wessendorff middle school staff handbook

Wessendorff Middle School
Sonya Sanzo
Lorena Callis
Danielle Prince
Rebecca M. Widaski
Clarita Cantrell
Jane Farrell
Debbie ‘schiesler
Chameka Fields
Janice Campbell
Velecia Cruse
Brenda Kort Sanchez
Staci Fuchs
Valerie Padilla
Mark Benke
Robin Wilborn
Lynn Shoecraft
Ellene Pollidore
Brandi Goodly
Juan Torres
Amanda Broadwell
Jeffery Kreusch
Brenda Watson
Leigh Ann Blair
Melissa Guerrero
Bradley Vallet
Charlene Tevis
Eden Rule
Christina MartinezBenitez
Amanda Arnim
Novlet Dean
Priscilla Bradshaw
Holly Leonard
Shirley Schmidt
Denise Wiltz-Milton
Joanna Jones
Annie Cain
Alfredo Montalvo (Building
Dana Stutts (LS)
Amanda Gonzalez (LS)
Debbie Jones (Keyboarding)
Dolores Montana(ISS)
Martha Kalkomey(LS)
Millie Chatham (ESL)
Kim Elder (Café Monitor)
Juditt Buenrrostro (Day Time
Daniel Perez
Beth Rios (Manager)
Mary Lou Villafranco
Darlene Peters
Evette Klemik
Marina Valle
Sylvia Garcia
Maria Torres
Mission Statement
A broad statement of the unique purpose for which the organization exists and the specific function it perform.
The mission of Wessendorff Middle School, through a partnership of students,
families, staff and community, is to ensure that every student has the skills to build
a strong social and academic foundation, in order to transition into a successful
high school and college student and responsible member of the community. This
mission is accomplished by providing a challenging, standards-based curriculum
that meets individual needs and is delivered in a safe environment by a dedicated
nurturing staff
Vision Statement
To ensure that all students are provided the resources and skills necessary to
access knowledge in a positive and safe environment that inspires,
welcomes, challenges, and allows students to reach their full potential and
achieve academic and personal success.
A statement of the organization’s fundamental convictions, its values, its character.
WE BELIEVE that every human being is important and has value.
WE BELIEVE that the freedom and rights enjoyed in society require that individuals take responsibility for
their actions.
WE BELIEVE that the family is the critical element in an individual’s development.
WE BELIEVE that reaching one’s potential requires great effort.
WE BELIEVE that expectations profoundly influence our own performance and the performance of others.
WE BELIEVE that every person is responsible for making the community a better place.
WE BELIEVE that honesty and integrity are essential to building trusting relationships.
WE BELIEVE that people learn best in a safe, healthy environment.
WE BELIEVE that meaningful accomplishment enhances the motivation essential for continued success.
Wessendorff Middle School ….
 administration and staff maintain a positive environment in which students can grow,
learn and be themselves
 students are treated with dignity and respect
 recognition and praise are the rules rather than the exception
 effective teachers and administrators make the difference
 well informed parents become involved parents
 there is an open door policy where communication is encouraged
 the curriculum is fashioned to fit the students rather than the students to fit the
“1ST”Day of School
Please remember that the first day of school will be the first impression the students and parents will receive
First Day Attendance Procedures
1. Students will report to the gym upon arrival.
2. Teachers will receive an index cards and a colored attendance verification card.
3. Upon arrival to the classroom, teachers will distribute on card to each student as they enter the room.
Teachers will remove all leftover cards t their desk drawer, so they are out of the way and not seen by
students or in anarea where a student might get the cards.
4. Students will legibly print the following information on the card:
A. Student Name (no nicknames – must use their given name)
B. Date of Birth (This is important because sometimes students have the same names.)
C. Student ID# (if they know it)
5. When all students have completed their cards, teachers wil pick them up. They will count the number of
cards and write the totalon the colored verification cards. They will then count the number of the kids in
the room and write it on the colored verification card.
6. Teachers will write their names on the verification card.
7. Teacher will alphabetize the cards by the student’s last name.
8. Teachers will place a binder clip on the cards with the colored verification card on top.
9. A designated person will come around to pick-up the cards. Do not send the cards to the office.
10. The person picking up the cards will verify the number of kids in the room and record the number on the
colored verification card.
11. Students should not leave the room during the tme attendance is being taken.
12. Be sure to accurately follow these instructions. Students who are not in attendance the first day of school
will be withdrawn from the rosters as a “no show”. This procedcure will ensure that we only record
students who are physically in attendance on our campus the firs day of school.
Teachers are responsible for establishing classroom behavior expectations. We will have a very orderly
and safe environment for students.
Students also need to know the following:
No student may use the telephone without permission.
Please do not send students to the office to use the phone. If a student needs to use the phone, you
must assess whether the reason is valid or not. It is not okay for students to call home for permission
to go home with a friend, to stay afterschool for practice or to ask permission for a personal event. If a
student needs to stay with you to make up work or finish homework, they can use the phone in your
classroom. You also need to email the secretaries and Principal the name(s) of who is staying, why
and how long.
No birthday parties at school.
Teachers will be expected to strategically line themselves from main street to their pods. Do not leave
students in the hallways unattended.
Students should remain seated at the table until completely finished with their lunch and dismissed to
Students are not to leave campus during school hours unless proper arrangements have been made in the
All teachers must follow the schedule closely.
Textbooks – please keep a close official account of all books issued to you. All teachers will be
responsible for a class set.
Agendas will be sent home beginning the second day of school. Students need to understand that their
handbook is on-line. Please emphasize the importance of parents reading the handbook as soon as
possible. All students must write their first and last name in ink. Teachers MUST check to make sure
students do this.
Information sheets will be sent home on the second day of school during first period. Science teachers
will keep these until all are returned, and then alphabetize each set of forms before turning them in to
the nurse.
Turn in a list of students to the secretary who are not allowed to be photographed by August 31st .
A welcome department letter must be posted on each webpage site by August 31st. Remember, this will
allow you to start the year in a positive manner.
Teacher Websites need to be set up by August 24 with a link to Edmodo.
 Breakfast begins at 7:30.
 Students will get in line to be served as they arrive in the cafeteria.
 Students should sit at the tables indicated by the staff on duty.
 While in the serving line, do not talk at all
 Students should get permission from an adult to empty their tray.
After emptying their tray, students should move quietly and immediately to their assigned area in the Gym
Breakfast line closes at 8:15. (Late buses will be allowed to eat breakfast.)
Students will listen and follow the directions of the monitors.
