vctm 2017 a community of math heroes educate, encourage, inspire

VCTM 2017
Conference Program Booklet
March 10–11, 2017
James Madison University
VCTM 2017
A Community of Mathematical Heroes
March 10–11, 2017
Harrisonburg, VA
Conference Overview
Thursday, March 9
4:00 pm–8:00 pm
Registration Open at Conference Site
Friday, March 10
Beginning 7:00 am
7:30 am–9:30 am
8:00 pm–5:00 pm
8:30 am–12:45 pm
12:00 pm–1:30 pm
1:45 pm–4:30 pm
4:45 pm–5:45 pm
6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Registration Open at Conference Site
Complimentary Coffee and Tea 1 Floor Hallway
Exhibits Open
Morning Concurrent Sessions
Complimentary Lunch, 1 Floor Hallway
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
Business Meeting and Keynote Address
Awards Banquet
Saturday, March 11
7:30 am–9:30 am
8:00 am–12:00 pm
8:15 am–12:30 pm
Complimentary Coffee and Tea 1 Floor Hallway
Exhibits Open
Concurrent Sessions
Table of Contents
2016-17 VCTM Board Members
Parking Information
Featured Speakers
Exhibitors and Sponsors
Wi-Fi Instructions!
2017 Mathematics Educator of the Year Awardees
Session Overview
Session Information
Conference Site Floor Plans
Index of Speakers
Certificate of Attendance
2017 VCTM Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs:
Program Co-Chairs:
LouAnn Lovin and Alexis Stevens
Kyle Schultz and John (Zig) Siegfried
Carl Brooks and Mike Howdyshell
Jenny Gibson
Cathy Shelton
Margaret Coffey
James Madison University
James Madison University
Augusta County Schools
Rockingham County Public Schools
Fairfax County Public Schools, Retired
Fairfax County Public Schools
Program Committee
Pam Bailey, April Buckmaster, Geoff Estes, Barbara Franklin, Jenny Gibson, Eric Imbrescia, Marissa Irizarry, Kyle T.
Schultz, John (Zig) Siegfried, John Stevens, Ann Wallace, Chris Willingham
2016–2017 VCTM Board Members
Jamey Lovin
Past President
Cathy Shelton
Lisa Hall
NCTM Representative
Betsy Steadman
Elementary Representatives
Vickie Bohidar, Meghann Cope
Middle School Representatives
Melanie Pruett, Skip Tyler
Secondary School Representatives
Pat Gabriel, Samantha Martin
Mathematics Specialist Representative
Spencer Jamieson
2-Year College Representative
Joe Joyner
4-Year College Representatives
Robert Berry, Ann Wallace
Virginia Lewis
Web Master
Ian Shenk
Journal Editors
Agida Manizade, Rayya Younes
Beth Williams
Committee Chairpersons and Liaisons
Membership Committee
Ruth Harbin Miles
Public Policy Committee
Kim Bender
Scholarship Committee
Nominations Committee
Educator of the Year
Chrissy Trinter
Publications Committee
Cathy Shelton
Brenda Barrow
Agida Manizade
Continuing Education
Grant Committee
Debbie Delozier
First-Timers Grant
Math is Beauty Contest
Brenda Barrow,
Alfreda Jernigan
Flanagan Innovation Grant
Lynn Reed
Kathleen Williams
Professional Development
Grant Committee
Pam Bailey
Affiliate Support Liaison
Pam Haner
Development Committee
Teacher Resource
Review Committee
Betti Kreye
Virginia Department of
Education Liaison
Debbie Delozier,
Tina Mazzacane
Vendor Liaison
Margaret Coffey
Virginia Math and Science
Coalition Liaison
Nancy Taylor
Ian Shenk
Affiliate Representatives
Christine Gault
Jonathan Schulz
Jake Reynolds
Anita Lockett
(Blue Ridge)
(Greater Richmond)
(Northern Virginia)
Erin Porter
Frank Wright
Lisa LoConte-Allen
Alexis Stevens
(Southwest Virginia)
(Valley of Virginia)
Betty Long
(NCTM Affiliate Services,
South 1)
Parking Information
VCTM conference attendees can park in the C10, C11, C12, and D3 Lots on JMU’s east
campus between the hours of 7:15 AM and 9:00 PM on March 9th - 11th, 2017.
No parking permits will be necessary. Parking in other lots may result in campus guests
receiving parking citations. An online campus map can be accessed at .
Note that regular enforcement will continue in other parking lots, and guests may
receive parking citations if parked in restricted lots.!Campus guests are prohibited from
parking in specialty spaces such as Service Vehicle spaces, handicap spaces without
proper permit, or expired meters. They are also prohibited from parking in Fire Lanes.
VCTM 2017 Featured Speakers
Dr. Brian R. Lawler
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Kennesaw State
Session 62. Teaching Strategies That Develop
Positive Mathematics Identities
Keynote Session: Two Perspectives on Equity in
Mathematics Teaching: Individual and Social
During his 20+ year career as a mathematics educator that shifted
from high school mathematics teacher to academic, Dr. Lawler has
supported teachers, schools, and districts to de-track programs and
transform teaching practices. He is a contributing author to the
internationally acclaimed high school mathematics curriculum
Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP). Dr. Lawler's scholarship
focuses on equity issues in mathematics education, in particular the
ways in which power and knowledge intertwine to govern the learner's
mathematical identity. More precisely, his research examines the
personal epistemologies of adolescent mathematicians: Do high
school math students see themselves as mathematical authors? This
interest leads him to seek to understand the ways such students make
sense of the school, classroom, and teacher contexts, and how these
knowings may interact with their mathematical identities.
Dr. Angela T. Barlow
Director, Mathematics and Science Education Ph.D. Program, Middle
Tennessee State University
Session 23. Learning with IMPACT! Tools and
Strategies to Support Student Learning.
Angela Barlow is the director for the Mathematics and Science
Education Ph.D. program at Middle Tennessee State University in
Murfreesboro, TN. She earned Bachelor of Science, Master of
Education, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in mathematics
education from Auburn University in Auburn, AL. In addition, she
earned a Master of Applied Mathematics from Auburn. Prior to her
arrival at MTSU in 2011, Dr. Barlow held faculty appointments at the
University of West Georgia and the University of Mississippi.
Dr. Barlow primarily focuses on supporting the instructional change
process in elementary mathematics classrooms. To this end, she has
secured over $6 million in external funding to develop and implement
professional development. Inspired by the teachers in her projects and
in collaboration with her project teams, she has published 24
practitioner manuscripts and 17 research manuscripts. She currently
serves as the editor for the NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education
Leadership and as a member of the editorial panel of the Mathematics
Teacher Educator.
Dr. Andrew Tyminski
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Mathematical
Sciences, Clemson University
Session 4. The Salmon Joke: A Mindset for Student
Sense Making
Dr. Tyminski is a former middle grades mathematics teacher who
taught in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools for 9 years. Currently
an associate professor of mathematics education and mathematical
sciences at Clemson University in South Carolina, Dr. Tyminski
teaches content and methods courses for prospective elementary and
middle grades mathematics teachers. His research interests are
focused on prospective teacher learning and the design and impact of
mathematics methods courses.
Kristina J. Doubet, Ph.D.
Professor of Education, James Madison University
Session 121. “3D Differentiation” Addressing
Students’ Readiness Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Middle and High School Mathematics
Session 136. “3D Differentiation” Addressing
Students’ Readiness Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Elementary Mathematics Instruction
Dr. Kristina J. Doubet is a professor in the Department of Middle,
Secondary, and Mathematics Education at James Madison University,
where she develops and teaches core coursework for programs in middle
and secondary education. Dr. Doubet has been the recipient of the JMU
College of Education’s Distinguished Teaching Award, Madison Scholar
Award, and Sarah M. Luck Endowed Professorship for Excellence in
Education. Kristi serves as an ASCD Faculty Member and has partnered
with over 100 schools, districts, and organizations both in the United
States and abroad to help them implement initiatives in differentiated
instruction, Understanding by Design, and classroom assessment. Kristi
has published numerous journal articles and book chapters on the topics
of differentiation, formative assessment, student motivation, and
curriculum design. In addition, she has co-authored the ASCD book,
Differentiation in Middle and High School: Strategies to Engage All
Learners (with Jessica Hockett), the Corwin book The Differentiated
Flipped Classroom: A Practical Guide to Digital Learning (with Eric
Carbaugh), the AMLE book, Smart in the Middle: Classrooms that Work
for Bright Middle-Schoolers (with Carol Tomlinson), and the upcoming
ASCD book, Differentiation in the Elementary Grades: Strategies to
Engage and Equip all Learners (with Jessica Hockett - October,
2017). Before beginning her work as a staff developer, author, and
university professor, Kristi taught high school English and middle school
language for ten years and has served as an instructional coach in
elementary and middle school classrooms. @kjdoubet
2017 VCTM Exhibitors
Location: EnGeo & ISAT 1st Floor
Hours: Friday 8:00-5:00, Saturday 8:00-12:00
Bedford, Freeman, & Worth Publishing Group
Big Ideas Learning
Casio America, Inc.
CPM Educational Program
Curriculum Associates*
Didax Educational Resources*
EAI Education*
Easy Worksheet*
First in Math*
Heritage Treasures
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt*
Imagine Learning
JMU’s M.Ed. in Mathematics Program
Math & Movement
McGraw Hill Education
ORIGO Education
Stenhouse Publishers
Teacher Resources, Inc.*
Texas Instruments
The Outstanding Math Guides*
Other Contributors:
Lakeshore Learning Materials*
Rebecca Klemm, The Numbers Lady***
Contributed door prizes for the VCTM business meeting and keynote address
Contributed door prizes and conference tote bags
Contributed books included with registration materials
Book Signing Opportunity
Friday, March 10
10:00–11:30 am
STEM Research for Students,
Volumes 1 & 2
Paula Klonowski Leach
and Virginia Vimpeny Lewis
For Additional Information, See Session 24
VCTM Conference WI-FI
Network: JMU-Visitors
Username: [email protected]
Password: 032172
2017 William C. Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year Winners
Elementary School
Maria Swartzentruber
Linville-Edom Elementary School, Rockingham County Public Schools
Math Specialist
Tasha Fitzgerald
Pearl Sample Elementary School, Culpeper County Public Schools
Middle School
Matthew Reames
Burgundy Farm Country Day School, Alexandria
High School
Jillian Marballie
Auburn High School, Montgomery County Public Schools
Andrew Wynn
Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA
Congratulations on Your Achievement!
If you wish to submit a nomination for the 2018 Mathematics Educator of the Year, you can find
the form on Page 50 of this booklet.
Friday March 10, 2017
1. VDOE – Exploring
the New 2016
Standards of
Learning (Grades 912) (Mazzacane &
20. VDOE –
Exploring the New
2016 Mathematics
Standards of
Learning (Grades
6-8) (Mazzacane,
Averett, & Moore)
2. The
Gifted Student:
Meeting the Needs
of High-Ability
(Fortenbaugh &
21. Making
Instructional Shifts:
Development on
Coaching (Baker et
3. Graphing In The
Future: A Unifying
Approach (Bazak &
22. Creating and
Using Math Labs to
Engage Students
(Wilborn &
4. The Salmon Joke:
A Mindset for
Student Sense
Making (Tyminski)
40. Practical
Pinterest Pins for
Math Teachers
(Carpenter et al.)
