What kind of Carbs SHOULD I eat??

Conclusion: Myth
What did we learn?
What kind of Carbs SHOULD
I eat??
Eating the right carbs can do great
things for your body, just follow
these rules below!
• Try to eat more WHOLE GRAINS.
Whole grain products have special
stamps (pictured above) on them.
Look for them at your grocery
• Eat brown foods instead of white
foods! Brown foods contain more
whole grains than the white foods.
• Avoid sugars! Sugars are
considered “empty calories, and
will not give you vitamins or fiber.
• If you are trying to lose weight,
start by cutting out Refined Grains
and Sugars, not all carbohydrates.
Labiner-Wolfe J, Lin CTJ, Verrill L. Effect of LowCarbohydrate Claims on Consumer Perceptions about Food
Products’ Healthfulness and Helpfulness for Weight
Management. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2010;42: 315-320
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Carbohydrates: How Carbs Fit into a
Healthy Diet." Mayo Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.
James Klauder
Look for these logos on your grain
We learned how important
carbohydrates are for your body.
They provide energy, fiber, and
vitamins! When looking to lose
weight, look at reducing calories
instead of just carbohydrates!
So why don’t I just cut
Carbs out?
Carbs are your body’s main source of
energy! They are full of a molecule
called “glucose,” which is broken into
a molecule called ATP. ATP powers
your body’s muscles!
Carbohydrates power your
muscles. Without
Carbohydrates, your body will
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Whole Grains vs
Refined Grains
Not all carbohydrates are good, make
sure that you eat the RIGHT carbs!
Myth: Aren’t carbs the
reason I gain weight?
What happens when I don’t eat
Well… not exactly
Without Carbs, your body will begin
to break down Protein and Fat for
The true culprit of gaining weight is
calories. If someone is eating more
calories than they are burning off,
they will gain weight.
Calories are in energy yielding
molecules called “macronutrients,”
which are in all foods.
Macronutrients are carbohydrates,
protein, and fats! So, while eating too
many carbohydrates can cause
weight gain, it is because you are
eating too many CALORIES.
Is using protein for energy bad?
Yes! Protein can do many things
more important than being used for
energy. Protein fights diseases, builds
muscle, and is essential to biological
function! Without carbohydrates,
protein will be forced to be used for
energy instead of performing these
important functions.
- Whole grain products are made
from the entire wheat plant.
Because of this, they contain more
Fiber and B Vitamins. Fiber is a
molecule that gives your body a
feeling of fullness after a meal,
keeping you from eating more
later! B vitamins are essential in
preventing diseases like Pellagra
and Beriberi.
- Refined grains are made when the
processors remove parts of the
wheat plant in making flour
products. Without these parts of
the plant, there is a lot less Fiber
and B Vitamins!
- Flip to the next page for some tips
on what kind of carbs to eat!