Unit Scientific Investigation SOL Questions __ ____ The picture

Unit Scientific Investigation SOL Questions
The picture shows a coverslip correctly being lowered onto a slide. This method is used because it —
a. prevents the escape of microorganisms found in the water
b. reduces the possibility of air bubbles on the slide
c. prevents the coverslip from moving
d. allows microorganisms to move freely in the water
A scientist designed an experiment to test the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. He grew three
different cultures of the bacterium E. coli under three heat lamps at different temperatures. What was the
independent variable in this experiment?
a. Length of the experiment
b. Number of bacteria
c. Reproduction rate
d. Temperature
Data about the climate in an ecosystem were collected for 30 years. Which hypothesis about a population of
eagles could be made based on the climate data collected?
a. Eagle chick survival is directly related to annual rainfall amounts.
b. An outbreak of disease in 1987 killed 82% of the eagle population.
c. Eagles remain with the same mate throughout their lifetime.
d. Mortality of eagles from pesticides after 1992 was less than 5%.
The results of Pasteur’s experiment helped Pasteur to
a. isolate the virus responsible for smallpox
b. reject the theory of spontaneous generation
c. convince people to cover food
d. produce a vaccine against rabies
A student’s experiment showed that earthworms move away from light. This statement should be classified as
a. an inference
b. a prediction
c. a hypothesis
d. conclusion
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Harvester ants often strip a bush of all of its leaves. Some people believe this helps the plant grow thicker,
healthier stems. In an experiment, a student stripped off all the leaves from a set of plants. In a second set of
identical plants, the student allowed ants to strip off the plants’ leaves. In order to improve this experimental
design, it is most important to add a set of plants —
a. of a different species
b. with its leaves left intact
c. exposed to a different ant species
d. that are dormant
A student wanted to study the effect of temperature on algae levels in a local stream. Which items are most
useful for gathering data and most appropriate for communicating the results of her observations?
a. pH strips and written observations of stream water
b. Test tubes, thermometers, and graphs of results
c. Research on the Internet and videotapes of water samples
d. Microscopes and written descriptions of weather patterns
____ ____ 8.
People long ago believed that maggots came from meat. In the late 1600s, Francesco Redi made the
hypothesis that maggots came from flies rather than from meat. Which of these experimental designs could be
used to test Redi’s hypothesis?
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Which variable appears to control leaf production in these plants?
a. The number of daylight hours
b. The amount of water
c. The temperature
d. The relative humidity
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10. The most valid and reliable test of this hypothesis would include an experimental group of pine seeds that was
recovered from a fire area and pine seeds that were —
a. found before a fire
b. tolerant of fire
c. germinated after a fire
d. placed in a fire
11. In the lab setup pictured below (picture 23), a student is trying to determine the effect of pollutants on the
germination of three groups of seeds. The results will not be valid because the experiment has no —
a. variable
b. hypothesis
c. control
d. conclusion
12. Francesco Redi performed an experiment in 1668. In the experiment, he placed rotting meat in two jars. The
first jar was left open. After a few days, fly larvae were found on the decaying meat inside. The mouth of the
second jar was covered with gauze. After a few days, the decaying meat inside was free of fly larvae, but
larvae were found on the gauze. This experiment supports the hypothesis that —
a. fly larvae only come from adult flies
b. fly larvae prefer fresh meat
c. adult flies are not attracted to decaying meat
d. decaying meat produces fly larvae
13. A microorganism which releases water into its environment to regulate its salinity during osmosis is
undergoing a process that is similar to a human being who releases moisture on a hot day. This process that
helps keep both the microorganism and the human body fluids in balance is known as —
a. heredity
b. homeostasis
c. mutation
d. cell division
Unit Classification SOL Questions
1. This key can be used to distinguish four species of frogs found in ponds in eastern Virginia. What
is the genus and species name of the frog shown?
Prominent means
very noticeable.
Mottled means
blotches of a
different color.
2. An important feature of modern classification systems is that they —
a. group organisms that live in the same habitat
b. apply only to organisms that are alive today
c. can predict the discovery of new species
d. can incorporate new scientific discoveries
3. What structure is common to all six kingdoms of living organisms?
a. Cell wall
b. DNA
c. Nucleus
d. Mitochondria
4. How is the prokaryotic bacterium in the diagram different from a eukaryotic cell?
a. It stores its genetic information in DNA.
b. It has ribosomes to make proteins.
c. It has a cell membrane.
d. It has no membrane-bound nucleus.
5. Tall land plants have requirements different from those of aquatic plants. Which of these must the
tall land plants have that aquatic plants do not need?
a. A means of reproduction
b. Thick-celled walls
c. Photosynthetic abilities
d. Organelles for respiration
6. Ascidians are sac-like marine organisms. Their larvae have well-developed brains and dorsal nerve
cords. This suggests that ascidians should be classified with the —
a. cnidarians
b. chordates
c. annelids
d. sponges
7. A biology student collected pine needles from four different species of trees. She then made
diagrams showing the number and actual length of needles in a bundle and the common and
scientific name of each species. Use her diagram above to help you answer the following question.
These four different pine trees are not classified in the same —
a. phylum
b. species
c. order
d. genus
8. One method of determining the classification of an animal is by comparing the amino acid
sequence. Which of these animals most closely resembles the unknown animal?