 Students will walk into the cafeteria in a single file line
 No talking while standing in the serving line
 Students must ask permission to get ketchup, mustard, and other condiments while in serving line
 Students should not touch other students’ food or trays.
 Students should talk in a normal conversation voice.
 Students will be dismissed by an adult from the table.
 Students need to pick-up any food or trash under the table.
 Students will line up in a single file line and leave in an orderly fashion.
 The students will be responsible for keeping the table and floor area clean.
 When students are lined up to return to class, they must remain quiet.
 Listen and follow the directions of the monitors.
 When students are lined up0 to return to class, they must remain quiet.
The students at Wessendorff Middle School belong to all of us. Please help address academic and behavioral
concerns in a Respectful, Nurturing manner building relational capacity.
All lunch money needs to be turned in to the cafeteria before 8:15. This includes all staff and students.
Morning Expectation (Bus Riders)
 Students riding the bus will go to breakfast and then to the gym when dismissed from breakfast.
 Students not wanting breakfast will go directly to the gym.
 Students who have band instruments will sit in the gym and be periodically dismissed to the band hall to
store their instruments.
 Students will sit in their first period teacher’s line.
Morning Expectation (Parent Drop-offs)
 Students being dropped off in the front will enter the main doors of the building.
 Students eating breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria.
 Students that do not eat breakfast will go directly to the gym.
 Students will sit in their first period teacher’s line.
 Students wanting breakfast must arrive prior to 8:15 a.m. (The breakfast line closes at 8:15.)
 Band students will go to the bandhall to store their instrument prior to going to the gym.
Moving from Class to Class
 Students will move from class to class in an orderly manner. They will have 3 minutes between classes.
 There will be one-way traffic to the pods and on the main hallway near the pods.
 Teachers must stand at their door to monitor students, greet students entering their classes and
supervise students who have entered their classrooms. Do not line your students up in the hallway
during passing periods. The only classes allowed to line up in the hallway are the duty teachers’ classes.
 Teachers should stand in the hallways during class changes until halls are clear.
 Science teachers will monitor intersections
 No running, playing or fooling around between classes.
Afternoon Procedures
 Students will be released upon announcement.
 Car riders and band students will generally be announced first. Band students who are bus riders will
remain in bandhall until their bus is called. All other bus riders will remain quietly in their classroom until
their bus is called.
 Bus numbers will be called over the intercom. Teachers should write bus numbers on the board as they
are announced.
 Change in dismissal procedures MUST have Principals’ approval.
Please remember that information in this handbook is a general guideline. If you feel like you need to deviate
from these guidelines, you must talk to a principal. Deviation will be made if it is in the best interest of a student.
Each student will be expected to make up all homework, classroom work and/or tests regardless of the reason for
absences. Teachers will be asked to compile a list of assignments upon the request of a parent. We will ask that
parents notify the office requesting their child’s assignments prior to picking up the work. A grace period equal to
the number of days missed, plus one, is allowed for make-up work. At the teacher’s discretion, make-up work may
be made up before, during, or after school.
Students will be directed to turn in absence notes to the office clerk each morning prior to the beginning of the
school day.
In the event that a note from parents and/or health care professionals is turned in to you, please turn these
notes into the office clerk at your first opportunity. All NOTES from parents and/or health care professionals
must be kept locked at all times. This is in accordance to the HIPPA law. ALL NOTES MUST BE TURNED IN DAILY
Too often when a teacher must be absent, the result is a lost instructional day for the students. Although some
absences cannot be avoided, please be very discriminating in use of leave for personal business. A doctor’s note
and an application for FMLA are required when more than five consecutive days are used for personal or family
Sickness and Non-Discreationary Personal Days
Please call or visit with the principal as soon as you know you will be out. If something happens in the evening or
before school, please call so that proper plans can be put into place, such as securing a sub or the necessary
coverage for your class. Sometimes it may not be necessary get a sub, and the principal will let you know this
during your conversation. If at all possible, please call any time before 9:00 p.m. and after 6:00 a.m.
Personal Days
Please plan personal days as far in advance as possible, keeping in mind that a Personal Day Form (found on
Lamarnet) must be approved no later than 48 hours before the requested day. You must talk directly with the
principal to request the personal day, and the form should be submitted directly to the principal for approval.
Sometimes it may not be necessary to get a sub, and the principal will let you know this during your conversation.
Approval from the principal prior to the purchase must be granted before purchasing instructional material
with the expectation of reimbursement. Receipts must be submitted monthly. Please do not hold receipts for
reimbursement until the end of the year.
Plans for after school activities must be communicated with the Principal before the activity begins. Students
staying after school need written permission. Permission slips should be sent home 2 weeks in advance. All
information such as times, dates, locations, activity, etc. must be above the signature portion for parent’s
reference. Students will not be allowed to use the office phones regarding the activity. The teacher must take
responsibility for communicating with parents. A list of students should be maintained and available including an
attendance log for every activity. The list of students, staying after school, should be given to the office prior to
the activity. Students must be supervised at all times. This includes from the time of regular dismissal until you
see them picked up by an adult.
Staff announcements will be included in a weekly communication. Emails will be sent out when needed.
Teachers with less than three years at Wessendorff and those not currently in a waiver year will be observed
through T-TESS. In depth training and information will be given to all teachers prior to an observation. New
teachers will receive additional training from district trainers.
Students arriving before 8:00 will be asked to report to the gym. Refer to Morning Expectations on page 7.
Teachers should be by their doors ready to greet the students. Your room must be ready for student arrival which
means that your computers are on and objectives and bell work are posted.
Cumulative common assessments will be given based on data collected in Data Teams and PLC Meetings.
Major and Minor Grades- All assessments must be submitted prior to being administered to students.
Major Assessments- Two Weeks before administration
Minor Assessments- One Week before administration
Submit assessments on Staff OneNote (upload to team page)
All staff members must record time in the electronic timekeeping system, Kronos. This system can only be
accessed through a school computer at school. Training on the use of Kronos is available on the Icafe.
All paraprofessionals (non-exempt employees) must log into http://kronos.lcisd.org to sign-in upon arrival, lunch
(in and out), and sign-out for the day. This is a live time clock electronic system. As an alternative, you can use
your badge to sign-in at the timeclock in the custodial office in the cafeteria. All paraprofessionals must approve
their time in Kronos before leaving on Friday afternoon.
Professional staff (exempt employees) do not need to sign in and out each day, but must verify attendance on the
website listed above before leaving on Friday afternoon.
If you are absent, you must input that absence into the time clock system accurately. All absences must match the
Web Center Attendance system.
All timekeeping must be complete before you leave on Friday afternoon. Payroll has strict guidelines that we must
maintain in order to get paid on time.
