CRIS Number : BG 2007/019-303.07.03.18,
Twinning number : BG/2007/IB/AG/07/UE/TWL
Sector: Agriculture
Location: Bulgaria, Ministry of Agriculture and Food
The “geographical indication” is a type of intellectual property right that may apply to all
kinds of goods – including agricultural products and foods. Geographical indications
(GIs) are distinctive signs which permit the identification of products on the market.
The GIs schemes encourage the high quality agricultural production, protect valuable
product names from misuse and imitation, and help consumers by giving them
information concerning the specific character of the products. Some 3000 names in
wines, spirits, agricultural products and foodstuffs have been registered.
EU Communities’ rules define an application procedure to be followed at Member State
level and at EU level, including an objection procedure enabling parties to submit
objections to a proposed registration. For all Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and
Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) the EC has defined the level of protection to be
ensured within the EU market. Member States are responsible for protecting PDO and
PGI rights on their territories.
In the EU Register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical
indications there are registered more than 830 PDO/PGI of agricultural products and
In order to be conform with this EU policy, Bulgaria has to provide a functioning system
of official control - appropriate legislative basis providing ex officio protection of
PDO/PGI, including appointed control body/bodies which competences enable the
immediate penalisation on the infringements found on the market.
The European Commission provided an Interpretative note in March 2009, No 2009-01,
doc. AGRI-2009-60863-00-00-TRA- 25 March 2009, which clearly defined the EU
legislative basis of a functioning of the official control system on the market at the
distribution stage of protected denominations PDO/PGI/Traditional Speciality
Guaranteed (TSG), including ex officio protection of names registered under Regulation
(EC) No 510/2006.
The EC Regulation 510/2006, in its article 10, states that the Member States have to
perform controls in accordance with EC Regulation 882/2004. The practical details of
performing these controls are under the responsibilities of the Member States. However it
is obvious that they have to take the necessary measures to stop the infringements of
misuse of GIs. Articles 54 and 55 of EC Regulation 882/2004 refer to enforcement
actions and state that the measures adopted by the Member State must be appropriate and
In order to comply with these EU requirements, Bulgaria has to designate the competent
authority or authorities, responsible for controls in respect of the obligations established
by Regulation (EC) No 882/2004.
The EC Regulation 882/2004 deals with official controls and covers GIs. The
management of this Regulation falls within the scope of the competence of DG Health
and Consumers (DG SANCO).
In particular Regulation 882/2004 aims at:
Improving the Community’s system of official controls in order to ensure the
verification of compliance with EU legislation;
Introducing operational criteria for the performance of official controls;
Better defining the tasks of the Member States and the common tasks of the
Member States and the EU;
Harmonising the role of control services and integration of controls across the
entire food chain.
The commitments of the Member States in providing the official control are as follows:
To designate national competent authorities to carry out official control on the
To set up integrated multi-annual national control plans which include
appropriate measure of control on the use of PDO/PGI. These plans aim at
having an updated, comprehensive and integrated approach of official
To provide ex officio protection which is consisting in introducing of
effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties/ sanctions as well as
administrative measures (corrective measures, restrictions on feed and food,
recall, destruction, closure etc.).
[Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 refers to the correlated need for the national
competent control authorities to penalise any specific infringements they find.
According to the Article 54 of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 enforcement
action must to be taken in case of non-compliance /when the competent
authority identifies non-compliance, it shall take action to ensure that the
operator remedies the situation, taking account of the nature of the noncompliance and that operator's past record with regard to non-compliance.
This Article 54 also refers inter alia to the prohibition of the placing on the
market, import or export of the feed or food concerned, its withdrawal or
destruction, and, more generally, the possibility to taking "any other measure
the competent authority deems appropriate". Article 55 of Regulation (EC) No
882/2004 provides that Member States must lay down the rules on sanctions
applicable to infringements of feed and food law and asks that they take all
measures necessary to ensure that these sanctions, which must be "effective,
proportionate and dissuasive”, are implemented].