59. Walk the
Number Line for
Research Based
Results for K-5
(Harbin Miles)
60. I Want to Help,
But I Can't Do This
NEW Math! (JonesLewis)
78. Using the
Math Workshop
Model to Promote
(Gaither &
41. Hands On
Activities for
Algebra 1 and 2
61. Differentiated
Math Instruction
(Thunder &
79. Spice Up
Mathematics with
SeeSaw (MayMaiden)
23. Learning with
IMPACT! Tools and
Strategies to
Support Student
Learning (Barlow)
42. VDOE
(Mazzacane &
62. Teaching
Strategies that
Develop Positive
Identities (Lawler)
5. Put the ACT into
Active Learning
25. Seeing
Learning Through
the Eyes of Your
Students: Making
Learning Visible in
the Co-Taught
Classroom (SmithMoyler & Beller)
43. Math First!
Activities and
resources to use to
deepen student
understanding and
engagement. (Pyle)
63. Tarsia Puzzles
for Student
(Bissey & Jones)
80. Giant Steps
and Crooked
Paths: Building
Spatial Reasoning
and Number
(Timmerman &
6. Process as
Product: STEM
Integration through
Activities (Baker &
26. Flipped
(Rotchford &
44. Using Matrices
to Explore and
64. Attacking Word
Problems with
Strategies (Best)
81. Writing for a
Journal (Manizade
& Mistele)
27. Solidifying
Operations on
Expressions Using
65. GeoGebra to
Enhance Math
Instruction (Bailey)
Friday March 10, 2017
7. Math in the Real
World (Stover)
82. Money,
Money, Money:
Financial Literacy
in the
8. Inspire Students
To Learn Algebra
Through Activities
(Price & Sherfy)
28. Literacy
Strategies to
Increase Math
46. Empowering
Students through
(Zawadzki &
66. What Do You
Wonder? Helping
Students See Math
in Their World
83. Do you have a
problem with math
problems? Finding
and creating the
right problems to
solve. (Spencer &
9. Cooperative
Learning and Math
Workshop (Cabacoy)
29. I’ve Unwrapped
the Standard, Now
What? (Kaye &
47. Broadening
Participation for
English Learners in
(Frank et al.)
67. Implementing
Innovative Path to
Success (Davis &
84. Flex Your
Muscles for Place
You Are a Super
Hero! (Sutton &
Harbin Miles)
30. How high does
it grow...or does it!
48. Tips, Tricks,
and Treats for
Geometry - A
Collaborative effort
68. Ducks & Sheep
to Minotaurs &
Pegasi: Algebraic
Thinking Grades 211 (Seshaiyer et al.)
85. Connections
among Factoring
& Multiplying
10. Moving From
Transformations to
Escher Tessellations
(Long & Crocker)
31. Making
Connections during
Math Discourse Interactive Patterns
49. Positive &
Coaching (Wills)
69. Making
Connections during
Math Discourse Interactive Fractions
86. Making
during Math
Discourse Interactive
Algebra (Wills)
11. Collaboration
Between Secondary
Mathematics and
Special Education
Teachers (Franklin &
32. How Does Data
Change the Game?
The Power of
Adaptive Learning
with i-Ready
50. Relationships
and Engagement:
Keys to Student
Success (Ogden)
70. Standards
Based Learning: Its
effect on student
growth, motivation,
and performance
87. Mathematical
Modeling Inspiring
our Students to
Love Math (Taylor
et al.)
12. Problem Solving
with Three Act Math
(Kaye & Plunkett)
33. Model Drawing
for Problem Solving
(Southworth &
51. Fact Fluency
and Effective
Practice (Harbin
71. Keeping your
sanity with guided
math and the new
standards (Ashby,
Smith, & Large)
88. Monsters vs.
Ninjas! Activities
and Games to
Target Factors
and Multiples
45. Projects - What
can we do to
Encourage and
Inspire? (Vignolini)
Friday March 10, 2017
13. Modeling Math
Ideas to Enhance
Disposition towards
Mathematics- New! "Family of Problems"
(Suh et al.)
34. Tasks for
Promoting and
52. The Influence
of Movement on
Math Anxiety (Zehr
& Cimini)
72. Don't Tell Your
Students, Let Them
Discover Math
Concepts (Wiseman
& Zehr)
89. Creating
Student Discourse
in the
Classroom (Zehr
& Wiseman)
14. VDOE –
Exploring the New
2016 Mathematics
Standards of
Learning (Grades 35) (Delozier &
35. VDOE –
Exploring the New
2016 Mathematics
Standards of
Learning (Grades
K-2) (Delozier,
Lempp, & Pratte)
53. "Guiding and
Forming" the
Classroom (George
& Pittard)
73. Mathematical
Modeling in General
Education and
(Matson et al.)
15. No Teacher Left
16. Flexibility with
90. Learning Math
with Python
Function Families
36. Bisquick® can
kill you and other
fun, but WRONG,
facts! (Watson)
55. Learn More and
Do More with the
C-R-A Model for
Instruction (Judge)
74. Engaging
Activities for any
Content (Ray)
91. Setting the
Stage to Engage!
(Madison, Varner,
& Turner)
17. Tell Me A Story
37. Creating a
Mentality: Playing
to Deeper Thinking
(Filler & Hudson)
56. Teaching Ratio
and Proportion
Using Multiple
75. Raindrops on
Roses...A Few of
my Favorite
92. Hands On
Activities for the
Precalculus and
18. Circle Around the
Math (LoConteAllen)
38. Engaging
Review Activities
for Geometry (Cook
& Harris)
57. Math &
Movement: Using
Movement to
Enhance Math
Ability, Increase
Physical Fitness
and Meet
Standards (Miller)
76. Wrap Your Mind
Around the Area of
the Circle (Akers et
93. Interactive
Ownership in
Math Class
19. Engaging Math
Stations for the
Primary Grades
39. Math Class
Routines: Anything
But Routine!
58. Beware!
Tricks, Gimmicks
and Shortcuts Can
Sabotage Algebra
and Beyond (York)
77. Supporting
Productive Struggle
(Conforti Preszler &
94. Discover the
Power of Growth
Mindset! (Davis &
EnGeo Fractions (Sebastian
2203 & Averett)
54. Talk the Talk;
How to Help
Students Describe
Their Mathematical
Thinking With
Precision (Davis)
Saturday March 11, 2017
95. Game-ification: 21st Century
Student Engagement (Yamamoto)
110. It's MUSIC® To My Ears:
Ways to Motivate the Unmotivated
(Mullins & LaCroix)
125. Why do they do that?:
Using research to improve
Problem Solving (Hayden)
96. Developing Early Number Sense
with High Quality Apps (Tucker et al.)
111. Using Picture Books to
Teach Math and Economics
126. Using Google Classroom in
a Math class (Quimby)
97. Annual VCTM Affiliate Caucus
Meeting and Breakfast (Haner &
112. Seesaw in the Math
Classroom (Walters)
127. Can’t Believe I Taught the
Entire Day (Without an Office
Referral) (Dodson)
98. The Stock Market Game: Proven
Experience-Based Learning (Stover)
99. Learn More About the $5000
Flanagan Grant (Reed & Shelton)
113. Multiple Mathematical
Representations (Histand
129. Card Sorts- Assessments
for Learning (Saville-Brock &
100. Get Students Out of Their Seats
and Into Thinking (Nichols)
114. Let’s Get Personal: A
Paradigm Shift to Personalized
Student-Centered Learning
130. Structuring your Math Block
to Keep Students Engaged
(Plunkett & Kaye)
EnGeo 101. Invigorate Math Reviews with
Carousel Brainstorming (Akintounde)
102. The Influence of Number Talks
128. Creating a Student
Centered Classroom Through
Desmos (Doyle)
115. Guided Reinvention in
PreCalculus and Calculus: Topics
to let tudents math-hack (Sachs)
116. Eternal Number Sense
Begins In Early Elementary (Biser)
131. The Secret to Teaching
More by Lecturing Less
EnGeo 103. The NCTM Process Standards
as a Window to Authentic
1209 Differentiation in Math (Reames)
117. Engaging Students through
Experimentation (Leach & Lewis)
132. Building Number Sense
Through Numeracy Routines
(Cayea & Cabacoy)
EnGeo 104. OMG! Math (Davis)
118. Building Super Math Heroes
through Strong Number Sense!
(Sutton & Harbin Miles)
EnGeo on Elementary Students’
1204 Mathematical Anxiety (Sawyer &
Gantt Sawyer)
105. What the Function? Effective
Classroom Management Strategies
for Math Instructors and School
Administrators (Joseph)
119. “3D Differentiation”
Addressing Students’ Readiness
Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Middle and High
School Mathematics Instruction
133. “3D Differentiation”
Addressing Students’ Readiness
Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Elementary
Mathematics Instruction
120. Cat and Mouse: Modeling
with Linear Systems (Stanbery)
134. Are Fractions your ArchEnemy? Kick the Mnemonics to
the Curb. Here We
(Mathematical Models) Come To
Save the Day! (Stanbery &
Saturday March 11, 2017
EnGeo 106. Minute-To-Win-It Statistics - A
meaningful (and FUN!) z-sores
2203 activity (Jones & Bissey)
121. Real World Problems, Solved
with Proportional Reasoning
135. Becoming a Math
Superhero for Your Students
EnGeo 107. Melodies, Methods and Models
That Make Math Marvelous and
2204 Meaningful (Barrow)
122. Engage, Excite, Achieve
(Rooney, Burba, & Dudding)
136. Assessment Equity for ELs:
Simplify the Language, Not the
Mathematics (Eatmon)
123. Mathematics of Spain and
Morocco (Reed)
137. The Use of an Automated
Blended Learning Instructional
Strategy Within a Teacher-Led
Classroom (Hetherington)
124. The Math Diet: An
Instructional Framework to Grow
Mathematicians (Thunder &
138. Inspiring Future
Mathematicians Through Failure
108. The Mathematics of Humor
EnGeo (Derer)
109. Attacking Word Problems with
EnGeo Comprehension Strategies K-2
2210 (Best)
Teacher Resources Inc., a provider of on-line instruction, diagnostic assessment, and remedial
services is seeking a self-starting math teacher who would like to start their own highly
profitable on-line tutoring business. We provide our on-line video based instructional program
that will diagnose a student’s academic needs and then create a customized course of study
tailored to their needs. Students watch these video based lessons and take the assessment test. If
they have a question, they send an email to you that you must answer within 12 hours or less.
No investment needed. Make as much as $150 -$200 per hour!
Stop by our booth at the VCTM Conference or contact us at [email protected] to learn about
this highly lucrative tutoring business. You must be a certified mathematics teacher to qualify.
We are a Virginia based corporation that has served more than 1.5 million public school students
who need remedial help in Mathematics. We support math subjects for grades 5 through
Friday Sessions Starting at 8:30 a.m.
Session 1
ISAT 136
VDOE – Exploring the New 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (Grades 9-12)
Participants will explore the new 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework and participate
in activities targeting specific changes in grades 9-12 with specific emphasis on Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
The timeline for implementation and the 2009 to 2016 Crosswalk (Summary of Revisions) documents will be shared.
Tina Mazzacane, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Erven (Skip) Tyler, [email protected], Henrico County PS, VA
Session 2
ISAT 148
The Mathematically Gifted Student: Meeting the Needs of High-Ability Learners
Gifted students placed in a heterogeneously grouped classroom present a unique set of challenges for teachers.
These students often have special needs that go beyond the grade-level curriculum. This workshop will explore the
characteristics of mathematically gifted students, strategies for teaching high-ability students, and attributes of an
effective differentiated mathematics curriculum.
Shirley Fortenbaugh, [email protected],!Loudoun County PS, VA
Dr. Wendy Schudmak, [email protected], Alexandria City PS, VA
Session 3
ISAT 150
9-12, GI
Graphing In The Future: A Unifying Approach
A different, multi-representational look at graphing by transformations that seeks to unify the topic with other areas of
Ben Bazak, [email protected], Roanoke City Schools, VA
Harold Mick, [email protected], Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Session 4
ISAT 159
The Salmon Joke: A Mindset for Student Sense Making
“What is green, has four wheels, and hangs on the wall?” The answer might surprise you. Come to this session to
learn about the “salmon” approach to student sense making in mathematics and how to help your students develop a
mindset for extending their knowledge by making mathematical connections. Examples from elementary, middle
grades and high school grade bands will be shared.
Andrew Tyminski, [email protected], Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Session 5
ISAT 236
Put the ACT into Active Learning
Why are students so disengaged during course lectures? With all of today’s distractions, teach your students how to
be a part of their own learning. During this session, attendees will be immersed in ACTive learning. They will learn
how to make lectures more engaging and how to use activities in your classroom that will motivate and encourage
students to get actively involved in their courses and have a deeper learning of the material. Learn techniques such
as, “Coach & Player,” Appointment clock and many more. The activities are appropriate for lecture or flipped
classrooms in any discipline.
Theresa Thomas, [email protected], Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 8:30 a.m.