Teachers will document all student attendance using Skyward. Training videos are available in the I-Cafe. Five
minutes into the period, Skyward will be checked to verify completion. A separate hard copy must be kept for
each 9 week period for each class. Hard copy rosters must be turned in each 9 weeks to the Assistant Principal.
This record MUST be accurately recorded in BLACK ink with the DATE at the top of each column representing
each school day. Attendance must be completed for each class period.
The Clerk/Monitor will contact parents daily when a student is absent. Parents of students with excessive
absences will be contacted and scheduled to attend an Attendance Review Meeting. If absences continue, the
student’s name will be forwarded to the LCISD Truancy Project Officer for further action.
Assistant Principal will check attendance records each month.
1. Tardies are to be recorded on the computer. Students will be signed in and issued a tardy slip in the
office before 8:25 AM. Teachers need to retain all tardy slips. The Assistant Principal must be notified
when a student has 3 tardies.
2. The Clerk/Monitor will contact parents each day when students are not in attendance.
3. The Clerk/Monitor will maintain a log of parent contacts.
4. After 4 absences in a semester, parents will meet with the Attendance Review Committee concerning
5. After 6 absences in a semester, a referral will be made to the campus social worker for a home visit.
6. Any further absences will require additional meetings to discuss compulsory attendance and development
of a plan for attendance. All parties involved (ARC, parents, student) must sign the Committeee Review
Form on terms and plans to keep student in school.
7. After 9 absences, a referral may be made to the County Attorney’s Office for appropriate legal action if
the truancy continues.
Absentees are to be recorded on the computer and class roster as follows:
Students are considered absent 15 minutes after the tardy bell rings.
Students leaving at any time after school begins must sign out, except to be away on an approved
field trip.
Any changes in attendance must be reported to the office clerk.
Class Attendance rosters will be turned in to the assistant principal on the last day of the each 9
weeks with your signature and date by 4:00 pm.
If there are any questions about these procedures, please check with the secretary. It is very important these
Attendance Review Committee
The attendance review committee meets monthly. You may be asked to serve as a committee member. The
purpose of the ARC is to comply with state and federal law and to keep students in school.
Interdisciplinary Teachers should discuss with the Assistant Principal any student whose attendance is a concern.
All AV equipment should be kept clean and closed or covered when not in use. All AV equipment will be checked
out through the library. Any AV equipment, which is in need of repair, should be taken to the librarian
immediately. Smart Board stylus, Bluetooth receivers, wireless keyboards and remote controls need to be
checked out by the librarian. Bluetooth receivers need to be plugged in the back of your computers.
Effective use of audio-visual materials demands planning. Be selective in using audiovisual materials. Be sure
there is a purpose for showing a portion of a film and a definite correlation with current classroom instruction.
Requests made the same day could result in a denial. Video use forms must be submitted with lesson plans on
Instruction in proper behavior as students move from one area to another is our responsibility. This includes
entering the building, moving through the building, going to the restrooms, etc.
To keep our school neat, we must be conscientious about its appearance. Please do not put tape on painted
walls, door frames or plexi-glass. Paint will come off when tape is used.
The building will be unlocked from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on school days. Do not prop outside doors open with
a door mat, door stopper, rock or any other item. This is a safety issue and violates our emergency procedures.
A comprehensive plan will be in place for students to now learn how to identify bullying, how to report bullying,
and how to deal with it. All staff must take reports of bullying seriously and investigate all reports. You must also
report the incident and how it was handled to the Assistant Principal.
The School Board has established policies and procedures to prohibit bullying and to respond to reports of
Bullying is determined if the behavior:
1. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating,
threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student; or
2. If the behavior has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s
property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damange to the
student’s property
Bullying includes hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, assaults, demands for money, confinement, destruction of
property, theft of valued posessions, name-calling, rumor-spreading, and ostracism.
Lunch Period: Lunch periods will be 30 minutes in length. Students will be seated where they are directed to sit.
This will depend on where they are in the line.
Teachers will send students ON TIME. The monitors will supervise students once they are lined up waiting to be
Staff members may leave the campus; eat in the cafeteria, or in the lounge. Lunch period times must be
observed. You must notify the office staff before leaving campus for lunch, and upon returning to campus.
The Wessendorff 2015-2016 Calendar will be posted on “365”. If you are planning and have questions about the
calendar, please contact the secretay. Please review the calendar periodically for accuracy. If you are planning a
programor event, please make sure it is on the calendar correctly. Notify the secretary of any corrections that
need t be made.
Encourage students to take pride in the care of our building, equipment, and supplies.
A neat and orderly classroom is conducive to learning.
We must teach students to clean up after themselves. The following will help students learn to clean up.
1. After completing any activity, please check if desks require cleaning.
2. Students should clean all paper from around their desks prior to leaving each period.
3. Periodically check desks and have students clean as needed.
4. Supervise students when using markers, pens, highlighters, etc. will help eliminate damage
to our carpeting and walls. Remember that PERMENANT markers are not permitted on campus.
Please keep all cell phones on vibrate during work hours. Cell phones should not be answered during
instructional time. Cell phone use and text messaging should be limited to your conference and lunch times. If
you are expecting an important call please notify the office.
Teachers: The workday is 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. every day except in the following situations:
You have been notified that you may leave early.
You are involved in a meeting.
A request to leave the building before 4:00 p.m. must be approved before you leave. This email should be sent to
the princpals and copied to the secretary .
All staff members are required to view the following Compliance Videos by September 24, 2015.
Blood Borne Pathogens
Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a Child
GoKit Training
Electronic Communication with Students
Adult Sexual Harassment
Student to Student Sexual Harrassment
Student to Student Bullying
ASK about Suicide to Save a Live
All videos will be located on the Atomic Learning Site. ( Login with your lcisd email address and
You must give a receipt for all money collected. If you need a receipt book, please see the secretary.
Money cannot be kept in classrooms overnight. Teachers are responsible for money after collection until it is
secured in the safe. Money must be turned in to the secretary for lockup in the safe. A “Collection of Money”
form must be completed before turning money in to the secretary (see secretary for the form), along with copies
of receipts. Receipts should balance to the amount of money collected. A time must be scheduled to count the
money with the secretary before handing it over to her.
It is your responsibility to adhere to timelines that are given. Please complete all requested information
by dates required.
It is your responsibility to follow all communication from the administration including email, staff
meetings, staff handbook, etc.
We will not ask you to do something that is not important. Please consider all requests directives.
The Principal MUST approve everything sent home or placed in mailboxes.
