Formal Biology of the Cell Modeling, Computing and Reasoning with Constraints François Fages, Constraint Programming Group, INRIA Rocquencourt mailto:[email protected] Transpose concepts and tools from programming theory to systems biology • Formal Methods of Program Verification to Systems Biology, • Constraint Logic Programming and Constraint-based Model Checking In course, • Learn bits of cell biology through computational models, • Develop new formalisms, languages and algorithms coming from biological questions François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Systems Biology •Multidisciplinary field aiming at getting over the complexity walls to reason about biological processes at the system level. • Conferences ICSB, CMSB, … journal TCSB, … •Virtual cell: emulate high-level biological processes in terms of their biochemical basis at the molecular level (in silico experiments) •Bioinformatics: end 90’s, genomic sequences post-genomic data (RNA expression, protein synthesis, protein-protein interactions,… ) •Need for a strong effort on: - the formal representation of biological processes, - formal tools for modeling and reasoning about their global behavior. François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Language Approach to Cell Systems Biology Qualitative models: from diagrammatic notation to • Boolean networks [Thomas 73] • Petri Nets [Reddy 93] • Milner’s π–calculus [Regev-Silverman-Shapiro 99-01, Nagasali et al. 00] • Bio-ambients [Regev-Panina-Silverman-Cardelli-Shapiro 03] • Pathway logic [Eker-Knapp-Laderoute-Lincoln-Meseguer-Sonmez 02] • Transition systems [Chabrier-Chiaverini-Danos-Fages-Schachter 04] Biochemical abstract machine BIOCHAM-1 [Chabrier-Fages 03] Quantitative models: from differential equation systems to • Hybrid Petri nets [Hofestadt-Thelen 98, Matsuno et al. 00] • Hybrid automata [Alur et al. 01, Ghosh-Tomlin 01] • Hybrid concurrent constraint languages [Bockmayr-Courtois 01] • Rules with continuous dynamics BIOCHAM-2 [Chabrier-Fages-Soliman 04] François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 The Biochemical Abstract Machine BIOCHAM Software environment based on two formal languages: 1. Biocham Rule Language for Modeling Biochemical Systems 1. Syntax of molecules, compartments and reactions 2. Semantics at 3 abstraction levels: Boolean, Concentrations, Populations 2. Biocham Temporal Logic for Formalizing Biological Properties 1. CTL for Boolean semantics 2. Constraint LTL for concentration semantics, PCTL for stochastic semantics Machine learning Rules and Parameters from Temporal Properties 1. Learning reaction rules from CTL specification 2. Learning kinetic parameter values from Constraint-LTL specification Internship topics: François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Overview of the Lectures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Formal molecules and reaction rules in BIOCHAM. Formal biological properties in temporal logic. Symbolic model-checking. Continuous dynamics. Kinetics and transport models. Computational models of the cell cycle control. Abstract interpretation and typing of biochemical networks Machine learning reaction rules from temporal properties. Constraint-based model checking. Learning kinetic parameter values. Constraint Logic Programming approach to protein structure prediction. François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 References A wonderful textbook: Molecular Cell Biology. 5th Edition, 1100 pages+CD, Freeman Publ. Lodish, Berk, Zipursky, Matsudaira, Baltimore, Darnell. Nov. 2003. Modeling dynamic phenomena in molecular and cellular biology. Segel. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1987. Modeling and querying bio-molecular interaction networks. Chabrier, Chiaverini, Danos, Fages, Schächter. Theoretical Computer Science 04 Machine learning biochemical reaction networks. Calzone, Chabrier, Fages, Soliman. Trans. Comp. Syst. Biology. 