Think Win-Win

By: Chelsea Bucchan and
Delia Pena
Have you ever
thought of the
attitude you have
toward life ?
Did you know that
there are four attitudes
that you can have
towards life ?
# 1
Think lose-win
 Think lose-win is called the doormat syndrome. The
doormat syndrome is when people step all over you
and you don’t even care. You let them tell you what to
do because you hate confrontation . You can be
caught calling yourself dumb and other things all the
time, if you have a lose-win attitude. Lose- win says
have your way with me , wipe your feet with me
everyone else does. With a lose-win attitude you will
usually find yourself setting low expectations.
Giving into peer
pressure is one of the
symptoms of a lose-win
Think Win-lose
Think Win-lose
 Think Win-lose is what you call The Totem Pole
Syndrome. The totem pole syndrome is saying that you
don’t care what you do as long has you are a notch
higher than someone else. A win-lose attitude where's
many faces the following are some of them.
Using someone else for your selfish purposes
Trying to get ahead at the risk of someone else
Spreading rumors
Always insisting on having your way without caring about
anyone else
Becoming jealous when something good happens to someone
Quote from
the book
Pride gets no pleasure
out of having something,
only out of having more
than the next man
C.S . Lewis
Think lose-lose
Think lose-lose
 Think lose-lose is called the downward spiral. Think
lose-lose is saying that if I am going down then your
going with me witch results in a downward spiral .
Lose-lose happens when two win-lose people get
together. If both of them want to win at the others
suspense then both will end up losing .An example of
lose-lose is revenge. If you only want to get revenge you
may think you are winning but in the end you are only
hurting yourself.
Now its time
for …
Fact for life
Fact for life
 Never become to dependent or
attached to a boyfriend or girlfriend
because you will get emotionally
attached. become jealous, constantly
need to be together, then start to
argue and fight resulting in a
downward spiral of lose-lose
Think Win-Win
 Think win-win is the all you can eat buffet. Think win-
win is the belief thank everyone can win. Its says that I
wont step on you but I wont be you doormat either.
You care about other people and their success, but you
also care about yourself and want to succeed as well.
Think win-win is a belief that there is enough success
to go around. Its not the matter of who gets the biggest
piece of pie, you think there is enough to go around,
which results in and all you can eat buffet.
Think win-win (continued)
 You probably do more win-win thinking than you
think you give yourself credit for. So here are some
example of win-win attitude:
You recently got a promotion at the burger joint you work at.
So you decide to share the praise with all the people that
helped you.
You are elected a powerful position in school, but you decide
to treat everyone the same even the friendless and unpopular.
Your best friend got accepted to the college you wanted to get
into and you didn't although you feel bad you are genuinely
happy for her
Sean Covey favorite
autobiography that
illustrates the power of a
Win-Win attitude is And
There Was Life by Jacques
So there it is that’s
The End but
don’t forget..
Always think