Communication is important in the success of all relationships. Please make sure you return all parent contacts
within 24 hours. It is imperative that you share student concerns immediately.
If parents do not respond to emails or written notes, you must call. If you are unable to make contact, you must
notify an administrator for assistance. Turn in Contact logs to the Assistant Principal a the end of each nine
weeks. This is part of your summative evaluation.
Web Pages must be kept current, professional and updated weekly.
Teachers must maintain a Contact Log to document communications with parents regarding academic,
attendance, and discipline issues. This is your documentation that you are keeping parents informed. The
Contact Log form will be emailed to you and will be reviewed with the Assistant Principal every three weeks.
We must remember that we are NOT allowed to discuss a child with ANYONE that does not have a reason to
know about him or her. This includes telling other parents or staff members about disciplinary actions taken,
giving out addresses and phone numbers, etc.
As professionals, we must conduct ourselves in a professional manner. We must also treat others, with the same
courtesy and respect.
48 Hour Rule – Any problem you have with another staff member should be discussed within 48 hours of concern.
If you have not discussed it with them you must let it go. If something bothers you, deal with it within the 48 hour
period or forget it.
Be careful about what you ask the janitorial staff to do for you. Some materials may be too heavy for one person
to move. Custodians are always willing to help, but let’s not take advantage of them.
All professional staff, special ed. aides and office staff are allowed access to their students cum folders. You are
REQUIRED to fill out the access form each time you access a file. CUM folders may NOT leave the office.
If you need to review a student file, please place an OUT manila place holder so you can re-file it quickly.
Document on the OUT holder your name, folder taken and date. Manila place holders will be located on the top of
the CUM file cabinets.
All departments will be required to participate in WEEKLY planning meetings. The purpose of the department
meetings is to share ideas, teaching strategies, information about particular students, successes, and frustrations
of the job and to plan together curriculum, themes and/or special events.
Planning to meet the needs of all students requires forethought. Lesson planning must be designed to
teach toward high achieving students with differentiation and/or re-grouping for struggling learners.
When planning we must write our lesson plans to meet the needs of all students from high achieving to
struggling learners.
Lesson design should meet the needs of high achieving students through enrichment activities and
address struggling learners who may require individual instruction.
High achieving students should not be utilized as tutors for struggling students.
Discipline is the responsibility of the teacher. Make a diligent effort to know each of your students; be willing to
spend some extra time in helping the child who has deep-rooted problems. Please make sure as the classroom
teacher you have had previous contact about the current issue with the parent to communicate (by phone or in
person) any and all concerns regarding persistent misbehavior of student before sending them to the office for
the same misbehavior, and that such contact is noted on the discipline referral form. All behavior interventions
should be documented on the RTI Behavior log.
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense
4th Offense
5th Offense
6th Offense
7th Offense
Warning – Review Social Contract with student
Student Conference – Call parent and take lanyard
Mandatory Parent conference
Teacher/Student Conference/Parent/ Administrator
After school detention – Call parent
Saturday School
Discipline Referral on Skyward
Lanyard will be taken immediately and turned in.
* Lanyards and student IDs will be given to students after school pictures are taken and sent to us. If you
take a lanyard from a student, you must fill out information on a roster and place it in the appropriate
drawer located in the office conference room.
Except for major disruptions parents should be given the opportunity to correct the problem with their
children. Use conferences with students, team conferences, and parent conferences as a recourse with each
student concern.
We must not make threats - weigh your words carefully. Sarcasm has no place in disciplining children. Be firm,
yet pleasant from the beginning. Mass punishment is extremely difficult to justify and should be avoided.
We need to help students develop good citizenship traits and teach students to become self-disciplined
Students should never, under any circumstances, be assigned extra work or placed in the hallway as punishment.
Behavior interventions must be documented on the RTI Behavior Log.
Slacks, Pants, and Suit Pants
Slacks that are similar to Dockers and other makers of professional, nice-looking pants.
Skirts, Dresses, and Skirted Suits
Casual dresses and skirts should be at a length at which you can sit comfortably in public. Short, tight skirts that
ride halfway up the thigh are inappropriate for work. Mini-skirts, skorts, sun dresses, beach dresses, and
spaghetti-strap dresses are inappropriate.
Shirts, Tops, Blouses, and Jackets
Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, tops, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are acceptable attire for work. Most
suit jackets or sport jackets are also acceptable attire. Inappropriate attire for work includes tank tops; midriff
tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops.
Shoes and Footwear
Walking shoes, loafers, boots, flats, dress heels, dress sandals and leather deck-type shoes are acceptable for
work. Dressy sandals are allowed. Flip-flops (beach or shower shoes), Crocs and slippers are not acceptable.
Clothing that reveals cleavage, your back, your chest, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate.
Tops must be finger tip length if leggings are worn.
Clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled. Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is unacceptable including blue jeans
that are worn on spirit days.
PE teachers will wear appropriate clothing for their job.
Neat blue jeans may be worn with a Wertheimer Spirit Shirt- tennis shoes will also be allowed on designated Spirit
Days. Holes in jeans and jean capris will not be allowed. Jeans may not be worn on the first day of school, Open
House, or STAAR testing days.
When deciding what to wear, please ask yourself - “Do I look professional?”
Please remember, “When doing business, dress like you are doing business.”
“Would Mrs. Haack or Dr. Randle say my dress is professional?”
Remind students that clothing must be appropriate for school. We also need all staff members to remind
students to pull up their pants and to wear belts if necessary. If we do not enforce this policy, then we don’t have
one. No visible body piercing. Males are not allowed to wear earrings. The LCISD student dress code can be found
in the LCISD Code of Conduct.
Duplicating materials should have specific instructional purposes and should support the objectives for the lesson.
Worksheets should be used only if appropriate, but not as a time filler.
The copy machine in the office workroom is an office copier and can be used by those of you needing items from
students’ folders. The large copy machines in the teacher workroom are for teacher use. Please help ensure that
proper machine use is followed. If the machine malfunctions while you are using it, please notify the front office.
If you notice the machine is down and no sign is on the machine indicating that service has been called, please
notify the front office.
The objective of duty is to supervise the safety of all students. Please do not visit with the staff, counselor, or
principals on duty. Staff on duty should not visit with other staff or parents while on duty. Staff may not leave
duty positions without prior approval of the principals. If you will be absent from duty, arrange for another staff
member to cover the duty and notify your team prior to the absence if possible.
Any type of electronic or telecommunication devices including, but not limited to cell phones, mp3 players, video
game devices should always be turned off during school hours. If used during the school day, electronic devices
should be taken up and labeled with the student’s name and ID #. All electronic devices will be given to the
secretary the same day they are taken up.
