LICENCE for AS 2441-2005 Installation of fire hose reels Licensee: Mr Peter Corish Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:03 AM Licence Agreement This is an agreement between the end user of the Product ("Licensee") and SAI Global Limited, 286 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA, ABN 67 050 611 642. 1. Definitions and Interpretations Australian Standards means Australian Standards and includes Joint ISO/Australian Standards, Joint NZ/Australian Standards, current Draft Australian Standards, and amendments to Australian Standards. Concurrent Users means the maximum number of people able to access the Product at any one time, and is limited to the number of Licences purchased. ISO Standards means Standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), for which SAI Global is an authorised distributor. IEC Standards means Standards published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), for which SAI Global is an authorised distributor. 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Licensees are permitted to make one electronic copy of the Product for backup purposes. 3.4. SAI Global will not in any way provide the Licensee with an updating service for the Product. The Licensee agrees that SAI AS 2441—2005 Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). (Incorporating Amendment No. 1) AS 2441—2005 Australian Standard® Installation of fire hose reels This Australian Standard® was prepared by Committee FP-007, Fire Hose Reels. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 27 October 2005. This Standard was published on 24 November 2005. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). The following are represented on Committee FP-007: • • • • • • • • • • • Australian Building Codes Board Australasian Fire Authorities Council Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association of Hydraulic Services Consultants Australia Certification Interests (Australia) Fire Protection Association Australia Fire Protection Association, New Zealand Insurance Council of New Zealand New Zealand Fire Equipment Association Property Council of Australia Telstra Corporation This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 05069. Standards Australia wishes to acknowledge the participation of the expert individuals that contributed to the development of this Standard through their representation on the Committee and through the public comment period. Keeping Standards up-to-date Australian Standards® are living documents that reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments that may have been published since the Standard was published. Detailed information about Australian Standards, drafts, amendments and new projects can be found by visiting Standards Australia welcomes suggestions for improvements, and encourages readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at [email protected], or write to Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001. AS 2441—2005 Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). (Incorporating Amendment No. 1) Australian Standard® Installation of fire hose reels First published as part of AS CA18—1968. Revised and redesignated as part of AS 1851.2—1976. AS 1851.2—1976, revised and redesignated AS 2441—1981. Fourth edition 2005. Reissued incorporating Amendment No. 1 (May 2009). COPYRIGHT © Standards Australia All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher. Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia ISBN 0 7337 7009 6 AS 2441—2005 2 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee FP-007, Fire Hose Reels, to supersede AS 2441—1988. This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 (May 2009). The changes required by the Amendment are indicated in the text by a marginal bar and amendment number against the clause, note, table, figure or part thereof affected. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard. The objective of this Standard is to provide users of fire hose reels with specific requirements for their installation. It provides requirements for the protection of fire hose reels in external situations, mounting requirements and clarifies the commissioning procedure. This edition includes the following changes: (a) Additional terms defined for clarity. (b) Flow rates clearly mentioned for different sizes. (c) New requirements to protect the pipes from mechanical damage and low temperature. This Standard will be referenced in the Building Code of Australia 2006 (BCA 2006) thereby superseding AS 2441—1988, which will be withdrawn 12 months from the date of publication of this Standard. Notes to the text contain information and guidance. They are not an integral part of the Standard. 3 AS 2441—2005 Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). CONTENTS 1 Page SCOPE........................................................................................................................ 4 2 APPLICATION .......................................................................................................... 4 3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................. 4 4 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................ 4 5 FIRE HOSE REEL ASSEMBLIES ............................................................................. 5 6 WATER SUPPLY....................................................................................................... 5 7 8 CONNECTION FITTING........................................................................................... 7 FIRE HOSE REEL PUMP .......................................................................................... 7 9 SELECTION............................................................................................................... 7 10 LOCATION ................................................................................................................ 7 11 MOUNTING............................................................................................................. 11 12 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE .......................................................................... 