Mouse: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His- Glu-Val-Val-Leu
Dog: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-Asp- Glu-Lys-Asp
Horse: Met-Gly-Ser-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Arg- Asp-His-Glu-Lys-Asp
Cat: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-His- Arg-Cys-Thre-Asp
9. According to the biological definition of a species, which organisms listed below would belong to
the same species?
a. Animals that can breed and produce fertile offspring
b. Protists that are the same shape and have the same structures for movement
c. Plants that have flowers with the same structures that attract the same pollinators
d. Mushrooms that are the same color and can grow on trees
10. The picture shows an organism that lives in the lakes of two caves in Augusta County, Virginia. Its
primary food source appears to be fine bits of organic matter that drift into the cave lakes. This
cave-dwelling species belongs to the
kingdom —
a. Monera
b. Animalia
c. Protista
d. Fungi
11. Which type of Drosophila probably changed the least over time?
a. Drosophila equinoxialis equinoxialis
b. Drosophila equinoxialis caribbensis
c. Drosophila melanogaster
d. Drosophila willistoni
12. Which of these is most closely
related to the oak weevil?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
13. According to this chart, the insects that are most closely related are the —
a. springtails and bristletails
b. springtails and proturans
c. bristletails and mayflies
d. dragonflies and proturans
14. According to this key, to what family does the insect above belong?
a. Dytiscidae
b. Haliplidae
c. Noteridae
d. Gyrnidae
15. Using the dichotomous key below, identify the organism ________________________
(Hint: All the plants have blue or purple flowers with five petals that are fused together).
Unit Chemistry SOL Questions
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word(s).
1. Which molecule is most abundant in the cells of the human body? ____ ___
2. Pepsin is found in the human stomach and breaks down proteins to smaller peptides. What is pepsin?
______ _____
3. Enzymes only work with specific substrates because each substrate has a specific __ ___ site for
enzyme attachment.
4. The property of water that allows many land-dwelling organisms to maintain body temperature by
eliminating excess heat is its ability to _______ _____
5. Some insects can stand on the surface of water because of property of water called ___ ___
Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the
6. Peroxidase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide in cells. It accomplishes this
because of its structure. What part of the enzyme is involved in catalytic activity?
a. binding pocket
c. quaternary structure
b. pleated sheet
d. active site
7. Ice floats on a lake. This characteristic of water is responsible for ___
a. suffocation of aquatic organisms
b. mixing a lake’s thermal layers
c. preventing a lake from freezing solid
d. altering migration patterns of fish
Answer: ____ _
Answer: ____ ___
Answer: ____ ___
Unit Cells SOL Questions
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1. All of the following are types of tissues EXCEPT
a. muscle
b. fat
c. stomach
d. blood
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2. Compared to a skin cell, a muscle cell is likely to have more
a. cell membranes
c. Golgi bodies
b. chloroplasts
d. mitochondria
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3. Blood is considered a tissue because blood
a. is pumped from the heart is carried to the cells through the arteries
b. is composed of red and white blood cells working together and having specific functions
c. flows inside arteries and veins
d. is necessary to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells
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4. In the figure above, which of these is capable of moving quickly in response to its environment?
a. F
c. H
b. G
d. J
5. Some peeled pieces of apple were placed in distilled water and some in very salty water. The
cells in the apple pieces will
a. lose water in both solutions
b. gain water in the distilled water and lose water in the salty water
c. gain water in both solutions
d. lose water in the distilled water and gain water in the salty water
6. Which of these statements is supported by the data shown in the table above?
a. Eukaryotic cells vary in covering and in food production
b. Each of the kingdoms has different organelles for metabolism
c. All cells have nuclei for control of cell functions
d. Most kingdoms are made up of prokaryotic cells
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7. The one-celled eukaryotic organisms above are often found in freshwater ponds. What is one
characteristic they all have in common?
a. Nucleus
c. Cilia
b. Pseudopodia
d. Flagellum
8. Tall land plants have requirements different from those of aquatic plants. Which of these must
the tall land plants have that aquatic plants do not need?
a. A means of reproduction
c. Photosynthetic abilities
b. Thick-celled walls
d. Organelles for respiration
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9. Amino acids link together by peptide bonds to form proteins. In which cellular organelle would
this process occur?
a. Mitochondrion
c. Lysosome
b. Ribosome
d. Golgi body
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10. In the cell membrane model shown above, the molecules which move large molecules into and
out of the cell are known as
a. cholesterol
c. lipids
b. proteins
d. carbohydrates
11. These words were written by Robert Hooke in 1665. The pores or cells that Hooke described
were really —
a. mitochondria
c. cell walls
b. nuclei
d. cell membranes
12. When an animal eats, food stays in the stomach for a period of time. When a unicellular
organism, such as Paramecium, takes in food, the food is contained in which organelle?
a. Chloroplast
c. Vacuole
b. Mitochondrion
d. Nucleus
Unit Mitosis SOL Questions
1. Which phase of mitosis would be seen next?
2. The process of DNA replication is necessary before a cell —
a. codes for RNA molecules
b. modifies lysosome enzymes
c. divides into two cells
d. makes a protein
3. (2004-15) The processes of meiosis and fertilization help ensure the survival of the species by
providing each generation with the same number of —
a. chromosomes
b. offspring
c. gametes
d. body cells
4. What is the correct sequence for plant cell mitosis?
a. A, B, D, C
b. C, B, A, D
c. B, A, D, C
d. D, C, B, A
5. Which of the following phases is the first step in mitosis?
a. Prophase
b. Telophase
c. Metaphase
d. Anaphase