Emergency lesson plans should cover three days.
No drill and kill worksheets and work should focus on global writing assignments explaining a process or
review of a former unit of study, thinking maps, etc.
Emergency lesson plans should be updated in October, January, and March.
In all emergencies, it is the discretion of the principals and/or the person involved in the emergency to call 911,
please be convinced it is a true emergency. Refer to the “School Safety and Emergency Manual”. Notify the office
and the Principal if there is a fire, if you smell smoke or gas, and/or if our power is out. If you notice graffiti,
broken windows, doors or a possible break-in, please notify the principals and the custodian.
Employees are responsible for their child/children before and after school. Please make sure the children stay in
your room at all times. They will not be allowed to go to the gym, computer lab, library, hallways, workroom,
lounge, etc. on their own. An adult must accompany children if they have to work on special projects. Computer
use will be limited to school projects and monitored by their parents at all times. All unsupervised incidences are
the responsibility of the parents. No other child will be allowed to stay with an employee’s child. After school
dismissal for employees’ children will be with the last dismissed group.
Elementary students will enter the building quietly and report to their parent’s classroom. Your children may not
disrupt class or dismissal procedures and should work on something quietly. They may not leave your classroom
without you escorting them.
Requests for children to accompany parents to school on workdays must be emailed to the principals 48 hours
prior to workday.
In an effort to save money and jobs, our district is requesting that we minimize electrical use. Small appliances
and lamps will not be allowed at Wessendorff. This includes, but is not limited to small refrigerators, coffee
makers, microwaves, Scentsy’s, etc.
Read the procedures carefully and prepare your students for each type of drill. Guidelines for emergency
procedures may be found in this handbook. Please take your class roster, grade book, and “emergency
procedures” handout with you when drills take place. Once you are out of the building or area, please use your
class roster to account for each student under your supervision. Be prepared to show either the green card or
the red card that are located at the back of the “emergency procedures” flipchart. Substitute plans must include
where to find Emergency Go Kits as well as guidelines for emergency procedures.
Fire drill evacuation maps must be posted in a prominent place next to your door! Fire drills are conducted for
two reasons: (1) to train occupants to leave the building orderly and quickly in case of an emergency, and (2) to
teach self-control in times of emergency later in life. These aims can be accomplished only when strict adherence
is required by all occupants. Keeping our students safe is our number one objective. Student safety should
always be our first concern.
Students must not talk or run during a drill. It is just as important to return to the building quietly during a drill as
it is when leaving the building. NO TALKING.
During fire drills, do not take students between vehicles in the back parking lot.
You should prepare every class for a fire drill.
1. Give clear precise directions to your students.
2. Take with you:
a. Class Roster.
b. Emergency Kit.
c. Emergency Procedures Flipchart.
3. Follow the exit plan consistently.
4. Lead your class to your designated location.
5. Last student leaving the classroom turns off the lights and closes the door.
6. Students should exit quietly in a single file line.
7. If the primary evacuation route is blocked, immediately follow the secondary evacuation route.
8. Once outside check the roll for attendance.
9. Using your Emergency Procedures Flipchart hold up:
a. Green Card All Students Accounted For.
b. Red Card Missing or Extra Students.
10. Bells will signal All Clear to return. We will also announce “All Clear” over the intercom.
11. Students should return to classrooms quietly in a single file line.
Periodically, the Fire Inspector will pop in and inspect our school for possible fire violations. Items for which we
can be cited for are as follows:
Emergency evacuation map not visually displayed in classroom, electrical extension cords, hanging items from the
ceiling, space heaters, curtains, obstructed doors or hallways. Periodically, the custodian will check and make
sure we are in compliance. The fire inspector has been known to ask about our fire drills.
All flammable items must be treated with “Flame Away” or similar products. Each room must signify that
treatment has been completed with a sticker on the evacuation map. This can be obtained from the Secretary.
Treat wall items with “Flame Away” or similar products.
Flowers, balloons, and gifts for students cannot be delivered at school. Classrooms will not be interrupted to
deliver such items to staff members. Items delivered for staff members will not be delivered during class time.
ITmes may be delivered between classes or during a teacher’s conference time.
Furniture should not be moved from room to room without permission. It is necessary for the custodian to get
permission from the Principal before moving furniture.
You may not relocate furniture from one room to another.
Office supplies will be kept in the office supply room. You may take what you need, but please communicate to
the front office clerk when items are almost out so that proper inventory can be maintained.
Teachers must use grades from previous schools when calculating grades and entering them into the district
grade book program. It is the teacher’s responsibility to obtain these grades from the counselor’s office.
Grade books are to be kept electronically in Skyward. Training on this new system will take place via videos. You
will be notified once the videos are available to watch. All grade books are auditable records. Each column in
which a grade appears should be labeled. Skyward requires the date and brief explanation of the grade be
entered prior to grade entry. A file of samples including worksheets, assignments, and rubrics should be
Specific grade levels and subjects should be written -ex. 6th Grade/Math
Grades must be labeled with the name of the assignment, worksheet, page #, etc. for each department
Dates are required.
Tardies can be put in the grade book.
Students receive numerical grades in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. Numerical
grades are equivalent to the following letter grades:
90 - 100
80 - 89
75 - 79
70 - 74
69 or below
A minimum of 13 grades per nine weeks, per subject should be recorded. (10 minor and 3 major) One or two
grades must be posted weekly in order to keep parents and students aware of their progress.
It is not good practice to record 3-4 grades at one time. The purpose of this grade book is to record student
progress towards the objectives being covered in class. Please do not put grades in the grade book because you
need another grade. Grades need to reflect grade level work to indicate mastery of TEKS objective (TEKS
objectives are not at the level of knowledge or comprehension).
All teachers should have all grades entered and grade books finalized by 4:00 on the last work
day of each nine weeks.
Students need a variety of teaching strategies to encourage academic success. Individualization, completion of
daily work and homework assignments and encouragement for personal best all contribute to success in school.
Actual grades should reflect mastery of skills, not work habits or classroom behavior. Students should not be
asked to call out their grades for teacher recording.
Teachers will fill out a grade change request form and return it to the principal for approval. There should be no
blanks, NG, or EX for any grades. You may put an “I” (incomplete) if a student owes work. Incompletes and grade
changes must be replaced within 2 weeks. If for any reason a grade must be changed, an appointment must be
made with the principal to finalize the grade change process. You must communicate with parents when an “I” is
entered into the grade book or if you change a grade for any reason.
You can find the grade change forms in the counselor’s office.
