WS: Intro to Photosynthesis

Intro to Photosynthesis WS 2013
1. As a class, fill in what you already know about photosynthesis:
3. What are 4 things that plants need to grow?
4. Jean Baptista van Helmont (1577-1644) performed a classic experiment on photosynthesis. In
paragraph below, van Helmont describes his experiment. Read the paragraph and then address the
questions that follow.
“I took an earthen pot and in it placed 200 pounds (90.9 kg) of earth which had been dried out in
an oven. This I moistened with rainwater, and in it planted a shoot of willow, which weighed five
pounds (2.3 kg). When five years had passed the tree which grew from it weighed 169 pounds and
about three ounces (77 kg). The earthen pot was wetted whenever it was necessary with rain or
distilled water only. It was very large, and was sunk in the ground, and had a tin plated iron lid with
many holes punched in it, which covered the edge of the pot to keep air-borne dust from mixing with
the earth. I did not keep track of the weight of the leaves, which fell in each of the four autumns.
Finally, I dried out the earth in the pot once more, and found the same 200 pounds, less about 2
ounces (90.8 kg) Therefore ______ kg wood, bark and roots arose out of water only.”
A. What question was van Helmont trying to answer?__________________________________
What was the independent variable in his experiment? _____________________________
What was the dependent variable in his experiment? ______________________________
B. Record the weights that van Helmont measured:
Mass of soil (kg)
Mass of plant (kg)
C. What was von Helmont’s conclusion? _________________________________________
D. How did his results show that the tree’s mass did NOT come from the soil?
E. What plant process was unknown to him and other scientists of the time?
F. What are the 4 groups of organic compounds found in living things?
G. What ONE element is found in ALL organic compounds?
H. Describe how von Helmont’s conclusion explains or does not explain the presence of this element
in plants.
I. What is a possible source of this element that von Helmont did not or could not describe or
Watch: Veritasium video: “Where do Trees get their Mass from?”
5. Energy for Life:
A. What some different types of energy?
1. Label the three parts of ATP in the molecule below. Color each part a different color.
2. LABEL the energy storing reaction and the energy releasing reaction.
+ P
This diagram represents the _______________________ reaction.
I know this because ________________________________________________________.
This diagram represents the _______________________ reaction.
I know this because _____________________________________________________.
3. How many phosphate groups are in one molecule of ATP?
How many phosphate groups are in one molecule of ADP?
4. How is ATP different from ADP? Which molecule has more energy?
5. How is the ATP molecule like a rechargeable battery?
+ P
6. How is a molecule of ATP formed from a molecule of ADP?
7. How does a change from ATP to ADP provide an organism with energy? Use the figure below to
explain this in your own words!