A Natural Guide to Workplace Wellness: CHFA`s Tips for Success

A Natural Guide to Workplace Wellness: CHFA’s Tips for Success
These are sample social media posts for you to use on your social channels. Please
feel free to edit these as you see fit to match your business’ messaging.
Sample Facebook Posts
Being constantly busy may be the new normal, but feeling stressed shouldn’t.
Whether you work in an office, from home, or on the road, workplace stress is a real
problem with serious consequences. To help remedy this issue, we’ve created this
simple guide to achieving a healthy and productive day at work.
Our survey showed that 67 per cent of Canadians say their work causes them stress,
while 59 per cent say that stress negatively affects their health. If you’re feeling like
you’ve got a bad case of the Mondays all week long, check out our guide for tips on
how to improve your workplace wellness, so you can achieve a healthy, productive
and balanced life.
Tight deadlines, constant meetings and balancing the weights of our work lives and
personal lives can be a real struggle. Here are three natural health products (NHPs)
that can help boost your productivity levels so you can keep up with your hectic
Did you know that sitting for prolonged periods has been shown to have the same
negative effects on the body as smoking? It’s time to start bringing your body back to
life with movement! If you find yourself sitting at one place the entire time you’re at
work, remember to get up and stretch. It’s important to improve your circulation,
increase your alertness and enhance mobility in the workplace, so you can avoid
feeling tired and fatigued. Click below for our easy workplace exercise tips.
Sometimes your mid-afternoons can be worse than mornings. You already ate your
lunch and now you have to get back to work knowing that dinner is hours away. This
time of the day is when our blood sugar starts to dip, leaving us lazy and unfocused.
To combat this, try a snack with complex carbs, which is a great way to give yourself a
quick energy boost to get you through the rest of the day. Here are some great
options on what to bring to the office as productivity snacks.
Mindfulness occurs when we focus our awareness on the present moment. Practising
mindfulness helps to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind, whether at work
or at home. Plus, increasing your awareness can actually decrease stress levels,
empower you to give it your all and allow your most creative self to come through.
Check out our tips on how to achieve mindfulness during a chaotic work day.
Sample Tweets
Workplace stress can damage your health. Make your health work for you with these
67% of Canadians are stressed from work. Combat workplace stress with these tips
59% of Canadians are negatively affected by workplace stress: survey
Feeling a case of the Mondays every day? Learn how to achieve workplace wellness
Sitting is the new smoking. Get up from that desk and follow our stretch guide!
Fight workplace fatigue and laziness with these simple exercises
We’ve got some tips to help you to achieve success at the desk!
How does getting up from your desk and stretching improve your productivity at
Avoid feeling tired and fatigued with these easy at-your-desk stretches
Losing energy after lunch? Try these nutritious snacks for the desk to get you through
the day
Staying focused in the afternoon can be tough. Snack on these foods boost your
Stay productive and energetic throughout the day with these snacking tips
What is mindfulness and how can practising it benefit your productivity at work?
Reduce workplace stress by practising mindfulness at work
Follow these tips to decrease stress levels and allow your creative self to shine
Work can be chaotic. Learn how taking a few minutes each day to breathe can help
you cope
50% of our waking hours are spent at work. Follow these tips to boost your workplace
Get past the three-o'clock slump with these energy-boosting tips and exercises
How does being thankful help your work performance and health?