Discussionon“Oneteamortwoteams?Exploring rela7onshipqualitybetweenauditorsandITspecialistsand itsimplica7onsforacollec7veauditteamiden7tyandthe auditprocess” BertrandMalsch,Ph.D.,MBA CARConference,16October2016,WaterlooUniversity Openingaresearchagenda • Thepoli7csofinterprofessionalworking • Func7onalstupidityatauditors’work • Careandtrustintheauditprocess Thepoli1csofinterprofessional working Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking Professional managethe reproduc7onof professionalcapital Professionals defineanew uncontestedspace Professionals promulgatenew rulesystemsthat redefinethe boundariesof organiza7onal fields Professionals populatethenew spacewithnew actors Figure1 Powerframeworkofprofessionalism SuddabyandViale(2011) Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking Historically,accountants/auditorshaveaWemptedtocapturespecificsets ofprac7cesinnewauditarenassuchas: • environmentalaudit(Malsch,2014;Power1997,2003), • efficiencyaudit(Radcliffe1999) • e-commerceassurance(GendronandBarreW2004) • sustainabilityassurance(O’Dwyer,20110 Bymakingclaimsastotheirobjec7vityanduniversality,auditorshavetried to produce and promote portable, context-free sets of ‘‘good’’ audit prac7cesacceptedasdirectlyrelevanttothesenewarenas. Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking Consul7ng firms Fieldofpower Law firms … Accoun7ng firms Figure2 Powerframeworkofprofessionalservicefirms MalschandGendron(2013) Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Buildingin-house«mul7disciplinary»exper7se Accoun7ngfirm In-house fieldofpower Accountants/ Auditors Consultants Lawyers Taxspecialists ITspecialists Valua7on specialists Etc... Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Auditorsv.Valua7onspecialists Fair value accoun7ng makes it increasingly harder for auditors to feel and actuallybeincontroloftheirownexper7se.Thatis,auditors’systemofexper7se is now considerably more reliant on a “secondary” – but perhaps in actual fact primary – layer of exper7se revolving around market valua7on techniques and principles. In so doing, the auditors’ job is profoundly transformed as they no longercanbeconceivedofasautonomousexpertsincontrolofeveryaspectof auditengagements.Insteadtheauditor’srolecanbelikenedtothatofanarbiter standingbetweentheauditedpartyandtheassemblageofavarietyofcomplex components. DurocherandSmithLacroix,2014 Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Auditorsv.Consultants By expanding service op7ons beyond its original jurisdic7on, the accoun7ng establishment had to expand the scope of recruitment to include experts (in law, IT, strategy, etc.) with different (and some7mes conflic7ng) social and professional disposi7ons.AccordingtoDezalay(1992,p.187),thistranslatedinto‘tensionsbetween thebehaviors,responsibili7es,remunera7onsanddemandsofconsultantsandofthe auditexpertswhocon7nuetocontroltheconglomerates. MalschandGendron,2013 Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Auditorsv.ITspecialists Specialists have become vital members of the audit team due to the complex systemsandtransac7onsinthemoderndayaudit,especiallywithrespecttothe ITfunc7on(BrynjolfssonandMcAfee2011;EY2012;PwC2012). BauerandEstep,2016 Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Theorizingintrafirm’sinterprofessionalstruggles We enforce it, just like tax people, we’re iden7fied as specialists... but they seeusasadifferentteam,andthey’renotthinkingofus,Imeanthereareorg chartsfortheclientmee7ngandtheyshowusaspartoftheauditteam,but... when you talk about who’s on the audit team, I think they’ll ra=le off the namesofthepeopleinthecorefinancialandthenit’sjustthetaxteamand theITauditteam.(IT3-P) Organiza1onalcontrol Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Theorizingintrafirm’sinterprofessionalstruggles [Auditors]understandthefinancialsideof[applica7oncontrols],whattheyare tryingtoprovebutoncewegetagraspofwhattheyaretryingtoprove,we’re be=eratprovingit.(IT6-S) Knowledgecontrol Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking • Theorizingintrafirm’sinterprofessionalstruggles It had always been a difficult engagement... the partner [viewed us as a] necessary evil... the only thing IT could ever do for them was cause problems...Ithinkhismissioninlifewastominimizetheamountof1mewe spent.