In addition, the Commission set up guidelines regarding the implementation of
Regulation 882/2004. Decision 2007/363 on integrated multi-annual national control
plans make it clear that Member States have to include in their national plan controls
regarding GIs. Annual reports on the implementation of the plans also have to be
prepared and send to the European Commission and have to have a defined dead-line.
The relevant controls carried out by the national competent authorities are governed by
the substantial and procedural rules established under Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of
the European Parliament and of the Council, in force since 1 January 2006, notably on
official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food
law. The competent authority must carry out official controls regularly, in principle
without prior warning, and with appropriate frequency, so as to achieve the objectives of
this Regulation. Article 3(3) further emphasises that the official controls must also be
carried out regularly at the distribution stage and refers explicitly to controls on feed and
food businesses, which covers all retail sales points for feed and food.
Current situation in Bulgaria:
Bulgaria is currently implementing the EU Regulations concerned and also has
introduced a national legislation in the field of EU acquis on quality policy as follows:
the Law on the implementation of the common market organizations of the
agricultural products of the European Union (promulgated in State Gazette No 96
from 28 November 2006, entered in force 1 January 2007);
the Ordinance No 16 on preparation and submission of applications to the EC for
agricultural products and foods with protected geographical designations and
traditional specialty guaranteed, for control of compliance with the product
specifications and keeping of databases of producers and control bodies
(promulgated in State Gazette 79 from 02.10.2007)
The above national legislation provides the rules for carrying out the local procedures for
checks and approval of private control bodies for compliance control.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is appointed as a national competent authority
dealing with the implementation of the EU requirements of this EU policy in Bulgaria,
including the approval of the private control bodies and the surveillance of their
According to the national legislation only accredited private control bodies can apply for
approval by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Such control bodies can control the
PDO/PGI/TSG producers. In Bulgaria a Permanent interdepartmental consultative
commission established for GIs (PDO, PGI and foods with TSG) is authorized to
accomplish the national procedure for approval of binding specifications that comply
with the Regulation 509/2006 and Regulation 510/2006. It is composed by officially
appointed representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Economy and Energy and the Patent Office. The composition of the
Commission is defined with an Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Food.
Up to now only one specification has been approved following the national procedure
and one control body has been approved in order to control the producers of this PGI
product – Gornooriahovsku sudjuk (control performed by private body at the producers’
The binding specification of this Bulgarian PGI product (Gornooriahovsku sudjuk) is
under EU procedure before publishing in the Official Journal of EU.
So far the adopted Bulgarian national legislation makes no provision for carrying out of
official controls.
The Bulgarian Single multi annual control plan has been approved in 2008. However
provisions for checks over the use of PDO/PGI on the market within the meaning of
art.10 of 510/2005 and the Article 54 and 55 of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 are
missing. The official control body in charge is not yet designated and the requirements
are not defined for setting up an efficient official control on the market at the distribution
stage and the ex officio protection of PDO/PGI products is not provided according to the
EU requirements.
Therefore, in the current twinning light project a special attention is drawn on the
establishment of a system of efficient official control on the market at the distribution
stage of protected denominations - PDO/PGI, registered under Regulation (EC)
No 510/2006, which includes:
Drafting a proposal for adopting a national legislation providing an efficient
control system,
Defining the control responsibilities to the relevant official control body/ies
(functions, risk analysis, checks on the market), and elaboration of an integrated
multi-annual national control plan according the Guidelines defined in
Commission Decision 2007/363/EC of 21 May 2007;
Elaboration of the rules of internal interrelations between institutions related to
the protection of the intellectual property rights - control body/ies and national
competent authority on the Bulgarian market;
Elaboration of the rules for external interrelations between institutions /national
competent authorities of the different MS/ related to the finding of infringement
of PDO/PGI on the market.
Therefore the project will contribute to the establishment of an efficient official control on
the market at the distribution stage of PDO/PGI registered under Regulation (EC) No
510/2006 including ex officio protection of PDO/PGI according to the Article 54 and 55 of
Regulation (EC) No 882/2004. It will contribute to the elaboration of appropriate
legislative measures, the involvement of the proper administration/s and the establishment
of rules of interrelations between them.