Grading and Reporting Guidelines
Good grade reporting, as good teaching, should remove the mystery from the learning process. Thus, a student
should be thoroughly informed about how a grade average is computed and what weight each component of the
academic work, be it daily work, homework, test, etc., carries in the final computation.
The student’s attention should be centered on learning and not on the grade. Grading should help the teacher:
 Appraise the effectiveness of teaching techniques,
 Appraise the effectiveness of classroom interactions,
 Evaluate strengths and needs of each student.
Grading should give the parents the kind of information that will help them:
 Understand the child as a student,
 Guide the student in making personal and social adjustments,
 Give support and security to the student,
 Encourage the student to give maximum performance in academic areas.
Grading should help the student:
 Evaluate and see personal progress,
 Recognize how work may be improved,
 Receive an incentive for doing the best work.
Grade books are an important record keeping tool and should be accurately and confidentially maintained.
Sometimes, months or years after a semester has ended, a grade has to be verified, and it becomes an extremely
difficult process without good record keeping. A computer report which includes the elements listed may be
submitted at the end of the year in lieu of a handwritten document. If a computer grade book is used, a backup
disk must be maintained and kept current throughout the year.
Student grades are confidential, as are grade book contents; therefore, parents/students should not be allowed to
look at other students’ grades in the teacher’s grade book. Grade books should not be left on a desk and
accessible. Teachers should not post grades identifiable by student name.
A sufficient number of grades must be recorded during each grading period to give an accurate picture of
a student’s level of achievement and to justify the final grade given. Grades should be labeled and dated
in each column of the grade book page to indicate what the grade represents: i.e., spelling test,
homework questions, book report, group project, nine weeks grade, exam grade, etc.
LCISD Policy EIA (Local)
The District grading policy: 1. Must require a classroom teacher to assign a grade that reflect the student’s relative
mastery of an assignment; 2. May not require a classroom teacher to assign a minimum grade for an assignment
without regard to the student’s quality of work; and 3. May allow a student a reasonable opportunity to make up
or redo a class assignment or examination for which the student received a failing grade.
REASSESSMENT A teacher shall provide one reasonable opportunity to reassess failure to master the
TEKS/Curriculum in each daily grade. The highest possible grade that can be earned and recorded on the
reassessment is a 70. The teacher will make a note in the electronic grade book of the dates and grades of the
reassessment. A teacher shall provide one reasonable opportunity to reassess failure to master TEKS/Curriculum
on each test grade. Teachers will re-teach and allow students an opportunity to retest the objectives not mastered.
The highest possible grade that can be earned and recorded on the reassessment is a 70. The teacher will make a
note in the electronic grade book of the dates and grades of the reassessment. Parent contact must be made if a
student fails to take a reassessment.
EXCEPTIONS The following assessments are not subject to the reassessment guidelines:
• 9 week exams
• Semester exams
• Student projects
• Proficiency and benchmark tests
Grading Scale
Student Performance is reported using numerical grades
90 -100
80 - 89
75 - 79
70 - 74
0 - 69
An incomplete (I) grade is given when a student has not completed required work prior to the end of the
nine weeks due to an absence. The incomplete grade should be replaced within two weeks. Exceptions
for extenuating circumstances may be granted by the campus administration. Students with an
“incomplete” grade are ineligible for U.I.L. extracurricular activities until the “I” is replaced with a passing
grade, but they are entitled to the “7-day grace period.”
All grades earned by a student will be recorded as the actual number grade or percentage the student
answered correctly. If a student makes a 40 on a graded work, the 40 is recorded in the grade book.
Grading policy is currently being reviewed by the school board and may be changed. We will keep you
posted of changes in policy.
All Levels
Middle &
Junior High
All Levels
Middle &
Junior High
Minor Grades
Homework, classwork, quizzes requiring less than 3 days to complete
Return time of
Late Work
Weight of
Minimum # of
Penalty for
Minor grades
Minor grades
assignments to
Minor grades
(% of total)
(if any)
Within 5 school
No acceptance
after 3 days
Major Grades
Major assignments require 1-5 days to complete
Long-Term assignments require more than 5 days to complete
Return time of
Return time of
Late Work
Weight of
Minimum # of
Penalty for
Major grades
Major grades
assignments to assignments to
Major grades
(% of total)
(if any)
Within 7
school days
10 school days
o acceptance
after 3 days
If a student has a failing grade, we must develop an RTI plan to assist the student to reach mastery. Our goal is
mastery of content which will lead to academic success for all students.
Common Formative Assessments will be reviewed on Tech Tuesdays to identify strengths and weakness to adjust
The Graphic Arts Department will charge us for all printing requests. We will have to be very selective in what we
request. All requests must be turned in to the Principal.
All students must have a hallway pass when they are in the hallways during class times. A date and time must also
be recorded. We must know where our students are at all times.
No comments should be made to students or to adults that could be considered harassment. This would include
remarks involving offensive sexual, ethnic, or gender statements. If a student or an adult tells you that a
statement is offensive, you must refrain from any further remarks. Any forms of harassment should be reported
to the Principal immediately. This includes but is not limited to touching in inappropriate areas of the body,
threats, intimidation, etc.
The clinic has a health card on file for each student. If you should have any questions concerning health problems,
please check with the Nurse.
Each department will develop homework guidelines and share with their parents. This will be posted on your web
pages after it is approved by the Principal. These guidelines will state the amount and types of homework parents
should expect. Homework should never be a punishment. Homework guidelines are due August 24th.
All staff members are required to wear their ID badge every day. Please make sure it is visible. I understand that
there are times we forget our badge at home. If you forget your badge, please go to the Receptionist and get a
Raptor badge.
All district badges must be kept in a safe place. These badges have chips in them and we are required to pick them
up at the end of each school year.
Every effort should be made to make maximum use of instructional time. Be prepared to begin instruction as soon
as students arrive by providing relevant, stimulating and on task activities and assignments. Learning from bell to
bell is expected.
During instruction time and passing periods teachers may not read email or use phones. Everyone must be
monitoring students or teaching during this time. Teachers may only read emails when directed by
administrators, before school, after school, during planning and conference periods.
Students may NOT be allowed to leave a core academic class to visit with Principals, Counselor, make calls, look
for items, etc. If a student is distraught or feeling ill, use your professional judgment in handling the matter.
Instructional assistants are very important and respected members of our team. Their primary function is to
reinforce the concepts already taught by the classroom teacher. The assistants are to work with children in small
groups, individually, or to help monitor the class.
An IAN is one way to document and reflect on staff development regularly.
Keys may be checked out only from the assistant principal. If you need to work in the building after school hours
you can check out a key from assistant Principal. The “Day Pass” key must be returned the following school day.
