DW Homes THX PC 12 05 16 - Thundridge Parish Council

Meeting with DW Homes and Planning Enforcement (EHDC) and Steve Bosson (HXTPC) 16 May 2016
North Drive Drainage works: Agreement is now verbally in place (to be confirmed formally) on the
extent of works on the Northern side of North Drive. Efforts are under way to reschedule the water
pipe diversion works on the Southern side of North Drive. Gas diversion is complete.
The use of power tools on site outside of permitted hours is being closely monitored.
The need for workers to refrain from the use of swearing will again be emphasised on site.
The situation regarding the fence at the rear of The Old Wagon was reviewed directly with the
DW Homes have been asked to specifically address the issues arising at Bonnets and have agreed to
do so.
Bollards preventing vehicle access in-between Lime Cottages and Magnolia Cottage are scheduled to
be installed soon.
The current absence of swales around the North Drive houses was reviewed especially in light of the
ground level heights. Assurance was provided by DW Homes that these swales will be installed in
accordance with the latest approved plans. The concept behind the swale design was provided (see
below) with the bottom of the swale below existing garden level. More detailed plans have been