It will conduce to strengthening the administrative capacity of experts from institutions
involved to perform the control on the market which should be followed by penalties in
order to establish real protection of intellectual property rights on the Bulgarian market of
all imported GIs registered under Regulation (EC) No 510/2006.
Moreover the project will contribute to the elaboration of appropriate measures to be
included in the integrated multi-annual national control plan concerning the official control
on PDO/PGI on the market.
Finally the project will contribute for informing groups of producers about the
functioning of the system of governmental control over the use of the PDO/PGI on the
market which will motivate them to respect the requirements and apply for registration of
3.1.1 A detailed description of the beneficiary institutions
The leading Beneficiary of the Twinning light project will be the EU Coordination
Directorate at Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is appointed as a national competent authority
dealing with the implementation of the requirements of this EU policy in Bulgaria.
The officials within the Department “Trade agreements, Promotions and Protected
Designations for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs” (TAPPDAPF) within the EU
Coordination Directorate at Ministry of Agriculture and Food are receiving the submitted
applications for entering the designation in the register of PDO and PGI and in the
register of protected TSG. They are performing checks on the completeness of the
submitted applications. In case of incompleteness of the application, the experts from
TAPPDAPF Department are preparing recommendations for improvement of the
application. Moreover the experts from TAPPDAPF Department complete on the spot
checks and checks on the documentation compliance.
The TAPPDAPF Department is responsible for keeping three databases as follows:
The databases of producers of agricultural products and foods with geographical
The databases of producers of agricultural products and foods with traditional
specialty guaranteed and;
The databases of private control bodies.
Only registered producers are allowed to participate in the market with the products with
The second beneficiary of the project will be designated during the first month of project
implementation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on the basis of a proposal made
by the Contractor. It will act as national competent authority to carry out official control
on the market.
Moreover officials from the Police office, dealing with the protection of the intellectual
property rights on the market will be invited to collaborate and participate in training
sessions provided within the twinning light project in order to be included in teams to
perform checks over the use of PDO/PGI on the market.
3.1.2 The context in the beneficiary country (BC)
TAIEX financed a study visit in Portugal on knowledge sharing with regard to the
practical experience of the relevant Portuguese administration and Portuguese
producers groups, which have applied successfully for PDO/PGI/TSG registration
procedures. The project has been implemented in 2008.
3.1.3 The proposed methodology for implementing the EU requirements
The policy of PDO/PGI of agricultural products and foods is relatively new and unknown
in Bulgaria. The obligation of Bulgaria to have a functioning control system at the
distribution stage, including ex officio protection is not yet met.
The focal point of the project is to designate an official control body capable of assuming
such activities and to elaborate the legal basis defining its responsibilities /appropriate
legislative amendments of the current national legislation and rules of procedure defining
the relationships between institutions (both internal /between national institutions/ and
external /between national competent authorities of different MS/
The second emphasis of the project is the implementation of practical training of a
number of officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as national competent
authority in PDO/PGI area and the elaboration of appropriate measures in the integrated
multi-annual national control plan.
The third important accent of the project is the training of the regional staff of the official
control body which will be designated to implement the official control.
The forth stress of the project is the dissemination of the information to all stakeholders,
associations, groups of producers on the functioning of the system of governmental
control over the use of the PDO/PGI on the market.
3.1.4 Steering Committee
The Steering Committee will include the Senior Programming Officer, the Director of
EU Coordination Directorate within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the General
Director of the official control body which will be designated, the Director of the
PIU/MAF, the project leaders of the twining partners and a representative of NAC.
Representatives of CFCU will be invited as observers of the Steering committee’s
meetings. The steering committee’s meetings will be the forum to discuss any unforeseen
difficulties arising during the previous work period. Exceptional steering committees can
be convoked, in case the situation dictates so.