12 13 RECORD OF INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 13 APPENDIX A BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................... 14 AS 2441—2005 4 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Installation of fire hose reels 1 SCOPE Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). This Standard specifies requirements for the distribution, location and installation of fire hose reels. NOTE: Requirements for the maintenance of fire hose reels are set out in AS 1851 (see Appendix A) 2 APPLICATION The requirements of this Standard apply to the location and installation of fire hose reels. 3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS A1 AS 2118 Automatic fire sprinkler systems—General requirements 2362 2362.24 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems—Methods of test Part 24: Frangibility test 2419 2419.1 Fire hydrant installations Part 1: System design, installation and commissioning 2700 Colour standards for general purposes 2941 Fixed fire protection installations—Pumpset systems AS/NZS 1221 Fire hose reels 3500 3500.1 Plumbing and drainage Part 1: Water services BCA Building Code of Australia 4 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 4.1 Class A fires Fires that involve carbonaceous solids. 4.2 Hazard classes 4.2.1 High hazard A class of hazard wherein the amount and type of combustibles present are such that fires of large initial size may be expected. Typical high hazards include woodworking areas, warehouses with high-piled storage in excess of 4.5 m, foam plastics processing and storage which constitutes a Class A fire risk. NOTE: Special consideration should be given to occupancies, which, because of their high-fuel load, may more correctly be allocated a higher hazard class. © Standards Australia 5 AS 2441—2005 4.2.2 Light hazard A class of hazard wherein the amount and type of combustibles present are such that fires of only small initial size may be expected. Typical light hazards include premises such as domestic/residential, offices, schoolrooms, churches and assembly halls which constitute a Class A fire risk. 4.2.3 Ordinary hazard A class of hazard wherein the amount and type of combustibles present are such that fires of moderate initial size may be expected. Typical ordinary hazards include mercantile storage and display areas, showrooms and workshops which constitute a Class A fire risk. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). 4.3 Suitable fire hose reel system A fire hose reel system designed to take into account the level of Class A hazard to be encountered and be sufficient to ensure full coverage of the building floor areas to be protected. 4.4 Surface-mounted fire hose reel A fire hose reel designed so that it is mounted on, and protrudes from, a wall or similar vertical surface with support from one side only. 4.5 Swing fire hose reel A fire hose reel that is hinged on a structure so that it can be swung out. 5 FIRE HOSE REEL ASSEMBLIES Fire hose reel assemblies shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 1221. 6 WATER SUPPLY 6.1 General A1 The supply water to the fire hose reel assembly shall be sufficient to enable the hose reel to deliver the minimum demand specified in Table 6.1, for the two most hydraulically disadvantaged fire hose reels operating simultaneously (except where only one fire hose reel is installed), plus any probable simultaneous flow. The nominal diameter of the supply pipe shall be not less than that specified in Table 6.1. TABLE 6.1 MINIMUM DISCHARGE RATES AND SUPPLY PIPE SIZES Nominal hose diameter mm Minimum discharge at 220 ±10 kPa inlet pressure L/s Minimum supply pipe size DN 19 0.33 25 25 0.41 25 6.2 Metered water supply Where a fire hose reel is connected to a metered water supply, it shall comply with the following requirements: (a) The supply from the town mains to the allotment shall have a nominal diameter of not less than DN 25. (b) The water supply pipework reticulation arrangements shall comply with Figure 6.1. © Standards Australia AS 2441—2005 (c) 6 Any valve that can prevent flow of water to the hose reel shall be secured and padlocked in the open position. It shall be marked on an attached corrosion-resistant and durable tag, with the following in nominal 8 mm upper case text: FIRE SERVICE VALVE CLOSE ONLY TO SERVICE FIRE HOSE REELS NOTES: 1 Strainers on a backflow prevention device are acceptable. 2 Inspection and maintenance of strainers are essential for proper functioning of the system. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). 6.3 Hydrant mains tapping Where supplied by connection to a fire hydrant main, any isolating valve shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6.2(c). Such a valve shall be located in a fire-isolated stairway, fire-isolated passageway or fire-isolated ramp, or it shall be located outside the building. FIGURE 6.1 WATER SUPPLY RETICULATION—COMBINED SERVICES 6.4 Pipework 6.4.1 General The nominal size of a fire hose reel supply pipework shall comply with the requirements for pressure, flow and velocity determined by hydraulic calculation. The requirements of Clauses 6.4 and 6.5 shall apply to all of the pipework between the fire hose reel and either the connection to the water supply or to another fire service. 6.4.2 External pipework External pipework shall be located to protect the pipework from mechanical damage and, if necessary, from freezing. NOTE: Locating the pipework underground satisfies this requirement. 6.4.3 Internal pipework Internal above-ground pipework in a building shall be permitted if it is supported, protected, or isolated in any manner that does not impair the overall firefighting efficiency of the fire hose reel. © Standards Australia 7 AS 2441—2005 6.5 Pipe and pipe fittings A1 Pipes and fittings used in hose reels systems shall comply with one of the following: (a) AS 2419.1 where connected to fire hydrant systems. (b) AS/NZS 3500.1 where connected to another water supply. (c) AS 2118.1 where connected to automatic fire sprinkler systems. 7 CONNECTION FITTING Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). Fire hose reel assemblies shall have the connection fitting installed on the outlet side of a stop valve. The connection fitting shall be DN 25. Flexible connections between the stop valve and the hose reel shall not be used unless they form part of a hose reel complying with AS/NZS 1221. 