2006 The Biochemical Abstract Machine BIOCHAM. Fages, Soliman François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Map of Course 1 1. BIOCHAM syntax • Proteins: complexation and phosphorylation • DNA and genes: replication and transcription • Reaction and transport rules 2. Boolean semantics: concurrent transition system, Kripke structure • States and transitions • Examples: RTK membrane receptors, MAPK signaling pathways François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 2. Syntax: a Simple Algebra of Cell Molecules Small molecules: covalent bonds 50-200 kcal/mol • 70% water • 1% ions • 6% amino acids (20), nucleotides (5), fats, sugars, ATP, ADP, … Macromolecules: hydrogen bonds, ionic, hydrophobic, Waals 1-5 kcal/mol Stability and bindings determined by the number of weak bonds: 3D shape • 20% proteins (50-104 amino acids) • RNA (102-104 nucleotides AGCU) • DNA (102-106 nucleotides AGCT) François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Structure Levels of Proteins 1) Primary structure: word of n amino acids residues (20n possibilities) linked with C-N bonds Example: MPRI Methionine-Proline-Arginine-Isoleucine 2) Secondary: word of m a-helix, b-strands, random coils,… (3m-10m) stabilized by hydrogen bonds H---O 3) Tertiary 3D structure: spatial folding stabilized by hydrophobic interactions François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Formal proteins Cyclin dependent kinase 1 (free, inactive) Complex Cdk1-Cyclin B (low activity) Phosphorylated form at site threonine 161 (high activity) Cdk1 Cdk1–CycB Cdk1~{thr161}-CycB BIOCHAM syntax François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA 1) Primary structure: word over 4 nucleotides Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine 2) Secondary structure: double helix of pairs A--T and C---G stabilized by hydrogen bonds François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 DNA: Genome Size Species Genome size Chromosomes Coding DNA E. Coli (bacteria) 5 Mb 1 circular 100 % S. Cerevisae (yeast) 12 Mb 16 70 % François Fages … 3 Gb … 15 Gb … 140 Gb MPRI Bio-info 2007 DNA: Genome Size Species Genome size Chromosomes Coding DNA E. Coli (bacteria) 5 Mb 1 circular 100 % S. Cerevisae (yeast) 12 Mb 16 70 % Mouse, Human 3 Gb 20, 23 15 % … 15 Gb … 140 Gb 3,200,000,000 pairs of nucleotides single nucleotide polymorphism 1 / 2kb François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Genome Size Species Genome size Chromosomes Coding DNA E. Coli (bacteria) 4 Mb 1 100 % S. Cerevisae (yeast) 12 Mb 16 70 % Mouse, Human 3 Gb 20, 23 15 % Onion 15 Gb 8 1% … 140 Gb François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Genome Size Species Genome size Chromosomes Coding DNA E. Coli (bacteria) 4 Mb 1 100 % S. Cerevisae (yeast) 12 Mb 16 70 % Mouse, Human 3 Gb 20, 23 15 % Onion 15 Gb 8 1% Lungfish 140 Gb François Fages 0.7 % MPRI Bio-info 2007 DNA Replication Separation of the two helices and production of one complementary strand for each copy (from one or several starting points of replication) François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Syntax of Genes Part of DNA, unique Activation binding of promotion factor #E2 #E2-E2f13-DP12 Repression binding of another molecule François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Transcription: DNA gene pRNA mRNA Protein Genes: parts of DNA 1. Activation (Inhibition): transcription factors (inhibitors) bind to the regulatory region of the gene #E2 + E2F13-DP12 => #E2-E2F13-DP12 2. Transcription: RNA polymerase copies the DNA from start to stop positions into a single stranded pre-mature messenger pRNA _=[#E2-E2F13-DP12]=> pRNAcycA 3. (Alternative) splicing: non coding regions of pRNA are removed giving mature messenger mRNA pRNAcycA => mRNAcycA 4. Protein synthesis: mRNA moves to cytoplasm and binds to ribosome to assemble a protein mRNAcycA => mRNAcycA::cyt mRNAcycA::cyt + ribosome::cyt => cycA::cyt François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 BIOCHAM Syntax of