diverse group of
settlers because of
religious tolerance,
equality, and lots of
natural resources
What am I?
What am I?
Economic Practice where the mother
country Britain makes $ off of the colonies
What am I?
Written as the official constitution of
Thomas Hooker’s colony. Created a
colony based on Limited Government
What am I?
Agricultural products grown to make a
large profit. Examples are tobacco, cotton,
rice, indigo, and sugar cane
Who am I?
Country that owned all of the Louisiana
Territory and Canada
Who am I?
City at the
mouth of the
Group of colonies
best suited to
grow crops
because of the
climate and land
What am I?
What am I?
• Group of
colonies mainly
targeted by
policies of Great
Britain because
they relied on
imports. Also
had rocky soil
and harsh
What am I?
What were some of
the effects of
colonizing Native
American’s land
American Revolution
What am I?
Name the petition
sent to King
George III to
make peace.
Who am I?
I am the
Commander of
the Continental
Who am I?
I am the famous
French general
that helped the
Patriots train and
prepare for battle.
I also led them in
the Battle of
What am I?
This was the last battle in the American
Revolution that the Americans won and
the British began to acknowledge the
colonies as free and independent states
Who am I?
This man wrote the
Declaration of
What am I?
This officially ended the
American Revolution
and claimed that the
territory for the Atlantic
to the Mississippi River,
and Northern border
stopped at Great Lakes
and Southern border
stopped at Florida.
What am I?
This battle is labeled as
the turning point of the
war. The Patriots won
and convinced the
country of France to form
an alliance.
What am I?
• I have 3 parts named:
– Preamble
– List of Grievances
– Declared Independence
What am I?
I was declared to be
the 1st major battle of
the American
Revolution. 1000 of the
2400 British troops
were killed. Only 400
troops were killed in the
American army.
What Am I
• Last battle of the American Revolution
won by the colonists with the help of the
French army.
Principles of Government
What am I?
I was a principle of
government where
people elect
representatives to
speak for them.
What am I?
I was a principle of
government that
divides government
into 3 equal groups.
What am I?
I was a principle of
government where
each branch of
government has the
power to block actions
of another branch.
What am I?
I was a principle of
government which
Divides Power
between national and
state governments
What am I?
I was a principle of
government where
government only has
the authority given to
it in the Constitution.
No one is above the
What am I?
I was a principle of
government where
government should
protect and ensure
that all citizens have
basic rights .
What am I?
I was a principle of
government where the
government gets its
final authority from
the people. “We the
New Republic
Who am I?
I was the first President
of the United States
What am I?
I was a formal
announcement telling
the country that we will
not choose sides. We
will remain neutral.
Who am I?
I was the third
President, writer of the
Declaration of
Independence, George
Secretary of State.
Who am I?
I was in charge of
reducing the National
Debt, and George
Secretary of Treasury.
What am I?
I was a protest where
farmers hated the tax
on liquor and went
against government
until the president used
the army to stop the
What am I?
I was the law created to
establish the Supreme
Who Am I
• I am the 5th President.
• Era of Good Feelings occurred under my
• Warned European nations to stay away
from the Americas
What Am I
• I am the court case that gave the Supreme
Court the power of Judicial Review
• I am the 2nd President of the U.S.
• The XYZ Affair (France tried to bribe the
• I helped split the Federalist Party
Who Am I
• I am the country that sold the Louisiana
territory to the U.S.
What Am I?
• The law that banned all trade and placed
the U.S. in a recession.
Who am I
1st Democratic Republican president
Created the Embargo Act
Created the Non-Intercourse Act
Purchased the Louisiana Territory
3rd President
Who Am I
• 1st President to break the Neutrality
• I had a war named after me and the year
the war began.
• 4th President
What Am I
• What decree warned European Nations to
stay away from the Americas (Latin,
Central, Southern, and North)
What Am I (area in green)
What Am I
• The year the Louisiana Territory was
What Am I
Constitutional Convention
What am I?
I was the first
constitution but I was
too weak and therefore
a new constitution had
to be written
What am I?
I am a year the Bill of
Rights was added to
the Constitution.
What am I?
I am a list of 10
amendments that
provides freedoms for
Who am I?
I am “Father of the
What am I?
I am rights that cannot
be taken away.
Who Am I?
• City where the Constitutional Convention
was held.
Who Am I?
• A plan written to support equal
representation and small states
Who Am I?
• An agreement that satisfied small and
large states by providing representation
based on population and equally.
Who Am I?
• An agreement which counted slaves as a
part of the population.
Who Am I?
• A plan which favored large states and
called for representation based on
What Am I
• I am the document that was created to
provide a strong central government.
• I replaced the Articles of Confederation
Who Am I
• We are the people that helped write the
What Am I
• I am the year the Constitution was written.
Who Am I
• We are the people who refused to sign the
Constitution unless it included a Bill of
Rights. i.e. Patrick Henry
What Am I
• Created by Hamilton and Jefferson
• Started over differing views in government
What Am I
• I was a speech given by George
• I warned not to get involved in foreign
What Am I
• A process required to change the
• I must have the approval of the states and
the US Congress.
What Am I
• I am the period where machines replaced
hand-made items
Who Am I
• Inventor of the cotton gin
Who Am I
• People who fled Ireland because of the
potato famine
• People who came to America in hopes of
finding jobs
What Am I
• Growth in cities
What Am I
• The invention that helped speed up
What Area Am I
What Area Am I
What Area Am I
What Area Am I
Age of Jackson
Who Am I
• Hero at the Battle of New Orleans
• 7th President
What Am I
• The law that removed the Native
Americans west of the Mississippi River
What Am I
• A struggle between Andrew Jackson and
Nicholas Biddle in an effort to close the
Who Am I
• A confrontation between South Carolina
and the federal government where South
Carolina declared that the federal Tariffs
of were unconstitutional and therefore null
and void within the sovereign boundaries
of the state.
Social Reform
What Am I
• A person who wanted to end slavery
Who Am I
• Former slave
• Creator of the North Star
• Abolitionists
Who Am I
• Fought for hospital and prison reform
• I helped the mentally ill
Who Am I
• Created public education
Who Am I
• Daugther of a judge
• I fought for women’s rights
Who Am I
• My speech became famous “Ain’t I A
• I am an abolitionists and women’s rights
What Am I
• Movement against alcohol
• Women and preachers fought to place
limits on alcohol
What Am I
• The movement that helped women gain
jobs, education, and suffrage.
What Am I
• The ammendment that gave women the
right to vote
Who Am I
• I wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• My book helped divide the North and the
Sectionalism/Civil War
What Am I
• The amendment which gave slaves
What Am I
• The amendment which gave blacks the
right to vote
What Am I
• The amendment which made blacks
What Am I
• The court case that determined slaves
were property and could not sue in court.
Who Am I
• President of the United States during the
Civil War
Who Am I
• President of the Confederacy during the
Civil War
Who Am I
• Leader of the Army of the North during the
Civil War
Who Am I
• Leader of the Southern Army who
surrendered to the North ending the Civil
Who Am I
• Leader from the South that wanted slavery
to expand.
Who Am I
• Leader from the North that wanted slavery
to end.
• He knew slavery would divide the country
Who Am I
• Leader from the West that did not want
slavery to expand westward.
• He thought the North and South should
settle their differences.