(IT3-P) Poli1calcontrol Thepoli1csofinterprofessionalworking Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Theidealofsmartness Consistent with the percep7on of increasing and omnipresent complexity, there exists a broad consensus that modern economies have become knowledge-intensive (Adler, 2001) and that a vital issue for successful contemporary organiza7ons is their ability to mobilize intelligently their members’cogni7vecapaci7esanddevelopjudiciousformsofexper7se(Allen, Maguire,andMcKelvey,2011). “An enormous body of wri7ng on knowledge, informa7on, competence, wisdom, resources capabili7es, talent, and learning in organiza7ons has emerged in recent decades in which there is a common assump7on of smartness”(AlvessonandSpicer,2012,p.1195). Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Cogni7vecapaci7es(experts)againstscandals Thecaseofcorporategovernance: Boarddirectorshavebecomethe“usualsuspects”andtheprimarytarget ofregulatoryini7a7vesaimedatgivingthemmoreteethbymakingthem moreknowledgeable.Suchdevelopmentshavebeenpar7cularlyvisiblein the atermath of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, with US regulatory authori7eshavingstronglyadvocatedforthegreaterpresenceoffinancial experts on audit commiWees. The laWer have since become, at least in appearance, “substan7ally more ac7ve, diligent, knowledgeable and powerful”(Cohenetal.2010,p.752). Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Stupidityinac7on Whentherela7onshipbetweenauditorsandITspecialistsisviewed as good (difficult), the collec7ve audit team iden7ty is stronger (weaker) and there is more (less) produc7ve coordina7on. (Bauer and Estep,2016). Itiskindofamazingthatwearen’tfurtheralongbecausewe’veseen 1me and 1me again how auditor’s successful stories of wins and where we’re making a difference, all these situa1ons [where] everyoneworkedtogether...we’reonebigteamandwe’reall[FirmX], and so it’s frustra7ng that this doesn’t resonate with people... I think we’llgetbeyondthesedifferencesandthesebarriersifwestartac7ng likewe’reallonthesameteam.(IT4-SM)(BauerandEstep,2016). Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Func7onalstupidity – Defini7on:“Aninabilityand/orunwillingnesstousecogni7veandreflec7ve capaci7esinanythingotherthannarrowandcircumspectways”(Alvessonand Spicer,2012,p.1201). – Organiza7ons are frequently affected by func7onal stupidity, in that organiza7onalprocessesandopera7ngac7vi7esareotencharacterizedbythe unwillingness or inability to mobilize three key aspects of cogni7ve capacity: reflexivity,meaningfuljus7fica7on,andsubstan7vereasoning. Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Lackofreflexivity I think it’s always difficult when we start to say ineffec7ve/not support,[it]createsalotofaddi7onalwork...sotheydidn’twant tochange,theydidn’twantustochangetheconclusionthathad beenthereforseveralyears.(IT8-SM) Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Lackofjus7fica7on We’veactuallygonethroughinspec7ontwiceonthatclientandIthink generally speaking the first ques7on is always “why [is] the financial auditteam[tes7ngautomatedcontrols]?”butweclearlystateinour memo they said they don’t want us doing it; they’ve never given us anypar7cularreason.(IT14-SM) Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Lackofsubstan7vereasoning I guess the biggest thing that I see is the engagement teams overes7mate what [IT general controls] actually cover... I’ll see commentslike“we’recomfortablewithspreadsheetsbecausewe have IT specialists” [but] we didn’t test spreadsheets so I don’t knowhowyou’recomfortablewiththem.