Objects E == compound | E-E | E~{p1,…,pn} Compound: molecule, #gene binding site, abstract @process… - : binding operator for protein complexes, gene binding sites, … Associative and commutative. ~{…}: modification operator for phosphorylated sites, … Set of modified sites (Associative, Commutative, Idempotent). O == E | E::location Location: symbolic compartment (nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, …) S == _ | O+S + : solution operator (Associative, Commutative, Neutral _) François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Elementary Rule Schemas Complexation: A + B => A-B cdk1+cycB => cdk1–cycB François Fages Decomplexation A-B => A + B MPRI Bio-info 2007 Elementary Rule Schemas Complexation: A + B => A-B cdk1+cycB => cdk1–cycB Decomplexation A-B => A + B Phosphorylation: A =[C]=> A~{p} Dephosphorylation A~{p} =[C]=> A Cdk1-CycB =[Myt1]=> Cdk1~{thr161}-CycB Cdk1~{thr14,tyr15}-CycB =[Cdc25~{Nterm}]=> Cdk1-CycB François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Elementary Rule Schemas Complexation: A + B => A-B cdk1+cycB => cdk1–cycB Decomplexation A-B => A + B Phosphorylation: A =[C]=> A~{p} Dephosphorylation A~{p} =[C]=> A Cdk1-CycB =[Myt1]=> Cdk1~{thr161}-CycB Cdk1~{thr14,tyr15}-CycB =[Cdc25~{Nterm}]=> Cdk1-CycB Synthesis: _ =[C]=> A. _=[#Ge2-E2f13-Dp12]=>cycA François Fages Degradation: A =[C]=> _. cycE =[@UbiPro]=> _ (not for cycE-cdk2 which is stable) MPRI Bio-info 2007 Elementary Rule Schemas Complexation: A + B => A-B cdk1+cycB => cdk1–cycB Decomplexation A-B => A + B Phosphorylation: A =[C]=> A~{p} Dephosphorylation A~{p} =[C]=> A Cdk1-CycB =[Myt1]=> Cdk1~{thr161}-CycB Cdk1~{thr14,tyr15}-CycB =[Cdc25~{Nterm}]=> Cdk1-CycB Synthesis: _ =[C]=> A. _=[#Ge2-E2f13-Dp12]=>cycA Degradation: A =[C]=> _. cycE =[@UbiPro]=> _ (not for cycE-cdk2 which is stable) Transport: A::L1 => A::L2 Cdk1~{p}-CycB::cytoplasm=>Cdk1~{p}-CycB::nucleus François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 From Syntax to Semantics R ::= S => S | kinetic-expression for R A =[C]=> B stands for A+C => B+C A <=> B stands for A=>B and B=>A, etc. Systems Biology Markup Language: exchange format, no semantics BIOCHAM : three abstraction levels 1. Boolean Semantics: presence-absence of molecules 1. Concurrent Transition System (asynchronous, non-deterministic) 2. Differential Semantics: concentration 1. Ordinary Differential Equations or Hybrid system (deterministic) 3. Stochastic Semantics: number of molecules 1. Continuous time Markov chain François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 The Actin-Myosin two-stroke Engine with ATP fuel Myosin + ATP => Myosin-ATP Myosin-ATP => Myosin + ADP François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 The Actin-Myosin two-stroke Engine with ATP fuel Myosin + ATP => Myosin-ATP Myosin-ATP => Myosin + ADP François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 The Actin-Myosin two-stroke Engine with ATP fuel Myosin + ATP => Myosin-ATP Myosin-ATP => Myosin + ADP François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 The Actin-Myosin two-stroke Engine with ATP fuel Myosin + ATP => Myosin-ATP Myosin-ATP => Myosin + ADP François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Cell to Cell Signaling by Hormones and Receptors Signals: insulin, adrenaline, steroids, EGF, …, Delta, …, nutriments, light, pressure, … Receptors: tyrosine kinases, G-protein coupled, Notch, … L + R <=> L-R RAS-GDP =[L-R]=> RAS-GTP François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Five MAP Kinase Pathways in Budding Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 MAPK Signaling Pathways Input: RAF • Activated by the receptor RAF-p14-3-3 + RAS-GTP => RAF + p14-3-3 + RAS-GDP Output: MAPK~{T183,Y185} • moves to the nucleus • phosphorylates a transcription factor • which stimulates gene transcription François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 MAPK Signaling Pathway in BIOCHAM RAF + RAFK <=> RAF-RAFK. Pattern variables $P for