code of conduct

School of Medicine Flow Cytometry (FACS) Facility
(LF61, Level F, SAB)
Training and Accreditation:
The FACScan, FACSCalibur flow cytometers and FACSAria cell sorter can only be used by accredited
users. To become accredited:
Prospective new users must see Carolann McGuire/Richard Jewell (FACS Support Officers) to obtain
all the necessary paperwork including:
• Notes on Principles of FACS
• Information about Safety/Risk Assessments
• Details of Charging Structure
Arrange with Carolann/Richard your first training session (you will need at least 3 to become
accredited). Alternatively, an accredited FACS user from within your own group can provide the
training if they are unavailable.
A Risk Assessment form should be submitted at least two weeks before the training start date.
When at least 3 training sessions have been satisfactorily completed the new user will be issued with
a File Safe user-word/password in order to use the FACScan/FACSCalibur machines unsupervised.
The ‘in-house’ FACSAria training regime for ‘heavy users’ is as follows:
Basic Introduction to the FACSAria (2 hours) – max’ of 4 people
Individual tuition for multicolour analysis/cell sorting (2 hours) - max’ of 2 people
Individual tuition for multicolour analysis/cell sorting (2 hours) - max’ of 2 people
Individual tuition for multicolour analysis/cell sorting (2 hours) - max’ of 2 people
Alternatively, users who only want to do a few sorting runs and do not need to be trained to use the
machine will have their samples run by the FACS support officers at a cost of 11/2 times the usual
hourly rate.
Code of Conduct and Training Record:
Choice of Instrument:
Every new user will be issued with a copy of this Code of Conduct on which their training
status is also recorded. The user will retain one copy and a second will be held centrally
within the FACS facility records.
Both the FACScan/FACSCaliber are capable of analysing up to 3 colours; although only the
FACSCalibur is suitable for 4-colour cytometry. The FACScan should therefore be used for
single/dual colour applications and the FACSCalibur for 3 or 4-colour cytometry. However, at
times when the instruments are congested, this system will need to be flexible. The FACSAria
has been specifically purchased for cell sorting and analysing more than 4 colours.
Booking in advance is required for all instruments. Please book in the diaries provided by
each instrument. When booking, please give your name, extension number and the estimated
start/finish times of your session. Note that at peak times (12.00 to 18.00) the maximum
duration of a session is 3 hours. Please restrict longer session to out-of-hours working. Only
book the time required to run your cells and clean the instrument ready for the next user. Do
not book these computers for data analysis as there two dedicated workstations for this purpose
(in LF61 and in Child Health on G level, Centre Block).
Please cancel sessions in good time. If you cancel on the day, it is your responsibility to notify
other users who are booked on that day, in case they wish to use your time. If you fail to show
for a booked session, you will be charged for the time you reserved. If you cancel a session on
the FACSAria after it has already been set up then the charge for set up and shut down will
still apply.
Irrespective of how you have opted to pay for use of the flow cytometers, please record details
of your session on the logging sheets provided by both instruments. This should be an
accurate record of the length of your session and should log instrument set up/cleaning.
Data Back-Up:
Cleaning Instruments:
Users will be billed retrospectively, every 6 months. Heavy users (greater than 33 hours over a
6 month period) can choose to pay an upfront payment of £1000 (Scan and Calibur only)
which covers unlimited use for the 6 month period. Failure to pay promptly may result in you
being prevented from using the instruments until invoices have been settled by departmental
Individual groups will be responsible for the cost of any damage caused by their misuse of the
FACS machines.
At the end of each session, ensure that you transfer your data to two 100MB Zip disks (one
working copy and one back-up) or a USB Flash drive. Periodically, the hard drives will be
wiped. It is up to you to make sure that your data is adequately backed up.
The flow cytometers are multi-user items. Please leave them how you would wish to find
them. It is essential that the start up and shut down cleaning protocol, displayed by each
instrument, is adhered to every time you use the instrument.
Good Laboratory Practise:
In addition to adhering strictly to the procedure for cleaning the instruments, please also tidy
up after yourselves. Any material that has come in contact with biological products (e.g.
FACS tubes etc) should be discarded in the blue autoclave boxes. Place empty FACSFlow
boxes in the allocated sink (not hand-washing sink). Any other waste should be thrown in the
yellow bag provided by the hand-washing sink. Take all results, polystyrene ice boxes, lids
and tube racks away with you. If not, they will be thrown away.
When the instruments are not booked, he FACS facility must be kept locked. Accredited users
should ensure that they know the door code. When working out of hours, you will also need to
know the code to the key-pad operated doors on the level F corridor. If you are the last to
leave LF61 (irrespective of time) please ensure that:
the instruments and computers are turned off.
the windows are closed and the lights are off
the ventilation system is turned off
the door is locked
In addition, when you have finished working out of hours ensure that:
the key-pad operated doors lock behind you
If you are concerned by any events when working out of hours, phone the emergency security
number immediately (ext 3333).
Please report any problems you experience with the flow cytometers to Carolann
McGuire/Richard Jewell. If they are not available, there is a programme on the MAC
computers called Stickies where you can leave a message or alternatively make a note in the
FACS log or on the notice board in LF61. For urgent help you can phone BD technical
Services on 01865 781646 (quoting the Service contract number detailed on the notice board).
If the service department need to call you back the FACS room Tel No: is 023 8079 8903.
Any problems, requests etc, should in the first instance be addressed to Carolann
McGuire/Richard Jewell.
Training record
Session 1:………………………………………………………………………………
Session 2: ………………………………………………………………………………
Session 3: ………………………………………………………………………………
Accreditation: …………………………………………………………………………..
Updated 22/06/2005