The following Steering Committee meetings shall be held during the project
Kick-off Meeting at the project’s start
Steering Committee during the 3rd month to discuss and approve the start-up
(inception) report
Final Steering Committee to discuss and approve the final report
The CFCU (Ministry of Finance) will be the Contracting Authority responsible for
tendering, contracting, payments and financial reporting and will work with close cooperation with the beneficiary. The acting PAO of the project is Mrs. Tania Georgieva,
Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance. Her contact details are:
Address: 102 Rakovski Str.
1040 Sofia
Tel: 359 2 9859-2772
Fax: 359 2 9859 2773
E-mail: [email protected]
The PIU at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will be responsible for monitoring of
project implementation and coordination of the activities at all stages of the project cycle.
Contact details of the PIU are as follows:
Mrs. Demina Bairaktarska, Director of European and International Programs and Projects
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Address: 55 Hristo Botev blvd.
Tel: 359 2 981 6163
Fax: 359 2 981 75 42
E-mail: [email protected]
3.1.5 BC Project Leader
The expert responsible for the implementation of GIs policy in Bulgaria will act as
Bulgarian Project Leader of the project.
Contact details:
Mrs. Emilia Valtcheva
EU Coordination Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Address: 55 Hristo Botev blvd.
Tel: 359 2 98511 368
Fax: 359 2 9812 318
e-mail: [email protected]
Global and specific objectives
Global objective:
Improvement of the administrative capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, the official control body which will be designated, and representatives of
different administrations in order to achieve more effective controls and to ensure
the intellectual property right’s protection on the Bulgarian market of GIs
registered under Regulation (EC) No 510/2006.
Specific objectives:
Elaboration the legal framework for setting up an official control and ex officio
protection of PDO/PGI on the market and designation of an official control body.
Strengthening the capacity of the staff involved in the implementation of the EU
policy for PDO/PGI registration, respectively running the official control on the
Encourage all stakeholders, associations, producers groups to take the necessary
actions in order to comply with the EU requirements of the established system of
governmental control over the use of the PDO/PGI on the market;
Achievement of synergetic effect through creation of relationships between the
EU Coordination Directorate at MAF, the Control body which will be designated
and other possible participants in the control process and improvement of
connections between national competent authorities of MS for strengthening the
cooperation in case of infringements found.
Requested services / nature of activities
In order to achieve the Project Results, the following activities are envisaged:
A.1. Review and analyse of the current Bulgarian legislation in force and the EU-MS
practices related to the implementation of PDO/PGI policy. The Analyse will aim to
update of the tasks and responsibilities of EU Coordination Directorate and to designate
the responsible control body.
(5 days mission of 3 STEs)
A.2. Preparation and carrying out of 2 days workshop for officials on EU practices,
developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the ex officio protection and
establishment of the system of control on the market of PDO/PGI
(4 days mission of 2 STEs)
A.3. Study visit of 8 Bulgarian experts in a MS for 5 days in order to share knowledge on
coordination and monitoring of the official control over the use of PDO/PGI on the
market, preparation of a single multi annual control plan, internal interrelations between
national institutions and extenal interrelations between institutions /national competent
authorities of the different MS/ in case of infringements found.
(5 days study visit of 8 BG experts in a MS)
A.4. Drafting proposals for legislative amendments, including rules of procedures
establishing the interrelations between administrations involved, proposal for
amendments in the Bulgarian Single multi annual control plan and carrying out a round
table with the administration involved in order to discuss proposals made.
(2 missions of 5 days each of 2 STEs)
A.5. Carrying out a training for representatives from regional offices of the designated
official control body and other local administrations on how to operate on the market
during the checks - setting up of a team for the checks to be performed in the stores or
restaurants, how to deal in case of infringement and take any necessary actions to ensure
that the operator remedies the situation /including the prohibition of the placing on the
market, import or export of the feed or food concerned, its withdrawal or destruction/ - 10
/ten/ seminars in 10 Bulgarian regions for 100 (one hundred) experts from regional
offices of the designated official control body and other administrations involved in
carrying out activities of control on the use of PDO/PGI on the market.
(5 missions of 5 days each of 2 STEs)
A.6. Preparation and carrying out of a two days workshop for officials on the legislation
drafted to be adopted providing that ex officio protection and establishment of the system
of control on the market of PDO/PGI.