(IT15-M) Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • A rich body of work in organiza7on theory has acknowledged the limits to ra7onality and smartness in organiza7ons through the conceptsof… – – – – – boundedra7onality(Simon,1972), skilledincompetence(Argyris,1986), foolishness(March,1996,2006) ignorance(Ungar,2008) Etc. Areauditorsfunc1onallystupid? • Howfunc7onalstupidity/boundedra7onalityplaysoutindifferent organiza7onalcontexts? • Doesauditors’func7onalstupidity/boundedra7onalityoperate differentlyinsitua7onsinvolvingmanagementaccountants,external auditorsorfinancialanalysts? • Howfunc7onalstupidity/boundedra7onalityincreases,fallsor stabilizes,par7cularlyintheatermathofsomeprominentcorporate governanceoraccoun7ngscandal? Careandtrustintheauditprocess Careandtrustintheauditprocess “Theresultsofourinterviewsprovideevidencethatrela7onshipquality betweenauditorsandITspecialistsisperceivedtoprimarilydependon communica1onandmutualtrustandrespect”(BauerandEstep,2016). “Theremainingresultsinthispaperprovidesupportforwhyfirmsand prac77onersshouldaimtoimproverela1onshipquality”(BauerandEstep, 2016). Careandtrustintheauditprocess • Organiza7onsas”emo7onalarenas”: – ‘[I]n the last 30 years, an ‘‘affec7ve revolu7on’’ has taken place, in which academics and managers alike have begun to appreciate how an organiza7onal lens that integrates employee affect provides a perspec7ve missingfromearlierviews’.(BarsadeandGibson,2007) • Accoun7ngfirmsas“emo7onlessarenas”… – Oneofthemostwidespreadaccoun7ngstereotypess7lldepictstheauditor as an actor who is almost en7rely de- void of feeling. because accoun7ng work is interpersonal, the adop7on of an unemo7onal avtude is actually partoftheworkandofcourse‘‘unemo7onal’’isamisnomerforapar7cular emo7onal orienta7on, that of a professional-seeming coolness consistent withtechnocracy’(Gill,2009,p.34). Careandtrustintheauditprocess “When rela7onship quality is beWer, auditors and IT specialists push beyond thesegeneraltendencies;theytryhardertohelptheotherunderstandtheir workandreduceknowledgegaps,andworktogethertoachieve7melieraudit comple7on,eveninthefaceof7mepressure”. We ask respondents: if cri7cisms of the other subgroup feel like personal insults […] the extent to which they characterized the rela7onshipastrus7ng,ratedonaseven-pointscalefrom“tenseand mistruswul”to“amicableandtrus7ng”; Thefollowingquoteshelpdemonstratethesen1mentthatITspecialistsmaynot beappreciatedorvaluedinDifficult:«Ithadalwaysbeenadifficultengagement... the partner [viewed us as a] necessary evil... the only thing IT could ever do for themwascauseproblems...»(IT3-P) Careandtrustintheauditprocess ITspecialistssuggestkeyfactorstotheirgoodrela7onshipinclude“transparency andhonesty”(IT16-SM)and“havingtogaintheirtrusttomakethemrealizethat Idounderstandwhatthebigpictureis,Idounderstandwhatyourgoalsareand I’mheretosupport”(IT4-SM) Theyoperateinavacuum,they’reveryanaly7calpeople,they takeoffenseatwhatwesay...toourchallenging;“we’retheIT folkswhatdoweknow?”(IT2-S) Whetherauditorsdonotwanttolisten,ITspecialistsdonotwanttotalk,oreither groupfeelstheydonothavetheknowledgeor1metobotherwiththeother,our respondentsclaimthisoccursmoreoteninDifficultandissuesthatarisearemore likelytogounno7cedorbeinappropriatelyaddressed. Careandtrustintheauditprocess • Researchonemo7onsuggestthatpeopleinposi7vemoodswillbe moretrus7ng.Peopleinposi7vemoods… – haveaneasier7meaccessingmemorieswheretrus7ngbehaviorledtoaposi7ve outcome. – taketheirposi7vemoodasinforma7onaboutthetrustworthinessofothers,and aboutthepossibleconsequencesofengagingintrus7ngbehavior. – aremorealtruis7candmakemoreop7mis7cpredic7onsaboutfutureevents, suchasthefutureac7onsofothers. – aremorecoopera7veinnego7a7ngsitua7ons. Table 1 Behavioral Dimensions of Caregiving Behaviors Impact Accessibility Remain in other's vicinity, allowing time and space for contact and connection, Key Acts; welcome other; not allow external interruptions; stay with other, "You just have to be there for others." "Make lots and lots of time, to talk and listen, to do things you don't have time to do but are important." Renders caregiver accessible to other, allowing caregiving relationship to commence. "When someone is just there for you, sits down and stays there, you can start to trust them." Inquiry Ask for information necessary to provide for other's emotional, physical, and cognitive needs; probe for other's experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Key Acts: ask questions; follow leads to further questions; stay curious; maintain respectful tones. "You find out what's going on with them, where they are. They feel that someone cares enough to sit with them." Locates and brings other into caregiving relationship, in