Corrosion Proof

EN 12878
Category B
Corrosion Proof
Category B Pigments
Acc. to EN 12878
COLORANA® iron oxide pigments
for steel reinforced concrete
RG Mineral AS
Rana Gruber Group
Corrosion Proof
Category B Pigments Acc. to EN 12878
Corrosion Proof Iron Oxide Pigments for
The certified products carry all the CE conformity
colouring of building materials based on cement marking. The factory production control follows
and/or lime in accordance to EN 12878.
the requirements set out by the EN 12878 and
approved by the certification body (SP).
A number of COLORANA pigments comply
with the stringent requirements set out by EN 12878 In addition to the category B pigments a selecfor steel reinforced applications.
tion of other COLORANA® products fulfil the
requirements for category A products.
The products have extremely low contents of
watersoluble substances and just traces of soluble The products are exclusively delivered in powder
chloride and total chloride making them to
form as bagged pigment.
Category B pigments. This does apply for a
selection of black and red COLORANA® iron
For more info, please contact us at:
oxide pigments.
[email protected]
RG Mineral AS
P.O.Box 434, N-8601 Mo i Rana, Norway
Phone: +47 75 13 73 00, Fax: +47 75 13 73 02
e-mail: [email protected]
Edition: 09/2010