(4 days mission of 2 STEs)
A.7. Preparation of guidance on good administrative practices in application of the
complete control system on the PDO/PGI products in Bulgaria based on detailed
recommendations that include: internal control, conformity control and official control on
the market. Definition of the main operational criteria. Proposals for the next steps to be
taken to set up a complete system for control.
(2 missions of 5 days each of 2 STEs)
A.8. Organization and carrying out a dissemination seminar for all project stakeholders
on project results.
(3 days mission of 2 STEs)
Mandatory result and benchmarks
The legislation in force related to the implementation of PDO/PGI policy is analyzed
and followed by an adequate and reliable proposal for up date the tasks and
responsibilities of EU Coordination Directorate and to designate the responsible
control body.
Benchmark: Mobilization of the MAF resources and upgrade the administrative
capacity within MAF through enlargement of the staffs’ responsibilities;
10 Bulgarian officials informed on EU legislation and MS practices, developing,
implementing, monitoring and evaluating the ex officio protection and establishment
of the system of control on the market of PDO/PGI.
Benchmark: Organization of the team of experts’ representatives from different
administrative structures, which will be appointed to introduce in practice the system.
The team will improve its capacity and expertise to prepare the legislative measures.
This information will provide the administration with the important knowledge,
facilitating its further activities;
8 Bulgarian officials informed on coordination and monitoring of the official control
over the use of PDO/PGI on the market, the preparation of a single multi annual
control plan, internal interrelations between national institutions and extenal
interrelations between institutions /national competent authorities of the different MS/
in case of infringements found.
Benchmark: Strengthen efficiency of the legislation adopted.
Drafted proposal for legislative amendments to the current national legislation in the
field of control on the use of PDO/PGI on the market, including rules of procedures
establishing the interrelations between administrations involved and pilot draft of
revised Bulgarian Single multi annual control plan.
Benchmark: Practical tools to establish a good cooperation between national
institutions and administration of different MS and pilot draft of revised Bulgarian
Single multi annual control plan are proposed.
100 representatives from regional offices from the designated control body and other
local administrations trained on haw to operate on the market during the checks.
Benchmark: A Certificate for accomplished course of training issued to each
Guidance on good administrative practices in application of the complete control
system on the PDO/PGI products in Bulgaria is prepared. Definition of the main
operational criteria is done. Proposals for the next steps to be taken to set up a
complete system for control are formulated.
The main legislative measures and tools to establish a system of official control over
the use of PDO/PGI agricultural products and foods on the market at distribution
stage are presented to the stakeholders involved.
Benchmark: Certificates for attendance for 50 stakeholders - association and
producers groups is issued.
Indicative budget
The project will be implemented through a Twinning Light Contract estimated at 191 000
euro. National co-financing up to 10% of the Transition facility budget will be provided,
in addition to the amount, by the National Fund Directorate at the Ministry of Finance.
The Project Leader must have a 7 years experience in law and/or economics or any
other area related to the project objectives enabling the candidate to deal with
administration and control issues.
The Project Leader must possess adequate experience as Head of at least 2 projects
funded by the EU, national and other International organizations.
All experts providing short-term expertise should possess at least a Higher University
Degree (MD) in economics and/or law, natural science, public health or any other
areas related to the project objectives and have sufficient knowledge of control at the
distribution stage of the market, preferably on quality labelling schemes EU policy.
The short term experts must have experience and adequate knowledge in carrying-out
training and/or on-the-spot controls on agricultural products and foods at the
distribution stage of the market. They should be familiar with the rules of Regulations
(EC) No 510/2006, 882/2004. The latest should be justified with at least 2 years of
experience in the above areas;
The short term experts must have been engaged in an analytical work devoted to
legislation amendments in food quality law and/or controls, preferably in quality
labelling schemes’ law.
The short term experts have to demonstrate good organisational skills, to be good
communicator and team work facilitator.
The short term experts should have very good command of both written and spoken
English; Good reporting capabilities (Ability to draft comprehensive and concise
reports on activities carried out).