Students should not be given school keys at any time.
Each team will submit weekly lesson plans, and copies of all recorded assessments by 4:00 p.m. on Friday for the
week following. Lesson plans must be typed into Forethought. Documentation will be in place to monitor
whether or not plans are submitted in a timely manner and also are written as required by the district office and
campus Principal.
Your plans should briefly cover the following:
 Objectives for the lesson and ELPs
 Activities and differentiation techniques you plan to teach during a particular lesson.
 Materials you intend to use.
 Assessment procedures
The lounge and workroom should remain clean and neat throughout the day. Soft drink cans are to be completely
emptied before discarding. Coffee cups and dishes should be washed and put away. Lunch trays and glasses must
be carried back to the cafeteria at the end of the lunch period. The refrigerator and freezer wil be cleaned out
every Friday. Please take home lunches, fruit, etc.
When you leave your classroom, lock the door. An open door with belongs inside creates a crime of opportunity.
All staff members will observe the One-Minute Moment of Silence. We must model for our students and our
parents the Moment of Silence. There should not be any walking, talking or working during this minute.
Money should never be left in the building or out on your desk. Encourage your students to keep their money in
their pockets, not in their backpacks. PLEASE LOCK UP YOUR VALUABLES, PURSES AND MONEY.
See Video Section of this staff handbook
Students will go outside for p.e. and reward days from time to time. Staff members must monitor students and be
conscious of student needs for things such as water during hot days, coats or sweaters on cool days, and medical
issues (such as allergies, inhalers, etc.).
Parents will be active and planning a host of activities this year. Staff members need to be receptive to plans
parents are making in support of the school. All teachers and staff members will support the parents and support
their functions and special events.
Senate Bill 1 has created a school-parent partnership. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in creating
and implementing educational programs for their children. Parents have access to all written records of a school
district concerning their children. They also have access to teaching materials, which specifically includes the
right of access to tests administered to the students. Parents also have the right to ask the school board to assign
or transfer their child to a particular school within the district. They can also temporarily remove their child from
any class or other school activity that conflicts with their religious or moral beliefs. Please remember that Chapter
26 of Senate Bill 1 was created to establish a partnership with parents.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to contact the parents of any child doing unsatisfactory work. Use every
possible way to keep parents informed about a child’s progress. Progress reports are sent home for every
student. Comments are required if a student is earning a 74 or below in any subject area. These reports will be
sent home at the end of the third week or the beginning of the fourth week. Parents must be contacted AT ANY
Some students are unable to be photographed. The office will make sure you are aware of which students can
and cannot be photographed.
Each teacher is entitled to a planning period for instructional preparation including, parent-teacher conferences,
evaluating students’ homework and planning. This is not a time to leave campus to run errands. Effectiveness and
efficiency of a teacher are dependent upon thorough and careful planning. The state has mandated one 45minute planning period during the student day. Each department is scheduled so you can plan together for
student success.
It is our responsibility to report any suspected child abuse directly to Child Protective Services within 48 hours.
The counselor and/or nurse will help you call if you need help. Please let the principals and counselor know if you
suspect any abuse. Do not let any Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworker interview a child except in the office.
Failure to report child abuse could result in serious consequences.
Alleged abuse of any kind (sexual or physical) whether true or false will be handled in a serious manner
immediately. Administrators are directed to listen, put complaint in writing, and call the Executive Director of
Secondary Education, Communications and the Superintendent. All interviewing and documentation are to be
completed ASAP.
It is important that discretion be used during conversations in the lounge or elsewhere regarding pupils,
patrons, and coworkers. This is very important to remember when parents and other visitors are within
hearing distance.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to notify the Principal that a presenter will be speaking to a particular group
of children. Presenters must be approved before the presentation.
Professional leave without students needs to be approved by the Principal prior to reporting an absence.
Forms of punishment such as slapping, striking, grabbing, pulling and shaking children are strictly forbidden.
Failure to adhere to this can lead to termination.
When a child is sent to the office, the final decision regarding punishment will rest with the Principal or Assistant
Principal. You are required to keep a behavior record for your students. Please fill out the entire discipline form
before sending students to the office. The student in question is required to bring the form to the office. If the
Assistant Principal or Principal is out of the office for serious offenses, the student will wait in the office until
the period is completed. The student may be sent to the next class and then sent for at a later time.
Contact parents of disruptive students prior to bringing them to the office. (See Discipline)
All grades are recorded in Skyward each 9 weeks. Reporting periods are identified on the campus calendar.
All students will use the restrooms during their 3 minute passing periods. Please use professional discretion when
students have emergencies during class time.
The Nurse provides health care from 8:00 to 4:00.
No student is to go to the nurse’s office without permission and a completed pass. If a student becomes ill, send
him/her to the nurse’s office. He/she will be sent home or allowed to remain in the nurse’s office for observation.
Any medicine, including non-prescription drugs, brought to school must be sent to the clinic. The nurse will
administer all medications.
We need to be careful with social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. We need to treat social networks
like we do our e-mail accounts. It is important that we keep separate accounts – personal and professional. If you
want to include students on your Facebook account, create a professional one. [The courts have put a time limit
we can Facebook students – 9:00 p.m.]
All social network posts must be professional and free of inappropriate language, pictures and implied content.
All staff will read and adhere to all policies in Grading and Reporting Guidelines, Student Handbook, Wertheimer
Staff Handbook, and the LCISD Employee Information Guide.
Staff meetings are set aside as time when needed to plan, receive information, etc. Please do not do paper work
or visit during the meetings. Remember side bar conversations are distracting to the speaker and those around
Mailboxes should be checked in the morning, lunchtime and after school.
All staff must park in the back parking lot. This will allow our parents and visitors the opportunity to have up front
Student agendas are given to all 6th grade students. These agendas MUST be used to help students organize their
time and assignments. Please monitor the use of the agendas. At the beginning of the school year staff will train
their students on the use of agendas. Agendas must be regularly checked throughout the year for student
As our students move to the junior high, many of them are asking for references. Please put some time and think
about your rating and comments. Parents are beginning to ask for your references and questioning ratings.
Students should never be left unattended for any reason unless you have informed another teacher that you have
an emergency and request that they watch your class. Students will not be allowed to roam the hallways.
Minutes will be used as documentation of discussion of student concerns brought to the counselor by the
teachers for intervention purposes prior to beginning the referral process.