Session 6
ISAT 243
Process as Product: STEM Integration through Model-Eliciting Activities
Model-eliciting activities support K-8 mathematics teachers in connecting content standards and contextualized
problem-solving. Participants will experience a client-driven engineering task designed to encourage collaboration
and reveal mathematical thinking. Ideas for constructing MEAs that are not “one more thing” for teachers will be
Courtney Baker, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Terrie Galanti, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 7
ISAT 343
6-12, GI
Math in the Real World
Math in the Real World, a new online resource created by the Council for Economic Education, contains
interdisciplinary lessons aimed at teaching personal finance and economic concepts, all in the context of math
lessons. Featured lessons range from “Break-Even Analysis” and “Profit Maximization” to lessons on payday loan
expenses and building good credit. This session includes classroom-ready lessons, and door prizes.
Lynne Stover, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Session 8
ISAT 348
Inspire Students To Learn Algebra Through Activities
Are you and your students tired of doing the same old worksheet? Do you feel as if you don’t have time to create
awesome activities to engage your students in learning? This workshop will allow you to explore creative ideas you
can take back to your classroom and use immediately. Participants will receive a digit link to all activities.
Amy Price, [email protected], Christiansburg HS, Montgomery County PS, VA
Brett Sherfy, [email protected], Christiansburg HS, Montgomery County PS, VA
Session 9
ISAT 350
Cooperative Learning and Math Workshop!
Want to make math more engaging for yours students? In this session teachers will learn ways to incorporate
cooperative learning strategies into their Math Workshop instruction. They will also learning more about using rich
math tasks to encourage a deeper understanding of mathematics. Teacher will leave with several resources at each
grade level to use in their classrooms that correlate to the Virginia Standards of Learning.!
Tracy Cabacoy, [email protected], Providence ES, Fairfax County PS, VA
Session 10
EnGeo 1203
Moving From Geometric Transformations to Escher Tessellations
Participants will review the transformations: translation, reflection, and rotation. They will learn four particular forms of
these transformations that M. C. Escher used in his tessellations through hands-on activities. These four forms of
transformations will be used to make an irregular shape that tessellates to create “Escher” art!
Betty Long, [email protected], Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Deborah A. Crocker, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Friday Sessions Starting at 8:30 a.m.
Session 11
EnGeo 1204
9-12, GI, TP
Collaboration Between Secondary Mathematics and Special Education Teachers
We will discuss mathematics education teachers’ and special education teachers’ roles and responsibilities in
collaborative practices and the impact of these perspectives, beliefs, roles, and responsibilities on instruction in
Algebra I and Geometry classes. Collaboration data will be shared and classroom practices will be discussed.
Barbara Franklin, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Tina Bhandari, William Fleming HS, Roanoke City PS, VA
Session 12
EnGeo 1209
Problem Solving with Three Act Math
“I don’t know what to do!“ Is this the response you receive when presenting students with a problem!solving task? In
this session, you will learn how and why Three Act Math, a problem posing technique created and popularized by
Dan Meyer, helps students gain entry into rich tasks, improves problem solving skills and strategies, and increases
student engagement and perseverance. We will share how we have implemented and created our own Three Act
Math problems.
Robyn Kaye, [email protected], Hoffman Boston ES, Arlington PS, VA
Leyla Plunkett, [email protected], Hoffman Boston ES, Arlington PS, VA
Session 13
EnGeo 1210
Modeling Mathematics Ideas to Enhance Productive Disposition towards Mathematics- New! "Family of Problems"
This session will focus on implementing Modeling Mathematics Ideas to develop students' math understanding and
productive disposition towards mathematics. The workshop will engage teachers and math leaders in meaningful
mathematical tasks called a "Family of Problems" that focus on algebraic and proportional reasoning, data analysis,
and problem solving. Participants will also discuss the important teaching and assessment strategies that are used
with this problem-based learning approach. We will share our framework for building Strategic Competence and
Productive Dispositions through Modeling Mathematical Ideas including the application of mathematics for 1) problem
solving; 2) problem posing; 3) mathematical modeling; 4) the flexible use of representational models, tools,
technology and manipulatives to solve problems and communicate mathematical understanding; and 5) the deep
understanding of conceptual models critical to understanding a specific mathematics topic. We will also share a
series of classroom tested teacher-designed problem tasks called the "Family of Problems" which are rich tasks that
have a related mathematics concept.
Jennifer Suh, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Padhu Seshaiyer, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Patti Freeman
Linda Gillen
Session 14
EnGeo 1301
VDOE – Exploring the New 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (Grades 3-5)
Participants will explore the new 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework and participate
in activities targeting specific changes to grades 3-5. The timeline for implementation and the 2009 to 2016
Crosswalk (Summary of Revisions) documents will be shared.
Debbie Delozier, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Spencer Jamieson, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 8:30 a.m.
Session 15
EnGeo 2037
No Teacher Left Behind
We cannot significantly improve our SOL scores by doing the same things we have been doing. We need strategies
that not only teach or review content, but also ensure engagement, provide tiered instruction and promote higher level
thinking skills, while making content material accessible to all students. Participants will explore classroom strategies
such as Math 360, digital notebooks, anchor charts, and Venn diagram concept sorts.
Dawn Hakkenberg, [email protected], Roanoke City PS, VA
Session 16
EnGeo 2203
Flexibility with Fractions
Fraction instruction begins with helping students understand the relationship between the numerator and
denominator. Join us as we explore a progression of fraction activities that transition students from the elementary
area model to fractions on a number line (through the use of Cuisenaire Rods), and then to set model to solve algebra
Charlene Sebastian, [email protected], Stafford County PS, VA
Rose Averett, [email protected], Stafford County PS, VA
Session 17
EnGeo 2204
K-12, GI, TP
Tell Me A Story
We all know how to turn a Math problem into a word problem, but what about turning an ordinary lesson into an
engaging story that requires movement, sound, visuals, and full participation? Story telling is meant to capture the
senses, mind, and heart. Used effectively, storytelling can draw in your students and connect them with the content
through the use of multiple intelligences. In this participatory breakout session, learn how to tell a "Math" story using
visual, audio, kinesthetic, and emotional anchors, which will engage your students to the fullest. We will turn factoring
into an adventure tale and solving equations into a party! It is appropriate for both administrators and classroom
teachers of all grade levels. Participants will be able to develop a story telling lesson or apply storytelling to an
existing lesson and describe why story telling increases student engagement and motivation.
Carrie Snively, [email protected], Center for Teacher Effectiveness
Session 18
EnGeo 2208
Circle Around the Math
This session will provide a variety of circle activities and Pi activities that will also incorporate circles, area,
circumference, irregular figures, fractions, decimals, percents, proportions, and more using manipulatives and a
make-and-take activity.
Lisa LoConte-Allen, [email protected], Great Bridge MS, Chesapeake City PS, VA
Session 19
EnGeo 2210
Engaging Math Stations for the Primary Grades
Participants in this session will have an opportunity to practice centers that keep students engaged while building
their number sense. Students learn best when they have hands on experiences and are able to discuss and share
what they are learning. I will also share some whole group activities that help students build their number sense.
Shelly Carter, [email protected], Craigsville ES, Augusta County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 10:00 a.m.
Session 20
ISAT 136
VDOE – Exploring the New 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (Grades 6-8)
Participants will explore the new 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework and participate
in activities targeting specific changes in grades 6 - 8. The timeline for implementation and the 2009 to 2016
Crosswalk (Summary of Revisions) documents will be shared.
Tina Mazzacane, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Rose Averett, [email protected], Stafford County PS, VA
Rose Moore, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Session 21
ISAT 148
Making Instructional Shifts: Targeted Professional Development on Coaching
Mathematics teacher leaders will share their experiences as co-facilitators with George Mason University instructors
for lesson study with small teams of K-12 teachers enacting rich mathematics tasks. Participants will draw from the
coaches’ challenges and celebrations as they engage in activities to envision instructional shifts in their schools.
Courtney Baker, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Terrie Galanti, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Alyson Eaglen
Jenny Clovis
Bonnie Krajeski
Amy Miknis
Jennifer Suh, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Toya Frank, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 22
ISAT 150
Creating and Using Math Labs to Engage Students
This session focuses on ways to facilitate and enhance classroom instruction by making math relevant. Participants
will work through hands-on, real world activities that can be used for stations in a math lab.
Sandy Wilborn, [email protected], Virginia Advanced Study Strategies
Jennifer Stevens, Virginia Advanced Study Strategies
Session 23
ISAT 159
Learning with IMPACT! Tools and Strategies to Support Student Learning
Project IMPACT is a five-year professional development project currently serving over 150 K-8 mathematics teachers
in the middle Tennessee region. In this interactive session, we will examine key tools and strategies designed to
support student learning that have been identified and developed in conjunction with IMPACT teachers. Student work
samples and classroom videos will be featured.
Dr. Angela T. Barlow, [email protected], Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN
Session 24
Main Concourse
Author Book Signing: STEM Research for Students, Volumes 1 & 2
Meet the authors! Buy a book (if you wish) and have them sign your copy! Located near our registration table.
Paula Klonowski Leach, [email protected], Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Dr. Virginia Vimpeny Lewis, Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 10:00 a.m.
Session 25
ISAT 236
Seeing Learning Through the Eyes of Your Students: Making Learning Visible in the Co-Taught
What does success look like in a co-taught math class? When co-teachers develop a common understanding about
what they want students to know and understand, how they can make it happen, and how they will know that students
have been successful, their instruction can positively impact student learning. Hiding inside every co-teacher are
superpowers that come alive when co-teaching teams collaborate to plan, teach, and assess. Imagine having the
power to see learning through the eyes of your students! Focusing on how students learn, and making those invisible
learning processes visible will bring out the super powers in you.
Tamara Smith-Moyler, [email protected], Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Laura Beller, [email protected], Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Session 26
ISAT 243
Flipped Classroom
Presentation and discussion about the reality of using the filliped classroom model. The presenters will address how
it works, the impact it has on the students and teacher, as well as benefits and challenges the flipped model presents.
Caitlin Rotchford, [email protected], Thomas Jefferson MS, Arlington PS, VA
Jason Busby, [email protected], Thomas Jefferson MS, Arlington PS, VA
Session 27
ISAT 336
Solidifying Operations on Algebraic Expressions Using Manipulatives
Tired of students asking if x squared plus x squared is x to the fourth power? Tired of blank faces when asked to
factor trinomials without a calculator? In this session, we will discuss how to help students build conceptual
understandings of the basic operations on algebraic expressions. We will practice using physical and virtual
manipulatives to carry out fun activities you can take back to your classroom.
Catherine Ulrich, [email protected],!Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Session 28
ISAT 348
Literacy Strategies to Increase Math Reasoning
Steven Leinwand, author of Accessible Mathematics, suggests that math teachers implement the learning
components of successful reading lessons into their daily instruction. During this session, we will explore the
successful components of reading lessons and discuss how we can adjust those components to raise the
achievement of math students. At the end of this session, teachers will leave with instructional ideas that will address
applying effective vocabulary, writing, and comprehension strategies that aid in the development of problem!solving
skills, proportional reasoning, and algebraic thinking.
Nakasha Kirkland, [email protected], Prince William County PS, VA
Session 29
ISAT 350
I’ve Unwrapped the Standard, Now What?
In this session, we will investigate the next action steps for collaborative learning teams after they have unwrapped a
standard including creating common assessments and lesson progressions to meet the rigor of the standards.
Participants will engage in the work of creating and revising common assessment questions and developing lesson
progressions at their desired grade level.
Robyn Kaye,[email protected], Hoffman Boston ES, Arlington PS, VA
Tracy Gaither, [email protected], Oakridge ES, Arlington PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 10:00 a.m.
Session 30
EnGeo 1202
How high does it grow...or does it!