Computer literate (Ability to use standard IT applications like MS Word, Excel,
Outlook, etc.).
The interested Member State institution/s shall include in their proposal the Curricula
Vitae (in Transition Facility format) for the proposed experts and the specific tasks to
which they are related. The proposal shall contain the name of a designated Project
Leader, who will be responsible for the coordination of Member state inputs.
Starting date 1
Expected date of commence of project is January 2010
Finishing date of the assignment
Expected date of project completion is June 2010
Closing date for the project is expected in September 2010.
Cannot be before the date of signature of the contract
Schedule and number of units (man-days) for the assignment ( per expert
if possible)
3 STEs - 1 mission of 5 days
2 STEs - 1 mission of 4 days
(5 days study visit of 8 BG experts in a MS)
2 STEs - 2 missions of 5 days each
2 STEs – 5 missions of 5 days each
2 STEs - 1 mission of 4 days
2 STEs - 2 mission of 5 days each
2 STEs - 1 mission of 3 days
127 (+ 9 man-days for the project leader)
Months (x = man-days)
9 man-days for the project leader
Location of assignment
The project will be located at:
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Bulgaria
Address: 55 Hristo Botev Blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria
Depending on the activities, the technical equipment and the premises of the partners will
be also available:
Content, official language, format and number of reports
The contractor shall submit the following reports:
 A short start-up report shall be provided by the Contractor covering the first two
months of the contract and submitted during the third month.
 A final report describing the project implementation, including detailed information on
the results achieved follow-up recommendations and any necessary corrective
In addition to these formal reporting stages, the contractor is obliged to inform the
Beneficiary, the Contracting Authority and the Project Implementation Unit within MAF
in writing of any critical aspects or conditions of project implementation, or any
amendments/modifications necessary within the budget.
All reports must be produced both in the English and in Bulgarian languages in
electronic format and in three (3) hard copies. These reports shall be endorsed and
countersigned by the beneficiary and contain his/her additional comments (if any).
Each report must be presented in electronic format one week prior to the Steering
Committee and in hard copy to the following entities:
In addition to these formal reporting stages, the contractor is obliged to inform the
Beneficiary, Contracting Authority and the Monitoring body – Project Implementation
Unit within MAF, in writing of any critical aspects or conditions of project
implementation, recommendations and any necessary corrective actions or any
amendments/ modifications necessary within the budget.
The start-up and the final reports must be produced both in the English and in Bulgarian
languages in electronic and hard copy formats. These reports shall be endorsed and
countersigned by the beneficiary and contain his/her additional comments (if any).
Each report must be presented in electronic format and in four hard copies. One hard and
one electronic copy in English of each report shall be submitted to the following entities:
Contracting Authority
MAF/ EU Coordination
Mrs. Ivanina Beleva
Mrs. Demina Bairaktarska
Mrs.Evgenia Valeva
CFCU Director
Head of PIU at MAF
EU Coordination Directorate
Ministry of Finance
Address: 55 Hristo Botev Blvd. Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Address: 102, Rakovsky Str., Sofia
Address: 55 Hristo Botev Blvd.
1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phare Implementation Unit
Translation & interpretation needs
The interested Member State institutions shall include in their proposal the necessary
budget for translation of the relevant documentation and interpretation needed during the
foreseen events.
Interpretation will be provided for Bulgarian experts during their visits to the Member
State(s), as well as for the twinning experts during their visits to Bulgaria to secure
optimal communication.
Date of submission
A short start-up report shall be provided in the third month after the signature of the
The final report shall be submitted within three months after the completion of the
project activities.
GIs - Geographical indications
PDO/PGI - Protected designations of origin and Protected geographical indications
TSG - Traditional Speciality Guaranteed
CFCU – Central Financing and Contracting Unit
EU – European Union
MAF - Ministry of Agriculture and Food
TAPPDAPF - Department “Trade agreements, Promotions and Protected Designations
for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs”
PIU – Phare Implementation Unit
STE – Short-term expert
MS – Member State/s