8 FIRE HOSE REEL PUMP Where a pumpset is installed, it shall comply with the appropriate requirements of AS 2941 including any specific requirements for fire hose reels. 9 SELECTION Hose reels shall be selected and distributed according to the level of Class A fire hazard likely to be encountered in the area to be protected, as prescribed in Table 9. TABLE 9 FIRE HOSE REEL SELECTION Size of hose DN Light hazard Ordinary hazard High hazard 19 Y Y Y If sprinklered to AS 2118 25 Y Y Y NOTE: Y indicates the selection is satisfactory 10 LOCATION 10.1 General Each fire hose reel shall be located— (a) along the normal paths of travel to an exit; and (b) in a readily accessible position, in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Fire hose reels shall not be located— (i) in positions where access could present a hazard to the potential user; or (ii) in fire-isolated exits. Access to fire hose reels shall not be obstructed, e.g., from items such as furniture. Where a fire hose reel is installed in an external situation or an aggressive environment, it shall be protected by a cabinet or other suitable means. Aggressive environments include the following: (A) Exterior situations exposed to the sun, ultraviolet radiation, wind, rain or salt spray. © Standards Australia AS 2441—2005 8 (B) Corrosive atmospheres. (C) Abnormally dusty or moisture-laden atmospheres. (D) Environments that subject the hose reels to continuous or intense vibrations. (E) Environments having extremes of temperature. 10.2 System coverage Where a fire hose reel system is required in a building it shall be suitable to allow the occupants to undertake initial fire suppression without being placed in any immediate danger. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). The maximum coverage for a fire hose reel shall comply with the following requirements: (a) All points on a floor shall be within reach of a 4 m hose stream issuing from a nozzle at the end of the hose laid on floor. The hose length shall not exceed 36 m. (b) The distance from a hose reel to the nominated point shall be taken as the most direct laid-on-ground or floor route. (c) The location of internal walls, partitions, doorways, storage racking, and any other fixed obstructions, which would restrict normal hose coverage throughout the building or area to be protected, shall be considered when determining the number and location of fire hose reels. NOTE: In the case of car parks, the coverage is based on the arc of hose length +4 m. (d) The coverage shall be in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the BCA. 10.3 Siting of fire hose reels Fire hose reels shall be sited so that there is no interference with the running out of the hose in its intended direction or directions of use. 10.4 Fire hose reel location signs 10.4.1 Location signs The fire hose reel location sign shall have symbol, border and letters in white on a red field, approximating R13 signal red of AS 2700 (see Figure 10.1). 10.4.2 Sign location A location sign shall be provided above or adjacent to a fire hose reel located in a recess, cavity or an obscure location. Signs shall be positioned so as to be clearly visible to persons approaching the fire hose reel location. 10.4.3 Mounting height Signs shall be mounted not less than 2.0 m above floor level, or at a height that makes them most apparent to a person of average height and visual acuity approaching the fire hose reel location. 10.4.4 Cabinet or enclosure Where a cabinet or enclosure is used, the open door— (a) shall not encroach on the required width or path of travel to an exit or doorway; and (b) shall not obstruct the hose from being run out in any of its intended directions of use. The cabinet or enclosure shall be marked with the words ‘FIRE HOSE REEL’ in letters at least 50 mm high in a colour providing a high contrast with that of the background. The door may also be marked with a location sign complying with Figure 10.1. NOTE: The required width or path of travel may be determined from the BCA. © Standards Australia 9 AS 2441—2005 Where fire hose reels are likely to incur unauthorized interference, the cabinet may be locked. Locked cabinets shall be provided with a frangible panel to provide access to the latching device. The panel shall be not less than 150 × 150 mm, and the panel material shall comply with the requirement for frangibility set out in AS 2362.24. NOTE: The design of the frangible panel should ensure that a cutting hazard is not created when the panel is broken. The cabinet and its door shall provide a radial clearance of not less than 100 mm (see Figure 10.2). Non-fire equipment or services shall not be installed within the cabinet. The prescribed radial clearances shall be maintained. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). NOTE: Storage of non-firefighting equipment, e.g. brooms and cleaning aids, is not permitted in any fire hose reel cabinet, enclosure or recess. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES NOTES: 1 All dimensions shown are minimum. Any enlargement of the sign should have all dimensions proportional to those shown above. 2 For the colours of the sign, see Clause 10.4.1. The shaded area is red field. FIGURE 10.1 LOCATION SIGN © Standards Australia Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). AS 2441—2005 © Standards Australia 10 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES FIGURE 10.2 FIXED HOSE REEL CLEARANCE 11 AS 2441—2005 11 MOUNTING The fire hose reel mounting shall comply with the following requirements: (a) Surface-mounted fire hose reel assemblies shall be mounted so that the full diameter of the drum, bearing the operating instructions, is facing the access point. For fire hose reels of other types, the instructions shall be located so that relevant instructions are visible when the fire hose reel is both in the stored and operational position. NOTE: This is not necessarily to be taken as requiring the instructions to be on the outside of any cabinet door. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). (b) The fire hose reel assembly shall be suitably mounted at a spindle height of between 1400 mm and 2400 mm above floor level. The stop valve shall be mounted at 1000 ±100 mm above floor level. (See Figure 11.1.) NOTE: The recommended mounting height of the centre of the fire hose reel is 1500 mm above floor level. (c) The stop valve assembly and instructions shall be visible and readily accessible when the fire hose reel is ready for operation, and shall be not more than 2000 mm from the spindle of the hose reel assembly. A clearance of not less than 100 mm shall be provided around the stop valve handwheel or handle at any point where an operator needs to place their hand. (d) When the fire hose reel is surface-mounted or in a recess, cabinet or cavity, there shall be a minimum radial clearance of 100 mm between the reel rim and any obstruction to the sides, above and below that does not form part of the fire hose reel assembly (see Figure 10.2). In the case of swing-type fire hose reels and those housed in cavities, the above clearance applies when the fire hose reel is withdrawn from the cabinet or cavity. (e) Where a fire hose reel is fixed in a cabinet or recess, the hose guide shall protrude beyond the recess when the hose is run out unless the requirements of Clause 12(b) can be met without the hose guide protruding. (f) Where a fire hose reel is mounted in a cabinet, the cabinet door(s) shall be openable by single-handed operation of the latching mechanism. (g) The fire hose reel and its mounting shall be firmly secured to the mounting surface in accordance with the installation instructions provided with the fire hose reel in accordance with AS/NZS 1221. The structure on which the fire hose reel is mounted shall be capable of withstanding a force of 1 kN. © Standards Australia Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). AS 2441—2005 12 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES FIGURE 11.1 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF FIXED TYPE HOSE REEL 12 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE After installation of the assembly, the following points shall be checked: (a) That there is no leakage of water from the fire hose reel assembly when the hose is charged with water and pressurized with the nozzle closed. (b) That the hose can be withdrawn easily in any of its intended directions of use; that is the hose shall be capable of being unwound when subject to horizontal pull not exceeding 100 N until the hose contacts the ground (see ‘reel unwind test’ in AS/NZS 1221). (c) That the flow rate with the nozzle in the jet mode is operational by discharging water into a container. The rate of flow shall be not less than that given in Table 6.1. (d) That any defects found have been corrected. (e) That with the stop valve open, the hose is rewound in even layers, the nozzle reengaged correctly in the interlock and the stop valve then closed. (f) That the discharge nozzle has been opened to depressurize the hose and then closed. © Standards Australia 13 (g) AS 2441—2005 That a tag has been attached to an accessible fixed component of the fire hose reel and marked with the month and year of commissioning, to indicate that the commissioning procedure has been carried out. NOTES: 1 Any log should record the commissioning date. 2 For more information on maintenance record tag, see AS 1851. 13 RECORD OF INSTALLATION At the completion of the commissioning procedure, a record of the disposition and location of fire hose reels shall be made. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). NOTE: For more information on records, see AS 1851. © Standards Australia AS 2441—2005 14 APPENDIX A BIBLIOGRAPHY (Informative) Maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). AS 1851 © Standards Australia 15 AMENDMENT CONTROL SHEET AS 2441—2005 Amendment No. 1 (2009) REVISED TEXT Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to the Clauses 3, 6.1 and 6.5. Published on 22 May 2009. AS 2441—2005 Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). AS 2441—2005 16 NOTES Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). Standards Australia Standards Australia develops Australian Standards® and other documents of public benefit and national interest. These Standards are developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Government, Standards Australia is recognized as Australia’s peak non-government national standards body. Standards Australia also supports excellence in design and innovation through the Australian Design Awards. For further information visit Australian Standards® Committees of experts from industry, governments, consumers and other relevant sectors prepare Australian Standards. The requirements or recommendations contained in published Standards are a consensus of the views of representative interests and also take account of comments received from other sources. They reflect the latest scientific and industry experience. Australian Standards are kept under continuous review after publication and are updated regularly to take account of changing technology. International Involvement Standards Australia is responsible for ensuring the Australian viewpoint is considered in the formulation of International Standards and that the latest international experience is incorporated in national Standards. This role is vital in assisting local industry to compete in international markets. Standards Australia represents Australia at both the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Sales and Distribution Australian Standards®, Handbooks and other documents developed by Standards Australia are printed and distributed under license by SAI Global Limited. Licensed to Mr Peter Corish on 12 November 2009. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10068120). For information regarding the development of Standards contact: Standards Australia Limited GPO Box 476 Sydney NSW 2001 Phone: 02 9237 6000 Fax: 02 9237 6010 Email: [email protected] Internet: For information regarding the sale and distribution of Standards contact: SAI Global Limited Phone: 13 12 42 Fax: 1300 65 49 49 Email: [email protected] ISBN 0 7337 7009 6
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