Participants will experience many problems and investigations around exponential equations. We will also look at the
development of exponential understanding through connections to geometric sequences and multiple
Timothy Scripko, [email protected], College Preparatory Math
Session 31
EnGeo 1203
3-5, TP
Making Connections during Math Discourse - Interactive Patterns
This interactive session will simulate The 5 Practices of Math Discussions by analyzing student work and modeling
the 5 practices. Teachers will walk away with a rich, ready to use math task that will promote discourse, along with
over 20 examples of anticipated student work. Math specialists will walk away with a complete, ready to implement
Dr. Theresa Wills, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 32
EnGeo 1204
How Does Data Change the Game? The Power of Adaptive Learning with i-Ready
The ever-elusive dream of serving the Zone of Proximal Development every day for every student is finally attainable
with the help of adaptive technology. Participants will explore the innovative tool i-Ready, which ties data to
instruction in a comprehensive profile for each student and like-needs small groups in Reading and Math. Discover
how a strong data culture establishes healthy growth mindset and elevates the conversation between student and
teacher toward the common goal of growth. i-Ready's cutting-edge tech-enhanced assessment and instruction create
a blended learning environment widely proven to produce significant growth for all students from striving to gifted.
Gina Kuchta, [email protected], Curriculum Associates/i-Ready
Session 33
EnGeo 1209
Model Drawing for Problem Solving
Struggling with problem solving? Would you like to help your elementary students become better problem solvers?
Model drawing could be the solution for you. Help students develop a visual context for word problems and build a
bridge between concrete and abstract thinking when problem solving.
Amy Southworth, [email protected], Robious ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Allison Ferguson, Robious ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Session 34
EnGeo 1210
Tasks for Promoting and Assessing Fractions Knowledge
We will investigate instructional tasks and assessment tasks from the new book, Developing Fractions Knowledge.
The tasks are organized around the ways students can build and coordinate various levels of units (e.g., the whole
unit and unit fractions). In line with standards, they are designed to promote an understanding of fractions as
measures, rather than simply part-whole relations.
Andy Norton, [email protected], Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 10:00 a.m.
Session 35
EnGeo 1301
VDOE – Exploring the New 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (Grades K-2)
Participants will explore the new 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework and participate
in activities targeting specific changes in grades K-2. The timeline for implementation and the 2009 to 2016
Crosswalk (Summary of Revisions) documents will be shared.
Debbie Delozier, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Jennifer Lempp, Coordinator, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Kelly Pratte, [email protected], Stafford County PS, VA
Session 36
EnGeo 2203
6-12, GI
Bisquick® can kill you and other fun, but WRONG, facts!
People often believe “facts” they hear and read, without ever investigating whether these facts are true. Usually a
quick google search or can set the record straight. Why are we so gullible? We will examine many
newspaper articles, facebook entries, and common myths that go viral to see how data is manipulated and
Colleen Watson, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Session 37
EnGeo 2204
Creating a Maker-Space Mentality: Playing to Deeper Thinking
Stitching together low- and hi-tech activities creates maker!space experiences for students. Manipulatives come in
low-tech forms like paper folding, popcorn and play dough and also in high tech forms like programming and graphic
design. Slope concepts come to life with a project building wheelchair ramps. Take away resources that you can use
Barbara Filler, [email protected], The Steward School, Richmond, VA
Karen Hudson, [email protected], The Steward School, Richmond, VA
Session 38
EnGeo 2208
Engaging Review Activities for Geometry
Interested in exploring ways to review geometry concepts and skills? In this session, cooperative learning activities
and ideas for incorporating VersaTiles and other games for review will be explored. Attendees will participate in
hands-on activities to illustrate how cooperative learning activities could be used to increase student-to-student
engagement and learning in their classroom.
Lear Cook, [email protected], Hampton City Schools, VA
Reginia Harris, Hampton City Schools, VA
Session 39
EnGeo 2210
6-9, GI
Math Class Routines: Anything But Routine!
As educators, we all know that our students work best with stable classroom structures. However, in today’s world,
the same old boring routine of warm-up, lecture notes, homework, test, and repeat, that we grew up with will no longer
suffice. In this presentation, we will discuss multiple ways to spice up that daily procedure while simultaneously
maintaining consistency with your students on a day-to-day basis. Topics will include introductions to the use of the
Plickers App, and the flipped classroom model of instruction, creation of interactive notebooks and
student data collection charts, formation of standards-based grading practices and learning targets, as well as
methods of reassessment, cooperative learning strategies, positive reinforcement, and project-based learning. Sound
like a lot? Come learn how to make it all flow together, gain back precious teaching time, and formulate a routine for
your classroom that is anything but routine for your students!
Elisabeth Carver, [email protected], Bull Run MS, Prince William County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 11:30 a.m.
Session 40
ISAT 136
3-8, TP
Practical Pinterest Pins for Math Teachers
There are tons of ideas on Pinterest! How do you know what will work? We've tried a few and are here to show and
share what we have found to be beneficial to our students and what has helped to improve mathematics instruction
across our division. We will share ideas from organization & management to getting rid of worksheets and using
other interactive tools to motivate students and increase academic achievement in grades 3-8.
Robin Carpenter, [email protected], Roanoke City PS, VA
Jaime Barker
Amy Duffy
Jelena Hobson
Sherry Trogdon
Marcee Amos
Session 41
ISAT 150
Hands On Activities for the Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 Classrooms
This is a hands-on workshop where participants will participate in a variety of activities for the Algebra 1 and Algebra
2 courses. Participants will experience card matches, step-by-step activities, bingo, recipes, video clips from "In
Simplest Terms" and follow -up problems, and more. Additional activities will be shared. Bring a calculator and
flashdrive to the session.
Pat Gabriel, [email protected], Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, Fairfax County PS,
Session 42
ISAT 159
VDOE Mathematics Update
Topics will include VDOE initiatives, current legislation, and issues surrounding instruction and assessment in
Tina Mazzacane, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Debbie Delozier, [email protected], Virginia Department of Education
Session 43
ISAT 236
6-8, GI, TP
Math First! Activities and resources to use to deepen student understanding and increase
This session is for teachers that want to update their lessons to get kids doing mathematics. We will review
mathematical tasks and a variety of online resources. As a group, we will discuss ways we can improve our lessons
to make math meaningful to our students, increase engagement, and get kids doing mathematics. Bring your device.
Jessica Pyle, [email protected], Skyline MS, Harrisonburg City PS, VA
Session 44
ISAT 243
Using Matrices to Explore and Understand Transformations
Although matrices have been de-emphasised is some areas, matrices are seen as an introduction to linear algebra.
In fact, matrices can play a large role in understanding transformations. In this session participants will use points
from the unit circle to discover how to create a tranformation matrix that will transform a given pre-image. Participants
will explore how to tranform a pre-image through the use of matrix multiplication. Participants will discover matrices
that can be used to create an image through reflections, rotations, and dialations. We will also use images to
determine the tranformation that was used to create it.
Linda Gantz, [email protected], Loudoun Academy of Science, Loudoun County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 11:30 a.m.
Session 45
ISAT 343
6-12, GI
Projects - What can we do to Encourage and Inspire?
Using relevant projects and taking students from where they are, how do we get students (and parents) to see the
value in learning math and not just doing math? What is math and why we need to learn math? What makes a
meaningful project? Several different projects will be discussed, with others provided as resources for use at the MSHS levels.
Joseph Vignolini, [email protected], Flint Hill School, Oakton, VA
Session 46
ISAT 348
Empowering Students through Self-Assessment
Teachers will learn how to encourage their students to self-assess their strengths and weaknesses through the use of
individual data. Hear how one PLC collaborated to create an individualized review strategy to promote increased
academic success. You will leave with a specific outline for how to accomplish this in your specific content area.
Megan Zawadzki, [email protected], Clover Hill HS, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Liza Collins
Session 47
ISAT 350
6-8, GI
Broadening Participation for English Learners in Mathematics
We will present an assets-based approach for teaching mathematics to English language learners (ELLs) that was
the guiding framework of a summer workshop and follow-up lesson stud for teachers’ grades 5-9 on rational numbers
and proportional reasoning. This approach challenges educators to broaden their understanding of what it means to
communicate mathematically. It also challenges the idea that vocabulary acquisition must precede deep
mathematical thinking.
Teachers in the session will have the opportunity to experience instructional scaffolds for ELLs based on
contemporary research from experts in ELL and mathematics education. These scaffolds help to reduce cognitive
overload while maintaining high cognitive demand as students productively struggle with challenging mathematical
tasks. All examples will be presented in the context of rational numbers and proportional reasoning. The faculty,
teachers, and coaches from the summer/fall workshop and subsequent lesson study will present how they used this
approach in their schools, the instructional shifts they observed, the challenges they faced, and the advantages of
teaching mathematics to ELLs using this approach.
Toya Frank, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Rachelle Farmer - Fairfax County PS, VA
Abhilasha Tripathi - Prince William County PS, VA
Jennifer Suh, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Courtney Baker, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 48
EnGeo 1202
Tips, Tricks, and Treats for Geometry - A Collaborative effort
We will go over tips and tricks I use for each chapter in Geometry to help students succeed in class. Attendees will
also be presented with different activity options for individual and group review. I welcome collaboration so any input
from other teachers during the presentation will be added to the slides for everyone’s benefit.
Megan Brunkhorst, [email protected], Monacan HS, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 11:30 a.m.
Session 49
EnGeo 1203
K-12, GI
Positive & Productive Coaching
Are you a math coach who could use strategies to keep your coaching positive and productive? This session will give
you resources for keeping conversations positive. We will explore different rationales for choosing a topic to coach.
You will leave feeling confident and prepared.
Dr. Theresa Wills, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 50
EnGeo 1204
K-12, GI, TP
Relationships and Engagement: Keys to Student Success
This session will rejuvenate and inspire your important work in Virginia's classrooms. It will focus on issues of cultural
competency, equity and access, the importance of relationships, and student engagement as factors impacting
learning. We will celebrate your hard work and dedication and discuss harnessing the power of relationships and
student engagement in schools to help close the achievement gap and improve student achievement overall.
Andrea Ogden, [email protected], Timber Lane ES, Fairfax County PS, VA
Session 51
EnGeo 1209
Fact Fluency and Effective Practice
Fact fluency is the goal for this fun session with powerful models for teaching for understanding with effective
practice. Participants will play games and practice skills all at the same time with the focus of helping students with
brief, engaging, purposeful, and distributed practice to master basic facts.
Ruth Harbin Miles, [email protected], Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA
Session 52
EnGeo 1210
The Influence of Movement on Math Anxiety
Have you had a student who is gripped by anxiety that they do not perform as you know they can? Looking for
strategies to help reduce anxiety in the math classroom? Want to find resources that can help add movement into the
classroom? Come join us for an interactive session to learn more about movement in the math classroom.
Maria Zehr, [email protected], Cub Run ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Katie Cimini, [email protected], Peak View ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Session 53
EnGeo 1301
K-5, TP
"Guiding and Forming" the Mathematics Classroom
Come play fun guided math activities with handouts to take home with you...also, enjoy learning a variety of formative
assessments to help with daily assessment of your students!
Candice George, [email protected], Clarksville ES, Mecklenburg County PS, VA
Joanna W. Pittard
Session 54
EnGeo 2037
Talk the Talk; How to Help Students Describe Their Mathematical Thinking With Precision
Learn some tips on how to combine gradually released language supports in cooperation with digital technology to
help boost student confidence and increase precision in their math talk. Find out how to help students create products
using digital tools that will enhance their own understanding of their thinking process, while providing teachers the
opportunity to evaluate, identify, and share student mathematical strategies. This session is targeted towards all
students, and will focus in particular on incorporating ELLs and students with special needs.
Rebecca Davis, [email protected], Parklawn ES, Fairfax County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 11:30 a.m.!
Session 55
EnGeo 2203
Learn More and Do More with the C-R-A Model for Instruction
Middle school math teachers … the C-R-A model is for YOU!!! The C-R-A Model for instruction (ConcreteRepresentational-Abstract) is a highly-effective way to present math topics to all students at all levels. This session
will give participants an opportunity to deepen their understanding of this model by looking closer at the components,
the benefits of this approach, and how C-R-A can easily be incorporated into instruction. The focus for this session
will be on working with the C-R-A Model for all students, with added emphasis on students with learning disabilities.
Content will be directed at Math SOLs for grades 6-8. Using this model, teachers will “Educate, Encourage, and
Inspire” their students!