When you must be absent due to illness or emergencies, please call the Lamar CISD Automated Service @ 832223-0320 or on line through the LCISD website as early as possible or the night before. Just follow the steps given
when you call. You can also use the internet to post your absences. If you will need to be absent for an extended
period of time you need to discuss this situation with the Principal and gain approval for the long term substitute.
Do not request a substitute for this need without Principal approval.
Teachers should assist substitutes in their area. You know the students.
Substitute Folder Instructions
You have received this folder so that you can place pertinent information inside for a substitute teacher in case
the need arises. Below is a list of things that need to be included in the folder. Please complete this prior to the
first day of school. This folder must be on your desk in plain sight so the substitute can locate it easily.
Additionally, turn in 3 days of emergency lesson plans to the office clerk for use in the event of unexpected
absence. If you have questions, please contact your lead teacher in your department, a member of your team, or
an administrator. Sub folders will be reviewed with Assistant Principal throughout the school year.
Contents of Sub Folder:
o Seating Chart for each class
o Class roster
o Your schedule for the day
o Current Lesson Plans
o Instructions for Attendance
o Specific instructions for each class, (ex. “Do not allow ______ to leave the class.”)
o Duty Assignments
o Location of items that may need to be used by the substitute – nurse’s passes, dry board markers, pens,
paper, pencils, etc.
o Anything that you feel the substitute might need to know.
o Fill in the items on the folder
o Emergency Procedures
Things to secure:
o Teacher’s edition textbook
o Any technology (calculators, etc.)
o Answer keys
Substitutes are our guests. We want them to have Wertheimer as their first choice when a substitute is needed.
Encourage substitutes to leave notes about the events of the day and inform students that a guest will be in the
Copies of tests, textbooks and other materials should be labeled and readily available.
Computer Access
 User passwords are to be kept secure and not shared between users.
 Staff members are not to allow students access to any portion of the computer network through a staff user’s
 No student use of an administrative or office workstation is allowed.
 Staff members must monitor students’ use of the computer/internet.
 Software can be loaded or removed only by Office of Technology staff or the Campus Technology Coordinator.
 Students and staff are not to bring computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, or flash drives from home or other sources
and load them onto any computer. Prevention of virus infection is of the utmost importance.
 Strict compliance with software copyright laws will be maintained.
 Computer hardware must not be moved without prior approval from the Campus Technology Coordinator.
 Repairs to technology equipment are to be performed only by the Office of Technology Staff.
Work Orders
 Work orders will be accepted only from the Campus Technology Coordinator. The CTC for Wertheimer is the
 All computer technology problems are to be referred to the Campus Technology Coordinator for proper
Students are not permitted to use the telephones without permission. If you feel that a student should be
permitted to use the phone, please work with your team to provide access to a phone. We need to keep student
phone calls to a minimum. Students must be closely monitored when using the phones. We had too many
students accidentally call 911.
Teacher calls must not be made during instructional time.
Teachers should analyze STAAR assessment data, Benchmarks, 9 week tests, and department formative
assessments to assess individual and school wide needs.
On all testing days, including but not limited to benchmark, proficiency, and department exams, teachers are to
actively monitor students. In an effort to help our students adjust to middle school, we will implement a new
testing schedule to avoid more than 2 tests a week. As a school, we will formulate a testing day plan to transition
our students from elementary to secondary.
State law and local school board policy are very specific regarding covers on textbooks. Please make sure all
books are covered at all times.
When a textbook has been lost please notify the Assistant Principal immediately.
Students checking out: Be sure to clear a student’s textbook record before sending the withdrawal form to the
Textbook records must always be used to assure accurate textbook accounting. Please see the Assistant Principal
when textbooks are needed. Textbook audits will be scheduled by the Assistant Principal. The principals will
schedule a time with you to check your textbooks.
Please have students sign-out books for out of class use.
A library book audit will be required every nine weeks. Library books that are overdue or missing should be
returned or paid for by the student as soon as possible.
Transportation lists must be kept current. We must know how our children will be going home each day. Mark
in your grade book for your last period the Run # and Route # for every student including those that are usually
picked up by parents. As updated lists are sent, check and update records. This is important especially when
parents call looking for their child.
Changes in transportation should be turned in to the front office each morning before 1st period begins. Please
assist students who might forget. Transportation notices will be handed out during lunch. Students are
responsible for picking up their notices from the note they turned in.
Travel Requests are on line and must be submitted before a trip if reimbursement is required. Please ask the
secretary if help is needed.
Many of our students spend too much time watching TV and/or other videos. Students are sent to school to
learn. Please do not ask permission to watch a video as a reward. Videos must contain an educational purpose,
which correlates to the Texas Essential Knowledge and/or theme being studied.
Effective use of audio-visual materials demands planning. Be selective in using audiovisual materials. Be sure
there is a purpose for showing a film and a definite correlation with current classroom instruction. Movies for an
entire class period will not be approved. Rather, planning should focus on how you intend to use a segment of
a movie for instruction. For example: students will learn to compare and contrast based on a certain segment
not an entire movie.
Requests made the same day could result in a denial. Video use forms must be submitted with lesson plans on
Monday for video clips longer than 15 minutes. If you would like to view a video on Monday, turn in the video
request form to the principal’s chair Monday morning. Video forms must be completed for any type of media,
including United Streaming.
All visitors must sign in with the secretaries. Please redirect visitors without a nametag back to the office. Unless
prior arrangement is made with the teacher, classroom observation by parents will be limited to 30 minutes.
Hanging items on the walls
You may staple on the walls in your classrooms
Do not use sticky tack or tape on painted walls or door/window frames - the paint will come off with it.
Do not staple on laminate areas.
When hanging items on the school hallways, please use staples.
Make sure you take staples out with a staple remover when you take items off the wall. DO NOT USE THE
Items must be hung 18 inches or lower per fire code.
Paper and fabric must be coated with a fire retardant. Please talk to the School Secretary before hanging
fabric on the walls.
I have read the Staff Handbook, and Student Handbook and the LCISD Employee
Information Guide. I also agree to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined
in all handbooks.
Recognition and praise will be the rules rather than the exceptions.
How would you like to be recognized? Please check one:
 publicly (emails, newsletters, staff meeting, assemblies, etc.)
 privately (notes, conferences, individually, phone call, email, etc.)
 any type of recognition would be appreciated
There are times that we have so much on our minds that we forget to do some things.
Reminders will be given individually.
I would like to receive reminders and/or constructive assistance through
Please check one.
 a personal conference
 an email
I pledge allegiance to the flag of
the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God,
indivisible with liberty and
justice for all.
Honor the Texas flag;
I pledge allegiance to
thee, Texas, one state
under God, one and
Student Name
Parent Name
Method of
Phone # / Email