RAF-RAFK => RAFK + RAF~{p1}. • Phosphorylation sites RAF~{p1} + RAFPH <=> RAF~{p1}-RAFPH. • Molecules RAF~{p1}-RAFPH => RAF + RAFPH. MEK~$P + RAF~{p1} <=> MEK~$P-RAF~{p1} with constraints where p2 not in $P. MEK~{p1}-RAF~{p1} => MEK~{p1,p2} + RAF~{p1}. MEK-RAF~{p1} => MEK~{p1} + RAF~{p1}. MEKPH + MEK~{p1}~$P <=> MEK~{p1}~$P-MEKPH. BIOCHAM rules are MEK~{p1}-MEKPH => MEK + MEKPH. expanded in MEK~{p1,p2}-MEKPH => MEK~{p1} + MEKPH. BIOCHAM-0 rules MAPK~$P + MEK~{p1,p2} <=> MAPK~$P-MEK~{p1,p2} without patterns where p2 not in $P. MAPKPH + MAPK~{p1}~$P <=> MAPK~{p1}~$P-MAPKPH. MAPK~{p1}-MAPKPH => MAPK + MAPKPH. MAPK~{p1,p2}-MAPKPH => MAPK~{p1} + MAPKPH. MAPK-MEK~{p1,p2} => MAPK~{p1} + MEK~{p1,p2}. MAPK~{p1}-MEK~{p1,p2} => MAPK~{p1,p2}+MEK~{p1,p2}. François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Reaction Model of the MAPK Cascade [Levchenko et al. PNAS 2000] (MA(1), MA(0.4)) for RAF + RAFK <=> RAF-RAFK. (MA(0.5),MA(0.5)) for RAF~{p1} + RAFPH <=> RAF~{p1}-RAFPH. (MA(3.3),MA(0.42)) for MEK~$P + RAF~{p1} <=> MEK~$P-RAF~{p1} where p2 not in $P. (MA(10),MA(0.8)) for MEKPH + MEK~{p1}~$P <=> MEK~{p1}~$P-MEKPH. (MA(20),MA(0.7)) for MAPK~$P + MEK~{p1,p2} <=> MAPK~$P-MEK~{p1,p2} where p2 not in $P. (MA(5),MA(0.4)) for MAPKPH + MAPK~{p1}~$P <=> MAPK~{p1}~$P-MAPKPH. MA(0.1) for RAF-RAFK => RAFK + RAF~{p1}. MA(0.1) for RAF~{p1}-RAFPH => RAF + RAFPH. MA(0.1) for MEK~{p1}-RAF~{p1} => MEK~{p1,p2} + RAF~{p1}. MA(0.1) for MEK-RAF~{p1} => MEK~{p1} + RAF~{p1}. MA(0.1) for MEK~{p1}-MEKPH => MEK + MEKPH. MA(0.1) for MEK~{p1,p2}-MEKPH => MEK~{p1} + MEKPH. MA(0.1) for MAPK-MEK~{p1,p2} => MAPK~{p1} + MEK~{p1,p2}. MA(0.1) for MAPK~{p1}-MEK~{p1,p2} => MAPK~{p1,p2} + MEK~{p1,p2}. MA(0.1) for MAPK~{p1}-MAPKPH => MAPK + MAPKPH. MA(0.1) for MAPK~{p1,p2}-MAPKPH => MAPK~{p1} + MAPKPH. François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Bipartite Proteins-Reactions Graph of MAPK GraphViz François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Influence Graph inferred from the syntactical reaction model of the MAPK “cascade” Negative feedback loops… [Fages Soliman CMSB’06] François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Differential Simulation François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Boolean Simulation François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Automatic Generation of CTL Properties reachable(MAPK~{p1})) reachable(!(MAPK~{p1}))) oscil(MAPK~{p1})) … reachable(MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1})) reachable(!(MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1}))) oscil(MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1})) AG(!(MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1})->checkpoint(MAPKPH,MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1}))) AG(!(MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1})->checkpoint(MAPK~{p1},MAPKPH-MAPK~{p1}))) … reachable(MAPK~{p1,p2})) reachable(!(MAPK~{p1,p2}))) oscil(MAPK~{p1,p2})) … François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Boolean Semantics Associate: • Boolean state variables to molecules denoting the presence/absence of molecules in the cell or compartment • A Finite concurrent transition system [Shankar 93] to rules (asynchronous) over-approximating the set of all possible behaviors A reaction A+B=>C+D is translated into 4 transition rules for the possibly complete consumption of reactants: A+BA+B+C+D A+BA+B +C+D A+BA+B+C+D A+BA+B+C+D François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007 Kripke Structure K=(S,R) Given: V is a set of state variables, with domain D, T a set of transition rules between states. Associate: a Kripke structure (S,R) where S=DV is the set of possible states with variables ranging in domain D RSxS is the total relation induced by T, that is (A,B) is in R if there exists a transition rule from state A to B (A,A) is in R if there exist no transition from state A. François Fages MPRI Bio-info 2007
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