order to assess other's needs and enables other to feel acknowledged. "I feel good when others are checking on me, concerned with finding out what's going on with me. I get to say things out loud that othenwise I might not even realize," Attention Actively attend to other's experiences, ideas, self-expressions; show comprehension with verbal and nonverbal gestures. Key Acts: maintain eye contact; nod encouragingly; check by rephrasing/interpreting other's words. "You really hear what is said often between the lines, and acknowledge the various stresses and strains they see." Displays interest in other, who is able to feel heard, apprehended, and understood. "I feel that who I am and what I have to say matters when someone really listens to me. They take me in, not just my words." Validation Communicate positive regard, respect, and appreciation to other. Key Acts: compliment other's acts, ideas, efforts; ask for and incorporate other's help; show appreciation of other's performance; defer to other's expertise. "I find the positive in what they say and do, tell them they are doing what they can do, and express my respect for them. Communicates to other the sense of being valued and valuable, worth caring for, and appreciated. "If someone is showing me respect, appreciating my work and not just ignoring me, then I feel like I have a voice and that it makes a difference. I feel seen and heard." Empathy Imaginatively put self in other's place and identify with other's experiences; verbally and nonverbally communicate experience of other. Key Acts: express own sense of what other feels, show appropriate nonverbal and facial signs of understanding other's emotions. "You have to feel what they do and see the world through their eyes. It means you have to stand in their shoes, at least a bit." Enables caregivers to temporarily experience what other sees, thinks, and feels. Other feels joined, "When others can show me they really know what I'm feeling, it's like they're really with me. I get the sense I'm not alone, and it doesn't feel so bad to feel whatever I'm feeling right then." Support Offer information (about salient issues/situations), feedback (about other's strengths/weaknesses), insights (about caregiving relationship), and protection (from distracting external forces). Key Acts: provide data; help other reframe or analyze situation; run interference for other. "The key is to provide resources for people to go on their own journeys." "I try to empower others, to provide them tools so they can develop skills or themselves and know they are good enough." Provides resources enabling other to collaborate in own growth and healing. "I feel much more confident when I'm getting support. I know others are there to help me out, which somehow helps me to do it on my own with less fear." Compassion Show emotional presence by displaying warmth, affection, and kindness. Key Acts: speak warmly; smile, joke; show own caring emotions toward other, express affection nonverbally. "I let them see how much I care about them, how much I feel for them. It's like I nurture them a bit." Other feels cared about and cared for, held by and within caregivers' affections, and loved. "It's like I can take risks and maybe fail and still be taken in with loving arms. There's a real warmth there," Consistency Provide ongoing, steady stream of resources, compassion, and physical/emotional/cognitive presence for other. Key Acts: maintain support and compassion; continue eliciting other's experiences, ideas, feeling; continue expressing appreciation for other and their expertise, efforts, and task performance. "Just stay with them no matter what happens; what they do or reveal; be there for them without question, without dropping Other trusts that own needs will be met in steady, predictable ways. "It's knowing that there's a safety net, that no matter what happens, no matter what you do or what you reveal, people will be there for you." Dimension ©2015 Kahn,2013 Careandtrustintheauditprocess • Iffirmsandprac77onersshouldaimtoimproverela1onshipquality,how cantheyworkonimprovingauditors’senseof… Concludingthoughts
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