Kathleen Judge, [email protected], Prince Williams County PS, VA
Session 56
EnGeo 2204
Teaching Ratio and Proportion Using Multiple Representations
In this session participants will practice the use of manipulative models, tape diagrams, double number lines, ratio
tables, and graphs to model a variety of situations and solve a variety of problems. Participants will compare and
contrast the representations, share experiences, and discuss options for teaching.
Will Tad Johnston, [email protected], American Institutes for Research
Session 57
EnGeo 2208
Math & Movement: Using Movement to Enhance Math Ability, Increase Physical Fitness and Meet
Math & Movement is a research-based and classroom-tested kinesthetic, multi-sensory approach to teaching math
that incorporates physical exercise, stretching, cross-body movements, and yoga. The program uses visually pleasing
floor mats that allow children to practice basic skills while using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities
while building number sense and critical thinking skills aligned with the SOLs. Come learn why exercise increases
learning, easy-to-apply and powerful techniques for extra math practice and brain breaks, and how to train your
students to develop their own Math & Movement exercises.
April Miller, [email protected], Math and Movement
Session 58
EnGeo 2210
Beware! Tricks, Gimmicks and Shortcuts Can Sabotage Algebra and Beyond
Have you ever had a student ask you "do you Keep, Change, Change?" How about "do you use Dr. Pepper, here?"
This session will explore some common tricks, gimmicks, and shortcuts that may interfere with concept development
and actually make learning algebra and higher math more difficult.
Anna York, [email protected], Wilson Middle School, Augusta County PS, VA
Session 59
ISAT 136
Walk the Number Line for Research Based Results for K-5
Elementary learners need a number line and number paths for powerful math concepts like skip counting, adding on,
alternative algorithms for regrouping, making change, elapsed time, rounding, factoring, and fractions. You will
experience unique ideas with number lines and be amazed how you can immediately use them with all students
including struggling learners.
Ruth Harbin Miles, [email protected], Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 1:45 p.m.
Session 60
ISAT 148
I Want to Help, But I Can't Do This NEW Math!
Parents, Guardians, and Other Caring Adults are often the best partners that a school can have. However, there are
many instances in which these stakeholders feel helpless, because they simply do not understand the mathematics
concepts, skills, and strategies that students are using. This section will explore tools for fostering a strong schoolhome connection, and ensuring that the adults at home feel empowered enough to help students along the path
towards independence and mathematics mastery!
Sherica Jones-Lewis, [email protected], Albemarle County PS, VA
Session 61
ISAT 150
Differentiated Math Instruction
Math can be differentiated based on readiness or interest. There are three parts of a lesson that could be
differentiated: content, process, and product. In this presentation, participants will unpack the foundational ideas for
differentiation and then examine strategies for differentiating the three parts of math lessons based on readiness and
interest. Applying relevant learning trajectories, participants will analyze instructional strategies for differentiation such
as menus, centers, choice boards, tiered problems, parallel tasks, open questions, and anchor problems.
Kateri Thunder, [email protected], Burnley-Moran ES, Charlottesville City Schools, VA
Alisha Demchak, [email protected], Charlottesville City Schools, VA
Session 62
ISAT 159
Teaching Strategies that Develop Positive Mathematics Identities
Several perspectives on the notion of mathematical identity will be offered, including positioning of self and others,
mathematical authorship, and participation in interactions. Considering these elements, specific teaching practices will
be discussed. Attendees will better understand how their mathematics teaching can positively impact the
development of children's mathematical identities as well as know specific strategies to do so.
Dr. Brian R. Lawler, [email protected], Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
Session 63
ISAT 236
Tarsia Puzzles for Student Engagement
If you have ever wanted an easy way to make a seemingly endless variety of puzzles fast that will keep your students
engaged and discussing math, come to this presentation!
Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop so they can download the FREE software and start creating puzzles
that will be ready to use in their classrooms on Monday.
Lisa Bissey, Eastern Montgomery HS, Elliston, VA
Karen L. Jones, [email protected], Christiansburg MS, Montgomery County PS, VA
Session 64
ISAT 243
Attacking Word Problems with Comprehension Strategies
Attend this session if you want to empower your upper elementary students with comprehension strategies aimed at
building conceptual understanding and confidence in solving word problems? You will leave this session with
classroom activities that give students practice solving single and multiple step word problems in a variety of ways.
Gwendolyn Best, [email protected], Isle of Wight County Schools, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 1:45 p.m.
Session 65
ISAT 336
GeoGebra to Enhance Math Instruction
Learn to use GeoGebra to enhance mathematics instruction so students can discover concepts. We will learn the
basics of the free program for Geometry, experience a student-centered, investigative lesson and then brainstorm
and begin creation of a rich task.
Pamela Bailey, [email protected], Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA
Session 66
ISAT 348
What Do You Wonder? Helping Students See Math in Their World
How can we help our students view mathematics as a way to explain and explore the world around them? This
session will examine real life math tasks that develop curiosity and help students make connections between school
and their own lives. Participants will also discuss how to incorporate similar ideas in their own classrooms.
Cindy Cooper, [email protected], Prince William County PS, VA
Session 67
ISAT 350
Implementing MATH LAB- An Innovative Path to Mathematical Success
Join us to discover the brief history of Math Lab, and hear our success story. Participants will view first-hand how this
curriculum has impacted student success in the areas of fact fluency and problem solving, and bolster student sense
of mathematical confidence.
Sarah Davis, [email protected], North River ES, Augusta County PS, VA
Sara Saenz
Session 68
EnGeo 1202
Ducks & Sheep to Minotaurs & Pegasi: Algebraic Thinking Grades 2-11
Participants in this session will have the opportunity to look at how a single problem was modified and implemented
across grades 2 through 11 to promote students’ understanding of algebraic reasoning. Presenters will be classroom
teachers who collaborated to modify the task for use at each grade level and who implemented the problem in diverse
settings. The vertical nature of this rich task will provide participants the opportunity to see how this task fits into their
grade-level content. We will look at teachers’ implementation, students’ strategies, as well as the vertical articulation
of content acquisition within the Patterns, Functions, and Algebra strand. Participants will have the opportunity to
experience several versions of the task presented at multiple grade levels and analyze the progression of student
work in algebraic reasoning. Presenters will also share online resources that we call “Family of Problems” with rich
tasks at all grade levels.
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Jennifer Suh, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Courtney Baker, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Toya Frank, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Sara Birkhead, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Terrie Galanti, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Emily Burrell, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VA
Liz Taylor, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Brain Wiseman, Fairfax County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 1:45 p.m.
Session 69
EnGeo 1203
6-8, TP
Making Connections during Math Discourse - Interactive Fractions
This interactive session will simulate the 5 Practices of Math Discussions by analyzing student work and modeling the
5 practices. Teachers will walk away with a rich, ready to use math task that will promote discourse, along with over
20 examples of anticipated student work. Math specialists will walk away with a complete, ready to implement PD.
Dr. Theresa Wills, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 70
EnGeo 1204
6-12, GI
Standards Based Learning: Its effect on student growth, motivation, and performance
Four years into implementing Standards Based Learning (and Grading) in the classroom, I discusses its effects on
student engagement, growth, and performance in my Algebra 2 and Statistics classes. The presentation will include
research from Jo Boaler's book "The Mathematical Mindsets" and data analysis from my classroom during 2012-16.
Pawel Nazarewicz, [email protected], Salem HS, Salem City Schools, VA
Session 71
EnGeo 1209
Keeping your sanity with guided math and the new standards
Three experienced elementary math teachers share their experiences changing their math classrooms by utilizing
guided math. They will share possible structures, station ideas, physical classroom setup, example activities for
rotations, pre and post assessments and grading. Leave with lessons and activities to institute new standards.
Lisa Ashby, [email protected], D. G. Cooley ES, Clarke County PS, VA
Amy Smith, [email protected], D. G. Cooley ES, Clarke County PS, VA
Barbara Large, [email protected], D. G. Cooley ES, Clarke County PS, VA
Session 72
EnGeo 1210
Don't Tell Your Students, Let Them Discover Math Concepts
Guided-discovery learning can be an effective tool in your math classroom. Come explore how your classroom can
be changed to a discovery first, then instruction. Having students discover new ideas on their own can be
groundbreaking in their understanding of a new math concept. Hands-on activities will be completed to help teachers
understand this method of teaching.
Jolene Wiseman, [email protected], Cub Run ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Maria Zehr, [email protected], Cub Run ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Session 73
EnGeo 1301
Mathematical Modeling in General Education and Advanced Academic Classrooms
Is Mathematical Modeling (MM) equally successful in General Education and Advanced Academic settings?
Elementary teachers designed and implemented a MM task engaging students in authentic problem posing and
solving while addressing grade-level standards. We compare student responses and strategies and the development
of 21st century skills.
Kathleen Matson, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Jennifer Suh, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Kim Fair - George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Samara Green - Fairfax County PS, VA
Christine Onide - Fairfax County PS, VA
Atifa Kuraishi - Fairfax County PS, VA
Spencer Jamieson, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Carol Cockerill, Fairfax County PS, VA
LyndaLea Furtado, Fairfax County PS, VA
Padhu Seshaiyer, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 1:45 p.m.
Session 74
EnGeo 2203
Engaging Activities for any Content
In this session I will share with you ways to make mass practice, note taking, and even assessments engaging and
interesting. I have more material than I can fit into the session, so I'll send it all home with you digitally and show you
everything I can. I have partner and group ideas, fold-able examples, kinesthetic activities, and most importantly ways
to get the students to enjoy math.
Jen Ray, [email protected], Thomas Dale HS, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Session 75
EnGeo 2204
Raindrops on Roses...A Few of my Favorite CALCULUS Things
Who invented the Calculus? Your students. Come learn several student centered activities to immediately implement
in your classrooms to increase engagement and deepen their understanding.
McKendry Marano, [email protected], James River HS, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Session 76
EnGeo 2208
6-12, TP
Wrap Your Mind Around the Area of the Circle
In this session we will present a concept of the area of a circle in several different ways. The concept is presented
using a free open source program, Geogebra, as well as hands-on activities. The visual applets developed by the
presenters will show multiple representations that can result in a richer understanding of this concept.
Matthew Akers, [email protected], Radford University, Radford, VA
Dr. Agida Manizade, [email protected], Radford University, Radford, VA
Danielle Banks, Radford University, Radford, VA
Holly Brendle, Radford University, Radford, VA
Dominique Epps, Radford University, Radford, VA
Rachel Funkhouser, Radford University, Radford, VA
Hannah Graf, Radford University, Radford, VA
Kenneth Guzman, Radford University, Radford, VA
Kattie Isom, Radford University, Radford, VA
Rebecca Stephens, Radford University, Radford, VA
Valerie Wallace, Radford University, Radford, VA
Katelyn Winkler, Radford University, Radford, VA
Session 77
EnGeo 2210
Supporting Productive Struggle
What tools do you offer your students when they encounter obstacles during problem solving? In this session, we will
encounter a non-routine problem, discuss the obstacles that arise when solving such a problem, and brainstorm tools
we can offer students to overcome these obstacles. Come learn with us about supporting productive struggle!
Noelle Conforti Preszler, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Chris Willingham, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 3:15 p.m.
Session 78
ISAT 148
Using the Math Workshop Model to Promote Advanced Mathematics
How can you use the math workshop model and resources to extend learning in the math classroom? This
session, conducted using the math workshop model, will provide ideas for incorporating advanced curricular
resources to support gifted learners. Note: Electronic devices will be needed to access websites.
Tracy Gaither, [email protected], Oakridge ES, Arlington PS, VA
Greg Chapuis, [email protected], Oakridge ES, Arlington PS, VA
Session 79
ISAT 150
Spice Up Mathematics with SeeSaw
Come explore the world of Seesaw in Mathematics! Seesaw is a free tool that allows your students to take control
of their learning and showcase their understanding and growth through digital portfolios. This hands-on session will
cover the many ways you can integrate Seesaw into the mathematics already taking place in your classroom. It will
highlight the ways in which this tool can help maintain rigor and relevance in your daily instruction by providing
multiple access points to the 5 Process Goals. A limited number of devices will be provided for exploration, but
BYOD is encouraged if possible. This session is best suited for the elementary level.
Priscilla May-Maiden, [email protected], Rockingham County PS, VA
Session 80
ISAT 236
Giant Steps and Crooked Paths: Building Spatial Reasoning and Number Sense
Participants will explore activities that develop students’ spatial reasoning and number sense for linear
measurement. We will focus on identifying attributes of objects, using nonstandard and standard units, and making
comparisons to measure length. Create the name train, snake imprints, and marshmallow units to build the
concepts of estimation, unit iteration, inverse relationships, and conservation of length!
Dr. Maria A. Timmerman, [email protected], Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Dr. Virginia Vimpeny Lewis, Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Session 81
ISAT 243
Writing for a Practitioner Journal
In this session participants will engage in hands-on activities designed to develop skills needed to publish an
article. The editors of the Virginia Mathematics Teacher Journal (VMT) will share their insights on the review and
decision making processes. The rubrics used by VMT will be shared with the participants.
Dr. Agida Manizade, [email protected], Radford University, Radford, VA
Dr. Jean Mistele, [email protected], Radford University, Radford, VA
Session 82
ISAT 343
Money, Money, Money: Financial Literacy in the Mathematics Classroom
Learn about online resources for integrating financial literacy and exploring finance careers into your teaching.
Give students a glimpse into the world of money management and how financial advisors & investors apply many
of the same concepts they are learning in your class to help families manage their money and build wealth.
Session activities will include a lesson using Microsoft Excel that can be used with students. Participants are
encouraged to bring a laptop to this session.
Teri Johnson, [email protected], Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 3:15 p.m.
Session 83
ISAT 348
Do you have a problem with math problems? Finding and creating the right problems to solve.
We will discuss problems we present to our students and how we can make better choices to encourage students
to use the math they know, and think critically to solve problems. Not all math problems use or need numbers to
solve - we will get you thinking about how reasoning is a critical skill that can be developed with the right problems.
Lucy Spencer, [email protected], Mary C. Greer ES, Albemarle County PS, VA
Linda Montoya
Session 84
ISAT 350
Flex Your Muscles for Place Value Understanding! You Are a Super Hero!
Come and experience how to effectively teach and reinforce place value with grades 3-5 students! Watch the
power of self-confidence grow as students learn what base ten means and how the growth pattern of place value
works. Participants will be treated to an extensive handout and materials that create meaning and higher order
thinking skills! Students will thrive mathematically from true understanding of numbers! Be prepared to sing,
dance and enjoy this session with games and activities reaching new heights for place value!
Kim Sutton, [email protected], Creative Mathematics
Ruth Harbin Miles, [email protected], Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA
Session 85
EnGeo 1202
Connections among Factoring & Multiplying Polynomials
There are many different strategies and techniques teachers can utilize in teaching Algebra students to multiply
and factor polynomials. Sometimes we see them as separate strategies. This session will explore, educate,
encourage and inspire instructors on how the different strategies are connected which can help students differing
learning styles. Algebra tiles will be utilized as well.
Della Childress, [email protected], Hanover County PS, VA
Session 86
EnGeo 1203
6-9, TP
Making Connections during Math Discourse - Interactive Algebra
This interactive session will simulate The 5 Practices of Math Discussions by analyzing student work and modeling
the 5 practices. Teachers will walk away with a rich, ready to use math task promoting discourse, along with over
20 examples of anticipated student work. Math specialists will walk away with a complete, ready to implement PD.
Dr. Theresa Wills, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 87
EnGeo 1204
3-8, GI
Mathematical Modeling Inspiring our Students to Love Math
Mathematical modeling is an important topic of study and mathematical practice in grades K-12. This session will
engage the participants in considering Mathematical Modeling tasks in the early grades. Teachers and university
collaborators will share Math Modeling Units taught in 3-6th grades and share how MM enhanced the teaching and
learning of mathematics by bringing in the real world context to students and enriched the learning environment.
We will launch the task called “America in a Day” to inspire the audience with the authentic MM task of designing a
family outing for their summer vacation and two 6th grade lessons called “Food for Thought” and "Running a
School Store" that bring in number sense, algebra and data analysis .
Liz Taylor, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
MaryAnne Rossbach, Fairfax County PS, VA
Spencer Jamieson, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Kathleen Matson, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Padhu Seshaiyer, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Jennifer Suh,[email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 3:15 p.m.
Session 88
EnGeo 1209
Monsters vs. Ninjas! Activities and Games to Target Factors and Multiples
Students need lots of opportunities to practice factors and multiples, but they also get bored doing the same old
thing! This session will focus on engaging activities to target factors and multiples as well as the gaps in prior
knowledge that act as barriers to success. Come have some fun and walk away with several classroom-ready
Amelia Woodall, [email protected], Nottoway County PS, VA
Session 89
EnGeo 1210
Creating Student Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom
Do your students only focus on getting right answers? Do students share their thinking and defend their answers?
Mathematical discourse, the way students communicate, is important in building conceptual understanding. It
starts with the teacher's questioning. Come learn about and discuss student discourse and purposeful questioning.
Maria Zehr, [email protected], Cub Run ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Jolene Wiseman, [email protected], Cub Run ES, Rockingham County PS, VA
Session 90
EnGeo 2037
Learning Math with Python Programming: Function Families
Explore how Python programming can provide a lens for students to analyze function families without sacrificing
content to form. Centered on quadratic functions, this lesson is easily adaptable to other function families. No prior
coding experience required. Code, lesson rubrics and resource ideas provided.
Karen Hudson, [email protected], The Steward School, Richmond, VA
Session 91
EnGeo 2203
Setting the Stage to Engage!
Learn how to use purposeful technology and classroom transformations to increase relevancy and student
engagement in Mathematics. Please bring your own device (laptop, tablet, phone) as we will have limited devices
Toni Madison, [email protected], Post Oak MS, Spotsylvania County Schools, VA
Cheryl Varner, [email protected], Post Oak MS, Spotsylvania County Schools, VA
Karen Turner, [email protected], Post Oak MS, Spotsylvania County Schools, VA
Session 92
EnGeo 2204
Hands on Activities for the Precalculus and Calculus Classrooms
This is a hands-on workshop where participants will participate in a variety of activities for Trigonometry,
Precalculus and Calculus courses. Participants will experience card matches, step-by-step activities, bingo,
recipes, video clips from "In Simplest Terms" and follow -up problems, and more. Additional activities will be
shared. Bring a calculator and flashdrive to the session.
Pat Gabriel, [email protected], Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, Fairfax County
Session 93
EnGeo 2208
Interactive Student Notebooks: Encouraging Student Ownership in Math Class
In this session, we will discuss the purpose and research supporting interactive student notebooks (ISN's).
Resources provided for ISN beginners include a suggested list of appropriate supplies, pictures of classroom
supports, examples of ISN layouts, how to set up ISN's, and examples of foldables and graphic organizers.
Heather Pressley, [email protected], Craig County HS, Craig County PS, VA
Friday Sessions Starting at 3:15 p.m.
Session 94
EnGeo 2210
Discover the Power of Growth Mindset!
Help your struggling students by changing their Mathematical Mindset! Learn about the research by Dweck and
Boaler, discover ways to change the learning culture of your classroom and school, and receive resources and
lesson plans that have worked in our schools.
Terri Davis, [email protected], Marguerite Christian ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Tracey Curcio, Elizabeth Scott Elementary, Chesterfield Public Schools
Friday Session Starting at 4:45 p.m.
EnGeo 2301
VCTM Business Meeting and Keynote Address
All VCTM members are encouraged to participate in this brief meeting focused on VCTM’s governance and
policies. Let your voice be heard! Door Prizes will be awarded! Following the meeting, Dr. Brian Lawler will
deliver his keynote address.
Two Perspectives on Equity in Mathematics Teaching: Individual and Social
Equity is used so often and in so many ways in mathematics education, it serves us well to become more specific
about what we mean. The ideals we hold under the call for equity reflect an unstated ethics for mathematics
education. I will try to make these ethics more evident, specifically by focusing on equity issues targeting the
individual and the collective. To help make these perspectives come alive, I will group the ideas in specific
examples of mathematics instruction.
Dr. Brian R. Lawler, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 8:15 a.m.
Session 95
ISAT 136
6-12, GI
Game-ification: 21st Century Student Engagement
Student engagement is at the forefront of every teacher's mind. Learn about way to tap into students' natural
desire for friendly competition. Inspired by Harry Potter, bring competition, points, games, and most importantly,
learning and engagement to your classroom.
Avanti Yamamoto, [email protected], Atlee HS, Hanover County PS, VA
Session 96
ISAT 148
Developing Early Number Sense with High Quality Apps
Early number sense is a critically important foundation of mathematics. Many apps claim to help, but do they? In
this hands-on session, we will collaboratively investigate high quality, highly researched, free iPad apps, discuss
classroom applications, and explore implications for using them to support development of early number sense.
Stephen Tucker, [email protected], Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Alyson Williams, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Teri Johnson, [email protected], Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Qiao Liang, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 8:15 a.m.
Session 97
ISAT 150
Annual VCTM Affiliate Caucus Meeting and Breakfast
Join affiliate representatives from around the state and VCTM board members for the annual caucus and
breakfast. Come for an exchange of ideas and to learn more about VCTM and NCTM. This year’s special guests
will be Dr. Betty Long, NCTM regional support liaison, and Dr. Debbie Crocker, representative from the National
Council of Supervisors for Mathematics.
Pamela Haner, [email protected], Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Dr. Betty Long, [email protected], NCTM ARC Rep
Session 98
ISAT 336
3-9, GI
The Stock Market Game: Proven Experience-Based Learning
Thinking of bringing the Stock Market Game™ to your 4th-12th grade class? This session helps make the most out
of the experience – learning how to play the game as well as how to integrate this teaching tool into your existing
curriculum. Students learn saving and investing, sharpen math and research skills, and experience market forces
at work. Classroom-ready lessons, and door prizes are included.
Lynne Stover, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Session 99
ISAT 348
Learn More About the $5000 Flanagan Grant
Are you interested in applying for a Flanagan Grant for a special project for your class or school? This session will
provide tips for applying and participants will brain-storm ideas for possible grants.
Lynn Foshee Reed, [email protected], VCTM
Cathy Shelton, VCTM Past President
Session 100
ISAT 350
Get Students Out of Their Seats and Into Thinking
Sitting through an entire math class much less an entire school day would be difficult for any student. Make it
easier on them and yourself by discovering some ways to get them out of their seat while keeping your sanity. You
will leave this session with ideas that you can use in class as early as Monday morning.
Doug Nichols, [email protected], Wythe County PS, VA
Session 101
EnGeo 1203
Invigorate Math Reviews with Carousel Brainstorming
Carousel brainstorming is a cooperative learning strategy for implementing writing across content areas. This
training seeks to unravel innovative ways to engage students in creative writing, using content vocabulary.
Abimbola Akintounde, [email protected], Loudoun County PS, VA
Session 102
EnGeo 1204
The Influence of Number Talks on Elementary Students’ Mathematical Anxiety
In this session, we will discuss how to implement Number Talks, a short, ongoing daily routine that provides
students with meaningful ongoing practice with computation, and how we are investigating its influence on 5th
graders' mathematical anxiety and mathematical understanding.
Dan Sawyer, [email protected], Nathanael Greene ES, Greene County PS, VA
Amanda Gantt Sawyer, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 8:15 a.m.
Session 103
EnGeo 1209
The NCTM Process Standards as a Window to Authentic Differentiation in Math
Too often, differentiation in math means “more problems” or “the same problems with bigger numbers.” The
traditional advice to change the content, process, product, or learning environment often does not work well in
math. This session will explore ways to use the NCTM Process Standards to create opportunities for authentic
differentiation in math.
Matthew Reames, [email protected], Burgundy Farm Country Day School, Alexandria, VA and
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Session 104
EnGeo 1210
OMG! Math
Come make an OMG student reference containing graphic organizers with steps, examples, and vocabulary for
key concepts of an entire year’s curriculum. This creative guide will transform your classroom and help students
become self-sufficient learners! You must see it to believe it!
Rhonda Davis, [email protected], Fairplay MS, Douglas County School District, GA
Session 105
EnGeo 1301
K-12, GI, TP
What the Function? Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Math Instructors and
School Administrators
Math teachers and administrators know all too well that we live in a world where we have less time to do more!
This is especially true with the increasing number of standards we are required to teach and the number of state
exams we are expected to prepare our students for. In an age of social media, cell phones and over access to
counter—culture, it is no wonder that we are losing precious teaching time to student discipline and low—level,
bad, behavior.
Did you know that math teachers spend an average of 5-9 hours per week managing behavior issues in the
classroom? Then, very often, the kid ends up in an administrator’s office and we try again the next day. We invest
millions of dollars in math curriculum, but when we spend so much time managing behavior much of it goes
undelivered. In this highly energized session we will explore practical, tangible, strategies school personnel can
use immediately to help teach appropriate behavior, respond right to challenging situations, eliminate multiple
warnings and repeated requests and create a school environment where every student can be more successful.
Paul Joseph, [email protected], Center for Teacher Effectiveness and Friendship Public
Charter School, Washington, DC
Session 106
EnGeo 2203
Minute-To-Win-It Statistics - A meaningful (and FUN!) z-sores activity
In this workshop participants will experience a highly engaging activity to build student understanding of z-scores
and related statistics. Come ready to compete, win and leave with an activity that will have your students ready to
discuss, argue and ultimately understand z-scores and their practical application!
Karen L. Jones, [email protected], Christiansburg MS, Montgomery County PS, VA
Lisa Bissey, Eastern Montgomery High School, Montgomery County, PS, VA
Session 107
EnGeo 2204
Melodies, Methods and Models That Make Math Marvelous and Meaningful
Come and have fun learning ways to help students truly understand math and enjoy solving problems. See how
you can help students see that math is for the real world and not just for school. Receive a free math songs CD to
help students remember the math language.
Brenda Barrow, [email protected], Norfolk PS, VA, Retired
Saturday Sessions Starting at 8:15 a.m.
Session 108
EnGeo 2208
The Mathematics of Humor
Groucho Marx said "Humor is reason gone mad." But can this same humor be used to teach reason? See how
dissecting quips and quotes can lead to rich understanding of numbers and number sense. Guaranteed to make
you smile or your synapses cheerfully refunded.
Andrew Derer, [email protected], MathScience Innovation Center
Session 109
EnGeo 2210
Attacking Word Problems with Comprehension Strategies K-2
Attend this session to learn how to capitalize on your K-2 students’ thinking skills and curiosity to develop their
conceptual understanding of the basic operations. You will leave this session with a variety classroom activities to
build your students confidence in attacking problems.
Gwendolyn Best, [email protected], Isle of Wight County Schools, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 9:45 a.m.
Session 110
ISAT 136
K-12, TP
It's MUSIC® To My Ears: Ways to Motivate the Unmotivated
In this session, participants will gain a greater knowledge of how to motivate students in the mathematics
classroom by using the MUSIC® model. This workshop will introduce teachers to the MUSIC® model, help
teachers identify areas where students lack motivation, and provide ways to enact the different aspects of the
MUSIC® model specific to their classroom. Participants will leave with ready to use resources.
Brooke Mullins, [email protected], Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Tiffany LaCroix
Session 111
ISAT 148
Using Picture Books to Teach Math and Economics
Discover how picture books can give your classroom an instant boost by combining literature, math, and
economics to teach activity-based lessons. This interdisciplinary session features titles such as “Benny’s Pennies”
“Lucky Beans” and “Less Than Zero”. Classroom-ready lessons, a topical bibliography and door prizes are
Lynne Stover, [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Session 112
ISAT 150
Seesaw in the Math Classroom
Seesaw is a wonderful and simple app that allows students to add their work to a digital portfolio or learning
journal. Students can add a recording so they can explain their thinking to an authentic audience. Teachers can
also use Seesaw to connect with parents. The session focuses on how to use Seesaw, set up a class account,
connect parents, and many examples of math learning that can be documented and created using Seesaw.
Tara Walters, [email protected], Harrisonburg City PS, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 9:45 a.m.
Session 113
ISAT 348
Multiple Mathematical Representations
In this session, we will explore the possibility of utilizing a variety of mathematical representations to reach a wide
range of students and build a greater depth of understanding. While doing math together, we will consider different
representations for common middle school math topics including proportional reasoning, fractions, and algebra.
Elena Histand Stuckey, [email protected], Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg City PS, VA
Session 114
ISAT 350
Let’s Get Personal: A Paradigm Shift to Personalized Student-Centered Learning
In a time where schools have to design and implement instruction and curriculum to promote high student
achievement on standardized tests, how can secondary mathematics teachers adapt their lessons so all teachers
and students actively pursue personalized learning in the classroom, and beyond? What will it take to imagine,
design, advance, test-drive, and refine an approach to personalized learning that lets each student set a course for
his or her own development and academic success?
Khethiwe Hudson, [email protected], Arlington PS, VA
Session 115
EnGeo 1203
Guided Reinvention in PreCalculus and Calculus: some topics to let students math-hack
We will look at several major topics in Precalculus and Calculus. The goal of the session is to convince teachers
that student guided reinvention can work on many topics within the two years of precalculus / calculus. While all
students may not successfully complete the tasks, even trying them will be of benefit and facilitate learning.
Robert Sachs, [email protected], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Session 116
EnGeo 1204
Eternal Number Sense Begins In Early Elementary
Strong number sense emerges over time from a web of foundational ideas and relationships and grows through
meaningful experiences that cause students to think about number in a variety of ways. Come learn about the four
relationships that foster number sense to last a lifetime. Supporting resources will be provided.
Laurie Biser, [email protected], Augusta County PS, VA
Session 117
EnGeo 1209
Engaging Students through Experimentation
Looking for ways to get your students excited about graphs and statistics? Student designed experiments are an
effective way to get students interested in representing, analyzing, and interpreting data. Learn how your students
can submit their work for acceptance to the Virginia Junior Academy of Science Research Symposium.
Paula Klonowski Leach, [email protected], Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Dr. Virginia Vimpeny Lewis, Longwood University, Farmville, VA
Session 118
EnGeo 1210
Building Super Math Heroes through Strong Number Sense!
Come and experience the power of routines with number sense that are sure to motivate all Super Heroes! Kim
Sutton will focus on routines for K-2 number sense that are motivating and easy to implement! Learn how powerful
students will feel by practice of subtilizing, composing and decomposing numbers with simple tools.
Kim Sutton, [email protected], Creative Mathematics
Ruth Harbin Miles, [email protected], Mary Baldwin University, Staunton, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 9:45 a.m.
Session 119
EnGeo 1301
“3D Differentiation” Addressing Students’ Readiness Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Middle and High School Mathematics Instruction
Good differentiation in mathematics does not replicate tracking within the classroom, focus on fluff without
substance, or resemble a 3-ring circus. Rather, good differentiation in mathematics discovers and addresses
learners' needs in authentic and engaging ways. Examples from real classrooms will illustrate how discovering
and attending to three dimensions of student need - readiness, interest, and learning preference - can help unlock
and develop students’ hidden talent, enhance motivation, and prevent students in any grade or course from feeling
“pigeon holed” into static ability groups.
Kristina J. Doubet, Ph.D., [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Session 120
EnGeo 2037
Cat and Mouse: Modeling with Linear Systems
Experiment with a system of two lines representing a cat-and-mouse chase. Adjusting the speeds of the cat and
mouse and the head start of the mouse provides an immediate visual demonstration of the effects on the graph
and on the chase: connecting real-world meaning to slope, y-intercept, and the intersection of lines.
Susan Stanbery, [email protected], Campbell County PS, VA
Session 121
EnGeo 2203
Real World Problems, Solved with Proportional Reasoning
Engaging students in using math to solve problems in the real world happens when proportional reasoning
becomes natural and innate for students. In this session, we'll look at the various applications of proportional
reasoning throughout the middle school standards and ways to engage students in problem-based learning using
proportional reasoning.
Kimberly Lincoln, [email protected], Chesterfield County PS, VA
Session 122
EnGeo 2204
Engage, Excite, Achieve
Increasing ENGAGEMENT is what it's all about! Come learn strategies that can lead to higher achievement in
mathematics by increasing student engagement. Explore content based activities that will capture the attention of
your students and encourage discourse throughout the mathematics block.
Hannah Rooney, [email protected], Chalkley ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Elisabeth Burba, Chalkley ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Renee Dudding, Chalkley ES, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Session 123
EnGeo 2208
9-12, GI, TP
Mathematics of Spain and Morocco
Cross-disciplinary and international explorations are valuable for both teachers and students. In this
presentation, a mathematics teacher and a social studies teacher reflect on what they experienced during a threeweek trip to Spain and Morocco. The tiling patterns at the Alhambra and the magic square adorning the Passion
Façade at the Sagrada Familia are just two of the many mathematical artifacts they found which can be used to
build classroom lessons. Temperature and step-count data provide great exercises in modeling. Suggested
connections to science, geography, history, and literature will also be shared.
Lynn Foshee Reed, [email protected], Maggie L. Walker Governor's School, Richmond, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 9:45 a.m.
Session 124
EnGeo 2210
The Math Diet: An Instructional Framework to Grow Mathematicians
The metaphor of a balanced diet is used in literacy to describe the vital components of literacy instruction to grow
readers and writers. Similarly, the Math Diet provides an instructional framework to grow mathematicians. The
Math Diet includes five components: counting, subitizing, conceptual understanding, strategic competence, and
procedural fluency. In this workshop, participants will examine each component of the Math Diet, why it is
important for mathematical growth, and how to implement the components in lesson and unit planning for PreK-5.
Kateri Thunder, [email protected], Burnley-Moran ES, Charlottesville City Schools, VA
Alisha Demchak, [email protected], Charlottesville City Schools, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 11:15 a.m.
Session 125
ISAT 136
K-8, GI
Why do they do that?: Using research to improve Problem Solving
Students at all levels find "solving practical problems" difficult. But why? Is it the reading? Is it the math? Maybe it's
both. At this session, you will hear what some of the research says about what successful problems solvers need
to do. You will also experience two easy to implement routines that will help your students improve their ability to
think through problems.
Kimberly Hayden, [email protected], Weems ES, Manassas City PS, VA
Session 126
ISAT 148
Using Google Classroom in a Math class
Welcome to Google Classroom, an easy way to manage Google Docs and assignments with your class. This will
be a beginner's guide to using Google Classroom and will include creating a class, creating and sharing
assignments with students, and will include some examples of how math teachers have used Google Classroom
with their students.
Alan Quimby, [email protected], Harrisonburg City PS, VA
Session 127
ISAT 150
Can’t Believe I Taught the Entire Day (Without an Office Referral)
Common sense, research based classroom management tips and techniques that can be implemented into your
classroom tomorrow with observable positive results. Learn how diffusing statements can take the proverbial
“wind out of the sail” of your troubled students, empowering the classroom teacher to ensure more time to teach.
Sallie Dodson, [email protected], SallieTrains
Session 128
ISAT 336
Creating a Student Centered Classroom Through Desmos
Desmos is much more than an online graphing calculator. Desmos activities can flip your classroom routine from "I
Do, We Do, You Do" to "You Do, We Do, I Do." Desmos makes math visual, interactive, and social. Come explore
premade activities ready to use in your classroom and also learn how to create your own activities.
Nolan Doyle, [email protected], Clover Hill HS, Chesterfield County PS, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 11:15 a.m.
Session 129
ISAT 348
Card Sorts- Assessments for Learning
Card sorts can be used as an introduction to a mathematical topic or as a quick check for understanding. Sorting
and matching activities are effective strategies to engage the learner and build mathematical connections. In this
session, participants will experience several types of sorts and learn how to create sorts online using Google
Ernestine Saville-Brock, [email protected], Montgomery County PS, VA
Brad Shean, [email protected], Christiansburg HS, Montgomery County PS, VA
Session 130
ISAT 350
Structuring your Math Block to Keep Students Engaged
We will share ideas for how we have very successfully turned our math time into an engaging, differentiated
learning experience for all through Math Workshop, problem solving, and integrated use of technology. We will
demonstrate how we structure our math block from start to finish – including energizer, mini!lessons, small group
instruction, and choice activities.
