crazy traits

Domain 1A
Strand II: The Content of Science
Standard II (Life Science): Understand the properties, structures, and processes of living
things and the interdependence of living things and their environments.
Benchmark II: Understand the genetic basis for inheritance and the basic concepts of biological
2. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe inheritable traits (i.e., genotype, phenotype).
3. Explain the concepts of segregation, independent assortment, and dominant/recessive
5. Know how genetic variability results from the recombination and mutation of genes,
• sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction result in a change in DNA
that is passed on to offspring
Objective: Students will be able to create a pedigree
chart from genetic information (see performance standard
3 and 5) and use the proper terminology when discussing
genetics (See performance standard 2).
Correlations to
Domain 1A-1F
Anticipatory Set
1. Bell Ringer Questions
Bell Ringer/Key Questions:
Q: How can a pedigree be used to trace a genetic
disorder over generations?
Q: What traits can you see in different generation of your
Q: How can you share traits with your aunt that your
parents don’t show?
Q: Have you ever seen a family tree or pedigree?
Q: Why are males more affected by sex-linked disorders
than females?
Direction Instruction and Review
2. Class discussion and review of genetic terminology
previously taught to describe the patterns of inheritance.
Vocabulary: pedigree, carrier, phenotype, genotype,
recessive trait, dominant trait, sex-linked inheritance, codominant inheritance, incomplete dominant inheritance,
homozygous, heterozygous, parental generation, filial 1, 2
Domain 1B: Previous
lessons will have
provided students with
the required genetic
terminology to enable
students to answer bell
ringer/key questions and
will set the focus at the
start of the lesson.
& 3 generations.
3. Lab Activity: Pedigrees and Genetic Disorders
1. Students will determine phenotype and genotype of individuals
in a pedigree and use the pedigree to determine the
probability that offspring would inherit a certain disorder.
2. Students are challenged to create their own pedigree about the
genetic disorder in crazy creatures called “night blindness.”
Crazy creatures with red eyes have a beneficial trait for
nighttime vision. Creatures born with one green eye and one
red eye (co-dominance) have adequate vision at night, but
those born with two green eyes are virtually blind at night---“night blindness”. (TT homozygous dominant red eyes, Tt
heterozygous, co-dominant one red eye, one green eye and tt
homozygous recessive green eyes)
3. Students will start the activity with the P1 breeding pair. The
female parent with one red and one green eye (Tt) and a
male parent with both green eyes (tt). The breeding pair
produces three offspring: two males and a female. Students
will flip correct coins to determine which alleles are passed on
from P1 generation to the F1 generation. Students will draw
and color the pedigree as they flip for traits marking
homozygous dominant, co-dominant, and homozygous
recessive traits and alleles on the pedigree chart. Students
will then construct a crazy creature using the crazy creature
kit and photograph each creature using photo booth to
document the phenotype of each individual in the pedigree.
Photographs of each individual can be added to the pedigree
when it is complete in order to provide a visual representation
of the passage of the traits.
4. Students will then mate one of the F1 Males with a female that
has red eyes (TT) to produce the F2 generation. They will
produce four female offspring. This will be Family A on the
pedigree. Students will flip the correct coins to determine the
genotypes of their offspring. Students will record the results
on their pedigree charts.
5. Another F1 male will mate with a female that has green eyes (tt)
to produce the F2 generation. They will produce two offspring
– one male and one female. This is Family B on the
pedigree. Students will flip the correct coins to determine the
genotypes of their offspring. Students will record the results
on their pedigree charts.
6. The F1 female will mate with a male that has one red and one
green eye (Tt) to produce the F2 generation. They will
produce one male offspring. This is Family C on the
pedigree. Students will flip correct coins to determine the
genotype of this offspring. Students will record the results on
their pedigree charts.
7. To produce the F3 generation, students will choose any of the
F2 individuals from the pedigree then determine the genotype
of a mate and the number of each gender of offspring that the
pair will produce. Students will flip the correct coins and draw
Domain 1D: The Biology
PLC designed this lesson
using CPO (Cambridge
Physics Outlet) Science
resources in order to
produce an integrated
lesson to enhance
student content
Crazy Creature Kits
Student pedigree charts
3 Coins (TT), (Tt) and (tt)
CPO Crazy Creatures Kit
Domain 1C:
Modifications: Students
will be selectively
grouped to allow for peer
assistance during this
activity. (ELL, ESL, and
slow learners) GT
students will have the
opportunity to fully
express themselves in
their choice of disorder
research presentation.
The activity of producing
the pedigree and crazy
creature will meet the
needs of the visual,
auditory, and tactile
the new additions to the pedigree chart. Students will label
the generations and make sure they have created a key for
the symbols.
8. Students will choose a genetic disorder to research.
*Students will select their own method of presentation of their
chosen disorder for example keynote, Imovie, written essay,
play, rap, poem, brochure, scrapbook, poster, comic book,
Assessment: Completion of Crazy Creature “Night Blindness”
pedigree, activity assessment questions, and Genetic Disorder
Research Presentation.
Domain 1E: Students are
often interested in how
genetics and genetic
disorders relate to them
and their families. In
allowing the students to
choose a research topic
and mode of presentation
this lesson addresses the
varying backgrounds and
learning styles of the
Domain 1F: Students
knowledge will be
assessed in various ways
such as the completion of
the Crazy Creature “Night
Blindness’ pedigree,
activity assessment
questions, and genetic
disorder research
presentation. The
instructor will question
students throughout the
lesson to check for
understanding and check
students work through
out the lesson.
Special Strategies: Students will be selectively grouped to meet individual learning styles and
modifications. Building the crazy creatures is a tactile and visual activity. Auditory learners will benefit
from the conversation with peers about the genetic activity. (See Domain 1C and 1E)
Special Strategies:
Special Strategies:
Agenda: 9/12/13
Special Strategies:
Special Strategies: