Dmitry Vladimirovich Lyusin

January 2014
Name: Dmitry Lyusin
Place and date of birth: Moscow, Russia; June 30, 1966
Marital status: single
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Permanent home address: Leningradskoe shosse, 48-1-29, Moscow 125212 Russia
Phone number: +7 915 2493908
Email address: [email protected]
Undergraduate student of the Moscow State University, Department of Psychology: 1983 - 1988.
M.A., Psychology: June 1988.
Graduate student of the Research Center for the Quality of Vocational Training of the State
Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation: 1991 - 1994. Ph.D., Theory and
History of Education: June 1995.
Psychologist (9/1988 – 7/1990): Research Institute of Radio Electronics
Junior Researcher (7/1990 – 11/1991): Research Centre for the Quality of Vocational Training of
the State Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Senior Researcher (07/1994 – Present): Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology,
Laboratory for Psychology and Psychophysiology of Creativity
Assistant Professor (9/1994 – 2/1996): Moscow State Social University,
Department of Psychology
Associate Professor (“Dozent”) (3/1996 – 8/2000): Moscow State Social University,
Department of Psychology
Associate Professor (“Dozent”) (9/2000 – 8/2013): Moscow State University for the Humanities,
Vygotsky Institute of Psychology
“Leading Researcher” (03/2011 – Present): Higher School of Economics, Department of
Psychology, Laboratory for Cognitive Research
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Inostrannaya Psikhologiya (Foreign Psychology).
1995 – 2000.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Psychology. The Journal of the Higher School of
Economics, chief editor of the section Work in Progress. 2004 – present.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Cognitive Science. 2014 – present.
Editor of the series ‘Psychology’ of the preprint of the Higher School of Economics
Membership in scientific organisations
Russian Psychological Society
Association for Psychological Science
Place and Dates
The 14th International
Vygotsky Conference
Moscow, Russia. November
Summer School on Cognitive
Psychology “Theoretical and
Applied Problems of
Cognitive Psychology”
Moscow, Russia. August 2013
2013 International Society for Berkeley, California, USA.
Research on Emotion Meeting August 2013
Cognitive Science in Moscow: Moscow, Russia. June 2013
New Studies
ISSBD Regional Moscow
Executive Functioning and
Moscow, Russia. June 2013
Readings of the Russian
University for the Humanities
Moscow, Russia. March 2013
Title of
Organizer and chair of the
symposium "Psychology of
1. Emotion Influence on
2. Emotion Recognition
Ability: The Problem of
Domain Universality (with M.
3. Member of the Programme
Three-Dimensional Structure
of Core Affect in Russian
1. Are the Three Attentional
Networks Measured by the
ANT Independent?
2. Member of the Programme
Emotional Intelligence and
Emotional Information
Processing in Adolescents
(with V. Ovsyannikova, T.
Errors in emotion recognition:
Role of observer personality
– 2013
14th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Personality and
Social Psychology
New Orleans, Louisiana,
USA. January 2013
The 13th International
Vygotsky Conference
Moscow, Russia. November
The 4th Russian Conference
on Psychology of
Moscow, Russia. November
22nd European Meeting on
Hypertension and
Cardiovascular Prevention
London, Great Britain. April
The 12th International
Vygotsky Conference
Moscow, Russia. November
11th European Conference on
Psychological Assessment
Riga, Latvia. September 2011
Culture and Perceived
Functions of Sadness (with
Y.E. Chentsova Dutton, G.
1. Effects of Negative
Emotions with Various
Tension Levels on Attention
(with Y. Kozhukhova)
2. Relation of Anxiety and
Aggressiveness with
Sensitivity to Aggressiveness
and Anxiety (with V.
3. Is the Emotion Recognition
Ability Domain-Universal?
(with M. Permogorsky).
4. Organizer and chair of the
symposium "Psychology of
Accuracy and sensitivity as two
aspects of emotional
recognition (with V.
1. Seasonal variations of
circadian ambulatory blood
pressure indexes in patients
with arterial hypertension (with
G. Andreeva, A. Deev, V.
2. The relationship between
seasonal variations of
ambulatory blood pressure
indexes and psychological
status in patients with arterial
hypertension (with G.
Andreeva, A. Deev, V.
Gorbunov, O. Lerman)
1. Measurement of Emotion
Recognition: Accuracy vs.
sensitivity (with V.
2. Organizer and chair of the
symposium "Psychology of
1. Aspects of emotional
intelligence: Accuracy vs.
sensitivity (with V.
2. Cognitive bases of emotional
intelligence: Emotional Stroop
effect (with T. Sysoeva)
The 12th European Congress
on Psychology
Istanbul, Turkey. July 2011
21st European Meeting on
Hypertension and
Cardiovascular Prevention
Milano, Italy. June 2011
Current Problems of
Theoretical and Applied
Psychology: Traditions and
The 11th International
Vygotsky Conference
Yaroslavl, Russia. May 2011
Karl Duncker Conference
Moscow, Russia. September
Moscow, Russia. November
20th European Meeting on Oslo, Norway. June 2010
The Fourth International
Conference on Cognitive
Science COGSCI 2010
Tomsk, Russia. June 2010
The 4th International
“Intelligence and Creativity: a
Multifaceted View”
Modern Technologies in
Diagnostics and Therapy of
Arterial Hypertension
Moscow - Sergiyev Posad,
Russia. May 2010
Conference “125 Years of
Moscow, Russia. January-
Moscow, Russia. March 2010
The Social Representation of
Creativity: A Cross-Cultural
Study (with C. Muter Sengul,
J.L. Tavani, F. Zenasni, L.
Olsson, T. Lubart)
Emotional Intelligence,
Psychological Factors May
Influence the Difference
Between Clinical and
Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Levels in Patients with
Hypertension (with G.
Andreeva, O. Lerman, A.
Deev, V. Gorbunov)
Perception of Emotions in
1. Structure of Emotional
States Self-descriptions (with
A. Sinkevich)
2. Organizer and co-chair of
the symposium "Psychology of
Moderation and Mediation
Psychological Status and Mean
Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Level in Patients with Arterial
Andreeva, A. Deev, V.
Gorbunov, O. Lerman)
underlying relations between
emotion recognition accuracy
(with V. Ovsyannikova)
1. Emotion Recognition in
Social Perception and Music
2. Chair of a session
Relations among psychological
status, emotional intelligence,
and parameters of arterial
pressure diurnal profile in
patients with arterial
hypertension (with G.
Andreyeva et al.)
New measurement tools for
Moscow Psychological
The 10th Annual Conference
of the International Society for
Intelligence Research
The 10th International
Vygotsky Conference
February 2010
The 10th European
Conference on Psychological
Ghent, Belgium. September
The 9th International
Vygotsky Conference
Moscow, Russia. November
Ananyev Conference – 2008.
Psychology of Critical and
Extreme Situations:
Interdisciplinary Approach
Modern Psychology of
Thinking: Meaning in
The 4th International
Conference on
Intelligence and Creativity
Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
October 2008
Theoretical and Applied
Problems of Psychology of
The 3rd International
Conference on Cognitive
Moscow, Russia. September
The 8th International
Vygotsky Conference
Moscow, Russia. November
Comprehension in
Moscow, Russia. March 2007
Madrid, Spain. December
Moscow, Russia. November
emotional intelligence (with V.
Is emotional intelligence an
intellectual ability? (with V.
1. Relations between emotional
intelligence and general
2. Co-chair of the symposium
“Intelligence and thinking in
social practices”
1. Are there different emotional
intelligences? (with V.
2. Different types of emotion
sensitivity (with V.
1. Cross-cultural psychology in
Vygotsky’s theory perspective
2. Chair of the symposium
“Cross-cultural psychology:
Methodology and empirical
Measurement of Emotional
Intelligence: Psychometric
Moscow, Russia. October
Role of Emotion in Creative
Münster, Germany. October
1. The Influence of Emotion on
Figurative and Emotional
2. Chair of the session
“Intelligence I”
Emotion Influence on Creative
Moscow, Russia. June 2008
1. Bottom-up and Top-down
Processes in Emotion
2. Cognitive Mechanisms of
Emotion Influence on
Creativity (with E. Abisalova)
1. Typology of the Strategies of
Emotion Recognition
2. Co-organizer of the
3. Co-chair of the symposium
“Scientific Research as a
Styles of Emotional States
Current Problems of
Psychology and
Psychophysiology of
International Creativity
Sochi, Russia. September –
October 2006
The 6th International
Vygotsky Conference
Functional Styles of Sounding
Moscow, Russia. November
Moscow, Russia. September
Creativity: A Multifaceted
Zvenigorod, Russia.
September 2005
The 5th International
Vygotsky Conference.
Moscow, Russia. November
Social Issues in Intelligence
and Giftedness
Zvenigorod, Russia. June
The 4th International
Vygotsky Conference.
Moscow, Russia. November
The 11th Biennial Meeting of
the International Society for
the Studies of Individual
The 8th European Congress of
Graz, Austria. July 2003
Paris, France. July 2006
Vienna, Austria. July 2003
Recognition (with V.
Relations Between Creativity
and Emotional Intelligence
Creativity in the Emotional
Domain and Its Relation to
Emotional Intelligence
Co-organizer of the conference
Perception of the Emotional
Expressivity of Speech and
Emotional Intelligence (with V.
Morozov, I. Esin, & A.
1. Role of Emotional
Intelligence in Musical
2. Chair of the session
“Cognitive bases of creativity”
3. Co-organizer of the
1. Cognitive Characteristics
Related to Processing of
Emotional Information (with
V. Ovsyannikova)
2. Co-organizer of the
1. Emotional intelligence as a
mixed construct: Its relations
with personality and cognitive
2. Co-organizer of the
1. Natural Language as a Trap
for Theorists in Psychology of
2. Organizer and co-chair of
the symposium “Psychological
phenomena viewed through the
3. Co-chair of the session
“Problems of Education”
Gender Differences in
Emotional Intelligence
Components of Emotional
Intelligence and Their
Relations with Personality
Traits and Gender
Anniversary Conference of the
Institute of Psychology of
Russian Academy of Sciences
The 2nd International
Vygotsky Conference
Emotions, Interactions et
Développement. Actes du
Colloque international de
New trends in developmental
psychology. The 8th European
Conference on Developmental
Moscow, Russia. January
Facial Expressions of Emotions
and Iconic Primitives
Moscow, Russia. November
Grenoble, France. June 2001
What Is Expressed by the
Facial Expression?
Emotions, Expressions Faciales
et Primitives Iconiques (avec
M. de Bonis)
Rennes, France. September
The 3rd European Conference
on Psychological Assessment.
Trier, Germany. August 1995
Scientific Problems of
Educational Measurement
Moscow, Russia. October
New Technologies of
Knowledge Assessment
Moscow, Russia. November
Organization of Automated
Testing of Students’
Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan.
February 1991
1. Development of the Internal
Structure of Natural
Categories: Production
Frequency of the Category
2. To the Problem of Emotion
Schemata Development (with
N. Bylkina)
Cross-cultural Study of the
Zuckerman's Sensation
Seeking Scale Factor Structure
(on the Basis of the Russian
Version of the SSS)
Assessment of Students’
Norm-Referenced and
Criterion-Referenced Tests:
Application in Educational
Correspondence Between
Traditional Educational
Estimates and Test Scores
Scholarship from la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. Paris, France. January – March 1997.
Fulbright Junior Faculty Development Program. University of Minnesota, USA. September
1997 – June 1998.
Diderot scholarship from la Maison des Scienses de l’Homme. Paris, France. January – June
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities "Thinking Processes in
Psychotherapy", 1996-1997.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities "Basic and strategic
processes in knowledge organization", 1997.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research "Mathematical
modeling of social intelligence in normal and alexithymic individuals", 1997-1998.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research ”Mathematical
modeling of the structure of developing intelligence”, 2005-2007.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research "Creativity
simulation on the basis of activation distribution in the semantic network", 2007-2009.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities "Implicit theories of
intelligence and creativity and self-estimation of abilities", 2007-2009.
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities "Theoretical model and
measurement of emotional intelligence", 2007 – 2009.
Research grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
"Cognitive psychological mechanisms of professional development in the context of Russia's
modernization", 2010 - 2012.
Research grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
"Culture and cognitive functions of emotions", 2012 - 2013.
Introduction to Psychology
General Psychology
Modern Psychology of Emotion
Psychology of Motivation and Emotion
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Tatyana Semenova
Ilya Esin
Olga Byelokon
Tatyana Sysoeva
Title of Thesis
Relations Between
Intelligence and
Defense Mechanisms
Emotional Hearing
and Emotional
Expressivity of
Speech in Different
Role of Cognitive
Factors in Emotional
States Recognition
Relations Between
Emotional and Social
Intelligence and
Mechanisms of
Emotional Stroop
Effect as Cognitive
Foundations of
Lyusin, D.V. (1993). Principles of criterion-referenced tests construction and application.
Moscow: Research Center on the problems of the quality of specialists training. (In Russian)
EDITED BOOKS (in Russian)
1. Social and emotional intelligence: From models to measurements. Ed. by D.V. Lyusin, D.V.
Ushakov. Moscow: Institute of Psychology, RAS, 2009.
2. Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research. Ed. by D.V. Lyusin, D.V. Ushakov.
Moscow: Institute of Psychology, RAS, 2004.
3. Scientific problems of educational measurement. Ed. by V.S. Avanesov, D.V. Lyusin, M.B.
Chelyshkova. Moscow, 1994.
ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (No 1-12, 14-26 in Russian)
1. Lyusin, D.V., Klimova, Y.A., & Medvedeva, V.V. (2013). Relationships between observer
emotional traits and sensitivity to various types of emotions. Bulletin of the Yaroslavl State
University. Series: Humanities. No 4.2.
2. Pankratova, A.A., Osin, Y.N., & Lyusin, D.V. (2013). Differences in emotional intelligence in
Russian and Azerbaijani culture. Psikhologicheskie issledovania, V. 6 (31), 11.
3. Lyusin, D.V., & Ovsyannikova, V.V. (2013). A videotest for measuring emotion recognition
ability. Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal. V. 34 (6), pp. 82 - 94.
4. Lyusin, D.V., & Permogorsky, M.S. (2013). Emotion recognition in various types of stimuli:
The problem of domain universality. Psychology. The Journal of the Higher School of
Economics. V. 10 (3), pp. 86 – 97.
5. Lyusin, D.V. (2013). Emotion influence on attention: Review of modern studies. In V.F.
Spiridonov (Ed.), Cognitive psychology: phenomena and problems (pp. 146-160). Moscow:
6. Lyusin, D.V. (2013). Accuracy of emotion recognition in social perception and in music
perception. Psychology. The Journal of the Higher School of Economics. V. 10 (2), pp. 155 –
7. Ivanova, E.S., & Lyusin D.V. (2012). Psychology of emotion: Prospects of experimental
research. Nauchnyj Dialog, 11 (Psychology), pp. 137 – 143.
8. Lyusin, D.V. (2011). Emotional influence on creativity. In D.V. Ushakov (Ed.), Creativity:
From biological foundations to cultural phenomena (pp. 372-389). Moscow: Institute of
Psychology, RAS.
9. Lyusin, D.V. (2009). Emotional intelligence questionnaire EmIn: New psychometric data. In
D.V. Lyusin & D.V. Ushakov (Ed.), Social and emotional intelligence: From models to
measurements (pp. 264-278). Moscow: Institute of Psychology, RAS.
10. Lyusin, D.V. (2009). Introduction. In D.V. Lyusin & D.V. Ushakov (Ed.), Social and
emotional intelligence: From models to measurements (pp. 264-278). Moscow: Institute of
Psychology, RAS.
11. Lyusin, D.V. (2007). Strategies of information processing during emotion recognition.
Psychology. The Journal of the Higher School of Economics. Vol. 4 (4), pp. 140 – 148.
12. Lyusin, D.V. (2006). New method for emotional intelligence measurement: EmIn
questionnaire. Psychological Diagnostics. No. 4. P. 3 – 22.
13. Lyusin, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence as a mixed construct: Its relation to personality and
gender. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. V. 44 (6), pp. 54 – 68.
14. Roberts, R.D., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Lyusin D.V. (2004). Emotional intelligence:
Theory, measures, and applications Psychology. The Journal of the Higher School of
Economics. V. 1 (4), pp. 3 – 26.
15. Lyusin, D.V., & Ushakov, D.V. (2004). Introduction. In D.V. Lyusin & D.V. Ushakov (Eds.),
Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research (pp. 5-7). Moscow: Institute of
Psychology, RAS.
16. Lyusin, D.V. (2004). Modern views on emotional intelligence. In D.V. Lyusin & D.V.
Ushakov (Eds.), Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research (pp. 29-36). Moscow:
Institute of Psychology, RAS.
17. Lyusin, D.V., & Mikheeva, N.D. (2004). Psychometric analysis of the Russian version of J.
Guilford and M. O’Sullivan’s social intelligence test. In D.V. Lyusin & D.V. Ushakov (Eds.),
Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research (pp. 119-128). Moscow: Institute of
Psychology, RAS.
18. Lyusin, D.V., Maryutina, O.O., & Stepanova, A.S. (2004). Emotional intelligence structure
and and relations between its components and other individual differences: empirical analysis.
In D.V. Lyusin & D.V. Ushakov (Eds.), Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research
(pp. 128-140). Moscow: Institute of Psychology, RAS.
19. Lyusin, D.V. (2001). Emotional regulation of cognitive processes. In V.N. Druzhinin & D.V.
Ushakov (Eds.), Cognitive psychology (pp. 333-346). Moscow: Per Se.
20. Lyusin, D.V. (2001). Comparative analysis of emotion lexicons in different countries. In E.E.
Kravtsova & V.F. Spiridonov (Eds.), Bulletin of the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology of the
Russian State University for the Humanities. V. 1 (pp. 264-272). Moscow.
21. Bylkina, N.D., & Lyusin, D.V. (2000). Development of children’s knowledge about emotion.
Voprosy psikhologii, no 2, pp. 38-48.
22. Lyusin, D.V. (1999). Empirical analysis of categorization of emotions. Voprosy psikhologii,
No 2, pp. 50-61.
23. Vysokov, I.E., & Lyusin, D.V. (1998). Internal structure of natural categories: Typicality.
Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal. V. 19 (6), pp. 103 - 111.
24. Vysokov, I.E., & Lyusin, D.V. (1997). Internal structure of natural categories: Production
frequency. Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal. V. 18 (4), pp. 69 - 77.
25. Lyusin, D.V. (1996). Semantic organization of emotion knowledge: Internal structure of the
category "emotion". In D.V.Ushakov (Ed.), Cognition, society, development (pp. 88-101).
Moscow: Institute of Psychology, RAS.
26. Bylkina, N.D., & Lyusin, D.V. (1996). Development of emotion cognitive schemata in
ontogenesis. In D.V.Ushakov (Ed.), Cognition, society, development (pp. 77-87). Moscow:
Institute of Psychology, RAS.
ARTICLES AND ABSTRACTS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (No 1-5, 8, 13-15, 1922, 25, 27-34, 37-38, 40, 44-46 in Russian)
1. Lyusin, D.V. (2013). Are the Three Attentional Networks Measured by the ANT Independent?
In Y.V. Pechenkova & M.V. Falikman (Eds.), Cognitive science in Moscow: New studies.
Conference proceedings. June 19, 2013 (pp. 197-201). Moscow: Buki Vedi.
2. Ovsyannikova, V.V., & Lyusin, D.V. (2012) Accuracy and sensitivity as two aspects of
emotional recognition. In A.B. Kupreychenko & V.A. Shtroo (Eds.), Psychology of
individuality: Proceedings of the 4th Russian Conference (p. 61). Moscow: Logos.
Kozhukhova, Y.A., & Lyusin D.V. (2012). Effects of negative emotions with various tension
levels on attention. In V.T. Kudryavtsev (Ed.), Personality from the perspective of classical
and non-classical psychology. Proceedings of the 12th International Vygotsky Conference. V.
1 (pp. 158-162). Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, Vygotsky Foundation.
4. Medvedeva, V.V., & Lyusin, D.V. (2012). Relation of Anxiety and Aggressiveness with
Sensitivity to Aggressiveness and Anxiety. In V.T. Kudryavtsev (Ed.), Personality from the
perspective of classical and non-classical psychology. Proceedings of the 12th International
Vygotsky Conference. V. 1 (pp. 162-163). Moscow: Russian State University for the
Humanities, Vygotsky Foundation.
5. Permogorsky, M.S., & Lyusin, D.V. (2012). Is the emotion recognition ability domainuniversal? In V.T. Kudryavtsev (Ed.), Personality from the perspective of classical and nonclassical psychology. Proceedings of the 12th International Vygotsky Conference. V. 1 (pp.
178-183). Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, Vygotsky Foundation.
6. Andreeva G., Lyusin D., Deev A., & Gorbunov V. (2012). Seasonal variations of circadian
ambulatory blood pressure indexes in patients with arterial hypertension. Journal of
Hypertension. V. 30, e-Supplement A. April 2012, pp. 330 – 331.
7. Andreeva G., Lyusin D., Deev A., Gorbunov V., & Lerman O. (2012). The relationship
between seasonal variations of ambulatory blood pressure indexes and psychological status in
patients with arterial hypertension. Journal of Hypertension. V. 30, e-Supplement A. April
2012, p. 332.
8. Lyusin D., & Ovsyannikova V. (2011). Measurement of Emotion Recognition: Accuracy vs.
sensitivity. In Sign as a Psychological Tool: Subjective Reality of Culture. Proceedings of the
the 12th International Vygotsky Conference (pp. 308-309). Moscow: Russian State University
for the Humanities.
9. Sysoeva T., & Lyusin D. (2011). Cognitive bases of emotional intelligence: Emotional Stroop
effect. In 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Book of programme –
Abstracts (p. 125). Riga: The University of Latvia Press, 2011.
10. Lyusin D., & Ovsyannikova V. (2011). Aspects of emotional intelligence: Accuracy vs.
sensitivity. In 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Book of programme –
Abstracts (pp. 102-103). Riga: The University of Latvia Press, 2011.
11. Muter Sengul C., Tavani J.L., Zenasni F., Lyusin D., Olsson L., & Lubart T. (2011). The
social representation of creativity: A cross-cultural study. In The 12th European Congress on
Psychology. Oral Abstracts (p. 573). Istanbul, 2011.
12. Andreeva G., Lerman O., Lyusin D., Deev A., & Gorbunov V. (2011). Emotional intelligence,
psychological factors may influence the difference between clinical and ambulatory blood
pressure levels in patients with hypertension. In Journal of Hypertension. V. 29, e-Supplement
A. June 2011. (p 182).
13. Lyusin D.V. (2011). Perception of emotions in music. In Current Problems of Theoretical and
Applied Psychology: Traditions and Perspectives. Conference proceedings (pp. 341-343).
Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State University.
14. Lyusin D.V. (2010). Review of the presentation 'Structure analysis: interdisciplinary
perspectives' by N.A. Almayev. In Proceedings of the Concluding Scientific Conference of the
Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (February 11-12, 2010) (pp. 129131). Moscow: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
15. Lyusin D.V., & Sinkevich A.G. (2010). Structure of Emotional States Self-descriptions. In
Zone of Proximal Development. Proceedings of the 11th International Vygotsky Conference
(pp. 318-319). Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities.
16. Andreeva G., Deev A., Gorbunov V., Lyusin D., & Lerman O. (2010). Relationship Between
Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Status and Mean Ambulatory Blood Pressure Level in
Patients with Arterial Hypertension. In 20th European Meeting on Hypertension. Abstract
Book (p. 85). Oslo.
17. Andreeva G., Isaikina O., Liysin D., Gorbunov V., Lerman O., & Malysheva A. (2010).
Relationship Between Work Place Blood Pressure Level and Psychological Status in Patients
With Arterial Hypertension. In Journal of Hypertension. Vol. 28, June 2010. (pp. 599 – 600).
18. Lyusin D., & Ovsyannikova V. (2010). Cognitive mechanisms underlying relations between
general intelligence and emotion recognition accuracy. In Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Cognitive Science. June 22 — 26, 2010. Volume 1 (pp. 75-76).
19. Andreyeva, G.F., Gorbunov, V.M., Deyev, A.D., Lerman, O.V., & Lyusin, D.V. (2010).
Relations among psychological status, emotional intelligence, and parameters of arterial
pressure diurnal profile in patients with arterial hypertension. In Modern Technologies in
Diagnostics and Therapy of Arterial Hypertension (p. 6). Moscow.
20. Lyusin, D.V. (2009). Relations between emotional intelligence and general intelligence. In
Cultural-historical theory and social practices. Proceedings of the 10th International Vygotsky
Conference (pp. 240-241). Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities.
21. Lyusin, D.V. (2009). Emotion influence on different types of creativity. In Psychological and
pedagogical problems of giftedness: Theory and practice. Proceedings of the 6th international
conference (pp. 336-338). Irkutsk: Irkutsk State Pedagogical University.
22. Lyusin D., & Ovsyannikova V. (2009). Phenomenon of sensitivity to emotions of different
modalities. In Proceedings of the Concluding Scientific Conference of the Institute of
Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (February 12-13, 2009) (pp. 123-130).
Moscow: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
23. Lyusin D., & Ovsyannikova V. (2009). Different types of emotion sensitivity. In Book of
Abstracts of the 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (p. 157). Ghent:
Ghent University.
24. Ovsyannikova V., & Lyusin D. (2009). Are there different emotional intelligences? In Book of
Abstracts of the 10th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (p. 123). Ghent:
Ghent University.
25. Lyusin, D.V. (2008). Role of Emotion in Creative Thinking. In Y.P. Zinchenko, A.E.
Voyskunsky & T.V. Kornilova (Eds.), Modern Psychology of Thinking: Meaning in Cognition.
Proceedings of the conference devoted to the 75th anniversary of O.K. Tikhomirov (pp. 69-71).
Moscow: Smysl.
26. Lyusin D. (2008). Emotion influence on figurative and emotional creativity. In 4th
International Conference on Intelligence and Creativity (ICIC). Theory, Measurement and
Practical Issues. Program & Abstracts (p. 25). Münster: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
27. Lyusin, D.V. (2008). Bottom-up and Top-down Processes in Emotion Recognition. In
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science (Moscow, June 20 – 25,
2008). Vol. 2 (pp. 354 – 356). Мoscow.
28. Abisalova E.A., & Lyusin, D.V. (2008). Cognitive Mechanisms of Emotion Influence on
Creativity. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science (Moscow,
June 20 – 25, 2008). Vol. 1 (pp. 174 – 175). Мoscow.
29. Lyusin, D.V., & Ovsyannikova, V.V. (2007). Styles of Emotional States Recognition In
Comprehension in communication. 2007. Language. Man. Conception. Text. Proceedings of
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