Leyla Plunkett, [email protected], Hoffman Boston ES, Arlington PS, VA
Robyn Kaye, [email protected], Hoffman Boston ES, Arlington PS, VA
Session 131
EnGeo 1204
The Secret to Teaching More by Lecturing Less
Learn how to replace lectures with short activities that make teenagers think critically, develop and retain skills,
and talk about math. You will leave this workshop enthusiastic about sharing a collection of hands-on activities with
your students.
Jessica Heifield, [email protected], Riverside HS, Loudoun County PS, VA
Session 132
EnGeo 1209
Building Number Sense Through Numeracy Routines
Teachers will learn about using rekenreks, beaded number lines, ten frames, and other models to build student
number sense. They will learn more about the importance of counting and student understanding of numbers. All
teachers will make and take a beaded number line and rekenrek to use with their students.
Jamie Cayea, [email protected], Providence ES, Fairfax County PS, VA
Tracy Cabacoy, [email protected], Providence ES, Fairfax County PS, VA
Session 133
EnGeo 1301
"3D Differentiation": Addressing Students’ Readiness Needs, Interests, and Learning
Preferences in Elementary Mathematics Instruction
Good differentiation in mathematics does not replicate tracking within the classroom, focus on fluff without
substance, or resemble a 3-ring circus. Rather, good differentiation in mathematics discovers and addresses
learners' needs in authentic and engaging ways. Examples from real classrooms will illustrate how discovering
and attending to three dimensions of student need - readiness, interest, and learning preference - can help unlock
and develop students’ hidden talent, enhance motivation, and prevent children of all ages from feeling “pigeon
holed” into static ability groups.
Kristina J. Doubet, Ph.D., [email protected], James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Saturday Sessions Starting at 11:15 a.m.
Session 134
EnGeo 2037
Are Fractions your Arch-Enemy? Kick the Mnemonics to the Curb. Here We (Mathematical
Models) Come To Save the Day!
Participants will use models: fraction strips, number lines, pattern blocks, and Explore Learning's Gizmos to model
multiplication and division of fractions with emphasis placed on division of fractions. Participants will experience
the lesson through the lens of a student and then explore the potential of future lessons through the lens of a
Susan Stanbery, [email protected], Campbell County PS, VA
Daphney Denton, [email protected], Brookville MS, Campbell County PS, VA
Session 135
EnGeo 2203
Becoming a Math Superhero for Your Students
Not all superheroes wear capes or have superhuman powers, but now more than ever, our students need heroes.
Hear what elementary- and middle-school students want from a Math Superhero as you explore and discover
ways to become the Math Superhero they need.
Matthew Reames, [email protected], Burgundy Farm Country Day School, Alexandria, VA and
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Session 136
EnGeo 2204
Assessment Equity for ELs: Simplify the Language, Not the Mathematics
Learn easy-to-implement, research-based techniques for reducing the language load in assessments for ELs,
while maintaining grade-level content standards. Participants will practice modifying and scaffolding a variety of
assessment items, so that students with developing language skills can show what they know.
Cassie Eatmon, [email protected], Fairfax County PS, VA
Session 137
EnGeo 2208
The Use of an Automated Blended Learning Instructional Strategy Within a Teacher-Led
This session will introduce STATIS (Student And Teacher Instructional Support), an entirely new blended learning
tool supporting math teachers’ professional development and instruction through total automation of daily teaching
tasks. STATIS contains pre-developed video-based lesson content and diagnostic assessment tools, enabling
teachers to focus on student outcomes. Come see how STATIS can enhance your classroom and learn how your
school division can qualify for a complementary subscription.
Richard Hetherington, [email protected], Teacher Resources, Inc.
Session 138
EnGeo 2210
K-12, GI
Inspiring Future Mathematicians Through Failure
Few tools are as useful to a mathematician as being wrong. Supporting educators with the right tools and
technology to facilitate "being wrong" cultivates resilient learners who are prepared for the dynamic challenges in
STEM. It's time to approach math education like a mathematician, where failure is the key to success!
Brian Huyvaert, [email protected], University of Portland, Portland, OR
Conference Site Floor Plans
Speaker Index by Session Number
Akers, Matthew
Akintounde, Abimbola
Amos, Marcee
Ashby, Lisa
Averett, Rose
16, 20
Bailey, Pamela
Baker, Courtney
6, 21, 47, 68
Banks, Danielle
Barker, Jamie
Barlow, Angela T.
Barrow, Brenda
Bazak, Ben
Beller, Laura
Best, Gwendolyn
64, 109
Bhandari, Tina
Birkhead, Sara
Biser, Laurie
Bissey, Lisa
63, 106
Brendle, Holly
Brunkhorst, Megan
Burba, Elisabeth
Burrell, Emily
Busby, Jason
Cabacoy, Tracy
9, 132
Carpenter, Robin
Carter, Shelly
Carver, Elisabeth
Cayea, Jamie
Chapuis, Greg
Childress, Della
Cimini, Katie
Clovis, Jenny
Cockerill, Carol
Collins, Liza
Conforti Preszler, Noelle
Cook, Lear
Cooper, Cindy
Crocker, Deborah A.
Curcio, Tracey
Davis, Rebecca
Davis, Rhonda
Davis, Sarah
Davis, Terri
Delozier, Debbie
14, 35, 42
Demchak, Alisha
61, 124
Denton, Daphney
Derer, Andrew
Dodson, Sallie
Doubet, Kristina J.
119, 133
Doyle, Nolan
Dudding, Renee
Duffy, Amy
Eaglen, Alyson
Eatmon, Cassie
Epps, Dominique
Fair, Kim
Farmer, Rachelle
Ferguson, Allison
Filler, Barbara
Fortenbaugh, Shirley
Frank, Toya
21, 47, 68
Franklin, Barbara
Freeman, Patti
Funkhouser, Rachel
Furtado, LyndaLea
Gabriel, Pat
41, 92
Gaither, Tracy
29, 78
Galanti, Terrie
6, 21, 68
Gantt Sawyer, Amanda
Gantz, Linda
George, Candice
Gillen, Linda
Graf, Hannah
Green, Samara
Guzman, Kenneth
Hakkenberg, Dawn
Haner, Pamela
Harbin Miles, Ruth
51, 59, 84, 118
Harris, Reginia
Hayden, Kimberly
Heitfield, Jessica
Hetherington, Richard
Histand Stuckey, Elena
Hobson, Jelena
Hudson, Karen
37, 90
Hudson, Khethiwe
Huyvaert, Brian
Isom, Kattie
Jamieson, Spencer
14, 73, 87
Johnson, Teri
82, 96
Johnston, Will Tad
Jones, Karen L.
63, 106
Jones-Lewis, Sherica
Joseph, Paul
Judge, Kathleen
Kaye, Robyn
12, 29, 130
Kirkland, Nakasha
Krajeski, Bonnie
Kuchta, Gina
Kuraishi, Atifa
LaCroix, Tiffany
Large, Barbara
Lawler, Brian R.
62, Keynote
Leach, Paula Klonowski
24, 117
Lempp, Jennifer
Lewis, Virginia Vimpeny 24, 80, 117
Liang, Qiao
Lincoln, Kimberly
LoConte-Allen, Lisa
Long, Betty
10, 97
Madison, Toni
Manizade, Agida
76, 81
Marano, McKendry
Matson, Kathleen
73, 87
May-Maiden, Priscilla
Mazzacane, Tina
1, 20, 42
Mick, Harold
Miknis, Amy
Miller, April
Mistele, Jean
Montoya, Linda
Moore, Rose
Mullins, Brooke
Nazarewicz, Pawel
Nichols, Doug
Norton, Andy
Ogden, Andrea
Onide, Christine
Pittard, Joanna W.
Plunkett, Leyla
Pratte, Kelly
Pressley, Heather
Price, Amy
Pyle, Jessica
Quimby, Alan
Ray, Jen
Reames, Matthew
Reed, Lynn Foshee
Rooney, Hannah
Rossbach, MaryAnne
Rotchford, Caitlin
Sachs, Robert
Saenz, Sara
Saville-Brock, Ernestine
12, 130
103, 135
99, 123
Sawyer, Dan
Schudmak, Wendy
Scripko, Timothy
Sebastian, Charlene
Seshaiyer, Padhu
13, 73, 87
Seshaiyer, Pahmanabhan 21, 47, 68
Shean, Brad
Shelton, Cathy
Sherfy, Brett
Smith, Amy
Smith-Moyler, Tamara
Snively, Carrie
Southworth, Amy
Spencer, Lucy
Stanbery, Susan
120, 134
Stephens, Rebecca
Stevens, Jennifer
Stover, Lynne
7, 98, 111
Suh, Jennifer 13, 21, 47, 68, 73, 87
Sutton, Kim
84, 118
Taylor, Liz
68, 87
Thomas, Theresa
Thunder, Kateri
61, 124
Timmerman, Maria A.
Tripathi, Abhilasha
Trogdon, Sherry
Tucker, Stephen
Turner, Karen
Tyler, Erven (Skip)
Tyminski, Andrew
Ulrich, Catherine
Varner, Cheryl
Vignolini, Joseph
Wallace, Valerie
Walters, Tara
Watson, Colleen
Wilborn, Sandy
Williams, Alyson
Willingham, Chris
Wills, Theresa
Winkler, Katelyn
Wiseman, Brian
Wiseman, Jolene
Woodall, Amelia
Yamamoto, Avanti
York, Anna
Zawadzki, Megan
Zehr, Maria
31, 49, 69, 86
72, 89
52, 72, 89
VCTM 2018 William C Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year Nomination Form
To: VCTM Members
Virginia Principals
Math Department Heads
University Department Heads/Deans
From: Brenda P. Barrow
VCTM William C. Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year Committee
1311 E. Bayview Blvd.
Norfolk, VA 23503
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 757 – 617 - 0984
Each year the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics may recognize a classroom teacher on the elementary, middle,
secondary, university and math specialist/coach level for his/her outstanding work in the field of mathematics. One teacher
selected from each of the five categories may be awarded the VCTM William C. Lowry Mathematics Educator of the Year Award.
All awards will be announced in the spring of 2018.
Past winners and current elected VCTM Board members are not eligible for nomination.
The qualifications for this award are as follows:
* The nominee must be a current member of VCTM.
* The nominee must have a minimum of five years teaching experience and be a current classroom teacher, work with students as a
math resource teacher or be a math specialist.
* The nominee must have made notable accomplishments in teaching mathematics.
* The nominee may be nominated by a sponsor or may make a self-nomination. (Anyone who is a member of VCTM, a school
division superintendent, a school principal or headmaster, a supervisor, director of instruction, a college dean or department head or
the president of any NCTM affiliated group may sponsor a candidate.)
Details about the nomination and information needed from the nominee will be mailed to the nominee.
You are encouraged to nominate an outstanding mathematics educator that you feel is deserving of this award.
Complete the form below and mail it to the address on the form. Electronic nominations are acceptable.
The awards committee will contact the nominee upon receiving the nomination to request additional information.
Nominations must be postmarked no later than Oct. 2, 2017 or electronically submitted no later than Oct. 7, 2017.
Nomination Form
VCTM 2018 William .C. Lowry
Mathematics Educator of the Year Award
Nominee information – Please PRINT or TYPE.
Date: ______________________
Name of Nominee: ______________________________________________________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________
Email: ____________________________
____________________________, VA ________ Home phone: ( ____ ) _________________
Nominee’s Position and School: ______________________________________________________________
Nomination Category: Elementary ____, Middle ____, High ____, University ____, Math Specialist ____
Nominee’s School Address: _________________________________________________________________
___________________, VA __________
School phone: ( ____ ) ________________
Sponsor Information - Please PRINT or TYPE.
Name: ____________________________________ Position or Title: __________________________________
School Division, College or University: ____________________________________________________________
Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ( ____ ) ________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
A letter of recommendation DOES NOT have to accompany the nomination. The nominee will ask that you submit a letter to
him/her that can be included in the response packet with the other two letters of recommendation that he/she must submit.
Nominations must be postmarked on or before October 2, 2017 or electronically submitted on or before October 7, 2017.
Please mail to: Brenda P. Barrow 1311 E. Bayview Blvd. Norfolk, VA 23503
Electronic nominations are welcome. Send to: Brenda Barrow at this email address. [email protected]